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#13 The Aiken Experience. There's nothing else like it.


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46 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • He's my happy.
    • Doesn't want to leave RCA.
    • Lullabied...All.night.long Slooooowwwww
    • We do a lot of slow songs because that's what we're good at
    • Krispy Kreme, macaroni and cheese, and sloooooow songs.
    • God, I love his whole damn being!
    • The most adorable, lovable, huggable almost devilish creature that melts my heart .
    • It's never enough with Clay Aiken.
    • Doing the backstroke in a fondue ocean breathing through a cheese straw.
    • Well, it's really no wonder that next thing he knew she was all up on him screaming "Yeah! Yeah!"

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From the Palm Beach Post reviewer's blog:

Clay Aiken: the aftermath!

"So you're going to be Clayverted!"

More than one Claymate, or hopelessly devoted fan of singer, humanitarian, near-American Idol and cultural phenomenon, decried that by the time Clay's show at the Kravis Center was over, I would be one of them, ready to don the T-shirts, join the Internet groups and plan my vacations around Mr. Aiken's concert schedule.

So now? I'd gladly see him again, because he was great. Do I see me wearing a Clay T-shirt or traveling to see him or joining a huge network of Clay fans...Uh...don't kill me, but not really. I'm a fan now, but not one approaching the heights of what I've seen in my week of Claymate exposure. But I get it now, now that I've seen Clay Aiken and found him wonderful.

So I can admit this without the Claymates coming to kill me: With every fiber of my being, before the show, I'd really wished I was at the Chris Isaak show in Boca.

And this is not because I don't like Clay, but because Chris Isaak is, lock, stock and sparkly pantsuit, pretty much to me what Clay is to the Claymates. I've seen him maybe 6 times, in different states, to which I have driven and changed work schedules to go to. I have shook his hand and shouted my name at him while he Sharpied his name on my shirt or my hat or my ticket. I have squealed in an undignified manner and not even cared how undignified I looked, because Chris Isaak just has it like that.

So I get it, Claymates. I get it. And I am admitting now, after talking to you and seeing how hysterical and talented and kinda cute Clay is, that I understand a little bit better. And after meeting Katie, Helene, Debi and Carolyn, our featured Claymates on the Palm Beach Post.com site and their friends, I get that their devotion now transcends the love of the music or the smile of a cute boy. They have met lifelong friends, seen cities they'd never have been to otherwise, and found new charities to volunteer for, new causes to embrace. I met a woman who is currently undergoing chemotherapy, who came out to the show because Clay and his fans seem to give her strength. She's in a wheelchair but she's not down. And that's not keeping her from her Clay.

If one guy can inspire all that, then by all means, I'm a fan. Thanks, y'all.

P.S. Next time you get a chance to see Chris Isaak, you really ought to if Clay's not in town. He's a different kind of hot. And his suits are shiny.

Posted by Leslie Streeter at 1:48 PM

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I don't know, my feelings seem hurt today - first I have my heart stomped all over and then I am smashed like a cartoon. Violence - what if Quiana comes and looks at this board and sees the violence - do you think she would ever come back here? No! This would no longer be her favorite web site. And Couchie would cry.

It is all a ripple effect.

Last concert tonight!!! Whee, Must go get some work done now - cloudy and cold perfect day for weeding outside.

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I don't know, my feelings seem hurt today - first I have my heart stomped all over and then I am smashed like a cartoon. Violence - what if Quiana comes and looks at this board and sees the violence - do you think she would ever come back here? No! This would no longer be her favorite web site. And Couchie would cry.

It is all a ripple effect.

Last concert tonight!!! Whee, Must go get some work done now - cloudy and cold perfect day for weeding outside.

Are you sure you don't have an avie in your arsenal as a response??? Well Q has been getting pretty snarky in the last concerts... I;m sure she can handle the violence... :F_05BL17blowkiss:

sniff...are we having some last concert party tonight???

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End of tours always make me schmoopie and retrospective - and when I'm in that place, I usually write. Since this is my first 'last concert day' here at FCA, I wanted to share this with you. Crazy that at times I have trouble finding words to post, but when they come from my heart, I can barely stop the flow. Hope you enjoy!

Pure Magic

If I ever wonder how I still, after all this time, have let this man take up such a big place in my heart, if I for some reason can't remember all the magic he's brought me in the past four years, I only have to look back over the last month or so and count the gifts he has given me.

There have been front row moments where his green eyes held us and balcony moments where his voice stopped our breathing. We've shared meet and greet secrets and fidgets, and busline touches and grabs and squeezes and squeals that went on for blocks. We've seen linen blazers, and pinstripe button-downs, and tiny undershirts, and rivets, and lowriders (and thighs to go with), and those f*-me boots.

We have had SexyBack and George & Weezy reborn and some slooooooooooow songs and some fast dancin' and campin'. We have had chortling orchestra members, wandering spotlights, and fan letters gone awry. We met Sean for the first time, and Jesse, Angela, and Quiana all over again. We've watched them shine in their own way, while supporting Clay with their talents and love.

We'll remember -

Every smile & shriek when he first came into view -

Every tear shed for his plaintive masterpiece and the serenity that followed -

Every clutching of our stomachs in laughter -

Every clutching of each other when he took us to that place only he can.

That place where we think we cannot possibly love him more -

That place where for four years he has proven us wrong every.single.time.

Once again, with hopes and dreams for him shining, we sent him our light and love from every venue row, from every summer-laden, sweet-smelling, trodden lawn, and from every home computer with an ear held tenderly to its speakers . . .

. . . and he did nothing more than shine it back upon us, 100-times over. How can we thank him for giving us so much? How can we thank him for more than four years of the same?

If I ever wonder why I still, after all this time, let this man take up such a big place in my heart ? Because he has made all of us a big part of his.

Grab on to these special times and feelings - hold them close, cherish them, but remember to throw them back to him every chance you get. Because we know when we send him light, that we'll receive back his own light, laughter, and love - enough to fill our hearts - more than the last time and even more than the time before that.

The man can be a miracle and he can be a mess - but he can also be magic - pure magic.

Grab onto it - hold it close - cherish it.

But remember to throw it back to him -

Then step back and watch the magic unfold - all over again.

Edited by PuddinsJoy
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kleenex.jpg anyone?

Thank you PuddinsJoy. That was beautiful. Love this line in particular....

The man can be a miracle and he can be a mess - but he can also be magic - pure magic.

And I'm throwin' it back too.

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Ruh-roh.... Good thing my mama doesn't have an e-mail address.

Skulks off to prepare a conciliatory meal of mac.jpg& donut.gif


PuddinsJoy, Pure Magic indeed. [With a few not-quite-so pure moments thrown into the mix. :whistling-1: ]

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I haven't posted in a while, and I figured some of y'all were missing my avatar. *g* Anyway, so, considering it's the last night of the tour, and we all know just how much Mr. Aiken loves himself some pranks, anyone want to make some predictions as to just how revved up the highjinks will be tonight? I can't imagine him not trying to retaliate a little bit for the handcuffs and the whip. Oh. Ahem. <takes a moment t/m jemock> All righty then; anybody else think it's going to be a wild time in the land of the mouse?

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Well, I do have something for our more creative people who need some money for tours win $10,000 by looking like an emoticon

I have to get back to work and stop finding stuff on the web - like these dog quotes

I wonder if other dogs think poodles are members of a weird religious cult.

-Rita Rudner

If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.

-Will Rogers

If your dog is fat, you aren't getting enough exercise.


If you think dogs can't count, try putting three dog biscuits in your

pocket and then give him only two of them.

-Phil Pastoret

Edited by playbiller
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I haven't posted in a while, and I figured some of y'all were missing my avatar. *g* Anyway, so, considering it's the last night of the tour, and we all know just how much Mr. Aiken loves himself some pranks, anyone want to make some predictions as to just how revved up the highjinks will be tonight? I can't imagine him not trying to retaliate a little bit for the handcuffs and the whip. Oh. Ahem. <takes a moment t/m jemock> All righty then; anybody else think it's going to be a wild time in the land of the mouse?

I do wonder about this...the times he had the orchestra there were no pranks. I wonder if Jesse and Sean will get something.

I do love naughty Clay....

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I haven't posted in a while, and I figured some of y'all were missing my avatar. *g* Anyway, so, considering it's the last night of the tour, and we all know just how much Mr. Aiken loves himself some pranks, anyone want to make some predictions as to just how revved up the highjinks will be tonight? I can't imagine him not trying to retaliate a little bit for the handcuffs and the whip. Oh. Ahem. <takes a moment t/m jemock> All righty then; anybody else think it's going to be a wild time in the land of the mouse?

Have I mentioned how much I love your avatar?? :whistling-1:

I think there'll definitely be tricks and games and laughter galore. Can't wait.

Oooo - just found a tidbit on CB, on this page.

Last nite at Kravis/WPB, I had the wonderful pleasure of sitting next to the songwriter who wrote the song "A Thousand Days" !! (too bad Clay didn't make mention of him being in the audience--- actually we were all sitting on the same row at Sean McDaniel's family.

It was the first time he's seen Clay perform "ATD" LIVE !! He (and his parents and agent were with him).

And Yippee ! He said that he is currently working on several original songs for Clay's upcoming album!! (I choose not to ask him about the producer for the new album; when Clay is ready, he will tell us...)

He said he really respects Clay and enjoys working with him! He did say that many of his fellow songwriter colleagues also feel the same!! YIPPEE

If anyone wants to check out his website (he gave it to me in case anyone was interested in seeing which other performers he has also written for!(CELINE DION, GLADY KNIGHT and more).. He's only 30 and I was very impressed!! He and his parents really enjoyed the show..

Christian Leuzzi at www.christianleuzzisongs.com/

Now as I recall Matt Bronlewee thought he'd have at least one song on the CD right up until the last minute, so this doesn't mean anything, but it's interesting. I've been wondering if they're going to use any of the songs considered for the last album, maybe rerecorded with a different "sound"???

Edited by jmh123
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I too think there will be SOME shenanigans tonight. With the orchestra, it could be interesting. On the other hand....this orchestra has been with them for the past three shows. They might be part of the plan too!

Interesting tidbit jmh. I wonder if he contacted Clay a few weeks ago and said he was going to be at this show....meaning that Clay had to put the song back in the show!! (Actually, I think ATD was out of the California shows because of the dry air there....)

I've got the Discovery Channel on in the background at the moment (I LURVE "Dirty Jobs") and they were advertising "Meerkat Manor" on Animal Planet. 2 fifteen second clips. The music behind the first? "Oooops I Did It Again." The second? "Sexy Back." I'm still giggling.

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Thank you for your very lovely post, puddinsjoy. The last concert of a tour is special to me, too. I can't help but look back with fondness at all the great moments.

The M&G reports are interesting. From early statements that fans should be prepared to wait a while for a new album, to allusions to developments which could preclude a summer tour, to this most recent comment that they were aiming for an early 2008 release, things certainly seem to be in flux. My thought is that perhaps he had thought it would be a struggle (and thus a long time) to get the label to approve all the new songs he wanted, but has since found the process to be smoother than anticipated. I do think he still has projects in development that he does not yet feel ready to discuss. Like others, I also think this early 2008 release is a goal and not a promise. (If a new album doesn't get out until fall, I expect the usual suspects to insist that it was deliberately delayed to screw him over.) However, if reports are to be believed, he is serious about getting an album out there.

Thanks for the report on Christian Leuzzi, jmh. As Ansa pointed out, it's far from guaranteed that his songs will actually make the album, but I do find it intriguing that he's writing for him.

And yes, I expect pranks all the way tonight. His humor seems to have been ramping up, lately. I can't wait to see what he does this evening.

OT: I've just started reading a novel entitled, "The Words of Every Song" by Liz Moore. It follows several characters involved in the music industry. From the back cover:

"There's the arrogantly hip twenty-six year old A&R man, the rising young singer-songwriter, the established, arena-filling rock star on the verge of a midlife crisis; the type-A female executive with the heavy social calendar; as other recognizable figures. Set in the sleek offices, high-tech recording studios, and grungy downtown clubs of New York, The Words of Every Song offers an authenticity drawn from Liz Moore's own experience and brings an insider's touch to its depiction of the music industry and its denizen."

Of course, it's always dangerous to assume that fictional depictions are an accurate portrayal of reality, but there are interesting passages that have an air of familiarity. For example, about Tom, the rock star:

When Tom is onstage, his mind wanders. He'll be in the middle of a song and suddenly thinking about dinner. Or about the girl in the front row with the shirt that says "I LOVE YOU TOMMY!" Or about his father.

And there are passages that may provide some insight, if based on reality. Here, Jax is the high level label executive. Theo is the A&R man. The Burn is an up and coming band.

He [Theo] needs the whole company to be on board to ensure the Burn's success... If Jax doesn't care about them--if she lets them fall into the abyss of bands Titan signs and forgets--they're doomed. Big labels tend to get behind only one or two new acts a year, and right now it looks like Lenore is monopolizing the attention of the highest-ups.

I just started the novel, but it's quite absorbing so far.

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Aw, Puddins, that was a lovely, schmoopie post. Thank you!

This is for Claygasm, at her request. Now, nobody steal it while she's gone! We don't need avatar wars again, LOL! CG, let me know if this doesn't work. Hopefully it will be the right size.



I had to make a screencap from Spooky's WPB GettingFatLetterBallsBanter clack. The video is quite aptly named, and not because of the 'fat' part. There's no rivet, but the view sure is riveting, anyway! :)


Edited by Gibby
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What a great review!! I particularly liked this:

Clay Aiken is kinda sorta sexy. I'll let you chew on that.

heee and

Our man was sometimes basically doing the backstroke in a fondue ocean breathing through a cheese straw.

oh hell I loved the whole damn thing.

everyone who made this long glorious summer extra special, most especially the eHP & minions (according to KAndre, that includes everyone who reads & posts here). Thanks for everything!!! Luvya!

Ah Scarlett..Let me tell you hon, you make me smile. All of ya'll do. I resisted minionhood for 3 years but I picked the right time to come on board. Also want to say that the cellcerts that the eHP did were extra special to me. Whether it was Solo's laugh or KAndre talking WAY too fast I always heard the excitement in your voices.

The long wait was IF he and RCA went round and round about what the album was going to be. Last word was they were on the same page and he had already submitted two songs that they accepted. Things change but I really don't think Clay would sacrifice excellence to get something out fast. Anyway, I still think it won't be until late 2008..just the way the beast usually is. The most important thing to me is not Clay's end of things but proper build up to get the word out about the album.

But hands off...these are my 3,000...you have to get your own... :wub:

heee I loved that too Jamar!!

Great Post Puddins... I'm sorry I missed out on last concert activities but as always concert Clay is IT for me. That's when he grabs me and holds me. And that's when he's sexy. And that's when he's most charming and disarming..and that's ..oh as long as he hits the road. I'll be right there.


my heart was in my chest so many times


I was spitting mad at the evil stupid men in charge


I let out a sigh of relief every time my hero escaped

Muski, when you called me tonight I was in the theater with the Bourne Ultimatum about to start. LOL. What did you think I was talking about. LOVED IT as I loved the two previous movies. I love Matt Damon. heee.

Oh and I won $120... which could have been 240..but I was down to my last dollar on my ticket so I played just the one coin instead of two...3 bars, 3 bars, triple cherry. YAY. I got up immediately, cashed in and went to the movies.

Anyway, miss you all.

eee just got a call from Muski..there is clack..so yay... can't wait to catch up when I get home.

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YAY for couchie winning money! And I just saw the first Bourne movie Friday night, and will be getting the next one in a week or so. Yeah, I'm behind in the times, what of it? Anyway, that was too funny woman!

PuddinsJoy....I tend to do the same thing you do....


Thank you Mary for being tour manager. I’m going to guess that the first few days of the tour probably weren’t the best for you (seems like I read something about an airplane?!?!), but in the end, you made it work. From what I can tell, you managed to keep an eye on Clay in regards to where he needed to be and when – which I would again guess is not an easy thing to do. Oh, and thank you for not providing all the words to TWYMMF the first night in Houston. *g*

Thank you Jamie for helping Clay look his best (or, according to some of the fans, most of the time). I’d especially like to thank you for the blue shirt/navy blue jacket/low, low jeans/black belt combination in Sterling Heights. Even though I did not see that one live, that outfit lives in my dreams. Gah. Also, IMO, I think his hair has been great….but you had a good subject to work with. Finally, thank you for traveling with Clay as a member of his family – his “real” family in this instance.

Thank you Tracy – yes you, the bus driver. You had a major job to do, getting Clay and company to each and every venue safe and sound. Thank you for doing it so well.

Thank you Fern. OK, so I’m not real happy with you because the sound in my section of the venue in Houston really was not good. But I’ll forgive you for making Clay sound so good many, many other times. Again, you’ve got a good subject to work with, but I know that your job was to do your best, and you succeeded. Oh, and if you could continue to provide Deep!Voiced!Clay! during the next tour, I’ll send you some home-baked cookies.

Thank you Jerome – I don’t think I can thank you enough, actually. First of all, I’m amazed and thrilled that you worked with the staff at so many of the venues, in order for the buslines to happen. For me, I was overjoyed that I got to see Clay up-close that one night – and my busline was early in the tour, when there were only maybe 200 of us to herd. The job toward the end of the tour must have been torture for you to organize, plan and oversee the security. I’m just grateful that the “skinny white redheaded kid” trusts you with his life. I’m sorry we didn’t get to hear you sing though – but I hear your skills as a tackle are pretty good. *g*

Thank you to the fans for 1) staying quiet during LAA; and 2) adding to the energy of the program. Sure, there are a few of you that I wish would have kept quiet (Tulsa springs to mind immediately), and those pesky tables in San Diego were definitely a problem. And yet…as Clay said every night, you’re the reason he does what he does. So, as frustrating as a fandom we can be sometimes, I’ve just got to offer a big HUG!

Thank you Sean. You were the “newbie” for the tour, and immediately gained a fan following. You also quickly gained a place in “the family” for being such a good sport regarding thrill park rides. I really think your drumming is fantastic too – and IMO you’re one cutie-patootie. BTW – did you like Harry Potter?

Thank you Jesse. You were, IMO, the musical “brains” behind this whole shebang. I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall at that first meeting between you and Clay, planning for this show. TV themes? SexyBack? Achy Breaky Heart? “Sure, bring it on,” (said through fits of laughter, I would guess…) Your arrangements on the two medleys were pure genius to me. The arrangements you did for the ATDW songs were also outstanding – improving on what was already pretty darn good to begin with. Finally, you worked tirelessly with many different orchestras. I’m an amateur musician, and I know how much fun rehearsal time can be (which is to say, not very). Thank you for working with them to make the music sound fantastic.

Thank you Angela and Quiana for being great comedic foils for Clay. I would bet that when you signed up for these back-up singer roles 3 years ago, you did not realize you would be integral parts of the Clay Aiken show. Your “teaching” Clay to be cool is some of the funniest stuff I’ve ever seen…and it was all done with a (mostly) straight face. Your actual back-up singing has been first-rate to me – adding a depth to his voice and striking a great balance with his vocals. And, my God….your solos. “When the Lights Go Down” was amazing every single night, and “Listen” is now no longer a Beyonce song to me. I can’t give you enough gratitude. (BTW – thank you Angela for agreeing with me that Clay has no butt, and thank you Quiana for attempting with Clay to cover for Angela on “Listen” that one night.)

And finally….

Thank you Clay Aiken. This whole summer for me has been one big thrill ride – a few ups and downs to be sure, but for the most part…I’ve never smiled, laughed, and thudded so much in my entire life. This was a show that proved, really proved, to me that you are an entertainer as much as a singer. I think I’ve known it for a while, but the proof came with this tour. Your talent and quick wit were evident every single night…not to mention your acting chops, which, during the “I’m not cool” schtick, became a highlight for me. I also truly appreciated your snark. Whether it be directed toward the fans, record labels, the radio industry, or yourself, it gave me so much enjoyment. And your voice! The passion in your singing was so palpable, even through the clack. There were just too many highlights for me: you knocked MOAM out of the park every night; LAA was simply sublime; and my favorite, BYLM, was so heartfelt. (I’m tearing up now thinking about how this song was a thank you to us…especially when so many of us are so grateful to you for what you’ve brought into our lives…) Thank you too for the new M&G format. The fans connected via the internet have learned so much about you through these M&G’s – even through “filters.”

Finally, though…just thank you for being you. It may be “uncool” to love you – but I’m proud to be your fan.

Love, ldyjocelyn

I know full well that the people thanked here will never read this…but a girl can dream, right?

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Ahhh that was great LdyJ...loved it..now I will go to bed with a smile on my face.

I think I've decided to go to Merrillville..so if you hear of extra tickets or have room in your car for extra body flying into Chicago... let me know. Maybe we can start a thread on plotting this one.

eeek one minute left LOL... night everyone

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Hey ldyJ that is so cool....

can I put it up on FCA...nice way to end the tour...

If anybody else want to post a thank you or end of tour message on the FCA website...just let me know

or I will just lift your post from here...hee

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my heart was in my chest so many times


I was spitting mad at the evil stupid men in charge


I let out a sigh of relief every time my hero escaped

Muski, when you called me tonight I was in the theater with the Bourne Ultimatum about to start. LOL. What did you think I was talking about. LOVED IT as I loved the two previous movies. I love Matt Damon. heee.

EEEEEEEEE! I saw Bourne Ultimatum last weekend, and LOVED it! Excellent movie. Yup, that amazing hero kept escaping.

So glad you're having a good time! And congrats on making, rather than losing, money. :)

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