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12/30 Clearwater, FL


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AWWW THe cellcerter and GBB were so overwhelmed they couldn;t speak...

that was just the perfect way to end it...

as much as I love GN...that was the perfect way to end this in the audience...

He came out from teh top of the venue...it was very close and personal

he was very remiscent...he was telling how he met everybody...;

everyone is gooey with love...

SO AM I!!!


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How did he get up that fast...all they know is they jsut saw a spotlight at the top of the venue and he walked down singing to them

he definitely had to sprint...he is just so incredible...

maybe there was an elevator...

WE HAVE THE WHOLE THING...according to scarlett...

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yea for CLACK...

Wish I could give Clay a real time hug...actually saw the concert in November, was so hoping my lucky number would come up for a M & G...it didn't. I think everyone who travels 2000 miles to see him should have an automatic one...don't you! LOL.

EEEEEEEEEE WYDNYE!!! Love that song and how totally perfect to sing it now, gotta love him more every minute!

Please let there be Deb's mp3's of the concert as well as full video...that's all I ask....

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Yes the intro was 20 minutes...everyone got a standing O....

we all love her too!!!!

Gregory was the one who said he wanted to thank Clay back...what a boy...he is so fantastic...

Angela hugged him first...then turned around and hugged Quiana

he burped then he said ...it happens

everyone hugged Clay...

Quiana was crying...

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Yup me too...will be up...

Brianne was crying...

lucky west coasters!!!!!

going over the intro again...oh during Daniel's intro he said that he had changed his hair so many times..changed the color..that they don;t know the color anymore...

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OMG...I am jsut going to GUSH...

this guy has such incredible performance instinct...

oh he said...I don't wake up everymorning looking this good looking...pointing at his hair this is during John's intro...said he was incredible dancer but didn;t say anything about his acting...

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