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All the little birdies on Aiken Street love to hear the Robin goin' tweet-tweet-tweet


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February 20

There are a LOT of folks on this stage! Who is that at the end? ;-)yfrog.us/jljsgz


This is the seventh person in this Carnegie Hall choir who has wanted@Backeys autograph.#youbetterworkbenpic.twitter.com/OAoaoTIj


A twitter exchange:

Jacqueline @monidol

@hollyrpeete Were you the one that finally convinced @clayaiken to participate in the #CelebrityApprentice ? If yes, Thank You so much smile.gif

Holly Robinson Peete @hollyrpeete

@monidol @clayaiken #CelebrityApprentice I did my part! Xoxo

Clay Aiken @clayaiken

"@hollyrpeete: @monidol @clayaiken #CelebrityApprentice I did my part! Xoxo" pretty much!

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February 21

Twitter exchange:

AMemoryWorthMaking @MemoryCakes

@ClayAiken We'll be glad to make you a fantastic celebration cake when you win it all on Celebrity Apprentice! ;o) Show 'em how NC'ers roll!

A Memory Worth Making is a cake company based in Raleigh. Clay replied:

@MemoryCakes I'll keep my fingers crossed and I'll hold you to it. :-)

The cake company followed up with:

It will be our pleasure! Good always rises to the top. Talk with you again when YOU WIN IT ALL! ;o)


Dee Snider tweeted:

In studio with @clayaiken. He is KICKIN' ASS!

And Clay provided the evidence!

The odd couple... Together at last! Ha ha @deesnider#DeeDoesBroadwaypic.twitter.com/O2yEMZrE


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February 22

fyeahclayaiken tweeted:

I'd love to see @clayaiken and@DonaldJTrumpJr have a political debate on Twitter. Both are so smart and informed. #NerdishFantasies

Clay replied:

Why would anyone assume we'd disagree!? ;-) "@DonaldJTrumpJr: BRING IT! wink.gif@fyeahclayaiken:@clayaiken have a political debate on Twitter."
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February 26

Very few surprises this year on the Academy Awards. So, record them and watch #celebapprentice instead. Lots more excitement! 9/8c on #NBC

In case you missed last week#celebapprentice week 1 recap starts right now on #NBC

"@ArsenioOFFICIAL: Hey. When & where can "A-MATES" :-) find your#CelebrityApprentice blog?"NBC.com right after the ep airs

Five minutes until east coasters change the channel away from the Academy Awards and on to#celebapprentice

Last week we saw a classy ear dig. This week, look for me chewing my fingers like the classy man I am!#CelebrityApprentice

Victoria is about to show tre colors on #CelebrityApprentice
@pennjillette was an incredible leader. B4 we even made it to the venue he had everything planned and tasks delegates to us all. Amazing!

BTW, 15 minutes later, Penn tweeted this:

@clayaiken Thanks man. We sure worked well together on that one.
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February 26 (continued)

Clay retweeted this one:

@clayaiken Victoria doesn't scare me, I want to stay on@LisaLampanelli's good side!!! ;-)#CelebApprentice

Wow @LisaLampanelli ... You forget to take your lithium?? ;-)

BTW, Lisa replied:

@clayaiken YES!!! Now make sure not to forget to take your AZT! Just kidding!

Ready to find out the truth about@Teresa_Giudice boobs?? Here it comes!

And there it is! #classyfingernailbite

But @LisaLampanelli what do you use to cover your right love handle? ;-)

Lisa replied:

@clayaiken Two messenger bags! One for each of my love handles.#MuffinTop

Not always good at hiding emotion from my face. Never more evident than when George walks n n costume. Watch 4 it!#favoritemomentofthenight

LOL "@LisaLampanelli: YES!!! Now make sure not to forget to take your AZT! Just kidding!"

Not allowed to sing any songs that are copyrighted. So, prepare for some quality "ahhhh" sounds!

I got scared just re-watching it!! "@DonaldJTrumpJr: more pressure and @LouFerrigno may have really popped @clayaiken's head off there!!!"

February 26 (continued)

Victoria is playing nice now, but@LisaLampanelli better b prepared 2 FIGHT her soon! It won't stay pretty. Let's see who's got more fight!

Check my blog on the NBC website after the show to learn the classy way @pennjillette softened the blow of the boardroom for#TeamUnanimous

Penn replied:

@clayaiken Thanks man.

Wow @LouFerrigno certainly doesn't hold back. He gives 110% in the tasks and 110% in the boardroom too!!

My girl @LisaLampanelli will do or say ANYTHING to stay in the game! That's passion!! Hope it's enough!

I have a lot of respect for@AubreyODay Showed my ass 2nite by saying something stupid 2 try 2 get laugh. I love Aubrey and apologize!

Mountain and West Coasters: be sure to watch @jimmykimmel tonight and see if you can pick out one of my pal @DebbieGibson hit songs!!
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February 27

Why hasn't @Southland_TNT won 50 Emmy Awards?? SOOO good!! Love @ReginaKing & convinced John Wells can do no wrong!!

Yo @ArsenioOFFICIAL &@DonaldJTrumpJr A submission 4 next #celebapprentice cast: Sean Young! Who would u pair her with?ow.ly/9k3ih

And then Clay retweeted this:

Adam B @nabalab4m@clayaiken Good luck this season! Wife & I are routing for you. Got married on 04/04/04 - "This is the Night" was our wedding song!

Lisa Lampanelli tweeted:

Going to see @MammaMiaMusicaltonite with @VictoriaDiaz. Afterwards, I may be gayer than@clayaiken's asshole!

Clay tweeted back:

Hey @LisaLampanelli - u need 2 make some new gay friends! The Clay Aiken & @GeorgeTakei jokes are getting more stale than ur vagina! ;-)

And then, Clay retweeted Lisa's reply:

@clayaiken I know! I'll have to use Ryan seacrest instead! Love u!!!
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February 28 (early morning hours)

Lisa tweeted:

Hey, @GeorgeTakei & @clayaiken, don't u love how ppl r trying to make trouble between us? If they only knew what good friends we r!#NoDrama

Clay tweeted back:

They'll learn! :-) RT "@LisaLampanelli: Hey, @clayaiken, ppl r trying to make trouble between us? If they only knew what good friends we r!"

OMG she wud LUV u! U cud MD 4 her! "@MichaelOrland:@LisaLampanelli Okay Clay, i AM going 2 have 2 meet Lisa next time we n the same city."

MD = Musical Director

@clayaiken Getting a response from you would fulfill a dream I've had since I was 10 years old. That's 10 solid years of loving you.

And then, late at night same day:

@wandacleo:Do U do confession on#CelebApprentice during event or after?” the 1s where we are sitting in studio r after task b4 boardroom.
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March 3

@GeorgeTakei: Trump has accepted my invitation 2 hear me out on same-sex marriage. Hope I can change his mind! #OneStateOnePersonAtaTime
@ArsenioOFFICIAL: @clayaiken --> Big game tonight down your way. Duke v Heels! U watching? #tobaccoroadrage” Of course, it's required here!
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March 4

Clay retweeted this:

Shani @shanixshani11h@clayaiken is preeettttttyy awesome/hilarious on celebrity apprentice.

And then this, originally posted by Lisa Lampanelli:

@VFfishhead Yes! I'll be on Howard 101 from 7 to 8 p.m. EST on Monday, 3/5 with my guests@DonaldJTrumpJr & @clayaiken. Can't wait !

Spend last Sun night watching Oscars & miss #celebapprentice ? Catch a recap of last wk at 8pm on NBC Then catch an all new ep at 9/8c

ha ha ha! You'll be so drunk!! Ha ha RT "@deesnider: Let's play the 110% drinking game! #CelebrityApprentice"

#celebapprentice begins in half hour (9/8c) on NBC! Tension and drama is on full display tonight!

Mountain, west coasters, Hawaiians and Alaskans... Turn your alerts off... I'll be tweeting during#CelebrityApprentice starting now on NBC

Tonight's #classymoveofthenight to look out for: world's largest and gayest eye roll. Pay close attention!#CelebrityApprentice starts now

I LOVE @pennjillette s charity@OppVillageLV What an incredible organization. Check them out. If they can make Penn cry, then they will u 2

Love that once I call folks out for choosing me b/c I'm gay, the men immediately turn to @GeorgeTakeiinstead. Talk about missing the point

We had very clear instructions written on papers in front of us. It isn't tough to read "2 windows"!!
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March 4 (Continued)

I wanted 2 reach out 2@IvankaTrump & @DonaldJTrumpJrmom Ivana 2 have her n window. Was vetoed. She couldn't have voted against her mom!

Seeing @OCChoppers in only a pair of boots, underwear and socks might be a bit scary to me!

Interesting point... The tan coat that I am wearing was picked out for me by none other than Mr Fashion,@ArsenioOFFICIAL

Did that commercial just say "Need a Ruben now"?!?!#CelebrityApprentice is my show,@RubenStuddard ... At least let me have this one!! ;-)

Passive aggression is my mantra/strategy for this particular task.

the fact that I'm full of shit helps! Ha ha RT "@EricTrump: Honestly, it's hard not to smile when you're talking to @clayaiken."

It will eventually become plain old aggression.

I still have no idea what Forte's concept is!

That Ivanka Trump sign was amazing. @OCChoppers can make anything.

Get ready for the look on@michaelandretti face!!

Here it comes

@EricTrump Don't be jealous that gay guys get to stick our hands up women's shirts like that with no issue! ;-)

When we come back after commercial... @GeorgeTakeiapparently has a stroke!
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March 4 (Continued)

Did @GeorgeTakei just have a stroke while talking to @IvankaTrump ?!?! ;-) My name is Clay! ;-)

Flowers?!?!? Suck ups!! ;-)Nice touch ladies! :-)

Clay retweeted this from triple_r73:

"@DonaldJTrumpJr: Quote of the wk QOTW @clayaiken You can work yourself into a job or out of a job. George gave away his authority"

. @ArsenioOFFICIAL and I were both wearing the underwear!"@clayaikenThe guys had a disadvantage. Couldn't wear @IvankaTrump clothing line"

It's never smart to talk bad about your project manager b4 you know if your team has won or lost. Don't wanna make them mad.

But... That didn't work out for me! Thanks for selling me out@EricTrump #footinmouth

Crap! Ha ha RT "@DonaldJTrumpJr: Ouch!!! @clayaiken busted throwing someone under the bus behind his back."

All the Trumps are ganging up on me 2nite! RT "@IvankaTrump:@clayaiken the politician?? no!#CelebApprentice" @EricTrump@DonaldJTrumpJr

I can handle myself. TRUST RT "@DebraDunn1: @clayaiken If you get called back n2 board room u know how many pissed off fans u will have?"

Thanks @EricTrump I did sit there very nicely! Ha ha

Big thanks to @AllyCarr313 and her sister, Jennifer, for volunteering their time to be our red-headed twins in the window!

Check out my blog on NBC.comafter the show to find out the real truth behind the trench coat!!!

That's a good way to become an alcoholic RT "@DonaldJTrumpJr: New drinking game: a shot for every time Lou tells us he gives 110%."

Yes, I am. Are you asking me out? "@jturner_93: @clayaiken your a homo"

@DonaldJTrumpJr If he stays in the game much longer, he may be the cause of a lot of failed livers!
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March 5

This one is from someone called TaylorGirl, which Clay retweeted:

@ArsenioOFFICIAL @clayaiken OK - When are you two going to get a talk show together? Would be a ratings winner!

Another retweet, this one originally from Lisa L.:

Hey @clayaiken! Can't wait to talk to you today on Howard 101 at 7 EST! We're gonna dish, beyotch!

Another retweet, this one originally from someone named David Rando:

@clayaiken years ago I wasn't a fan, but you've grown on me, hope you and @adamcarolla go far
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March 11

30 minutes away from#celebapprentice on #NBC Don't miss tonight's excitement. 9/8 c

Here it comes! Tonight's "classy moment" is a verbal one. Listen for it right after out #UnanimousVeranopresentation. #celebapprentice

If you don't have the#celebapprentice app for your phone... it's TOTALLY worth getting!goo.gl/3tMX6

.@adamcarolla has studio n LA 4 his podcast and other ventures. It's FILLED with cars and mechanical stuff. I thought he was perfect 2 lead.

Isn't it convenient that @LouFerrignois even wearing a green shirt?

Hey @deesnider it takes me a LONG time to grow facial hair... I have to hold on to it when it come in!! ha ha

And, @deesnider what we should be more worried about is that zit on my neck! It is getting to be as large as@LouFerrigno arms

I hope @DebbieGibson doesn't stop that far past stop signs when she drives in public!

I swear I was trying to think of something different to talk about@adamcarolla listening... but thats all that came out!

That's true! "Everybody LOVES Lou Ferrigno!" ;-) ... You don't need to TELL us @LouFerrigno ;-)

Tweet from Aubrey:

Awe man, imma take a beating for the 'cool van' comment. I hate cool kids.. anyone that's a true fan of mine knows that! It was a joke!

Clay's reply:

@AubreyODay Thats not all you're gonna take a beating for n 2nites episode! @DebbieGibson fans are gonna be mad in 10 seconds

I've got a feeling @AubreyODay is gonna get another dig in at Debbie before the night's over.#breakingthe4thwall

@ILive4nCauseofU She may, but@AubreyODay has a BRAIN on her, no doubt!

if you do, you'll have liver failure tonight! RT @DonaldJTrumpJr@clayaiken @LouFerrigno Are we playing the 110% drinking game tonight!!

The Buick Verona???? My only guess is that @AubreyODay is a big fan of Shakespeare#unanimousverano

When u hear tonight's#classyclaymoment on#celebapprentice text CLAY to 50555 to donate $10 2 National Inclusion Project & @includingkids

Those #UnanimousVerona brochures were designed by @deesnider & I. Check out inclusionproject.org 2 learn how u can own 1 signed by all of us


Tweet from hrstump:

@clayaiken Tuning in to end of#celebapp to see Clay, & it kills me to support anything Trump-related...#GoClay

Clay's reply:

@hrstump You'd be surprised 2 find out how incredibly down2earth and gracious he is. Pleasantly surprised me too. He's actually a great guy.

Here it comes.. When u hear tonight's #classyclaymoment text CLAY to 50555 to donate $10 to National Inclusion Project and@includingkids

For the presentation. @adamcarollaKILLED it.. he was so good! RT@arkyUK1 ha. For Adam or the presentation?,,,, lol. Classy smile.gif

I get to sit down in the boardroom!!!! Yippee!!

Three retweets from Clay:

@clayaiken Also that#classyclaymoment is worth way more than $10. I'll be making a more sizable donation.

Honestly @clayaiken is one of my favorite artists of all times so I'm loving that he's on apprentice

It is decided by producers. We sit where we are told. RT@srqsweetheart How is that decided?

If you missed tonights#classyclaymoment you should still text CLAY to 50555 to make a $10 donation to @includingkids

In solidarity with @adamcarolla s confidence, lets get#UnanimousVerano to trend tonight!

I think the opposite of "decisive" is "indecisive" @AubreyODay ;-) The board room gets us all tongue tied!

Translation to @IvankaTrumpstatement: " @Teresa_Giudiceyou're not as crazy as I thought you were!";-)

Way to try to stir the turd@DonaldJTrumpJr ... tell her to fight NOW!!! ha ha

She's actually not at all!! RT@Kath_n_NY @IvankaTrump@Teresa_Giudice oh but she is bat shit crazy !! LOL!!!

Only 27 people!?? Y'all can do better! RT @includingkids $270 raised tonight. 16,000+ followers could fund 16+ camps! Text CLAY to 50555

So he can hear. RT @kazzany yay! why does lou always sit next to the pm?
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March 11 (Continued)

Gotta say... @LisaLampanelli wasn't the only person saying "Are you kidding me?"

Don Jr. replied to Clay's earlier tweet. Here is Clay's reply:

Better than anyone else! RT@DonaldJTrumpJr R u saying I would do such things??? wink.gif " Way to try to stir the turd. tell her to fight NOW!!!"

Better than anyone else! RT@DonaldJTrumpJr R u saying I would do such things??? wink.gif " Way to try to stir the turd. tell her to fight NOW!!!"

All the more reason to REALLY get#UnanimousVerano trending tonight!

I had a "heckle" in the presentation referring to the car's handling, but it got edited out. @deesnider and I also were the tech directors

Keeping my mouth shut unless asked to speak RT @ToriKoehlLooks like you're zoning out n the board room? Or just really not paying attention

They'll get it up this week. RT@KnotSoFast Can't find anything on NIP website re: how to "win" a signed brochure. @includingkids

MANY areas!!!!

Just you wait! Nxt wk! RT@BriAbbyMatt Hope @clayaikendoes something soon, feel like I'm wasting 2 hrs every Sun ngt. He's barely speaking

Apparently he does! RT@broadcast_britt do you think Adam should take ALL the heat?! you guys did an amazing job...im so confused!!!

Oh crap. I hope I didn't just piss off the Hulk! Love @LouFerrigno :-)

Tough love! RT @toni1991 Aw Snap@clayaiken put the shut down on The Hulk. Learning Curve over home pickle!!

From Don Jr.:

Ill promote the celebrity cage match "@clayaiken: Oh crap. I hope I didn't just piss off the Hulk! Love@LouFerrigno :-)"

I can take him! ;-) RT@DonaldJTrumpJr @LouFerrigno Ill promote the celebrity cage match "Oh crap. I hope I didn't just piss off the Hulk!"

Make NO MISTAKE @LouFerrigno is 1 of my favorites on the show. Anything I said 2 him that sounded mean was tough love & only 2b supportive!

Smarter than running my mouth just for the sake of talking. RT@bee_healthy why do you not speak very much in the boardroom?

The best part of tonights episode of#CelebApprentice may be the preview for next week. Stay tuned and don't miss it!!!
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March 14

From Quiana Parler:

I love @GayleKing on CBS. Thnks @clayaiken for encouraging me 2 watch her. Wish I would have completed my Mass Comm. degree. #blackwomenrock

In which Clay replied:

Told you! @qparler @CBSThisMorning is incredible! @gayleking

Two more retweets. First from a guy named Oliver:

my roomate won the coin toss & we're watching @clayaiken on Celeb Apprentice over Downton Abbey again, sorry Clay!

And then one from Jessica:

You know someone is a keeper when I introduce him to @jax5230 and @Conehead76 and he sticks around when we talk about @clayaiken #stalkers

Just got 1st box of #Steadfast My latest album, out March 26th Preorder a copy now! goo.gl/wNAxhpic.twitter.com/vtWsn1lN


Just watched Game Change on HBO. Totally humanized @

SarahPalinUSA Sorta made me like her. NOT agree with her at all... but like her a bit.

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March 18

This awful story needs to be heard by more people. goo.gl/P4GfF Read it and sign this petition: goo.gl/l58HGand RETWEET

The Curious Case of Trayvon Martin

Link for petition

He retweeted this from Teresa Guidici:

Who do you think goes cray-cray this week (besides @clayaiken ...)?#justkidding #kindof #notreally

Not all rumors are true! A matter of perspective. RT "@mikeschymanski: The rumors r that tonight on#celebapprentice@clayaiken goes crazy."

Here we go folks! 2nite's#classyclaymoment comes n the form of incredible dance moves by me!! Watch 4 it & text CLAY to 50555 when u c it.

Bless their hearts... but that was the most boring "charity segment" ever! What are they just sitting in a hotel lobby for?

Keep your ears peeled... Ms@AubreyODay is about to have a bit of trouble guessing ages!

Nah! She's just feisty! RT @LettieMN@AubreyODay is a beyotch!

Wait a second!! Did @AubreyODayjust say something nice about@DebbieGibson ???? What is happening in my world!?
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March 18 (continued):

Spend week listening 2 her @ u might go gay! Right @LisaLampanelli? RT @kingodawg come on Clay,b honest, Dayana couldn't turn u on2 women?

So nice of Penn to educate a grown ass man like he's an idiot! :-/

It's coming... starting to boil!


A retweet by Clay from Teresa:

Go @clayaiken ! I totally agree with him!!!

A retweet from a guy named youmakemecrawl:

I never thought I'd be such a huge fan of @clayaiken. Great guy.

Another retweet from SecretofLife:

@clayaiken Penn is totally wrong re: brainstorming. It's supposed to be open with no judgement. Goal is to get several ideas.

Dear @pennjillette there IS another way. Brainstorming should be open and without judgment! Thanks@SecretOfLife

Retweet from RachelFoxy:

@clayaiken Just moved up even farther on my Celeb Apprentice bracket smile.gif

Retweet from JohnPaulAllen:

@Teresa_Giudice @clayaiken@LouFerrigno agree - Clay's a good guy

Yes, Penn. That's what grown men do... pout! Way to go!

A reply to Dee Snider:

AND full of shit! ;-) RT Hes a good guy. RT @LloydFraser @deesniderPenn seemed like a great guy ,,is he really like that or full of shit?

Stay tuned. I TRY! RT @chasandpegdid you and Penn work it out?

Ladies... do you think whispering is gonna keep those HUGE microphones from hearing you!?! ;-)

Here it comes!

Just so we are clear.. I can do the same thing with my pecs@LouFerrigno HA HA


I am sure it took producers hours to find a take where I didn't drop the mop or fall on my ass!

Retweet from Jasmine:

I am loving @clayaiken on this episode! #CelebApprentice
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March 18 (continued):

Ooohh.. "speak with their face!!" i LOVE it! @LisaLampanelli forgot to take her lithium again!! ;-)

When you tell me what you "think" I mean.. as if I couldn't express myself correctly... isn't that condescending!?

That was the MOST awkward conversation I have EVER endured in my life. It included a full four minutes of silence at the end!
B sure 2 check out my blog onNBC.com after 2nites show 2 find out what unbelievable thing happened the conversation ended

From a twitter user OneDimpleLess, who seems to have known Clay in North Carolina:

@clayaiken hey buddy remember me?

Clay's reply:

@OneDimpleLess OMG! Of course I do! you make me feel so old! How old are you now!?

And again a reply:

@clayaiken I'm 20 almost 21. it's been forever. I have wondered how to get in touch with you. It's pretty cool to be tweeting someone famous

Not every. Penn is hella smart/talented RT @meganratkinson@pennjillette My @clayaiken blows u out of the water n every aspect imaginable!

Retweet from GCTerry:

I was on team @adamcarolla, now I'm on team @clayaiken#celebrityapprentice

I can't believe it took over an hour for someone to ask that!! ha ha RT@LettieMN What's your number?

You'll see in a sec RT@SillyLoveBirds what were you thinking during this board room? seems pretty tense!!

Retweet from shanakoshka:

@clayaiken Omg, I was flipping channels & saw you on Celebrity Apprentice. I kept it on and I'm hooked! Never watched it before. Missed you!

Stay with us!! RT@itsthemizz@KChenoweth this#CelebApprentice epi is good, convince me why iNeed 2 switch over 2 #GCB! #teamClay #dilemma
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March 18 (continued):

NEVER! It was an edit! RT@chelseaassaf Did @clayaiken just willingly speak up in the boardroom without being asked?!#CelebrityApprentice

I believe @deesnider just cosigned me. Can I get an amen@ArsenioOFFICIAL ?

Next week RT @MerleChloe Are you going to sing sometime?

@OneDimpleLess check your direct messages

@OneDimpleLess upper right hand corner.. the silhouette

He's not talking about me. RT@dj2001 Penn is claiming he was hit and yelled at. Is that true?

I didn't think @AubreyODay could be embarrassed!! ;-)

It's getting religious in the#teamunanimous war room!! I think I know what @ArsenioOFFICIAL is praying for!

Say what you will @TiaCarrere is a classy lady!

Quite a few mates make cameos in next week's #celebapprentice . Tune in to see if I ever take off my coat.#nyciscoldasshit


Yes. It's the battle of the gingers! RT@KnotSoFast @AubreyODay Are you two Project Managers next week?

Retweet from shagadelic1:

@DonaldJTrumpJr @clayaiken has the biggest balls for standing up to@pennjillette not sure how he can walk around or find pants!

Wait til you hear what I say next week!!! RT @amymariejoe Couple weeks ago I didn't like the comment you made about @AubreyODay.
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March 18

Several retweets from Clay. The first, from Potter_SD from England:

@clayaiken Im from UK, so (no offence) had no idea who u were b4 this show. Im also a huge Penn fan, but I have great respect for you now!

From requestion:

@clayaiken is pure gold. Who is this hilarious guy!? Not the one my 12yo self fell for - the 21yo me is pleased. For old time's sake: #clyan

Finally, LianeKay

@clayaiken I admire and respect you more after watching#CelebrityApprentice last night. Goodluck in the coming challenges
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March 19

Retweet from uwleah:

I love @clayaiken even more on #celebapprentice than on #idol - way to #kickass!

Retweet from yesberyl:

loving you on celebrity apprentice .. #suchheart and I love how you still see yourself as your mommas son @clayaiken

Retweet from SciaccaTweets:

I was not a big @clayaiken fan before this weeks#CelebrityApprentice but totally respected how he stood up for himself and Lou. (fist bump)

Retweet from deblvo:

@clayaiken awesome job on #CelebApprentice way to be positive & stand up for what's right. Im a new fan.

Retweet from moniqueharr:

@clayaiken I watched some of CA last night (haven't watched all season). I must say... You were impressive!!

From Clay:

We have. RT "@tobeywan02: @pennjillette @clayaiken I respect you both. I hope you have decided to agree to disagree."

Retweet from Yo_Momma_79:

Never paid too much attention to @clayaiken before Celeb Apprent, but I'm a fan now. He's upfront, and funny!

Retweet from Songbird1722:

@clayaiken u are an incredible person! So glad I'm getting to see u each week.You are making new fans based on who you are and that rocks!!

From Clay:

Matter of perspective. What 1 calls a hit, another calls tough guy greeting RT "@slkasper: is it true that @LouFerrigno hit@pennjillette?"

Retweet from whereisroger:

I'm gonna mop the floor with you! - well, I guess i'd have to admit the fact that @clayaiken has been a great player

Retweet from heatherliberio:

@clayaiken your such a sweetheart! Catching up on my#CELEBRITYAPPRENTICE today

From Clay:

I LOVE @Rosie and can't wait to see what incredible thing she does next!!
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