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Hey ldyj, welcome to Minnesota! The North shore is my favorite place to be here. Just got back from a camping trip up there, we got washed out..but I think if you have rain in the next few days it will be a in a form of a quick thunderstorm.

Have fun! 😎

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Pictures from Indianapolis -- they also showed up on Facebook.  

DH and I spent the day starting in Duluth, MN, and driving along the coast of Lake Superior.  Lighthouses, shops, and I got to put my fingers into the Lake (it was COLD).  Now back to our hotel after a long day and just had a pizza delivered!


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Leaving tomorrow for almost 2 weeks camping and bike riding.  Tickets go on sale for 20th Anniversary of NIP this week so I had to make arrangements for someone to buy my ticket.  Weather looks maybe ok.  Some days there will be a possible shower.  Will have to work our rides around it.  Need to do a couple of 60-70 mile days to get in shape for our Labor Day 5 day trip.  That one is 5 days 70 miles a day.  As we get older we realize that more training is necessary.  Back in 1973 at age 21 I did that trip on a three speed bike and had done a big trip of 25 miles before I went.  To be young again!!

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Gbmifan, I hope your trip is safe and that you have little weatherr problems.  I also hope you get a good Gala ticket.

Home again, home again jiggity jig.  Tired but happy to see my cats!  We stopped at an outlet mall on the way back home and I actually found pants that fit and are long enough!  Bought three.

Well, well, well…Clay has joined Threads.  


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Had to share this from our trip.  The last stop we made was to the Spam Museum in Austin, Minnesota.  It's actually quite charming there, and I bought a LOT of different flavors of Spam (the one with bacon included is especially good).  Anyway, they have a small exhibit on our favorite musical.  (Sadly, the screen was showing what looked to be a regional production, not the Broadway version with Clay.  Bummer.)


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Do you know anyone there? I love that you just pull off the road and check it out. I used to live 10 miles from there in Albert Lea.. tbh, never happier than the day I drove out of that town 😬 

i hope you enjoyed the cool weather we had this past week.. very unusual for this time of year. Matter of fact, I think we are one of the few places in this country not in a heatwave 

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My DH is from St. Anthony, which is part of the Twin Cities.  And our tourism on Minnesota finished with a wedding in Fridley, also part of the Twin Cities.  We spent a day driving along the North Shore of Lake Superior, and also spent a morning at the Mall of America.  We also went to Al's Breakfast, which is a hole in the wall in Minneapolis with the best pancakes anywhere.  Our stop at the Spam Museum was planned, because we LOVE Spam.  Bought a 12 pack of 6 different varieties!

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I’m having good days and really bad ones!  Yesterday was the first day I haven’t really broken down crying.  I’ve been cleaning up her rooms and my daughter kept everything. Not a hoarder but a sentimentalist.  I hope you never have to do this.   It’s a nightmare deciding what to keep, donate or throw away! It is such an invasion of her privacy and she was a very private person. On the good side I found $500 dollars worth of gift cards and the hotel where we had her celebration of life sent me a $800 refund that I was not expecting. 
At least it’s keeping me out of trouble.   Oh and I wish I drank!

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Nice picture gbmifan!  Hopefully the weather cooperates, but it’s nice to also have a motorhome to retreat to if needed.

It’s looking like this show is off the table for fall:   October 14, at the Credit Union of Texas Event Center (Allen, TX).  Beanerknits noticed that there was also a Ruben Sings Luther show scheduled that same night (although that is not on Ruben’s website at this point, but on Ticketmaster), so I guess the Ruben/Clay show there is gone.  Kind of a bummer.

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Did you notice that if you follow the link on the National Inclusions Project's FB page for the book mentioned above, you go to the company that is publishing to book.  https://myemail.constantcontact.com/New-Resource-Available-Now--Best-Practices-for-Inclusive-Camps.html?soid=1101860854212&aid=w3KoArwQF2k


If you scroll to the bottom of that page, you can read the introduction, THE FORWARD (Clay's portion), and the first chapter!  https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0637/5817/2384/files/Inclusive_Camps_Look_Inside.pdf?v=1685631748

Clay is such a GREAT writer.

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Read the forward and he did a great job writing.  

Home from our camping/biking trip.  We actually rode for 10days and today was the second rainout we had.  We decided to come home because it was going to continue to rain all day.  We actually did 400 miles.  Here is another picture of the scenery we saw.  We did a combination of trail and road.


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