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#3 - Here He Comes Again


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Things people could agree upon if only they did not panic and extrapolate -

Sure, I agree that it was Clive's idea to do covers - Clay told me that. The promotion was not promotion as usual. Then we get to the great divide

1) Clay did not say he had another album put together and in final theme and form presented to Clive and the others on the board - so I don't know if there is a great lost CD - just that there were a bunch of songs recorded already. I am amazed at all the mourning for something we know not that it exists.

2) RCA/Clive is ruining Clay - I don't believe this because it makes no sense. - nope, none at all. Now if Clay were irresponsible troublemaking drinker/drug taker, it would actually make more sense. But he is not. If he went around bad mouthing everyone or ??? I don't know, Clay is a jewel, not a problem. Now the fans.......

3) Roger is incompetent? I don't think so, it is just the way people are coping with low numbers and the fact that they, the fans, were not included in all important decisions. I am thinking that just like we now can suppose that there is a reason Clay did not go to Clive's pre-grammy parties (anxiety), there might be other reasons that we do not know.for him not wanting to do early promotion. I can't think of any, but then I am not in the meetings. I do think that there is a push for more Christmas sales and I think the Walmart exclusive is because they will feature ATDW prominently during the holiday. Distributors and stores are part of sales, but not neccessarily under the control of the label. It will be really interesting if this has contiuning promotion in the months after the release. I think this will make a great Valentine album and will be promoted in January and February. Will peoiple still complain if CLays promotion keeps coming and his album is not a bust? Probably.

4) Secret hidden messages - Well, if Clay does that, it would reduce any I have respect for his maturity and he seems to smart - and why do people think that the fans are smart enough to pick up secret messages, but RCA/Clive is too dumb?

5) Changes at the OFC - I think that place was so toxic, that "People" around Clay were left with closing it down or putting rules on that should have been common sense. I do not think Clay was ordered to have these changes made, but probably participated inthe decision with his management. Clay said he did read that board and he could not have been happy.

6) insider information - sure a lot of people have insider information, heck, even I have insider information. The key here is keeping to your self. Each piece of information validity is dependent on who they talked to and how that person interpeted what they saw/heard and leave us not forget CONTEXT. Yes, Clay may have said something about the meeting with Clay, but it has been through how many ears and mouths in the game of telephone? Who can count on what it really was. I won't repeat what I heard because, well..... it might not be true. I can't verify what this person said or where they heard it, so who knows what issues their source had and also, it was none of my business so my mind is in 'ignoring it' land. The information I have from my friend in the business is how other singers/musicians/artists get screwed out of money and none of that seems likely to happen to Clay, so it is only interesting to me in the most general way about the music business and no one cares about that.

Inside informationis a great divide for the fans as well, there are people who have it and people who don't - this fandom is getting very tiered. Leaders and followers and those, like me, who stand on the side and watch. Every one has an agenda and ine is just to get people not to believe everything that is posted or promoted on the internet - hey people, this is an internet where a dog could be posting as a cat!

7) angst - we were speaking the other day about how fans were addicted to angst. I have been thinking more about this, I wonder if that is how people show Clay they care - like buying his album is not a important this time, and yelling you love him is not "fan approved" behavior, so perhaps the only avenue to some people is to angst. I think some people think this is a good thing. I am switching from feeling sorry for them to just not reading their posts - this is for my own sanity. When you associate with a severely depressed person, as I have in the past, there is a point at which you can't help them anymore, so you have to turn your back and save yourself and that is how I am starting to feel about angsting fans.

OK, that is enough from me.

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Wow this is a very tough question...

its gonna be tough to choose... but one of my favorites for sure is...

and just as I check out you tube what do I find...another top 5 favorite...

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Does anyone need the large version of Oprah before or after show 2003? I can't seem to get anyone interested in loading to to the vault, but Gerwhisp did a better copy last year.

The after show would be one of my favorite Cluben clips, DOn't know with so many to chose from with just CLay.

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i'll host it Play..can you put it in a yousend it? Or what I need to do is set you up so that you can upload straight to fcam.

It's impossible to pick 5..isn't it. I must be nuts. Shall we make it ten..heh...we get to keep on watching clack! ok ten..I MANDATE IT.

I love both those selections Ansa.... The WB MOAM is just a lovely moment..one fans have been trying to re-create ever since. And MGUCL really shows how clay has grown over the years. It's just beauiful.

OK off to watch Die Hard..my favorite little action movie ever.. had to turn away from the 49ers getting their asses kicked..i think it's 40 to nothing at the half. Then I want to respond to Play's post...

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Lately I've been frustrated with a couple of things. One is that I would really like to see Clay on TV more. My favorite scenario would be to see him in a variety show. I think that would be loads of fun. But since I don't get to choose, I'm trying to enjoy whatever comes along. Two is that I'm extremely frustrated with not knowing what is coming next. But that is my problem because I read various boards too much.


Things people could agree upon if only they did not panic and extrapolate -

Sure, I agree that it was Clive's idea to do covers - Clay told me that. The promotion was not promotion as usual.

I agree. Let me add that my perception of Clay is that once he has a task in front of him, he will do the best he can on it. And that is what he did with ATDW. I really enjoy ATDW.

I agree with some of the things you said and don't know what to think about others. The one thing I'll comment on is the angst.

I am switching from feeling sorry for them to just not reading their posts - this is for my own sanity.
I used to feel sorry for people who seemed greatly troubled. This was very early in the fandom. Well I learned that they never changed. And if they were upset about something it never ended. I even exchanged one or two sympathetic emails with a couple of them. Funny that none of them left the fandom but there were long periods where they were not around and I've since heard about them on different boards where I guess they now feel free to express their opinon. Maybe I was stupid but I believed them and did not realize that their angst was almost permanent. One ended up at the OC and I hear she is nuts. Several ended up on another board where they can express themselves freely in the fandom (think snooty voice here).

Die Hard is a favorite movie of mine as well.

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But this is the damn musical business, a business where a large portion of the artists in it are 'failures' when it comes to sales. That tells me that it's not some dastardly plan to ruin Clay but just business as usual. If they wanted to ruin him, there are much cheaper ways to do it.

So true. I find it strange that there is this pervasive belief that RCA is out to sabotage or devalue Clay. While I can believe that the label may not feel the need to expand his fan base (perhaps out of fear of alienating those they perceive to be his profitable core audience--older women), I do think that if they really wanted him out of the business, they simply would not have released an album. RCA has actually spent quite a bit on promotion. All those commercials and appearances (with a string section, no less), are costly. However, it seems that many fans, who view Clay's career in such a deeply emotional way, can only imagine RCA acting in a similarly emotional way--out of hatred or spite. I know the record industry is not the most noble of enterprises, but I just can't see a major corporation acting with the motivations of a child.

On a personal note, my mom had like her worst night last night. I whined on Ansa's shoulder on AIM...but I was just at my wit's end. And then today, she had one of her best days. My sister and her family were over and her sister came by to see her as well. I'm starting to think she's just allergic to me.

I'm so sorry you've had such a rough time, Couch Tomato. It must be so difficult.

Things people could agree upon if only they did not panic and extrapolate -

Sure, I agree that it was Clive's idea to do covers - Clay told me that. The promotion was not promotion as usual. Then we get to the great divide

6) insider information - sure a lot of people have insider information, heck, even I have insider information. The key here is keeping to your self. Each piece of information validity is dependent on who they talked to and how that person interpeted what they saw/heard and leave us not forget CONTEXT. Yes, Clay may have said something about the meeting with Clay, but it has been through how many ears and mouths in the game of telephone?

I loved your entire post, playbiller. I do believe that in many cases, the fandom is like the blind men with the elephant. Various people have access to extremely limited bits of information regarding Clay's life and career, and from that, they extrapolate in ways that may be completely inaccurate because they lack the entire context.

It's amazing that despite any real evidence that Clay is unhappy with his situation, so many fans are angry, bitter and miserable. And because they are angry, bitter and miserable, they project that Clay MUST be angry, bitter and miserable, and is simply acting like "All is Well." But THEY know the truth, because THEY know Clay.

Yeah, right.

It seems to me that for many, there has always been a need to see Clay as the perpetual victim who can only be "saved" by the fans who love him. On Idol, people forgot the positive comments and believed only that AI was out to screw Clay so that Ruben could win. Then, it was 19/Fox who had to crush Clay so the runner-up wouldn't outshine the winner, despite the fact that Clay has been, in many ways, treated more like the winner than the loser (where was Ruben in the AI finale?). Now, it's RCA that is the Evil Empire out to ruin him. Again, the fandom stands as his lone defender. It's a very seductive POV, because it makes people feel needed and important. It becomes Us against Them.

Many seem to need an Enemy upon whom they can focus their frustrations. I may not like everything I've seen of RCA's promotional plan, but I don't think they're the devil many would like them to be. I think they're a business, comprised of people who may, or may not, make the best decisions. Incompetent, short-sighted, and unimaginative? Possibly. Vengeful and malicious, probably not.

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Lately I've been frustrated with a couple of things. One is that I would really like to see Clay on TV more. My favorite scenario would be to see him in a variety show. I think that would be loads of fun. But since I don't get to choose, I'm trying to enjoy whatever comes along. Two is that I'm extremely frustrated with not knowing what is coming next. But that is my problem because I read various boards too much.

I love this idea as well. A talk show would be fine as long as he could sing now and then...I also think a show based on the same idea as The View, but with male hosts, or young hosts, would work as well..that way he wouldn't have to carry the whole load although i feel certain that he could. There are a million cable stations...I'd love to see clay pop up on one of them..or hell ABC. HEE.

I feel fine about the rest of the year but would love to know about the tour for next year. If it's supposed to center around valentine's day then surely we must know the details by the end of the year.

It seems to me that for many, there has always been a need to see Clay as the perpetual victim who can only be "saved" by the fans who love him. On Idol, people forgot the positive comments and believed only that AI was out to screw Clay so that Ruben could win.

True..having watched it recently..these folks knew good tv when they saw it..and really Clay got a lot of pimping too...the fans that have a right to complain are Trenyce and maybe even K-LO.

Many seem to need an Enemy upon whom they can focus their frustrations. I may not like everything I've seen of RCA's promotional plan, but I don't think they're the devil many would like them to be. I think they're a business, comprised of people who may, or may not, make the best decisions. Incompetent, short-sighted, and unimaginative? Possibly. Vengeful and malicious, probably not.

the internet fandom was built on clay as victim and it does seem to be something we can't let go of..even when things are going well. I agree with everything you said. It's not like I think everything in the past few years has been all peachy..but clay is a grown ass man and can handle it.

geesh..i'm being a post ho...good things we have no rules...heh

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I thought there was a rule about having fun at least part of the time.

Oprah 2003 TITN performance

Part 1 of interview

Part 2 of interview

After the show.

The last one will tke a whileto load, it is large.

Top 10 favorite Clay -

Not in order, I would have to add the Nickelodeon Bouncy ball Clack. Clay was so in his element. I felt he could fit right in on that show. He was probably the one appearance onthere that acrtually had watched the show.

I never saw the others, but I thought 3-12 also appeared on this show.

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1) Clay did not say he had another album put together and in final theme and form presented to Clive and the others on the board - so I don't know if there is a great lost CD - just that there were a bunch of songs recorded already. I am amazed at all the mourning for something we know not that it exists.

I do think he mentioned in one interview or article...don't know which, or is it a blog...that he presented the CD in December but Clive suggested the Cover concept instead. BUT...the fact is we don;t know how this other CD would sound...if it would be radio friendly....cos from the song we heard I think only one could be a hit on top 40, the others were more suited for AC or hot AC.

2) RCA/Clive is ruining Clay - I don't believe this because it makes no sense. - nope, none at all. Now if Clay were irresponsible troublemaking drinker/drug taker, it would actually make more sense. But he is not. If he went around bad mouthing everyone or ??? I don't know, Clay is a jewel, not a problem. Now the fans.......

I agree...and people say CLive does not like him because he tends to fight for what he wants. Well I don't know Clive so I wouldn't presume to say that this does not bother him...but Clay is not the first artist that would fight for what he wants, CLive must have all kinds of experiences with all types of diva and deviant behaviors. Also ..if Clive really didn't like Clay or didn't see the potential ...I don't think he would bother giving this project his personal attention. CLive is the BMG chariman.. he has so many other artist in his roster...he does not need to go to such lengths just to have a personal vendetta over an artist...all he has to do is not bring out this project or Mandate Clay to bring out a cover CD last year. Why would he give Clay all this time, and chances to make this CD. He gave Clay all that time last year to put together the original songs...then all this time to make this concept and sound his own. That is not the action of a person who hates Clay...

3) Roger is incompetent? I don't think so, it is just the way people are coping with low numbers and the fact that they, the fans, were not included in all important decisions. I am thinking that just like we now can suppose that there is a reason Clay did not go to Clive's pre-grammy parties (anxiety), there might be other reasons that we do not know.for him not wanting to do early promotion. I can't think of any, but then I am not in the meetings.
I can think of one very important reason...the tabloid rumors. His first live sit down interveiw was with Jay...I think he knew this would be okay cos this was about having fun and bringing a funny story...he can trust Jay not to embarrass him. The next time he had a major interview both in print and on TV...he tackled the rumors right away and made sure to emphasize that he will no longer entertain questions of that nature. I think he needed to do this so that his promo wouldn't be all about that. After this...he let the talk die down, he lay low for a bit...and now his upcoming interviews are back to focusing about the music and the CD and having fun. I say it was a brilliant strategy to control a very difficult situation.

I do think that there is a push for more Christmas sales and I think the Walmart exclusive is because they will feature ATDW prominently during the holiday. Distributors and stores are part of sales, but not neccessarily under the control of the label. It will be really interesting if this has contiuning promotion in the months after the release. I think this will make a great Valentine album and will be promoted in January and February. Will peoiple still complain if CLays promotion keeps coming and his album is not a bust? Probably.

Yup I generally agree with you here.

4) Secret hidden messages - Well, if Clay does that, it would reduce any I have respect for his maturity and he seems to smart - and why do people think that the fans are smart enough to pick up secret messages, but RCA/Clive is too dumb?

Yup...if Clay really has titanium balls why would he resort to such childish and high school strategies as having hidden messages? Clay is a very upfront guy...he is not afraid to say whats in his mind...he has been taken to task by this very fandom on several occassions due to his candid and frank nature...now its all spin??? Nah...I think Clay is just as fortright as he can be. Are we getting the whole story? Of course not...Clay does not want his life to be an open book...he already said he will not let other people take over his life...but I think he made himself very clear on this subject and I for one will not presume to know his mind more than he does.

5) Changes at the OFC - I think that place was so toxic, that "People" around Clay were left with closing it down or putting rules on that should have been common sense. I do not think Clay was ordered to have these changes made, but probably participated inthe decision with his management. Clay said he did read that board and he could not have been happy.
Ditto...that message board was an embarrassment and was very unhealthy I am glad they ahve made a lot of changes to control the outrageous threads. the OFC exists as a way to promote Clay's interest...not the fans. I think its understandable that there will be strict guidelines on what should be discussed...the sad thing is that they had to mandate these guidelines... It would have been nice if the fans had enough common sense to censor ourselves...but clearly that did not happen.

6) insider information - sure a lot of people have insider information, heck, even I have insider information. The key here is keeping to your self. Each piece of information validity is dependent on who they talked to and how that person interpeted what they saw/heard and leave us not forget CONTEXT. Yes, Clay may have said something about the meeting with Clay, but it has been through how many ears and mouths in the game of telephone? Who can count on what it really was. I won't repeat what I heard because, well..... it might not be true. I can't verify what this person said or where they heard it, so who knows what issues their source had and also, it was none of my business so my mind is in 'ignoring it' land. The information I have from my friend in the business is how other singers/musicians/artists get screwed out of money and none of that seems likely to happen to Clay, so it is only interesting to me in the most general way about the music business and no one cares about that.

Inside informationis a great divide for the fans as well, there are people who have it and people who don't - this fandom is getting very tiered. Leaders and followers and those, like me, who stand on the side and watch. Every one has an agenda and ine is just to get people not to believe everything that is posted or promoted on the internet - hey people, this is an internet where a dog could be posting as a cat!


7) angst - we were speaking the other day about how fans were addicted to angst. I have been thinking more about this, I wonder if that is how people show Clay they care - like buying his album is not a important this time, and yelling you love him is not "fan approved" behavior, so perhaps the only avenue to some people is to angst. I think some people think this is a good thing. I am switching from feeling sorry for them to just not reading their posts - this is for my own sanity. When you associate with a severely depressed person, as I have in the past, there is a point at which you can't help them anymore, so you have to turn your back and save yourself and that is how I am starting to feel about angsting fans.

WORD...when I started getting headaches trying to make alternative explanation available...and just getting shouted at for daring to present another POV...I've decided..enough is enough. I will simply celebrate the man...and leave people with their angst...

so now back to looking for my favorite clack...so its 10 now? that will still be a hard task but I have to try...hee...

EEEEEEEEEEEE better Oprah aftershow Clack!!! I love that...bring it on!!!

wow it took me along time to finish this post and I see lots of other interesting posts have come up...I love post hos...

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Ding dang it! I can't be reading intelligent, discussion-provoking posts right now, so just stop it and I mean it! :angry::P I'm at the office again...popping in between soccer games. And I made the mistake of checking in...play, couchie, Jenna...wish I could join in 'cuz you guys are just making too much sense and I wanna play.

But need to finish up things quickly so that I can get back on the road to catch Alex's last soccer game (the championship) of the weekend tournament...She missed the games yesterday cuz she was in Washington State at a theater arts camp. We picked her up at the airport this morning, had her soccer things in the van, she changed in the car on the way straight to the tournament, checked in, got put in the game about 6 minutes after it started and scored a goal within 2 minutes!

:lol: fun, fun! Their team has won all three games 5-0, 4-0, and 4-0!

Wonder what Clay's doing today? Hangin' out at his crib in jammies and tee shirt? B)

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Ah, man, do I actually have to write a post that sounds smart and junk? 'Cos that's hard for me, y'all. Can I just say "PROJECTION" and leave it at that? Repressed Rocker, Titanium Ball Possessor, Lazy Lyricist who requires prodding, Sheltered Mama's Boy, Humble Sensitive Southern Gentleman, Hawt Sex-Obsessed Stud [waves to muski], Angel Wing Wearer... We all have are own fan fic going about the man, and who knows what the real truth is.


The Five Sources of Essential Clack (Hey, I was working on my list earlier, and you went and changed the rules on me, so pppfffttt.)

The Rolling Stone interview and the most recent People article. Both, I think, give an insight into Clay's thought processes at two very different points in time. Besides, I need some pretty pics to look at, like this:


The June 2004 Kimmel: The Kimmel BeatDown, hysterical vacation stories ["He hit me with his cane!", "Walking around on the plate", a prescient McDonald's mention, his keys going to Dubai, etc.], the eloquent Shelly [He sings like no one else on the planet], the Nip/Tuck dude being completely overwhelmed, a sublime version of "I Will Carry You", and the heartbreak of the truncated "Kyrie".

That's three, which leaves me with a couple of other sources of Clack for my desert island stay. I'd take Clay and S'Von. That would provide me with a limitless source of Clack and whatnot. Clay could sing, and S'Von could accompany him / collaborate on new music and arrangements / be funny and stuff. What? Do those choices not fit within your rules? Again I say "pppfffttt"!

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How can I get the time to be right here??

It says I am in the eastern time zone, which I am.

It says daylight savings time is not in effect - which it isn't.

But it says the last post was made today at 5:21pm, and its only 4:32pm now!

So unless I traveled back in time, that can't be right!

Have I entered some kind of time warp?

And if I have, can Clay come with me?? B)

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Claygasm..don't you know I panic any time I have to do anything even slightly adminy. This is a board that runs itself....anyway I do believe I fixed the time.

Sorry, couchie! :)

And yes, you fixed the time! Do you realize what power that gives you? YOU have control over time!!! :o

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Claygasm..don't you know I panic any time I have to do anything even slightly adminy. This is a board that runs itself....anyway I do believe I fixed the time.

Whew...thankfully Couchie is a smart admin...I was getting worried reading Claygasm's post cos I didn't have a clue what to do...YAY for couchie having power over time!!!! she can make your posts disappear too...heh :P

eta: Wow I am loving reading all the favorite clack...Kimmel 2004...yeah that was just precious...see I love each and every one of his Kimmel, Leno appearances...what to do...what to do.

And hey Bottle...didn;t you read Couchie's MANDATE...its 10 favorite Clack of all time now...

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I can't get the Oprah After Show to download! I click on the link to download and it just says the page can't be displayed! I lost all my Oprah clack when my old computer died last year so I am thrilled to be able to get it again. I'm not sure I ever had the After Show clack!

AND I WANT IT!! **stomps feet like the baby she can sometimes be...**

Ansa stole my very favorite clack moment! The Wilkes Barre MOAM. I was lucky enough to be there. It was only the second time I had seen Clay. The first was in Philly just days before - in front row seats no less! My new Clay friend and I decided we HAD to see him again. WB was only about a 2 hour drive so that seemed like the logical place to go. We spent waaaaay too much money on broker tickets (7th row) and off we went, along with another newly aquired Clay friend. The feeling in the arena that night was different than Philly. It was hard to explain. And that moment. That moment was something so special, so completely spontaneous. While many have tried to replicate it, I don't think it can be done, if for no other reason than trying to replicate it removes the spontanteity of the moment.

When I got home that night after leaving WB in a blizzard it was about 4am, but I had to sit down and write my thoughts on what I had just experienced. This is what I said about MOAM:

But to me, the highlight of the show BY FAR was the moment Clay didn't sing. It was during the acoustic set - which was definitely better than in Philly. They seemed to do more of each song than in Philly. (There were slight techinical difficulties here too. The guitarist must have broken a string because suddenly there was no guitar and a new one was brought out to him!) But, when he started MOAM and he noticed the audience singing along, he just held the mike out and we all sang every word perfectly (actually, it did sound pretty good!). The emotion on his face! Angela was crying. Quinana was crying. Clay put his hand on her knee as if to comfort her and to steady himself. I looked through my telephoto lens briefly and he was crying! He definitely wiped away tears. I think it totally caught him off guard. This song that means so much to him - every word was being sung TO him with such love and respect and admiration! It clearly overwhelmed him! And the songs that followed seemed the richer for it! He was so moved it made me a little misty eyed! It just took my breath away. We just were all so caught up in the moment. We were singing this song FOR CLay! And he felt our love. It was almost as if there were 10,000 pairs of arms embracing him in the world's largest group hug! I don't know if any of what I have written can come close to conveying the emotion of that moment. It was very intimate and very personal.

It was amazing and was made all the more special when he wrote about it in LTS.

So that piece of clack, for which I will be forever grateful - is my #1 favorite piece of clack.

Number 2-10, well, I'll have to give those some thought.

As to all the intelligent, thoughtful and sane posts today, I agree with just about everything said. I have said it before, and I'll say it again. FCA is a sane little corner in the often insane world of this fandom.

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Awww Claygasm ...you are so lucky!!!!

my next three favorite pieces of Clack are...The NC trifecta for the NAT....The banter...was great...the singing was perfection...even if some controversy happened after...I just appreciated him so much more after that because I totally got what he meant. Oh and I know lucky Couchie was there too....

next...St Paul IT...I especailly love the WDC...when Kelly came out and tried to get Clay flustered and Clay didn;t bat and eyelash...he just turned up the heat and it was Kelly that went running...hah...then the wonderful exit through the audience...the fedora hat...and finally the sweet gesture with the flowers to Kelly in the end. That was just sooooo sweet.

Oh...sniff...The Toronto JBT...cos I was there, and I love the banter...and the first time he sang TRD...I was torned between the AC JBT's...yeah the banters here were great, but I am biased with Toronot...

YAY...seven now...

and I haven;t even decided on the itnerviews and Tv performances and the JNT's....man that luggage to the desserted island is looking bigger and bigger...and theres AI too...damn!!! I don;t want to miss any...

Hey we should later discuss favorite playlist and ultimate CDs for the different tours.

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I went back to try and quote some (OK, all!) of you smart people, but decided that I'd probably get in trouble with too many quotes again, so I'll just say WORD and thank you. Now...none of you get big heads here, OK?!?!?!?


As for the clack rememberances...thanks for bringing up the WB MoAM Ansa, and OMG, claygasm was there?!?!?! Wow...to have been in the audience that night. couchie, thanks for the trip down memory lane with the Crabtree Mall thing -- hadn't seen that in years.

I'm posting one of mine very quickly here; others are either going to have to be loaded into YouTube, or else I'm going to have to think some more to limit it down. (I do like bottlecap's suggestion of the latest People magazine article...but not for that picture. Centerfold, baby!!!).

Anyway, mine is one that I actually shot -- ISY from Dayton during the NAT. This was a concert that I had my worst seats ever, on the side upper bowl, about half way back. However, it was incredibly easy to shoot clack from that position, and that jumbotron was RIGHT THERE. So, I shot clack to my heart's content. After the performance of ISY that night, my seatmate and I just stood there with our mouth's wide open, couldn't believe what we'd just seen. It was a masterful performance that night. Anyone who says the man can't act, I offer this as a rebuttal.

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Ah, I only picked the bouncy ball and no one else seems to like it.

Anotehr one I like to watch from time to time is the Platinum award at GMA, of course some people won't like it because Clive Davis is in it.

I am doing the after show again in Big upload. It is too large for a yousendit.

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Ah, I only picked the bouncy ball and no one else seems to like it.

Anotehr one I like to watch from time to time is the Platinum award at GMA, of course some people won't like it because Clive Davis is in it.

I am doing the after show again in Big upload. It is too large for a yousendit.

Hey i was goign to choose that GMA clack...cos it is just sooo significant to his life...but not enough slots...

How can youguys choose specfci performances of specific concerts...wow I cannot do that. Too many things I love to watch...like the banters.

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Wilkes Barre MOAM is my favorite piece of Clack, too. It's just one of those perfect, unscripted moments between an artist and his fans.

As for two more... I can't limit it to just two. There are so many electric performances, so many hilarious television appearances.

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Oh, good grief. I can't think about the best clack right now. (Just call me Scarlett...) I'll think about that another day...tahmahrah is anutha day.... :P

Yeay, Alex's team! They won the championship in overtime. It stayed 0-0 for a long time; then Alex scored a goal! Then the other team tied it. In overtime, Alex dribbled, then at the last seconds crossed it to a teammate who was right in front of the goal and she tapped it it! The defender was expecting Alex to finish with her own shot after having the ball for so long down the sideline, but she passed it instead. So very, very cool. The girls were all jumping up and down and hugging each other... :dancingpickle::polon::ole0:

Now I'm home with 50 pounds of folder and files to sort and organize to pack for the conference; 50 lbs. of dirty clothes to put through the laundry so I can do what my mama always told me to...wear clean underwear.

Sigh....I wanna play here instead, dang it.

Anyway...I'll have internet access in Chicago...just fewer chances to use it for fun. :glare:

Later, women! ;)

PS. ldyjocelyn...LOVED the Dayton ISY! He was such a stud. Ah, good times, good times....

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Anyway, mine is one that I actually shot -- ISY from Dayton during the NAT. This was a concert that I had my worst seats ever, on the side upper bowl, about half way back. However, it was incredibly easy to shoot clack from that position, and that jumbotron was RIGHT THERE. So, I shot clack to my heart's content. After the performance of ISY that night, my seatmate and I just stood there with our mouth's wide open, couldn't believe what we'd just seen. It was a masterful performance that night. Anyone who says the man can't act, I offer this as a rebuttal.

Wow, the dude was TESTIFYING by the end of the song, wasn't he? "Haunted by a heartful of you", indeed.

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Play, I can't remember the bouncy ball clack..is that from Let's Just Play? I'll have to find it.

Ldyjocelyn...it's so hard not to type real names heh... wow, thanks for the ISY... I almost forgot how much I loved it..such performance art...not an artist my behind. That one was intense.

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