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Everything posted by ldyjocelyn

  1. But since luckiest is from Canada, I don't think CBS.com will work for her. Not sure about the Travel Channel though.
  2. Reed wrote: Gosh, that makes me schmoopie. I know, hopeless romantic here, but seeing Reed just writing Clay's name like that, in that context, makes me feel all gushy inside. Love. And Clay looks awful darn CUTE, I must say. I'm so hypocritical. I'm not sure that I like the FB searching, and yet...I appreciate every tidbit. Off to a busy day at work...mostly away from the boards! AAAGH!
  3. annabear, what a cute puppy!!!!! Just needed to see these on this page. He looks so adorable! :::heart:::
  4. That was a cool episode. I'm glad Victor and his sister are learning to communicate; I'm very glad Mel "smoked" the young 'uns (and was smart enough to read the clue with the basket!); it was cool that the bunch of teams all arrived together and seemed OK with it all; and I'm happy that the brother stuntmen are still in it. The blondes were OK, but not my favorite. Oooooo, next week -- big kitties! I like big kitties! But Luke's Mom doesn't look too good...
  5. Glad to help Clayzy! It's my librarian training to find stuff for people! I can't believe I forgot M*A*S*H! I always loved that show so much, and watched every episode at least 4 times during my college years!
  6. Try this link from Clack Unlimited (download only, please): 2007 SRHP Tour -- the Greek Theater in LA File is titled: 070804_LA_FavoriteSingersCanISitByYouSurpriseGuessWho'sComingToDinnerBanter_Scarlett_XviD.avi, but you can also download large wmvs or small wmvs from this place. mp4 too! Gosh, I love helping Clayzy find things -- if nothing else it proves my memory still works!
  7. Top 3: 1) Star Trek: the Next Generation. Love, love, LOVE this show. Can still quote several episodes of this show, especially ones that had something to do with the character of Data. 2) Ed. Yes, I loved this show even before Clay was on it. There was lots of heart and humor on this show. 3) Gosh. I'd say a tie between Lost (weird shit at its finest *g*) and The Amazing Race -- IMO the best reality show, because it's simply a RACE. Yes, there's some manipulation BY the contestants (not the judges LOL), but in the end, it's just simply who arrives on the mat last every week. Plus, Phil Keoghan is CUTE.
  8. Or you could wait until this Saturday, as the American Food Network is repeating this episode of Paula's Party. EEEEEEE!
  9. Yes, it was the "not a blog" when so many were wondering why he hadn't been on either AI or DWTS. In the case of AI, TC supposedly asked, but in Clay's words, "the producers decided to move on to other people." Which means they tried last year. And, at the same time, last season's AI had a good piece on him being in Spamalot. So I don't necessarily think that AI hates him either. The thing is...I just don't know about his business deals. Not my job, really.
  10. Which is why I think he's appearing on ANTM and 30 Rock instead. Why do I think that? Because IMO he's more interested in the acting portion of his career -- and AI isn't a natural fit for that. My opinion on this has changed somewhat over the years, but I'm one who never really believed Clay liked the idea of "selling yourself." As much as I do think he understands now that this does help his career, I also think that he's never really locked himself down into one career within show business. And I really think he combines humbleness with picking and choosing what he wants to do to get the goal at the time. What's his goal at the moment? I really have no idea, but as I speculate in my first paragraph, I think it might be acting. Now, this doesn't mean he may not do the show. He's said before that he'd do the entire show again in a heartbeat, and I think he genuinely appreciates what the show gave him. I'd be happy if he does appear. I just don't think he will at this point. Yes, there would be a jump in record sales for OMWH if he appeared on the show. I just don't think the jump would be that good though. JMO. (Honestly, I think a movie picking a song from the album as a theme would cause more sales than AI, but again, JMO).
  11. Clayzy (and tribeca for that matter), download (ie., right click and save) this clip from Clack Unlimited: AI2 Visits Canadian Idol 1 This clip is worth it, not just for Clay and his "hooker" comment, but Carmen's impersonation of Randy as well. And the affection between most of the contestants really shows too, IMO.
  12. MTV-TRL Backstage Pass TITN (via Clack Unlimited) Downloadable in SVCD, large wmv, and small wmv. I remember this clip well, because it was my introduction to the technology known as codecs. I downloaded the clip and it wouldn't play, because it said I needed a new codec. WTF is a codec? Now I at least know how to get them, even if I can't explain the concept! jamar, while I do have concert Clay on my iPod, the playlist I use most is my "best of Clay recorded" -- all from the actual recordings. I think my favorite instances of Clay innuendo was whenever he asked people with binoculars to keep it from the waist upward. LOL!
  13. Regarding AI...I read enough about it to know what everyone else is talking about, and might watch at YouTube clip if someone's performance is particularly buzzworthy. But I don't make a point of watching full episodes. I do find it funny, though, that all the people who watch and then say "the show is soooooooooo rigged" -- still end up watching the show. *shrug* Happy Spring Everyone!
  14. Daniel was the bass player *sigh*, but he wasn't the musical director. Andy Abad was the musical director for both the JBT and the JNT2005. (In between the two tours, his wife had a baby...) And yes, the JNT2005 was the year of the vignettes and William Joseph on piano. ETA: FromClaygary, is this the guy you're thinking of?
  15. Geez. The GLAAD Awards announcement is now on the home page of the OFC. YAY!
  16. From the CH: newsday.com American Idol Trading Cards: Adam Lambert for Anoop Desai? Wonder how many of Clay's card they will print?
  17. Well, not he didn't exactly confirm it if you read the blog closely... True. I actually made a comment to him saying "thanks for not confirming anything." Hee.
  18. HE BLOGGED!!!!!! Hee. We're such good detectives, is the gist of the blog. And he confirms the 30 Rock appearance! LOL!
  19. Mark this date in your calendars, ladies! jmh SMUTTED! You noticed. Heh. I noticed too. And then, I though..."thread title material." couchie! My first thought about the picture was..."they sell cars on Sunday?" They DON'T in Illinois, for some strange reason. But Clay looked good, and that's all that matters to me.
  20. Woohoo! Phil in his underwear! Woohoo!!!!!!!!
  21. I'm interested too. Me too...because I know where my towel is. *g*
  22. That's true. But I honestly think that what I see as the constant worry about Clay, especially when it's repeated over and over and over and over and over and over and over again, is so very tiring. And I also think that it eventually does turn into a negative thing. tribeca, I understand worrying. I usually worry about much that goes on in my life (and yes, it ties into my mother too). But I think that you'll learn, as I did, that worrying about Clay really doesn't do anything for me, except give me a headache and heartburn. Bolding mine. I think that's the crux of the whole conversation today, isn't it? Don't trust any reporting. But that's not really about Clay per se, it's more about the reporting, and also about US. I remember so many after show reports where one person thought Clay looked terrible, and then another reported he looked fabulous, and so on, and so on, and scooby dooby dooby. It's all opinions, so I just wait until I can judge. One more quote, one that I can't remember totally, so I always have to look it up. Loved this scene: Crash Davis in Bull Durham
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