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Couch Tomato

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Finding Clay Aiken is pleased to announce that we are an approved beta alpha chapter in support of The Buble Aiken Foundation.

We are FCA: Making A Difference

Although inspired by the desire to show Clay support this Valentine's Day, what is great about the beta alpha chapter is that it can be used at any time to make a donation. We will be putting on our thinking caps to come up with innovative and creative ways for increasing awareness about TBAF and raising money for the cause.

To learn more about beta alpha chapters, you can read the FAQ: http://www.bubelaiken.org/default.aspx?tabid=118

If you would like to be a part of FCA: Making a Difference please PM me (couch tomato) at FCA or email me at admin@findingclayaiken.com.

By becoming a part of our chapter, we will keep you updated on all planned activities and fund raising efforts. Better yet, we would love for you to join us as we throw around ideas. I've set up a thread at FCA to discuss MAD.


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Hi Beta Alpha Members,

First of all, thank you for joining our chapter. We started this chapter to join the rest of Clay Nation in sending Clay a message of support on Valentines Day but am looking forward to it becoming an active chapter of TBAF. What will be the challenge is coming up with interesting ways to raise funds because we are located all over the country. But it will be a fun challenge. We will start brainstorming in this thread at FCA: http://findingclayaiken.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=295&st=0&gopid=19462entry19462 ://http://findingclayaiken.invisionzon...mp;#entry19462 ://http://findingclayaiken.invisionzon...mp;#entry19462

Anyway, for anyone who would like to make a Valentine donation of support to Clay you can do it in one of two ways.

1. You can make a donation by credit card on TBAF website. They accept Visa, MC, American Express and Discover. Just go here: http://store.tbafstore.org/donate.html Follow the prompts. When you get to shipping (just click on donation only). There is a box under the gift wrap option that you can use to make a notation. ( DO NOT CLICK ON THE GIFT WRAP BOX) ..

In that box please put:

Please credit my donation to the following BETA ALPHA CHAPTER: FCA: Making a Difference


2. You can mail a check to TBAF. On the memo of your check please write FCA: Making a Difference. Also you should attach a contribution form . You can download a contribution form here: http://www.thebubelaikenfoundation.org/Por...ontribution.pdf

Mail donation to:

The Bubel/Aiken Foundation

8601 Six Forks Rd. Suite 400

Raleigh, North Carolina, 27615

You can also use the contribution form to mail a credit card donation.

This donation is just one of the heart. There is no deadline so don't worry if you can't get one in before the 14th. If it's not made until February 25, or you can't make one at all at this time, that is ok. We just want to silently say...YAY Clay, we love you.

Don't forget to come on by and contribute to the discussion about future fund raisers. Let your voice be heard.

Take care,



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I joined your chapter on the BAF site and made a donation. Am I supposed to tell you too?

Not really...we are not keeping track of any amount. Thanks for joining...

I was lucky enough to get some pins from pinmakers when I was running the gallery. I might donate them for the BAF auction. I;m sure they wouldn't mind their pins used for such a good cause.

Still won;t let go of my CH pins...but I might have a few rare ones..

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If you are a member of a Beta Alpha Chapter, you can include the chapter name with your donation and your chapter will receive the credit.

TBAF Issues "Fifth Grader" ChallengeAs you may be aware, Bubel/Aiken Foundation co-founder Clay Aiken is appearing on a celebrity edition of "Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?" hosted by Jeff Foxworthy on FOX. The show will air later, but Clay is taping his episode on August 28. For more info on the show, copy and paste this web address into your internet browser:


Beyond receiving the amazing expos

ure the show will bring, the Foundation will receive at least a $25,000 donation from the show. Anything beyond the $25,000 that Clay earns by answering "elementary" questions will also be donated to the Foundation. He will need to answer 6 questions to get beyond the minimum. 11 questions correct means the Foundation will receive a $1 MILLION check from the show.

We would like to issue a challenge to all of you. We would like you to pledge an amount for each correct answer Clay gives on the show. Whether it's 50 cents or 100 dollars, every amount will help us get closer to our goal of 100 Let's ALL Play camps in 2008.

If you would like to make a pledge, simply reply to this email, pledge@bubelaiken.org, with your pledge amount. We would like to receive all pledges by August 21 when we will announce the total pledges made. After the show, we will announce the number of correct answers (we're going to assume 11) and then you can make your donations online at www.bubelaiken.org or send in a check or money order to:

The Bubel/Aiken Foundation

ATTN: Smarter Pledge

8601 Six Forks Road

Suite 400

Raleigh, NC 27615

If you are a member of a Beta Alpha Chapter, you can include the chapter name with your donation and your chapter will receive the credit.

Also, and this is a big ALSO, why not take this opportunity to pass on this challenge to your family, friends, co-workers, and neighbors? This not only will help with this particular drive, but can also spread more awareness about the Foundation.

Thank you so much for your support!


Aron Hall

Director Services

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Has everyone sent in their AYSTAFG donation? I sent mine in way before the show. We have moved up a few notches. That's really good. :clap:


I just wanted to give a friendly reminder, and a nudge, in case you haven't done so yet.

Anyone want to consider sending in a donation, from FCA, for Clay's birthday? It would be nice if we could reach the $1,000.00 mark for our Chapter. Only need $400.00 and something to achieve that milestone. We have a lot of new members, so I bet we could reach it. Just a thought. I know the Christmas Tour and the holidays take a strain on everyone's budget. I just thought it would be nice to do something as a board, for his special day.

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