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Everything posted by aikim

  1. The very first Clay fan I met was back during the NAT tour; I was on RHT at the time and was bemoaning the fact that I was going to miss this tour because I am a bit of a scaredy-cat about driving on expressways and this was two hours from house and there was no way I was going to drive all that way by myself. Within in seconds I get a PM from this girl telling me to get a ticket, she would be pick me up...turns out she lived on the south side of Chicago as do I. So, without hesitation, I went online, got a ticket and the next thing I knew, I was on my way to see Clay. My kids thought I was insane getting in a car with a total stranger to go see a concert. My response was..."she's a Clay fan", nuff said! I met my very best Clay buddy at the time of the very first JNT; she was looking for Clay fans in the area, saw my name and for some reason decided to contact me; turns out we live 10 minutes from each other! We immediately made plans to meet for lunch and when we did it was like we had known each other forever! I am pretty shy meeting new people, but we gabbed and talked for two hours (and not all about Clay) and it turned out we had a lot in common. Our hubbies actually worked together for a while, my hubby also worked with her sister and we were married the same year, a day apart. Since then we have gone to every tour together. This fandom really is the best! Kim
  2. Good Morning Everyone, 6 Days until Clay's AOL Sessions! 8 Days until Leno Repeats! 9 Days until Kimmel Repeats! 33 Days until The Target Music Pass is available! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  3. Just started reading a book called "The Sixties Unplugged" By Gerald J Degroot; it is; in his words; "A History of the Decade and Not an Idea"; i.e. a view of the decade without the rose-colored glasses (his words). Anyway, I am just getting into it and as a prelude he discusses the 40's and 50's; the baby boomers and what ultimately lead to the rebellions of the 60's. Pretty interesting reading so far. What caught my eye, however was a brief history of the transistor radio and how it ultimately lead to the independence of the American teen-ager; when the transistor was first invented, many thought the American Public would not be interested because it did not have sound quality and who wanted a radio you can carry in your pocket. The first transistor radio sold for $49.95! It wasn't until the Japanese cornered the market on the transistor radio; that the American Market finally caught up. The Japanese Company that first marketed the radio was called TOTSUKO, now known as Sony. So anyway, the transistor radio arrived on the market the same time as Rock and Roll which was great for the teen-agers; they could listen in private and privacy meant that the music could be more daring. What is really interesting is this quote: "The fact that teen-agers now had their own radios meant that stations no longer had to cater to the diversity of tastes" They could play Pat Boone, along with Fats Domino. He ends the chapter with this quote: "All that music kept young people content. Like and Orwellian black box, the transistor told them what music to like; what to buy and ultimately how to think" And this was in the 1950's. Can't wait to continue reading. Kim
  4. Lovely bird, the African swallow. Beautiful plumage. Love the new interview! Love hearing him talk. How can anyone listen to this, listen to how self-assured he sounds about his album and his career, and still worry and angst? Not me, that's for sure. Me either and I love that he called Simon an idiot! Kim
  5. Okay, there is a new AP interview with Clay posted at the CH, but I cannot figure out how to bring the link over...anyone? Bueller? ETA: Okay, I see someone brought it over already while I was farting around trying to figure out. Good interview, very timely considering his comments regarding radio, etc. Kim
  6. Hi Ho everyone, I am officially starting the week-end; due to working the book sale over the week-end, I get to take days off this week, so I am free until Tuesday...Yay Me! It seems like the angst has calmed down considerably; its amazing what a sighting can do; any goodies out there, I will be sure and bring them over! Kim
  7. Good Morning Everyone, 6 Days until Clay's AOL Sessions! 8 Days until Leno Repeats! 9 Days until Kimmel Repeats! 34 Days until The Target Music Pass is available (June 24)! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  8. I will admit that there are those in the fandom that push my buttons and in the past I was more than happy to get into with them; now after 5 years, I have learned to just roll my eyes and scroll past their posts. I know that coming here and bitching about what goes on at other boards could be considered talking behind their backs; but sometimes you need to vent and when the guidelines at other boards prevent you from saying what you like; it's nice to have some place to come where you can. Kim
  9. YSRN I agree with the most part of what you said, but you know what every fan board has its problems and is not perfect. I don't belong to the CH, but I read there and I have seen them rake some fans over the coals pretty good. Before people start pointing fingers at FCA, they ought to look at their own houses. The reason I am here is because of the conversation; intelligent, logical...I'm sorry but I read at other boards and it is like they went back to the archives of 2006, dusted off their old posts, slapped 2008 on them and called it a day. I said it before and I will say it again, lazy thinking. Kim
  10. Up for some speculation? Savannah's Restaurant where Clay was sighted is on the first floor of the Warner Record Building. Kim
  11. Playbiller I am sorry if I misunderstood you; the so-called fans can do whatever they like, I am just not interested. Well that siting just fueled the "I hope is on AI crowd"; sheesh, give it up already! (and if he is on, I will be very disappointed) Kim
  12. From eandpmommy at the CV: So apparently he is not at home crying into his sweet tea. Kim
  13. So are the numbers really that unexpected? I am seeing such over-reaction and death knells for Clay's career and I really don't understand it. It seems for the last couple of years, the talk on the boards has been the decline in CD sales, especially when the numbers for other artists come out, so why do people think it should be different for Clay? Playbiller I have to be honest with you, I am so tired of the gnat drama and I could really care less what they are up to and I honestly feel that those that go around spreading their gossip and cluing all the fans in to their next moves are doing their dirty work for them and I really don't know how anyone can be a fan of Clay and do that. And please don't give me the "knowledge is power" rational...that is just an excuse to gossip in my book. Sorry, but I think those fans who continue to visit the gossop sites and keep tabs on what the gnats are doing have done just as much damage to Clay's career as the gnats. No one goes to those sites and gives them hits, they disappear; I think all this could have been over in early 2006, if the fans would have just learned to ignore. Sorry for the rant, but I am so fed up with this nonsense. Kim
  14. Good Morning Everyone, 7 Days until Clay's AOL Sessions! 9 Days until Leno Repeats! 10 Days until Kimmel Repeats! 35 Days until The Target Music Pass is Available! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  15. Yes indeed, some wonderful posts here today. Blaming RCA/Clive everytime things don't go the way some fans think they should, is just lazy thinking in my opinion. It's an emotional response and while lashing out at them may feel good at the moment; it doesn't accomplish anything in the long run. Just fuels more angst; especially for those who are worriers and prone to angst anyway. What I am seeing around the boards today is so much focus on Clay's numbers; but I think there is a big difference between how many physical CD's Clay sells and how many people are actually hearing his music. It is a fact that there are many ways to get music besides physical sales of the CD...illegal downloads, burning of CD's, etc. so I really don't think you can use the numbers as a barometer of how many fans Clay has or who is listening to it. I think there are too many fans that are still reliving the glory days of 2003/2004 and can't seem to grasp how much has changed and is changing and that CD sales will never be what they were. I think the disappointment some in the fandom feel is of their own making. Too high expectations and a lot of "its all about me and may wants and desires and the heck with what Clay wants". I would bet that what Clay wants from his career is miles away from what some of his fans want. The only thing I want for Clay is for him to be happy in whatever direction he takes his career and I am looking forward to traveling that road with him. Kim
  16. Good Morning Everyone, 8 Days until Clay's AOL Sessions! 10 Days until Leno Repeats! 11 Days until Kimmel Repeats! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  17. I love an honest debate, part of the problem is that I am not as well versed in the political arena as I should be and often feel quite intimidated by those who always seem to have facts and figures at their disposal. I actually enjoy reading political discussions because they do make me think about things...but I am just not comfortable being a participant. Kim
  18. Back from the book sale and waiting for the pasta water boil...lugging boxes of books around all afternoon has made me very hungry. Did a bag sale today and while we didn't make a lot of money; we got rid of a lot of stuff and made a lot of people very happy! Think I will bypass the political thread; it seems Republicans are the minority in the fandom and whether you agree with my views or not, I hate being made to feel like I am some sort of sub species that should be wiped from the face of the earth...yeah, I get very defensive...so best I just remove myself from the situation. Kim
  19. kwikibox.com interview with Clay on youtube...done while he was still in Spamalot...some of the same questions that have been asked and the interviewer, is like totally a ditz, but it is a 10 minute interview:
  20. According to Corabeth at the CH, the AOL Sessions will be aired on May 27th...so it looks like the countdown is already rising out of the Ashes! Kim
  21. Good Morning Everyone, Just checking in before I go make the Sunday pancakes and slice up strawberries, love strawberries with my pancakes Takes a moment of silence for the dear, departed countdown; by the Grace of God, may it rise from the Ashes and be a valued part of the Clay fandom As Long as Were Here. Everyone have a great day! Kim
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