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#3 - Here He Comes Again


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Morning everyone,

I have to say thank you Claygasm for the BIG photo. I thought Muski did it, because sometimes I think that Muski's and my brain are on the same wave length when it comes to THE MAN. Did I say length (Fraudian slip, LOL). It must be those green eyes beckoning to me. OH LORDY, LORDY. What green eyes. Fanning self after picking self up from drool splated floor.

Off to the great ATL this afternoon. Can't wait for all that traffic and congestion (LOL). Actually HATE it, but I will have 1 1/2 hours of lovely music to listen to and just wail along with, kinda of like Raleigh and Durham, just a little louder.

Bottle, I agree with the use of alcohol. It makes everything just a little bit "happier" in life. LOL. Everybody should consume just a teeny tiny bit every once in a while.

Off to drool some more and ponder the "eyes" of a certain redhead.

PSS.... Will the Megan Mulally (sp??) show be shown as clack I hope, because we don't get her down here. At least I can't find her anywhere!!!!. Bring on Oprah, please. Can't wait for Tyra, DOOL, ect.


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Glad you like my avie, strummer6! Don't you just love the way his hair moves??? B)

My theory on the long lost Kimmel videos is they are waiting until after the show airs again - isn't that October 27th - to put them up.

Hey that's a good one...they certainly would want people to tune in again...

So even if people are not intrigued by this particular album, they remember (or learn) that he can sing purdy. They find he looks hot. And they see what a personality he is. Clay is more than just a singer. He is an entertainer, a true entertainment personality.

Maybe that is what he's promoting this time out - and if he happens to sell a few albums along the way, great. But I think he's promoting for the future.

Very good point...lots of projects in the horizon for him.

ETA: After lurking on some other boards, I have to say I am so glad I found this lovely little happy corner of the Clay world!! FCA put the FUN back into being a Clay Aiken fan! :D

Awww you guys are the ones bringing the fun...we just open up the place ...let the booze flow and its up to you guys to join in...and we're so glad you do!!!

I am SO over my need to be wanted. :glare:

So true...that could really be tiring and burdensome at times...I just want to be free to partay...the boy ooops MAN can take care of himself and his business...

Play what have you started here!!!! I want to join in...

Why did Clay Aiken Cross the road?

to get away from the scary limo driver...go, GO, GOOOOOO

To get to the the dark beauty with a white cowboy hat and tiara....(suck up)

Cos he was MANDATED to...heh

Wait, I thought the Old Man was busy helping Whitney through rehab. :blink: And that exposure to sunlight would make him crumble into a pile of dust. Or are we talking about a different Old Man?

oh now can we play guess who...hmmm could this be the crypt keeper? NO?

hee...ok back to business...

looking forward to tomorrow's listening party...please spread the word...so who will act as bartender...Bottle?

All About Clay Gabfest...(or if you guys can think of a better title)

we will do this every other week...we can start next week. I will put up a poll and suggestion thread to see what night would be best for people. We also need suggestions of topics to discuss and I will put a poll on what we want the topic to be. So post your topics in this thread. I will have the polls up till saturday and then announce the particulars of this activity and the start date...

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Cos he was MANDATED to...heh

BWAHAHA! :lol:

But he made long strides across that road in his own inimitable style, donchaknow, putting his own 'footprint' on each step! ;)

Amen Sistah...and the path he forged was wonderful to behold...hee

I made a poll and suggestions thread For the All About Clay Gabfest ...hee btw..y'all can also make suggestions for a better name...

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I am SO over my need to be wanted.

Really. I'll drink to that. (Too early?)

Cos he was MANDATED to...heh

HaHa! Love it!

Don't you just love the way his hair moves???

Oh yeah. I go to post, but then I get mesmerized by the hair and I can only gaze in wonder ...

Why did Clay Aiken cross the road?

He don't need no stinkin' lanes.

To go the Random Lyric Generator shop. Time for a tune up.

He spotted a talk show host desk right there waiting.

Mr. TheyWillBeLocked showed up as his driver again. (Oops. Ansa had this guy. I missed it cos of mandated.)

Wind! Bucket Hat! OMG!

Okay. Now I'm just getting silly.

*picks out staples and squishes ldyjocelyn*

Work. Why do I have too? Sigh.

Edited by strummer6
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no no no...Clay crossed the road to get to Chili's because he found out they now serve deep fried mac and cheese as an appetizer.

OH MY GAH!!!! I cannot even imagine that.. so what does it looke like...are they like dumplings or one big lump of brown ...

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no no no...Clay crossed the road to get to Chili's because he found out they now serve deep fried mac and cheese as an appetizer.

OH MY GAH!!!! I cannot even imagine that.. so what does it looke like...are they like dumplings or one big lump of brown ...

Not sure about Chilis, but Cheesecake Factory has fried macaroni and cheese and they are delicious!! They are battered and fried and they look like big meatballs.

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Man, bucket hat was EXCELLENT!

Why did Clay Aiken cross the road?

It was on the way as he laughs all the way to the bank...

It's where he left his boxer briefs...

It's a part of his TAR segment (hey! I can dream!)...

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Why did Clay Aiken cross the road?

Because he forgot his eleventh tee shirt.

To get a new razor so that he can get Tyra's picture tattooed on his other leg.

To autograph a copy of his new book, "How to Succeed in Business Without Your Label Really Trying"

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After lurking on some other boards, I have to say I am so glad I found this lovely little happy corner of the Clay world!! FCA put the FUN back into being a Clay Aiken fan!

I want to echo this. This place is a breath of fresh air after reading some of the other boards!

Plus, public drunkeness is not only tolerated here, it's encouraged! :wein: :trink3: :trink4:

Hic. Wud any budy like anufer drinky winky?

Really. I'll drink to that. (Too early?)

Nope. See above. :blink:

Not sure about Chilis, but Cheesecake Factory has fried macaroni and cheese and they are delicious!! They are battered and fried and they look like big meatballs.

Are they served with deep fried curtains? (Obscure Clay reference! Quick: where's it from?)

Why did Clay Aiken cross the road?

To stock the CD shelves at his local WalMart!

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Hey! I am clearly some sort of ground nut - those others are the tree nuts!

I want some friend mac and cheese too.

Why did Clay Aiken cross the road?

To crush his enemies beneath the wheels of his Volvo and hear the lamentation of their imaginary women!

Because the "WALK" light was on...

To feed the sole DJ playing spins of "Without You"

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BWAH...I love these crossing jokes.

gotta think of some more

Why did Clay Aiken cross the road...

cos Raleigh and durham wanted to...

a giant walnut wanted to hug him...

Cos Jerome told him to...

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You guys are one hiliarious group.

Got back from a rainy night in ATL. Did I say that I hate that place, I really HATE that place. To many cars, driving way to fast, pooring buckets of rain and howling wind. Oh what joy. But at least we made it back home in one piece, thank the good Lord and Taylor (and not Hicks, LOL).

I can't think of anything to add to why Clay crossed the road, other than to get to the other side. That is so very used at this point in time.

Those fried mac and cheese balls sound kinda of good. I will have to try that IF and WHEN I ever go back to the ATL. Try as hard as I can to STAY away.


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I seem to be having....issues with public transportation these days. <_< The 2 and a half hour delay in Denver on the way TO Colorado Springs. The two plus hour delay/snafu that got me home very late without my luggage. Then...tonight, after working late, I waited almost 45 minutes for a freaking bus to get home.

WTF? :angry:

Know what the worst part of it was? Somehow, for some STUPID reason, I hadn't put my iPod in my purse before leaving home this morning.

I had no CLACK to keep me company on the dark, seedy street. :o I had no CLAY to make my girlie parts shudder with those low notes in HYCA. There was no soulful wail of 'never, never, never, never..." in IYDKMBY to make me want to do a slow and dirty dance. I had no hawt, cinammon-furred man whispering his heart to me in LNM. I had no hunky humanitarian crying his own heart out in WY. THere was no VOX singing so creatively in BW.

The time waiting for that damned bus was ENDLESS. :(

I learned my lesson.

Why did Clay Aiken cross the dark, seedy road?

To give Muski a private concert while she waited for the bus. ;)

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Why did I feel the need to make Mac and cheese for dinner instead of that nice salad waiting in the crisper?

There is something about this place.

Well, you know, of course, that salad can kill ya. :P

muski suffering from clack withdrawal is a sad, sad thing. The remedy is to staple the iPod to your body. Isn't it?

Topic: I bet Clay is getting very tired of crossing the road. Maybe he needs to do a concert for us tonight. Hey, that's right -- LISTENING PARTY!

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OK, so where are we sticking the bonus tracks? Front or back? Because I like the CD order then Lover All Alone and then as the cherry on my sundae, If You Don't Know Me. And then I listen to When A Man Loves A Woman. And then I Can't Make You Love Me. And then all the rest of the JBT. Then the NAT. Then the IT. And then all the AI2 clips. And then it's time to go to work.

No, I don't have issues, WHAT?!?!?

Brought from the Clackhouse:

The Idolator

The Idolator is a site run by the makers of Gawker, Defamer, etal. Blech. Thought this post was funny though. If not appropriate, please delete.

Claymates Not Exactly Aiken' To Make New Friends

A few days ago, we ran one of our Cover-Song Showcase Showdown polls, this time pitting Joe Budden against Gelfling singer Clay Aiken. Realizing that Clay Aiken's fervent fanbase might be interested in goosing our traffic helping to spread democracy, we spent an hour trying to get the word on every Clay Aiken fanboard we could find. After countless info forms, spam-block procedures, and "What was your first pet's name?" password procedures, we're confident that it is easier to get a work visa in Kabul than to get posting privileges on ClayToGo.com. So imagine our disappointment when we checked our e-mail this morning:

On 18 Oct 2006 17:41:53 -0700, noreply @ezboard.com wrote:

Your application to p071.ezboard.com/btheclayboard has been DENIED

Not just denied, mind you--but all-caps denied, and by a site that, judging by its commenters, will allow even the craziest of Crazy Cat Ladies full posting rights. Could our snub be for political reasons? Do sites like the Clay Board discriminate against those who lob the occasional Leno-level jab at their hero? We implore the Clay Board administrators to look into their hearts and ask themselves, Is this not America?

My response: HA! No it's NOT America, assholes - this is the Clay Nation, thank you very much. Who told you this was a democracy? We have a Beloved Benevolent Leader/Dictator/Zombie Master who doesn't actually run anything either! Anarchy FOREVER!

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This whole Idolator blog thing is making me grit my teeth, and I so hope the Clay Nation does not engage with the blog writers. The music blog is actually only about a month old, and even though it is under the Gawker / Defamer media umbrella, I haven't found it to be too mean-spirited or gossipy, just snarky. It's definitely not focused too much on mainstream pop, so I think the Clay stuff is just an aberration.

I had been reading the blog and actually saw the cover song voting entry when it was originally posted over there the other day. I also saw extremely low voting numbers, figured the blog was not that widely read yet, and after some thought, let the poll be without posting the link anywhere. It was actually the unfriendly music writer from Raleigh's New & Observer who posted an entry on his own blog that got picked up by the boards, and drove traffic to Idolator. Otherwise, the Clay entry would have passed into cyberspace, pretty much unnoticed, as I think it deserved to be. I hate to see the whole thing evolve into an ongoing schtick there. YMMV, of course.

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KAndre, sorry to burst your bubble a bit, but we're doing LAA tonight (after the first seven songs on ATDW), and IYDKMBN next week. I actually did debate this for a while...but really liked the idea of spliting the two bonus tracks up, one per night. *shrug* Next time.

That blog? Eh. Whatever. Next. But I also don't want people picking up that "protect Clay" flag either!

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The voting blog was noted on some board and people agreed toi ignore it since it was possibly run by haters - might have been the CB

Now on to Ruben on Martha - he looks like he is not getting an interview section, Martha has someone else cooking. In the beginning of the show she had someone demonstratinng making a video on your lapton and did a video of Ruben. Ruben rapped about Martha being his bitch and girlfriend - she seemed to miss what was happened and just turned toward the demo guy and said "very nice". I don''t think she pays attention to everything.

Another appearance where Ruben got less than Clay. I guess someone will spin it so that "Ruben got a video and CLay did not", heh. Whatever. I will update if they surprise me. The other day though, Rod Stewart was her only guest and got in 3 horrible, horrible songs. I think he might have lost custoners by singing so much.

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