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#17: The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.

Couch Tomato

Thread Title Poll  

70 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • .ni tif ot ecin os s'tI. driew adink lla er'uoy kniht I.
    • There's a soft rawness to his tone.
    • He has always had the VOICE! But, boy has he ever learned to use his instrument!
    • He's like a chameleon in a kaleidoscope.
    • Let Clay Aiken take you back.
    • I volunteer to polish his balls for him. I bet that would make his putter stand up on end.
    • Blog me Baby!!!
    • I am no-account cover lover.

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I'm very excited about Clay narrating. EEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!

I also agree with the post upthread that mentioned some people seem addicted to angst and I might add addicted to other self-serving things that have nothing to do with being a fan. I think some fell out of love with Clay a long time ago and are now addicted to board politics and games. It's been a long ,almost five years. Personally I care as much about Clay and his career as I did in the beginning. Maybe more. I love CA and I'm so proud of his successes. I've been here since the beginning and I don't see myself going anywhere, anytime soon.

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sees that merrieeee is trying to lure new minions fun people to lunch with...

Oh nooooo, the eHP is not at all evil! Not us! Don't know what you're talking about.... :whistling-1:

A lot of stuff in the fandom is not worth me knowing.

Odd as it might be, I really can't say the JBT was the best concert for me. I have had such incredible moments/memories/things I don't think were illegal but I'm not sure so I won't mention them at so many concerts and venues and parties...hell, I have a hard time picking my favorite venue from each concert series!

And the younger Clay still sounds so good to me!

I'm tired of working.

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I've never used the term 'bad fan' but I would sure use the words "destructive famewhore" and there are lots of those in this "fandom". Pity. As in "I pity them". Some people seem to have found their identity on the internet and for very few of them, is it a Positive identity.

OALN - Go "International team"!!! It's another day!! :)

bscap035.jpg HE rocks my socks!!! :hubbahubba:

Edited by canuck2010
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I don't think I could choose my favorite concert tour either. It's SOOOOO tough cuz I loved them all. If someone were pulling out my fingernails until I choose heh...I'd probably say JBT because it was 3 hours or more of just pure fun and I do believe Tears Run Dry is my favorite Clay song evah...well at this moment as I write this. heeee But I definitely just have phenomenal memories from every single tour.

I'm tired of working.

me too.

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I've never used the term 'bad fan' but I would sure use the words "destructive famewhore" and there are lots of those in this "fandom". Pity. As in "I pity them". Some people seem to have found their identity on the internet and for very few of them, it is a Positive identity.

OALN - Go "International team"!!! It's another day!! :)

bscap035.jpg HE rocks my socks!!! :hubbahubba:


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And the younger Clay still sounds so good to me!

Since you brought this up, for the past 2 days I've been listening to the demo recordings in my car, and still I sometimes gasp at how good his voice was, even then. It had probably been a year since I had played them, and I almost felt like I did when I heard them the first time. Sigh :wub:

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I've never used the term 'bad fan' but I would sure use the words "destructive famewhore"

:cryingwlaughter: This totally cracked me up, canooky. Somehow I think destructive famewhore would be more volatile than bad fan. Or maybe that's just me.

Grrrrrrr....I just found out that AI Rewind won't be shown here tomorrow afternoon, they're showing some damn baseball game instead. WTF? Does anyone really care about the Cubs vs. the Reds? I mean, if Clay were the other option? I'll have to wait until Sunday night to hear my bf. :(

Is the weather wreaking havoc with anyone else's sinuses? My head is so stopped up it's affecting my equilibrium.

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JBT was awesome, and I doubt we'll ever seen another one just like it. Couchie, I'm with you - I floved Tears Run Dry (and got to see it's debut from the fourth row in Toronto. GAH! Not sure we'll ever see that again, either.)

I think though, that this summer tour is my favorite so far. You see, I am no-account cover lover, and I love ATDW passionately. He sang songs I always dreamed about hearing him sing (Without You and Sorry). Incredible. And I got to see/hear/feel him sing them live! And then there was Measure of a Man. I'd drive/fly all those hours just to see/hear/feel him sing that one song. We got to see more of his humor, more of his personality, more of his humanity, (and thanks to some awesome camera work and ill-fitting t-shirts, more of his...er.... skin *drools*) than ever before. At least until the next one, DCAT is my favorite.

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I do believe Tears Run Dry is my favorite Clay song evah...well at this moment as I write this. heeee

Me too!

And now off to work which is definitely not my favorite. ( or is it favourite? waves to canuck)

Waves back atcha!!!! :) Favourite is definitely the "Queen's English" :)

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Scarlett (not self-righteous at all, but I know how you feel when you say that), atinal, jamar... Yep, yep, yep. Nice analogies.

I've never used the term 'bad fan' but I would sure use the words "destructive famewhore" and there are lots of those in this "fandom".

Heh, that works! :lol:

Luckily for the world, this kind of shit happens for every celebrity; we are neither unique nor particularly clever. Long after the Chexxxy's burn themselves out fighting for truth and justice (eyeroll), Clay Aiken will still be singin' his loverly little heart out.

There is no way I could pick a favorite tour. Favorite parts of each tour? Sure. How exciting was it looking for wherever Kyrie Clay was coming from during the IT? And the first time we realized Clay was singing WDC? I think it'd be easier to list the top 10 moments from all the shows. Heh, but I'll have to think about it and actually compile the list. Toronto TRD from row 2 was a personal favorite too!

I guess it's cheating if I use an entire montage, eh?


YouTube: Homeward Bound - MrsLoki

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Favourite tour? The latest one. Always. Heh. I'm so easy.

But I definitely have many highlights from each and every tour. I hope to never have to miss a tour. Although I am sooooo thankful that we have clack to remember them by.

And yeah, I'm not so sure we'll ever see a Toronto concert again, either. But I'm not completely giving up hope of it yet.

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ust to say something quickly, let me know if I am off base here - but ...

I understand boards that go private because of bandwidth issues, money is money. I understand about registered users - spam bots are out there. But a board that is so afraid and so paranoid that you need references to join - well, that is just not mature. Boards where people are banned because a few member had issues with them years ago, not arguments but being on a different side of a disagreement - that is not right (people and arguments change, normal people re-evaluate their beleifs all the time as facts come to light). Boards where stuff is sooper sekret - well, I think it is like boys with the playhouse keeping out girls and having secret meetings - sooo 12 year old.

A lot of people think it has to do with protectng information/Clay/something. But I see it as developing a pecking order. I have never been a fan of being a fan of a fan. I think of us all as people with different skills and sources and all able to contribute to the whole. For example, I know that Aspie girl does not post much, but she is a montage maker. each of us has the ability to contribute something unique. But between agendas and accumulating kudos for their fans, some of this gets warped and some try and reinvent themselves into some one they are not. Some people lie to do acheive recognition, other exaggerate, some decide to take on jobs that should not be filled and that they are not particualrly good at - i.e. identifying bad fans. Maybe I am sensitive because of the accusation a few days ago that I do not have Clay's good interests at heart in my posts.

I post my opinion in the open, on this board without secret places and secret things and I do get flack from people who read here but do not post here, although they really can register and post here as well. I use the same name on Clay boards except the ez board where most people know who I am anyway, but there is that stalker issue. the EZboard name was not deliberate, but initially a registration error, and now I prefer to keep it that way - see above stalker issue.


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See, this is just I'm-too-hot-for-my-own-ass, I-can-live-with-the-stubble foine!

Top 10 moments from all the shows? You ever think about doing anything easy, YSRN?

If I count all my personal eyefucks as one...hmmm....I may be able to get it down to twenty...

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Favourite tour? The latest one. Always. Heh. I'm so easy.

But I definitely have many highlights from each and every tour. I hope to never have to miss a tour. Although I am sooooo thankful that we have clack to remember them by.

And yeah, I'm not so sure we'll ever see a Toronto concert again, either. But I'm not completely giving up hope of it yet.

I missed the NAT, the JBT, JNT 1 & 3 - stooooopid - never doing that again if I can help it - tested the waters of being a "roadie" this summer, loved it, found out my family encouraged it. :clap:

WhooHoo!!! Totp!!!

Edited by canuck2010
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And the younger Clay still sounds so good to me!

Since you brought this up, for the past 2 days I've been listening to the demo recordings in my car, and still I sometimes gasp at how good his voice was, even then. It had probably been a year since I had played them, and I almost felt like I did when I heard them the first time. Sigh :wub:

Atinal..Sometimes it astounds me when he starts singing his part with the old NC group. The beautiful lower range just overpowers and sounds so mature but when you look at him singing it's like a "where did that voice come from" (tm Randy) moment. It's truly a voice like no other.

I love his old voice with the lower range but it's not as controlled as his voice today. Somewhere he said he's really an alto. In the first few seconds of All Is Well, that lower range comes out and the richness of the voice just gives me chills. I know most people like the high note but I'm in love with the low.

Someday when the name Clay Aiken is uttered, the response will be "what a beautiful voice" and the trash will be a thing of the past. :00000462:

canucky....I was going to color the GO USA with red white and blue but it was to much trouble. Ya think?

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KAndre is right - some things aren't worth knowing. Heee and Lovethatguy.. I consider anything back channel if I don't know about it cuz I'm on a Clay message boards every frickin' day. :cryingwlaughter: If it's out in the clean air, then I know about it. If I find out about it 9 months later (pun intended) ...back channel. Oh and if I hear..well if you knew what I knew you'd change your mind or most things with an unnamed source? you better believe 20 of their closest friends have told two friends and they've told two friends AKA back channel. :cryingwlaughter:

I am no-account cover lover

bwah..thread title?

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I've never used the term 'bad fan' but I would sure use the words "destructive famewhore"

:cryingwlaughter: This totally cracked me up, canooky. Somehow I think destructive famewhore would be more volatile than bad fan. Or maybe that's just me.

Grrrrrrr....I just found out that AI Rewind won't be shown here tomorrow afternoon, they're showing some damn baseball game instead. WTF? Does anyone really care about the Cubs vs. the Reds? I mean, if Clay were the other option? I'll have to wait until Sunday night to hear my bf. :(

Is the weather wreaking havoc with anyone else's sinuses? My head is so stopped up it's affecting my equilibrium.

Does that mean you can't sing today?

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