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# 10 It isn't so easy to get your knickers off when they're in a knot.


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38 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • Clay Aiken ? I can?t imagine my life without him.
    • Compromise ? I have learned to live with it?.
    • Clay Aiken: not-ordinary, an acquired taste, likened to kitsch ? but has people talking
    • Gah?and stuff
    • He is such a grown-ass Southern-gentlemen type man
    • I love me some Clay Aiken! He (soft) rocks! *g*

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So it appears that the guy is really busy this week and yet he found time to give us all a quick blog! He loves us! Awww

I honestly don't care what's in the blog or how long it is because anything is good!


I'm loving the David Foster connection. I hope some interesting things are on the horizon.

Big fat WORD. I love these times, when we find out that he's been busy -- but we find out after the fact. While I do miss the clack that comes, there are some times when I just believe he needs to work in private.

The blog made me smile last night -- HOORAY for the BAF. Also noticed a possible pattern -- April 2; May 1; June 1. Maybe his computer calendar is set monthly to remind him to blog? *g*

The David Foster connection is fantastic too, and I think that they could be a great collaboration. What I do wish, though, is that the fans will temper their expectations with some realism. David Foster may NOT be the second coming for Clay in regards to his music. I'm excited about the possibilities, but also know that things in this business change so quickly.

Hey -- we had a great time with the chat party last night. The ideas were flowing fast and furious (maybe too much so....), but I think the 20-30 minute format on each topic served well. Join us tonight for part two -- 9:00 - 11:00 p.m. EDT. The questions for tonight are as follows:

1) Why do you think people (both fans and non-fans) find Clay's sexuality such a fascinating topic?

2) What's the best way to deal with "gnats?"

3) Clay and the American Idol franchise -- how much of an influence does it still have on his career?

4) How has your fandom evolved in the past 3 years?

5) Why are people so fascinated with Clay's hair?

6) The fans: should they be involved in Clay's career? If so, how much? If not, why?

I'm off today to buy a new dishwasher, and other assorted household items. Have a great day everyone!

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Well, we know he has picked up one fundraising tactic (splittingthe difference, doubling the money) from Foster.

Everytime I hear people complain about Clay not doing enough, I wonder about all that he does do that we don't know. One person (someone really out of touch, I must admit in an odd board) posted that she thought it only took a month to record music because Clay does it so effortlessly, he could just sing and they could just record it. - Now, while it could be recorded in one night for a live album, I don't think they are ready for that yet, Clay likes pefect notes.

He is a busy busy guy though!

And people can't say he hates Canada anymore - I hope that settles it!


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Dang. If it's MY kid that's 'our' kid, I have even more reason to angst over my bad memory. Don't care about remembering the delivery, but damned if I couldn't use some good ole' recollection of conception! :hubbahubba:


In exactly 2 months Ansa will be here and we'll be on our way to see Clay. I'll also be meeting CG....well we've met biefly but this will be different. And it looks my monthly visitor is all set to come along too.

This message brought to you by TMI and :drugsneeded:

I'm sure i'll be my normal charming self though... :cryingwlaughter:

Merrieee I loved the blog too...I can imagine him ripping it off between activities. Sometimes you're just ready and don't need any cuddling after heee. Uh, thanks Clay. See ya next time.

Whoo hooo for Canada. Whoo hooo for the Fosters.

I enjoyed the chat last night. Looking forward to tonight. I like the time element...heeee and it's amazing how much smut snuck in. Who knew those questions were conduscive to smut. And YSRN wrote something that would make Muski very proud. heee. Hmmm it's Saturday. Back to bed!!

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WAHHH I wish I could just go back to bed during Satudays too...but my active 6 yr old would be tearing the kitchen apart if I wasn't paying attention. She likes to pretend cook with real ingredients and pans. Then she puts her concoction in the oven...so that the next time we start to pre-heat the oven we usually find the muffin tins with some burnt offering inside.

oh well its a good thing she woke me up at 5:30....found an unwanted spambot as our new registrant...so I deleted his topic and the member. So if y'all received a notice for a new topic this morning...please ignore that.

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Thanks Karen Eh for the camera tips. I plan to read my instruction booklet to see what features I have and if I can utilize your suggestions. Glad everyone had a good time in chat last night. I wasn't feeling well and opted out.

The David Foster connection is fantastic too, and I think that they could be a great collaboration. What I do wish, though, is that the fans will temper their expectations with some realism. David Foster may NOT be the second coming for Clay in regards to his music. I'm excited about the possibilities, but also know that things in this business change so quickly.

I so agree ldyjocelyn. I watched that recent interview with David Foster, and confess that I came away thinking I must be watching something different from some fans. I am not in the David Foster camp at all.

I could of sworn DF said, in so many words, and I paraphrase, that he is the King of cheesy ballads. When he sits down to a piano that is what comes out. He loves it, and he didn't sound like he was into cranking out rock songs, or many uptempo songs. He sure didn't get too uptempo with Clay's song LAA. LOL I'm pretty sure he said that he had perfect pitch until he turned 5o and now he doesn't. He has lost it. He also said, and again I paraphrase, that he could sit down right now and write you 3 songs, but more than likely they wouldn't be marketable, or viable, to radio or become big hits. Why? Because radio is for 14 year olds and they are the ones who call and request songs. So, while I see Clay as always singing, for the most part, ballads, I sure don't see DF as the best career decision for him to make. I'm glad they are friends but I think he would be better suited with a major record label. JMO I tend to believe that he will continue his relationship with RCA. Of course Clay will do what he wants to do for himself and rightfully so.

Nice that he blogged. If I were him I wouldn't bother anymore, for various reasons I'll keep to myself. *g* I see more "safe" blogs like this one in our future. Congrats to The Bubel Aiken Foundation.

I need to go get a haircut today. I have already butchered my bangs. Got tired of them hanging in my eyes and took a pair of scissors, and wack. Remember when I said that I can't keep my hand still taking pictures? Apparently I have the same problem with scissors. Because my bangs are now slanted. :cryingwlaughter: It's a good thing my hair grows fast. I hope they will grow out before concert time comes around. They really look bad right now. Soooo short and slanted. What in the heck did I do to myself. *sigh*

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CG...and others that hate the hair...close your eyes....but I found this at CH:

From the Calgary Herald:

(thanks to zippy at CB)




not the most flattering picture for both of them...but nice to see him on the front page of a Calgary newspaper.

Clayzor...I have to agree with you on the blogging. I love Clay's blog, the longer the better...BUT, it just causes so much angst in the fandom when he does not do so. So many people seem to think Clay should be doing regular report to us .... to let us know about his career and personal life... he does not owe us anything. I say we should be happy with what he wants to share with us. If fans can't be happy with little blurbs like this, then maybe he should not blog at all.

on DF...I think if he gives Clay a song or two or produces soe of his songs in his CD then I will be happy. I definitely think Clay should collaborate with more producers...I am actually afraid of an all DF project with Clay. I really don;t like Josh's cd's or Celines, when he produces them. I do think this is because I just don;t find Josh and Celine very compelling and DF tends to over produce their songs. Hopefully with Clay he will have a lighter touch.

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Ah Clayzor - hope you feel better tonight.

Ansa too funny about your girl. I have to keep my eyes wide open when nephew is over because he will tear up the house for what he calls his "science project."

But in the kids crack me the hell up category...my niece was over last night. She got hold of the remote last night and it ended up on PBS for the 12 Girls Band live from Shanghai presentation. This child totally loves dancing and singing and she was mesmerized by the whole thing. The spoiled brat also has gotten in this habit after of commerical of saying to anyone within earshot..can I have that can I have that. Well my sister and mom always says yes baby even though half the time they are half listening. I know it's going to come back to bite them one day cuz they can't possibly get her everything she asks for. Oh but if you don't say yes in a timely way she throws a tantrum. :cryingwlaughter: So last night most everybody was in my room and she comes running in can I have that can I have that? My sister in Pavlovian response says yes baby. heee. Couple of seconds later she runs back in.. she wants the DVD too. yes baby yes baby. 10 seconds more she runs in to inform everybody that it's 150 dollars. I started cracking up. PBS was having a pledge drive. heee. Thankfully I just found it for 13 on amazon and pre-ordered. I'll actually buy it for her for her birthday later this month. At least she'll have one of those promised items.

too cute to resist...post-3-1180798850_thumb.jpg

I love Clay's blogs but after year one I kinda knew what to expect and signed up for year two anyway. The blogs are pretty much the only reason I go to OFC. And I still have a Pavlovian response to He blogged He blogged. Didn't we already have a blog that thanked us profusely for everything to do with teh gala? My memory ain't what it used to be. I think the final numbers were just a bit more than expected. Yay for TBAF.

and yay for all of Clay's Canadian gigs. Hope he is having fun. LOL that he likes to sleep late. We have a con nec tion.

ETA: I want Clay to have his own PBS special!!

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The David Foster connection is fantastic too, and I think that they could be a great collaboration. What I do wish, though, is that the fans will temper their expectations with some realism. David Foster may NOT be the second coming for Clay in regards to his music. I'm excited about the possibilities, but also know that things in this business change so quickly.

Realism? In the Clay Nation?? :cryingwlaughter:

Seriously, is this not the same David Foster who, when we first found about Jaymes, the Clay Nation was condemning as someone who would cement Clay's ballad boy image and not let him become the ROCK! superstar they were convinced he was destined to be?? Or is this a different Davod Foster??

In exactly 2 months Ansa will be here and we'll be on our way to see Clay. I'll also be meeting CG....well we've met biefly but this will be different.

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!! Can.Not.Wait!!!!

And it looks my monthly visitor is all set to come along too.

This message brought to you by TMI and :drugsneeded:

I'm sure i'll be my normal charming self though... :cryingwlaughter:

Ah you'll be fine. Clay is the best remedy for PMS, cramps and bloating known to man! And if not, we'll just throw you out of a car along a desserted road somewhere! ;) :F_05BL17blowkiss:

CG...and others that hate the hair...close your eyes....but I found this at CH:

From the Calgary Herald:

(thanks to zippy at CB)




not the most flattering picture for both of them...but nice to see him on the front page of a Calgary newspaper.

Eeeeeewwwwwwwww!!!! What has happened to my boyfriend??????? I mean, I know, I know - he's still beautiful because his heart is bautiful blah, blah, blah (and he is...), but I'm 12 and very shallow! :medium-smiley-070:

But, still, :DoClay:

I am actually afraid of an all DF project with Clay. I really don;t like Josh's cd's or Celines, when he produces them. I do think this is because I just don;t find Josh and Celine very compelling and DF tends to over produce their songs. Hopefully with Clay he will have a lighter touch.

I agree with this. I am sure there is more to DF than the Josh or Celine sound, but since I don't know of any (and am too lazy to look up what else he has done lately) and I don't like either Josh or Celine, then I have never been too excited about too much of a professional relationship between the two. That said, I think Clay can learn a lot about the business and music from DF and I think if DF can somehow nurture his songwriting ability, then that would be a good thing.

But I just have to laugh at the sudden turn around of many on Clay possibily collaborating with him! It is like suddenly David Foster is the anti-Clive!

Can anyone tell me what carpel tunnel feels like?

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Hee. Much better than the Stanley Park MESS. Although it looks like whoever did Foster's hair also did Clay's. Is that the Steven Curtis Chapman pinkish shirt?

So, are the Grobanites and Buble-heads all up in arms that Clay is poaching on their territory by hanging out with their mentor and snagging gigs they should be getting? Somehow I doubt it.

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lol Bottle..they do kinda look like the bobsy twins or is that bopsy. where the hell did that saying come from? heee

Ah you'll be fine. Clay is the best remedy for PMS, cramps and bloating known to man! And if not, we'll just throw you out of a car along a desserted road somewhere! ;) :F_05BL17blowkiss:


well if the drugs don't work we can try this :drinking34:

I think I forget to welcom Caro yesterday. :welcome:

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Hee. Much better than the Stanley Park MESS. Although it looks like whoever did Foster's hair also did Clay's. Is that the Steven Curtis Chapman pinkish shirt?

So, are the Grobanites and Buble-heads all up in arms that Clay is poaching on their territory by hanging out with their mentor and snagging gigs they should be getting? Somehow I doubt it.

well you be the judge :cryingwlaughter:

from canuck2010 at CV:


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I am very willing to admit it was only the out-of-controlling styling of the HAIR that made me not like it. When the HAIR is like, combed and junk, and doesn't look like it was caught in the backwash from a jet engine, it is perfectly acceptable to me.

Now, is time to start nagging about getting a new set of rings and some more necklaces? I miss the jewelry.


And yes, to paraphrase WDC, I'm never satisfied. But still, :DoClay:

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Well something else of interest that I found on CH....have y'all heard about Idol: the Musical? I think I heard about it but never registered in my brain...well its a musical about a group of high school students that are die hard Clay fans...anyway...here is a review of the opening night at syracuse...

Young crowd reveres 'Idol'

Saturday, June 02, 2007By Chuck Klaus Contributing writer

Imagine, if you will, a combination of elements from "Bye, Bye Birdie," "A Chorus Line," "Fame," "The Breakfast Club" and "High School Musical" - with a higher quotient of sexual humor.

Further imagine such elements mixing in a story on the social effects of Clay Aiken and you pretty much have a fix on "Idol: The Musical."

The work, with music and lyrics by Jon Balcourt and book and lyrics by Bill Boland, from a concept by producer Todd Ellis, had a first performance Friday before a highly reactive and appreciative crowd.

"Idol" is about an improbable group of high school seniors, evidently bound together by their worshipful devotion to "American Idol" second season second-placer Clay Aiken.

The characters are the stuff of kid movie stereotyping: The bookworm Cicaida (Courtney Ellis), theatrical Kodi (Roy George), punker Cass (Nikita Richards) and tomboy grease monkey Alex (Jennie Riverso). Other personas on display are a jock turned dancer, J.D.; a Garth Brooks wannabe, Duncan; a nerdish, introspective pianist, Connor; and a girl with an impossible crush on Aiken, Emily. (Joe Walker, Del Caraway, Balcourt and Joella Burt.) Just for a bit of dramatic spice, add a prima donna type with her own schemes for advancement, Adrienne (Babs Rubinstein).

The numbers are never less than serviceable, and several are quite appealing. "Discipline," about the need to practice the entertainment craft, is an early standout, while "Quakin' for Aiken" also lingers in memory, possibly due to the lyric, "We're quakin' for Aiken, and shakin' our bacon."

There are some quibbles, if one looks for them: the arbitrary manner in which the Aiken idolaters assemble, sexual humor that makes the piece slightly difficult for younger viewers - or at least for the parents of younger viewers - the use of drunkenness as a comic bit and a somewhat preachy finale.

Whatever its limitations, "Idol: The Musical," kept a young audience entertained, laughing and sufficiently diverted to (generally) refrain from text-messaging for nearly two hours. That's quite an achievement for any enterprise in mid-2007.

anyway a CHer attended the opening and she had a very positive experience..Pookle's report:

Well, I'm back from the IDOL the MUSICAL show! It was funny! The premise is that a bunch of 'misfit' HS kids "idolize" Clay as the epitome of success! They want out of their one cow town, ergo they worship Clay, as they try out for AI, and an upcoming tour about Clay.

What a weird thing sitting in a theatre hearing songs mentioning Clay. (Most were just name dropping/rhyming and not "about" Clay- which made me happy.

A few fandom jokes (clay-isms/ knowing when and where he is at all times), and one fairly lame, but sometimes funny solo of a woman singing to a clay head of Clay about how much he makes her hot or somesuch. (duh)

The majority of the play focused on getting to know the kids and their unique personalities. And one sidesplitting chippendale dance. By the end, it was a "put your idols back on the shelf/just be yourself" kind of song.

It's playing in Syracuse one more night, next Friday, and then it's going to Off Broadway for a month. I actually liked it, and laughed way more than I thought I was going to.

I just wonder how surreal this could be for Clay...I wonder if he will try to catch a show...hee

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Tought I would link this here as well - Fear is flying up for the Philly concert, which I would not even be going to if thay had announced the Newark concert in a timely way - so we are going to try and catch the"Idol:the musical" (why does this title sound like something from Cowell's mouth?) ON the Saturday the 14th, in the unlikelyhood that their is anyone that lives near NYC posting here, would you like to join us for dinner and a show?

the link to order tickets is here. I am posting it because it took me a long time to find it, should be out mowing the rest of the lawn.


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The Foster / Campbell HAIR is pretty similar to the Wicked HAIR from June 05, isn't it? I don't have any big pictures, 'cause the lack of eyebrows freaked me out a bit, but I snagged a little one from Wire Images:


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Tought I would link this here as well - Fear is flying up for the Philly concert, which I would not even be going to if thay had announced the Newark concert in a timely way - so we are going to try and catch the"Idol:the musical" (why does this title sound like something from Cowell's mouth?) ON the Saturday the 14th, in the unlikelyhood that their is anyone that lives near NYC posting here, would you like to join us for dinner and a show?

the link to order tickets is here. I am posting it because it took me a long time to find it, should be out mowing the rest of the lawn.


Awww I wish I can go with you guys...I want to check this out.

Thanks for the small pix bottle...the wicked pix scare me too...hee

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American Idol the Musical sounds like fun. I don't know how these things work but I wouldn't think they could use that name without some sort of approval from the real idol folks so it's cool that it's so positive towards Clay.

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American Idol the Musical sounds like fun. I don't know how these things work but I wouldn't think they could use that name without some sort of approval from the real idol folks so it's cool that it's so positive towards Clay.

I think its just Idol: The Musical...so they probably can get away with not getting approval. I wonder though about using Clay's name. But its just part of the content...not used to make money from...

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I would love to see that show! Hopefully it will play somewhere near me one day and I'll get the chance.

Okay, I think I like the hair much better now. A) Because he probably was in bed most of the day up till that point, and then he likely had a nap in the car on the way over because he was tired, and B) It appears it could be a second cousin or a nephew of JBT hair which was cuter than a puppy. How's that for a stupid analogy or whatever the correct grammatical term for that is ......I forget. **How did that little yellow face get there?**

Last night I pulled a pair of front row pit tickets for the Stevie Nicks/Chris Isaak concert we're going to tonight. I tossed them back and will sit on the lawn with the original tickets. I've been pulling great seats for that show for the last couple of days and everytime I dangle them in front of may husband he poo poos the idea of spending $280 bucks for two more tickets. It's REALLY is expensive when you're not just buying for yourself, isn't it? Thanks God, the Frisco tickets were only $30 some bucks. He can go to that one. Think of me on the grass tonight, chillin' under the moon and having a few cold beers, okay? I'll be thinking of the irony of pulling the motherload when I didn't really want it.

I have a friend in Toronto who's going to the museum opening, she's bringing her camera and if Clay appears she'll post the pics she takes. I am totally enjoying the Foster connection and getting warm fuzzies for Clay being in Canada this week. I think he would like it there very much. If only they were on a cross country trek and hitting Halifax next week.

Chat last night was a lot of fun. I can't make it tonight because of the concert but next time I'll do my darndest to be there. I thought the format and timing were great and I liked that quickness. I'm one who over thinks a lot on the more "serious" topics and so I rarely ever post during those discussions. It's too much work. Having to read, think quick and peck out my comments before the end of the segment forced me to get 'er done and hit submit.


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For couchie: The Bobbsey Twins

I remember them as a book series that my Mom loved as a kid -- similar to the Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew series.

I am actually afraid of an all DF project with Clay. I really don;t like Josh's cd's or Celines, when he produces them. I do think this is because I just don;t find Josh and Celine very compelling and DF tends to over produce their songs. Hopefully with Clay he will have a lighter touch.

I agree with this. I am sure there is more to DF than the Josh or Celine sound, but since I don't know of any (and am too lazy to look up what else he has done lately) and I don't like either Josh or Celine, then I have never been too excited about too much of a professional relationship between the two. That said, I think Clay can learn a lot about the business and music from DF and I think if DF can somehow nurture his songwriting ability, then that would be a good thing.

I'm honestly very torn about DF and his involvement with Clay. I don't like Groban (find him and his voice boring); Celine is someone I can like or not, depending on the song (and one I DID like was BYLM), but I do like Buble and his style of singing and music. I honestly think that DF is a producer that can bring out Clay's best qualities, but could also over-bury him in sound. It's hard to tell at this point which way it could go -- it will probably depend on the songs. Also, we don't know how much of an influence Jaymes might have on the whole proceedings.

But I just have to laugh at the sudden turn around of many on Clay possibily collaborating with him! It is like suddenly David Foster is the anti-Clive!

I think for some fans Joe Blow from the corner diner would be better than Clive Davis. *shrug*

"Idol: the Musical" sounds like a blast. Would love to attend that show. Maybe in 20 years it will be one of those touring company shows. Heh.

Chat tonight is still on! But I'm hearing rumblings that we might be getting reports from Canada this evening too, if Clay appears. That may interrupt things a bit...heh.

Cute new pictures. Talk about a throwback look though -- just when we were so used to the long hair, he goes back to short. It will be interesting to see the length in another month.

Time for a nap. Shopping for a new dishwasher today wore me out!

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YOu know - even though this show is a limited run, it will be playing when Clay is in Newark (although I think taht we may be catching it on the night that Clay may be there (Heh, heh, heh) - or maybe I should have gotten Sunday tickets. Hmmmm

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YOu know - even though this show is a limited run, it will be playing when Clay is in Newark (although I think taht we may be catching it on the night that Clay may be there (Heh, heh, heh) - or maybe I should have gotten Sunday tickets. Hmmmm

oh wouldn't that be the ultimate!!!!watchign this show with Clay in the audience...heee. the problem is...if the cast were really Clayfans and the audience are clay fans..then maybe clay will just be too distracting...

btw...poster for the musical..


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no, not little hands, curved hands - one of the most interesting tidbits I picked up about Fred Astaire was that he was selfconcious of his huge hands (not to mention ears and feet) - so when he danced, he always kept his hands curved to make them look smaller on the screen.

For example - look at the thumb on that guy! it is a heck of a thumb!

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