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#5 (plus #6 & #7) - "Well....the weather outside is frightful...but the man is so delightful..."


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Thats all I got...

still recovering from staying 3 hours in sub zero temp last night listening to quebecoise music and waiting to watch great fireworks display in our little town...

IT was fun...but I don;t think I will be doing it again...sober...hee

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Hey, friends...I'm copying and pasting this post I wrote on my story thread on CV...save time, but I wanted you guys to know what's happening, too.

Hi, all!

I needed to drop by to tell you that the chapter will be delayed. My mom had a huge scare last night. A man broke into the assisted living residence where she lives. Although a silent alarm called the police, they didn't get there in time to prevent the man from banging on doors until someone opened them...

Well, my mom, confused anyway by dementia, and being asleep, heard the banging and opened her door. The man exposed himself to her and took a couple of steps toward her. She was scared shitless, of course, screamed and ran away. The man ran, too, and ran away before the police got there.

Mom couldn't sleep, couldn't go back to her room all night. I talked with the admins there this morning and to my mom. She's really shaken up. So I'll be busy for a while on things other than Clay and Tyra, unfortunately.

She wasn't physically hurt, but she and another unlucky elderly woman on another floor who also opened her door got quite a psychological and emotional jolt.

It's ironic. I just wrote a thank you post on EAYOR for all the support I got when things were really tough in August and September when we got the Alzheimer's diagnosis and took all the steps to move her from our house to another place. I wrote to say how much she's come to love the place and how happy she's become---new friends, a sense of her own life again---and then this morning I get this phone call. :blink:

Let's hope this is just a fluke...that 2007 is one hellaciously terrific year! I'll definitely post the chapter when I've had a chance to finish it....I'd much rather be doing that than what I WILL be doing today. :glare:

So...life goes on....and man oh man, those newly uncovered pics of Clay in Greensboro are killers. Whoa.

I'll add the emoticon that seems most appropriate right now...


whoops! wrong pic...heh...

themotherload_2.jpg crap...not that one...


Oh, hell...I can't find the right one....never mind... ;)B)

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I'm so sorry your mom had to go through that...there is just too many weirdos in the world. Of course this will have to be your priority. I just hope their security will be reinforced after this.

We can wait for the Clyra...thanks for bringing some visuals to tide us over...

(((muski and muskimom)))

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muski, take all the time you need with your Mom. I can empathize with your situation, and that would frankly scare me to death that someone was able to get close to your Mom like that. I can wait with the Clyra. I'll be thinking of you and your family in the months to come.

bottlecap thank you for bringing the pretties. I always appreciate someone going out there and getting the best pictures. Don't get me wrong, I love looking at pictures of Clay. But sometimes, I just don't have time. I'd love to get paid for looking at pictures of Clay -- and I'm good at it too. There's got to be a job for me somewhere....

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Sorry Muski - crap really happens a lot, doesn't it. I can't imagine what kind of thrill that guy was looking for, but then again, I can't imagine a lot of why people do things.

Oh, and one for Ansa - gen125.gif

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I hope that your mom is doing better today. They need better security. I am glad that I have the luxory of living with my parents and "protecting" them as best as I can. Sometimes it's a bitch, but I am glad to do it anyway. It is my LOT IN LIFE, LOL. Nothing that I don't mind. You only have your parents once in your life, as everybody knows, so I feel that I am preaching to the choir. I have a feeling, we are all around the same age, give or take a few years.

Bottle, great emotions.

Play, glad you and Holly had a great first.

Ansa, girl to cold for this southern "bird". I don't want to "fly" north at anytime during the winter. I hope the fireworks were worth it and the partee.

I was asleep 15 minutes after midnight. I live such as BORING life.

I hope everybody on this board, both posters and lurkers have had a great 1st day of the New Year. I did the two most favorite things for me to do, shop and sleep. More sleeping than shopping. They say what you do during the first day is what you do the rest of the year, so that means a lot more sleeping, YEAH !!!.


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Well, Mom is somewhat calmed...although she's gonna have a problem for a while, I think, feeling comfy in her room...In any case...I added a bit to what I'd already written and posted a chapter. It's not THE chapter---heee---but it was a long time getting done because of all the research for their clothes and getting the pics posted and whatnot... Enjoy... :)

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He's excited! heh

He hopes he makes us proud of him! (yeah, as if we could NOT be proud :glare: )

He is glad each of us has been with him on this journey....

He's excited! :00000442:

wonder if he's recuperating from that after-party whoopee with Tyra... B)

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You know, I'm at the point where I feel goofy parsing out any of his words, because I've seen both good and bad come from it. But it is nice to read that he feels excited for the coming year. I also think it cool that he can look back and realize the differences in 5 years. He really had no clue what was in store for him 5 years ago, and I think that makes him all the more appreciative.

As for me being proud of him? I AM proud of him...but I hope more than him making us proud this year, that he makes himself happy this year (and not just in the way muski snuck into her last chapter :blink::P ).

Have I said that I love him lately? 'Cause I do. A lot.

Back to the old grind today. What a depressing thought. I had way too much fun just sitting at home, getting stuff done, lots of cooking and baking, shopping, and just being a lazy slug. This work thing sucks. Well, at least it pays for Clay Aiken trips...

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Ah man Muski...sorry to hear about what happened with your mom. Hugs going to her and your entire family.

Clay blogged!! Yay..and yes we're embarking on our fifth year together...no math classes needed for Clay... just get on board with his quirkiness. I'm just glad he's happy and I look forward to whatever the year brings. Wow, we're on year 5. The people who need to do the math are those who still try to say his fifteen minutes are almost over. LOL.

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Ah man Muski...sorry to hear about what happened with your mom. Hugs going to her and your entire family.

Clay blogged!! Yay..and yes we're embarking on our fifth year together...no math classes needed for Clay... just get on board with his quirkiness. I'm just glad he's happy and I look forward to whatever the year brings. Wow, we're on year 5. The people who need to do the math are those who still try to say his fifteen minutes are almost over. LOL.

HEE...how can people focus on that when he seems so happy and excited. I think some new adventures are about to start.

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I think some new adventures are about to start.
Ansa I'm with you on this one. Clay is not one to be stagnant, that's for sure. It's mucho fun to be his fan!

Thanks, everyone, for the good thoughts re: my mom. I'll stop by to see her after WORK ( :angry: ) today and am making an appt. for her to get her hair permed. I think in time she'll be all right.

And his blog to me was just so him. It does CMSU how everyone starts trying to decipher his words. They read just like plain ole' words to me, pretty danged simple and clear ones, at that. 'Course, I never was very good at those encryption puzzles in the funny papers. :lol:

Back at my desk...sigh. I wasn't as good as you, ldyjocelyn---I didn't get anything done, just sat around writing and reading and watching CLACK, television wtih the hubby and kids, movies, blah, blah...


Oh, and GO DEACS! My alma mater, Wake Forest University is in the Orange Bowl tonight since they won the ACC championship. They're underdogs against Louisville (this is their first conference championship since 1971! and Wake is a small school)...so I'm wearing my Wake Forest sweatshirt today! Rah rah! :P

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I agree that something new is on the horizon. I am not a word parser - but I remember beforethe album came out, Clay asked fans to open thier minds, apparently many did not interpret it the way I did (don't hate it before you hear it) because the 'he did not want to record this' and "covers suck' comments did not stop and people did not wait to judge it - not exactly open minded to my somewhat open mind. Now he is talking about surprising things on the horizons, and instead of waiting for it and accepting the surprise, people are assuming he will leave his label or other magical solutions to their perceived Clay ills will appear. What ever it is will be dissected and disapproved before it even happens and will be a disappointent to some, heck some of the possibilities are already being debated and deflated. I am just so excited that there is stuff happening in the next few months so I don't have to wait forever.

So here is my parsing :

1) He will not be on vacation for the next few months

2) we will probably know what it is in the next 6 months

3) he is excited! Much like he was on the verge of his release. (Yeah, I put that in for the smutters)

as far as I am concerned, he could be opening a series of dog training parks dreams of how that will let me give him more of my money, since we had a bit of a relapse these past few days**

Apparently I over emoticonned people yesterday, so I will just whacky007.gif

** I lost a lunch, two dinners, two bars of butter and 1/2 pound of canadian bacon to Hollyover a rough 5 day period where I could not walk because she zoomed around my legs and her leash took me down HARD on cement, so I am not really walking right now, more like limping slowly The food was out of her reach! - now everything is placed on top of the fridge, where she has not yet managed to reach.

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Play are you okay??? Oh I hope so. Dogs and leases are not a good combination. Believe me, when out black lab (Penny) was alive, I had not fair share of "mishaps" too. There was also the time that our golden retriever (Buffy) ate an entire box (1 lb) of Whitman's chococlate. They say that chocolate is not good for dogs, but I guess she must have had the stomach of steel.

My cat likes to trip me up to, and believe me, this big body does not need to hit the ground anytime soon. We don't need a tsunami on the southern east coast anytime soon, so I had better keep in the upright position (LOL).

Muski, hope mom is doing better today!!!

I know Ansa, it is a bitch to go back to work, but it pays the bills.

Hey Bottle, you still with us girl????

Couchie, Kandre and all the rest, I hope everyone had a great 1st.


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Clay blogged!! Yay..and yes we're embarking on our fifth year together...no math classes needed for Clay... just get on board with his quirkiness. I'm just glad he's happy and I look forward to whatever the year brings. Wow, we're on year 5. The people who need to do the math are those who still try to say his fifteen minutes are almost over. LOL.

Bolding mine. That's exactly why I find him so endearing -- he IS quirky. He's also human. He goofs up dates, and time frame, and lyrics. We all do that. So, why worry? Just call me Alfred E. Neuman, OK?

Ansa I'm with you on this one. Clay is not one to be stagnant, that's for sure. It's mucho fun to be his fan!

It is! I just have to learn to accept HIS ride (*g*), not the one some fans want him to do.

And his blog to me was just so him. It does CMSU how everyone starts trying to decipher his words. They read just like plain ole' words to me, pretty danged simple and clear ones, at that. 'Course, I never was very good at those encryption puzzles in the funny papers. :lol:

Yeah, my decoder ring I got from drinking all that Ovaltine was faulty, so I have a hard time reading more into his coded messages. So, I just read his words...and I smile.

Back at my desk...sigh. I wasn't as good as you, ldyjocelyn---I didn't get anything done, just sat around writing and reading and watching CLACK, television wtih the hubby and kids, movies, blah, blah...


Oh my dear, I didn't get THAT much done. For me, it was mostly baking and cooking, which I never seem to have that much time for anymore, and something I LOVE to do. My cookie press, which is neglected most of the time (including last year at this time), was used this year to make both spritz cookies and a really, really good homemade cheese crackers. I also cooked a full turkey dinner for my husband and I last weekend. I'm still working on the leftovers, before I even begin to think about turkey soup. *g* But for the most part, much of my week off was sleeping, watching clack, watching movies, and getting good deals at the stores.

Oh, and GO DEACS! My alma mater, Wake Forest University is in the Orange Bowl tonight since they won the ACC championship. They're underdogs against Louisville (this is their first conference championship since 1971! and Wake is a small school)...so I'm wearing my Wake Forest sweatshirt today! Rah rah! :P

I'll root for Wake Forest too...I love the small schools when they do things like that. But what's a DEAC?

I agree that something new is on the horizon. I am not a word parser - but I remember beforethe album came out, Clay asked fans to open thier minds, apparently many did not interpret it the way I did (don't hate it before you hear it) because the 'he did not want to record this' and "covers suck' comments did not stop and people did not wait to judge it - not exactly open minded to my somewhat open mind. Now he is talking about surprising things on the horizons, and instead of waiting for it and accepting the surprise, people are assuming he will leave his label or other magical solutions to their perceived Clay ills will appear. What ever it is will be dissected and disapproved before it even happens and will be a disappointent to some, heck some of the possibilities are already being debated and deflated. I am just so excited that there is stuff happening in the next few months so I don't have to wait forever.

I totally remember when he wrote the "open your mind" thing, and it frustrated me no end that he seemed to be asking for a simple request there and so many were ignoring it. But, if that was suggested, it was ignored by the ones who were hearing from their insiders. I'm glad I don't have an insider, I guess I could say.

And while I do think it ironic that Mr. "I don't like surprises" is talking about surprising things, I've learned that surprises are good. It energizes me when he does something I wasn't expecting, and it also simply makes him continually fascinating. Love that about him.

So here is my parsing :

1) He will not be on vacation for the next few months

Nope, he will not. I'm sure his dayplanner (ie, Jennifer *g*) is full at the moment.

2) we will probably know what it is in the next 6 months

I think it will be sooner than that even.

3) he is excited! Much like he was on the verge of his release. (Yeah, I put that in for the smutters)

Mark down this date in history: playbiller smutted.

as far as I am concerned, he could be opening a series of dog training parks dreams of how that will let me give him more of my money, since we had a bit of a relapse these past few days**

I keep hoping he works on that fear of cats thing, and that he'll open a facility for those dealing with that fear. Then, I could bring my sweet and adorable kitties to his place, and help him.

Sorry to hear about the doggie troubles play, and hope you feel better after your fall.

Is Claygasm among the living yet?

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Just catching up, and wanted to drop off some hugs for {{{muskifest and muskimom}}} as well as {{{playbiller}}}.....and anyone else who needs one today. {{{hugs}}}

I am excited that Clay has already left us two messages since the last tour date (one voice, one blog). I don't think he is going to disappear for long this year! I can't wait to find out what he has in store for 2007.

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Happy New Year everyone!

Muski, what happened to your mother was awful. I hope she feels better and more secure as the weeks progress.

Playbiller, hope you feel better soon.

What a sweet blog! Honestly, I saw it and saw only a friendly holiday greeting. The only words that gave me the slightest twinge were those where he said he hoped he would make the fans proud of him this year. So many fans have expressed bitterness and discontent over the album, its sales, and his handling of certain events. I can't help but wonder if he thinks he's disappointed them, because he didn't have the kind of record-breaking sales or huge critical acclaim many want for him, as if he had to be #1 at everything for fans to be proud of him. But perhaps I'm probably reading too much into it.

I do have this feeling, though, that 2007 could be a very interesting year for Clay, one where he may be willing to try new things and take new risks. He's a very smart guy, and someone who I think is actually much more competitive than he wants to admit. I suspect we'll see more of him sooner than we expect.

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