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#69: @clayaiken is my new favorite politician. He is so dreamy!


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The tweet did not sound good!


There is news on a private board that he was in a work related accident. I don't feel comfortable saying any more on main.  There's more  in the members only section.  

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Happy Thanksgiving to everyone here at FCA!  I hope the day is enjoyable for one and all.  Blessings to you all...

Pulled pork in the crock pot for me and hubby today -- family is coming Saturday, so that's when the turkey will be done!

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Thanksgiving is now over at our house!  We had my brother and his wife, their youngest son with his wife and 1 1/2 year old son, another nephew, and a niece with a husband and 3 kids -- 13 people in all counting my husband and I!  I made the turkey (roasted yesterday), ham, and mashed potatoes and gravy.  Salad, green bean casserole, sweet potato casserole, veggie tray, rolls, and two desserts were brought.  It was a ton of food, and it was good to spend time with family!  I'm now exhausted, and so I'm sitting here with my husband, glass of iced tea in hand, and watching the Dowton Abbey marathon on our local PBS station!

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