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#29: EEEEEEEEEEEE!!! It's really happening!

Couch Tomato

What should be the next thread title at FCA?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • Ah, nothing left but the finale - and Clay's incredible career.
    • I am so obsessed. He's altered my DNA. I'm sure of it.
    • Hold on...you're going on a great and long ride!
    • I'd go with Godzilla if it meant I could see Clay even one more time in Spamalot.
    • Yes I'm babbling. What can I say? He makes me happy.
    • Clay has the vitality of the Energizer bunny...
    • Just the Clay parts first. His parts are FINE as WINE and all move..... varra varra nicely!
    • He loves us as we love him--unconditionally.
    • Today's Clay is hawt, polished, multi-faceted...
    • Faith has conquered fear...on my way here!
    • The man is a magnet. A super magnet.
    • Clay will always be Clayton, too.
    • I want it all and I want it now!
    • He is going to kill us all.
    • Can I move to ClayAikenville?
    • Whenever, wherever, I'll be there.

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It sounds real... you can feel it. His voice is strong and I love the way he sings "here" in a couple of places. GAH! Not your typical Clay Aiken sound... no bombastic big notes in this one. Love the piano and drums part! Last part is great!

Couchie... Did you go to music.aol.com then to the popeaters tab?

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Couchie, did you did you see the gray and orange bar beside Clay's picture above the slide show (on the popeater site)? Try clicking on the pause/play button a couple of times. It didn't play for me right away until I clicked that button a couple of times.
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It takes awhile to load. And make sure the volume on the player isn't all the way down. Mine was.

I clicked on the pause/play button several times and turned the volume up and there is was!

Ok, this isn't really AOL First LIsten, is it. I never heard of this off shoot site. Do you think it will be up at the real First Listen site?

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It takes a longtime to load. don't keep refreshing, give it some time and then click the pause and then the play after a few mintues.

Heh, oh, yeah, the volume onmine was down as well, but you can see by the orange bar if it is playing.

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So, Scarlett, do you like it or something?


From Dudley over at CV:

Actually, the way the AOL Music site has evolved, most of the big stuff has been happening on Popeater. That's the sort of all-purpose music news/events site that gets most of the feature stuff, as far as I know. That's certainly where I was expecting to see the song premiere.

And the cool thing about popeater is that Clay's gorgeous voice isn't interrupted by some stupid 'first listen' announcement.

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So Scarlett, did you like it??? :cryingwlaughter:

This isn't as slow a ballad as I first thought it would be. More the tempo of TRD.

I don't see it having a chance on the radio if for no other reason than its long! I do wish they had skipped the strings. At times I feel he's competing with them, but its a rare to find a song these days where that doesn't happen.

I love it, but no one is going to say "That's Clay Aiken?"! This is patented Clay Aiken - gorgeous voice, pretty ballad, soaring vocals.

Maybe that's why I like it. It is most definitely Clay Aiken!

Couchie - did you get it to work?

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Couchie, did you did you see the gray and orange bar beside Clay's picture above the slide show (on the popeater site)? Try clicking on the pause/play button a couple of times. It didn't play for me right away until I clicked that button a couple of times.

OK I pulled up the hated IE and it worked on there. Mozilla let me down,,can't believe it.

eeeeeeeeeee new music from Clay. I have to hear it again but on first listen I liked it. I like strings so that doesn't bother me. Production was really good...

CG agree with you about that being Clay Aiken. Yep that's him. eeeeeeeeeeeeeee And they can always do a radio cut to shorten the song if they're going to do it although I honestly have no idea if this fits any format. Of course I don't care about that but I know a lot do.

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It won't play for me. I get a pop up message saying the clip is unavailable in my area. I've been clicking on Pause and Play for a good half hour now and nothing is happening......except I'm beginning to get a little frustrated! I can't believe this.....even Neurox worked for me back in the day. I'm not used to being denied....somebody hold me.....please.


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Hugs and twirls Gibby!!!! Yerrssssss!!! And then Han said.... get off the phone and put on the good headphones.... Eeeeeeeeing even more!!!

Hugs and twirls, indeed! :ura:

Good speakers make a huge difference.

I think this song could be a hit, if it's released in the right way. But even if it's not, it's a wonderful gift from Clay to us!

Glad you got to hear it, Couchie!

I'm sorry you can't hear it, Kareneh - :shrug:

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do we have the lyrics for this one?

I think this song could be a hit, if it's released in the right way. But even if it's not, it's a wonderful gift from Clay to us!

Glad you got to hear it, Couchie!

I'm sorry you can't hear it, Kareneh - :shrug:

ah Kareneh...so sorry...But you know Clay Nation..we'll get it to you as soon as we can.

I hope you're right Gibby!!

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I didn't have to allow pop-ups to hear the song, but a few people at other boards are saying that they had to allow pop-ups to hear it. Just an idea for those still having trouble hearing it.

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The more I listen the more I love it. Now I know why he said go for the best music and if radio likes it, great. It starts out too soft and slow for radio, IMO. I thought the same of ATD. The mid and end are a great tempo. Since AI he has loved the "start out slow and end big" songs. I do, too, but radio... not so much!

I think Clay is going for those who truly love good music, as he does. There really are a lot of those out there. I would think AC would love this one. Crosses fingers!!!

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The thing that got me most was the emotion..I could really hear it in his voice. I could really tell that this song spoke to him.


You know the chorus is a bit of an earworm. I like it more the more I hear it.

Clay is truly my music anomaly because this is not what I usually like!

Where is muski? I want her to hear this!

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Ask and you shall receive....

On My Way Here

I took my first step

On that black and white kitchen floor

I sometimes wonder if that house

Is even there, anymore

I had my first glimpse of love

When I was five

I watched two people split apart

But still the three of us survived

I’ve seen the best

I’ve seen the worst

I wouldn’t change what I’ve been through

I’ve touched the sky

I’ve hit the wall

But I did what I had to



On my way here

Where I am now

I’ve learned to fly

I have to want to leave the ground

I’ve fallen hard

But I’ve been loved

And in the end it all works out

My faith has conquered fear

On my way here.

Oh yeah yeaaah

My address has changed

Almost every year

I've found that standing still

Can quickly make a lifetime disappear

I'd rather try and fail

A thousand times denied

And this, whenever you feel pain

It lets you know that you’re alive

I’ve been a fool

I’ve been afraid

Yeah, I’ve been loved

I've been lied to

I've been wrong

And I've been right

I stood up when I had to

Yeah Yeahhhh

On my way here

Where I am now

I’ve learned to fly

I have to want to leave the ground

I’ve fallen hard

But I’ve been loved

And in the end it all works out

My faith has conquered fear

On my way here.

No guarantees

I believed that I would find

An open door or a light

To lead me to the other side

I guess that is why

On my way here

Where I am now

I’ve learned to fly

I have to want to leave the ground

I’ve fallen hard

But I‘ve been loved

And in the end it all works out

My faith has conquered fear

On my way here



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