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Everything posted by ldyjocelyn

  1. Woohoo! Meet the Season 16 cast! Starts Sunday, February 14!
  2. Home today with a massive sore throat and a headache. That means a good old cold in my immediate future. Yuck. From butterflyshine at CV:
  3. New tweet sent by the deccalabelgroup: Cool!
  4. Found on the CH, but originally from Beanblossom at the Clayboard. Nice story.
  5. Geez, I knew this would happen. Suddenly we're going to go through pages! EEEEEEEEEEEE! OK, the reason for my post...Thread Title Voting at the top of the page...
  6. :04: :04: :04: :04: :04: :04: Isn't Fan Club renewal time coming up soon (and not Clay's soon either)?
  7. Because, IMO, some people need to keep up the "Clay as victim" idea. As you know, I'm NOT one of those people. It just seems so strange to me that Clive Davis got soooooooo much blame, when we really had no idea what was going on behind the scenes. Still don't really, and that's OK with me. As for the rest of your post kf, I loved it, especially this section: It's kind of like -- "why ask why?" I just enjoy the magic. Awww....thank you. I'm just one of those people that when I start posting on a message board, I just start pushing buttons and dropping down menus just to see what they do. I did that one once, and went..."whoa." But I know I've helped a few people with that one besides today! Thanks jmh!
  8. Yum....one of my most favorite, early pictures of him. I love that grin! kf, I think you answered one of my questions that I had in my mind a few days ago. I was thinking that -- who exactly were some going to blame NOW with the official word of covers, and the possibility of romantic songs? Maybe some will transfer their upset to Fuller. OTOH...the time is now, and IMO Clay is the one who seems to be saying "I like these kinds of songs. Deal with it." Now, I don't want people to blame Clay, per se, but I do think some need to realize that Clay, again IMO, seems to have more control of what he wants to do with his career. I just finished watching a movie with my husband, called "Big Fan." Seek it out, if you get a chance. couchie, I'd especially get it if I were you. It's about a devout fan of the New York Giants, one who calls the sports talk shows on a regular basis. It's a fascinating character study of where this fandom takes him. I watched it with the eyes of Clay Aiken fan, and kept thinking about the time around December 2007/January 20008 with a few of the more well known fans. Anyway, really good movie.
  9. Thanks jmh -- I was heading out for dinner just as all these good thread title suggestions came along. And actually, liney suggested a different line of mine (although I *cough* kind of like the one you picked too):
  10. No time now...but can someone take over the suggested thread titles I see and put them in the correct thread? Now that we've had a little action again, our pages are flying somewhat, and we'll be picking a new thread title soon! Scroll down and input someone -- please! kthnxbye
  11. aikim wrote: And that's exactly what I'm expecting. Sure, there are songs that I think he'd be great at singing, and I like reading people's suggestions (for example, I'd never thought of "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes," but he'd KILL on that). At the same time, though -- my realism sets in, and I tell myself that I have no expectations. OK, that's not quite true. My expectations are this: Clay will sing, he'll sound great, and I'll be a happy camper. What more could a girl (or guy) want?
  12. First of all -- thank you merrieeee, you know why... Oh man, that's great news! I'm tharilled! As a person who has said "he could sing the phone book," I'm a happy camper. He'll sing, I'll smile -- it's all good. Gotta run. Another meeting tonight, followed by making a cheesecake (from scratch) for hubby's birthday!
  13. Another busy day ahead of me, so the easiest way for me to chime in on the conversation is to say... I want to be jmh when I grow up. :04: for couchie's temp job and how she makes things happen in Clayland! LOL!
  14. except you need to insert my name in there! EEEEEEEEEEEEE! I'm thrilled beyond belief at this. Just to hear his voice again, and see him as an entertainer makes me happy, happy, happy. Nothing can kill the joy I feel right now -- nothing. You're a good man, Clay Aiken.
  15. So...I'm at work...dealing with the crisis dujour at the moment...when a text message arrives on my cell phone. Now, lately, I've been getting Spam messages, quite a few of them, so I was quite sure what to expect. Instead -- YAY DECCA!!!! Woohoo! :04: :04: :04: That was nice to hear today. Tomorrow, I'll be back at work, dealing with same said crisis. I wanna work for Decca instead.
  16. aikim sorry to hear about your water troubles. That would totally suck in this weather! From the CH:
  17. Thanks to kimiye, I'm mostly working with an external webcam. Skype was EASY. Gmail video chat worked except that she couldn't hear me -- we could see each other and I could hear her just fine! I'm trying to find someone else who can work with me on the gmail chat to figure out if it was my problem or not. Best part -- totally free! Well, except that I pay for my internet service! LOL!
  18. Since I seem to be the only one here...LOL... Golfing for Inclusion Registration and Information Page Golfing for Inclusion Auction Page Most of the auction stuff will interest golfers rather than Clay fans, but there are these two items: And the cryptic, as usual, "And other great items including a few surprises..."
  19. Since it's slow... Anyone here got a webcam? Use it regularly? My hubby got me one for Christmas and, thanks to the weather, had time to install it today. Well, first of all, I had to find a hub, because I was out of USB ports! Anyway...if you have a webcam and want to talk, contact me to exchange info. Right now, all I have set up is gmail video chat (I have LOTS of contacts there, but very few have the video feature, it looks like) and Windows Live Messenger (where I have NO contacts whatsoever!). I'll probably add Skype at some point as well, as my family has that set up.
  20. But couchie -- it sounds like you get earthquakes! Did you feel it? Everyone OK?
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