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#3 - Here He Comes Again


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OMG. He dropped to #36? wow. :(:angry:

Ohhhmmmmmm... (Muski gets back in her happy place re: Clay and the charts...)

You know, I wrote a post in my hotel room right before heading to the Spa for a complimentary massage (I chose a deep tissue massage....but I'll spare you the smutty snark rolling through my brain as I type that...)..but before I could hit the submit button (I wish Clay had a submit button.) my 24-hour purchase of internet access ended!

Now I'm in the Colorado Springs airport in a little bar sipping a beer. I decided to maybe start a little essay or short story or something when lo and behold! I discovered free wireless internet! :P

I want to say YEAY! to ansa's suggestion earlier about the chat about Clay time...cool idea.

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Hee don;t worry about it Clay didn't have any publicity this week...But he will have lots in november...so that should bring up his sales. Then The holiday shopping will kick in. I think he probably will go over 500K by the end of the year.

Apparently there was a lot of drop off for this week.

very interested to see what happens to Ruben's numbers next week.

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Well, Couchie sure is modest about advertising her contest at the CH - Should I have not brought it up again? I could delete it.

Looks like there is enthusiasm on Idol Forums. I did tell one woman from the Phillipines to come on over and post. I have been lurking over there for about a year and it is nice. I used to post there in early 2003. My first vault. sigh memories. Letting the computer run all night to wake up to a high res version of a clip of Clay singing that I already had on video tape. Fear's birthday is in June, just after AI is over and in 2003. I burnt her a bunch of CDs with all of Clay's AI appearances, with news clips, with the demo's I think she was just playing the tapes over and over and her husband was getting tired of it. Sometimes I think he thinks I am a bad, bad influence on her.

Glory notes - well they win contests. Remember when we thought that Clay could never sing BOTW or Solitaire in concert because it would be too hard on his voice with those glory notes - and eventuually we had both in that wonderful JBT. Clay the current king of Glory Notes. Glory to the note.

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Hallelullia and pass the ammunition!

Not that I would shoot anybody.

Not me.

Nuh uh.

I want Clay to dance on Dancing With the Stars. I am willing to train as a professional dancer so I can Samba with him. I am willing to make that sacrifice. No, don't try and talk me out of it, I am determined to let Clay clutch me to his sweaty body.

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To compete on DWTS, Clay would have to get seriously spray-tanned (and he finally just grew out of the bronzer / pumpkin-face addiction), agree to wear tight pants and an unbuttoned shirt, and he would have to have his hands all over his partner. And we would object to this why, exactly??? ;)


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Fear's birthday is in June, just after AI is over and in 2003. I burnt her a bunch of CDs with all of Clay's AI appearances, with news clips, with the demo's I think she was just playing the tapes over and over and her husband was getting tired of it. Sometimes I think he thinks I am a bad, bad influence on her.

AHA! So she was the one doing the "nasty" with her husband to video tapes of Clay! I knew it would be someone supposedly quiet and retiring on the boards. :P

To compete on DWTS, Clay would have to get seriously spray-tanned (and he finally just grew out of the bronzer / pumpkin-face addiction), agree to wear tight pants and an unbuttoned shirt, and he would have to have his hands all over his partner. And we would object to this why, exactly??? ;)

I have not heard any objections. Have you? Because I'm not objecting. Or making Clay into a sexual object. Nope, not me. Uh huh.


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If a person's character is judged by how they handle adversity, then the clay nation has flamed out in spectacular fashion. It's really quite sad.

I guess this means the terrorists have won.

back to working on my song parody..and yeah i know I can't win but I'm obsessed with the darn thing.

Muski, have you told your friends at EAYOR about the contest... .surely some interesting stuff could from over there heee.

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Here is a request - there is all sorts of negative reviews that I do not doubt is from fans on Amazon, not to mention the dumbest posts about all the drama including the "stuff" praising that this is a great album despite Clay being forced to make it by Clive and yadda yadda yadda. - can we make an effort to put positive sensible reviews on this CD over there? I mean I want to drivetrhe idiots off the front page of reviews at least.

I am off to write something brilliant for a change!

eta - Now I am spelling with a joisy accent. sheesh

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Dear friends at FCA...

I hereby bestow upon this year two thousand six the not-so-coveted title of


Long story short.

Snowed like a sonuvabitch in Colorado Springs.

Flight delayed....a lot.

Ran through Denver terminal to make connecting flight, which was also delayed...luckily or I wouldn't have made it.

Sat on tarmac for 1.5 hours---backup of flights, de-icing machine working overtime

Uneventful flight to Oakland...arrived at 11:45 Pacific Time...(was supposed to get here at 10:05 pm)

My luggage didn't.

Get here, that is. It's still in Denver. Guess it couldn't run as fast as I did. heh.


I'll end this post on an upbeat note. While waiting for the luggage that never came at Baggage Claim, I listened to Clay sing to MEEEEEEEEEE! on my noise canceling headphones. I was boppin' to the beat, mouthing the words, etc., and got a few smiles from other waiting folk. So glad I could brighten their evening. When the announcement was made that "THAT'S ALL, FOLKS!" and about 10-15 of us were still hanging around empty-handed, I was surprisingly 'zen' about it all. Clay was still singing to MEEEEEEEEE! so I just bopped on over to the baggage office and filled out the papers and such.

When I gave my report and my baggage claim checks to the guy, he looked at my form (the paper one, women :glare: jeezzzzz..... :P ) and said, "Impeccable handwriting, Ms. (edited to say: fill in last name here instead of having it actually written on the internet for all to see, f*ckyouverymuch :glare: :lol: )...thank you!" I just kept bopping my head to Clay's beat and smiled back.

I mean, what was any other attitude going to get anybody, you know? That guy hadn't lost my luggage, right?

Good night! I'm going to snuggle up to my hubby and pretend his snoring doesn't bother me. ^_^

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Sing it, Ruben! From Ruben's AP article:

AP: There are a lot of former "Idols" and finalists coming out with albums this fall. Do you feel added pressure?

Studdard: No. All of us are in totally different genres. Kelly (Clarkson) is in rock. Clay (Aiken) is in adult contemporary. I'm urban. Even if we were in the same market I still wouldn't feel like that because we are family.

Now, if only other reporters and some fans would figure that out also. :glare:

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Sing it, Ruben! From Ruben's AP article:

AP: There are a lot of former "Idols" and finalists coming out with albums this fall. Do you feel added pressure?

Studdard: No. All of us are in totally different genres. Kelly (Clarkson) is in rock. Clay (Aiken) is in adult contemporary. I'm urban. Even if we were in the same market I still wouldn't feel like that because we are family.

Now, if only other reporters and some fans would figure that out also. :glare:

Awwww I wub Ruben...I wish I enjoyed his music...but wish him lots of luck!!! (just not more than Clay...Hey I cannot help it...so there... :P )

Muski...yup, waiting on the tarmac is the pits...but you got great attitude...Karma will be smiling down at you for that.

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Ruben is a sweetie...

Tarmac waiting...oh the joy. I did that Monday morning. And I was on the plane with what were apparently celebrities. Wrestling people. Somebody told me who they were and people got autographs. I really am not at all good at the celebrity recognition thing - I swear the bucket hat works on me!

KAndre hands muski the Purple Clusterf*ck for cheerfully self-medicating with clack during trying times. Excellent job, muski!

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Muski, glad you made it home safe and sound, albeit luggageless!

I love Ruben too. He is just such a great guy - a real class act - like someone else we know! :) And I love that they seem to have formed a friendship that will last. That was something I saw in AI2 that I have never seen again - chemistry and a real sense of friendship among some of the contestents.

And Kelly seems to be Clay's true blue friend too. And that makes me all warm and fuzzy inside! (Of course, I am one who kind of wishes Clay was making Kelly feel all warm and fuzzy inside....)

Speaking of Ruben, he's singing on the Today show in the last hour. I guess this is to make up for when he got pre-empted by the prez last week.

Off to work. Oh joy! <_< (I shouldn't say that. At least I still have a job....)

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I just kept bopping my head to Clay's beat and smiled back.

Is it wrong that when I got up this morning and re-read my post (and after fixing my flub of putting my name out there for all of cyberworld to see) and immediately a primo smut line from this sentence---one that changes only two words B) ) just poked up at me? :unsure: I'm getting bad, folks...I'm smutting my own quotes. :ph34r:

I like Ruben, too. One of the songs I was listening to on the tarmac last night was "Solid As a Rock"---the medley that Kim, Ruben and CLAY! sang on AI2 when it was down to the three of them. I could picture everything as I listened and I thought just how amazingly special it was---those three talented people who'd become such great friends. I agree. You really could see and feel the chemistry between them.

Oooh! My hubby can get Carrie to school this morning....gonna go catch a few more zzzzzzzz's...

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It's good you fixed the name flub, muski. I have a problem with people putting TMI out there on the internet as if only their good friends will see it. Just one ofthose hot points

Claygasm, I think some other AIers became really good friends, just not the final 2 or 3. The other years, they have been two different.I just can't see Taylor and Kat or Bo and Carrie hanging out at a local bar. I can see the guys hanging there, not the gals. I hope the AI friendships actually get some fans to grow up some day. I don't think that Kellie and Constantine will ever be counted as a friendship, heh, just pure amusement for those of us that follow other AI years.

Ryan did a 1 hour interview special with Tyra taht I saw this morning. SHe is quite the flirt indeed. I was just amazed at how involved she is in her shows and what is on them. I think the most important thing covered was he advice to ryan. He was asking her if she had time for a private life or was her ambition and drives more important. Then he went on to explain how he thought that romantic entanglements were too distracting and he would rather not get too involved because work would always come first (no surprise). Tyra grabbed him and said no, balance, you need to establish a balance. She seemed very concerned for Ryan.

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Hi everyone, miss me!!!! (LOL).

I have been sooooo busy with work, the parental units, and such. Leave it to your imagination. No is was not hot sex, although, I wish. "Did I just say that, slaps head". :)

THANK YOU A LOT for having the listening party on Friday night at 9:00 eastern. I don't leave work until 8:30 so I have just enough time to get home, pop in the CD and crank it up. I know, I have weird work hours. What can I say. I just go along with the stream of flow in my life. It is the only way to survive in this FAMILY.


1) Angst for Clay: Don't have time. Just want to think positively about Clay and the THE MAN that he is.

2) Clive hate: Enough said.

3) Justin Timberlake: See above #2.

4) Listening party: GREAT.

5) Talking about THE MAN: GREAT. When will that be again???

I have read so many pages of past post today that I have gotten confused, which in my case is very easy.

Muski, glad you had a good time on your trip. Hope you are over the hangover or just beginning another one. I need some of that "happy juice" about right now.

Play, watch those bouncing balls from Holly. LOL.

Ansa, thank you for all your suggestions. Keep them coming.

Bottle, just thank you for wondering where I was, LOL.

And to everyone I missed ((((HUGS)))))

You ladies are just hysterical and make me laugh out loud at all of your comments, especially the smutty ones. Keep them coming.

And as for DWTS - I will take that job, even though I have a much grace and amptitude as Clay does. I have no sense of balance or coordination.

Take care. Talk to ya'll later.


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Hi everyone, miss me!!!! (LOL).

Ah shore did!!! Smoochies!!!! :D

And as for DWTS - I will take that job, even though I have a much grace and amptitude as Clay does. I have no sense of balance or coordination.

And ending up on the floor tangled up in a heap with your partner would be a bad thing how exactly?! ;) HA!

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What's DWTS? :blink: Is it something I want?

Good news! Luggage has arrived at the local airport! :laola0: :polon::roundel: :704:

oh...wait~ that last emoticon has absolutley NO place here....last thing I need right now...

georgia! (muski takes a moment with Ray Charles to sing a few lines of the song...) Good to see you again.

Working from home today...got the virtual private network thingy goin' on...but right now I'm going to check in on my mom....haven't seen her since Sunday...hope all is well. I see she called this morning while I was still asleep.

AND I'm gonna get a freakin' haircut, I hope---if there's an appt available. I look like crap...shaggy woman gone wild. :ph34r:

But it's a beautiful day here in my part of the country---very sunny and clear skies, purdy clouds. My luggage is here, I'm here safely, my dog is glad to see me, my house is a mess but what the hell...

AND I'm gonna meet up with couchie in a couple of days! :nanadance2::dance2: I supPOSE life could be better....like if Clay and I were engaged in some hawt sweaty sex followed by romantic, slow, gentle sex, followed by sex in a hot tub, followed by long, lingering, passionate, sweet, deep, teasing, wet kissing, followed by....I'm sure you get my drift here.

Off to the bank to find out why they're charging me overdraft charges on an account I closed months ago. <_<

Did I mention what a beautiful day it is here today? ^_^

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Ooooo! I love a happy Muski!! And give sweet Shadow a treat from me! :)

To celebrate the fact Muski is happy and having smutty thoughts, I thought maybe we could all use something to make us think smutty thoughts...............


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That lower lip leads to some very muski-esque musings on my part.... ^_^

DWTS - is Dancing With the Stars - the current cheesetastic watercooler reality show I can't believe that I'm watching, but that I am. Gotta do something with my evenings until it's time to start complaining about how I'm never going to watch AI again in January.

A bit of an "ouch" for Ruben. Hits Daily Double (a music site that tracks and predicts CD sales) is suggesting he will sell about 60,000 for the opening week of his new CD. That really puts Clay's first week sales of 211,713 in a pretty good light. It really is all relative.

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First of all...Claygasm, next time you post something like that...just give a gal some warning, OK? I almost swallowed my tongue when I saw that humongous picture.

*ponders Clay swallowing my tongue, and his humongous...*

THANK YOU A LOT for having the listening party on Friday night at 9:00 eastern. I don't leave work until 8:30 so I have just enough time to get home, pop in the CD and crank it up. I know, I have weird work hours. What can I say. I just go along with the stream of flow in my life. It is the only way to survive in this FAMILY.

You are entirely welcome. I know that setting times is always a challenge, and I know that at least a few people will be missing this listening party entirely (miss ya luckiest1, have fun on vacation). I'm glad I made at least a few people happy.

If this works, would y'all be interested in doing one for MOAM in October (an oldie, but a goodie!) and MCWL in December (scheduled on nights when there's no symphony concert)? I was also thinking of having another ATDW party in January -- after listening to the album for 4 months to see how perceptions have changed if any.

I missed you georgia -- love reading your posts. But then, I love reading posts on this board, period.

AND I'm gonna meet up with couchie in a couple of days! :nanadance2::dance2: I supPOSE life could be better....like if Clay and I were engaged in some hawt sweaty sex followed by romantic, slow, gentle sex, followed by sex in a hot tub, followed by long, lingering, passionate, sweet, deep, teasing, wet kissing, followed by....I'm sure you get my drift here.

Um...could you explain a little more? Maybe in a fiction to be shared with me only? :P

Did I mention what a beautiful day it is here today? ^_^

Can you send that weather here? It's gloomy as hell around here. And tomorrow morning I have to be on the road by the crack of dawn to drive three hours for a meeting...with my BOSS. And then ride back home with her in the afternoon. Fun, only not.

A bit of an "ouch" for Ruben. Hits Daily Double (a music site that tracks and predicts CD sales) is suggesting he will sell about 60,000 for the opening week of his new CD. That really puts Clay's first week sales of 211,713 in a pretty good light. It really is all relative.

Oy. Poor Ruben. That can't be good for his mental well being. I too liked Ruben, and LOVED the commeraderie between the final 4, and Ruben and Clay especially. I hope everything works out well for him in the future. And yes, Clay's sales figures really come out of that well. I just hope the media isn't too much of a "WTF? Clay sells more than Ruben again? But America LOVED Ruben!" Blah blah blah. It's not fair to either men, and IMO it just makes me mad that Clay will be seen with disdain once again. JMO.

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I would rather have a listening party for MCWL in November and MOAM in January, between tours. I think a lot of people are busy in December.

I also don't feel a Poor Ruben vibe, I think Ruben is happy, he did a lot bertter than others and his gospel album is still selling fine after it went gold. I am sure that this album will go gold and probably platinum over time. The albums seem to stay out there for sale even as the artist moves on to the next one. Heck, I am waiting for Clay's second Christmas album. Anyway, Target was well stocked, but had a deal with Diddy for an exclussive CD, this may have played into the not reduced price, Diddys exclusive was 13 or 14 dollars, you don't want too much competition with it. I saw that my local target stocked 40 albums of Ruben where they had over 200 for Clay (and are apparently still selling faster than other places or Target is lying about their sales count, heh. Ruben was on the top of the end cap, but not selling well at 5pm the first day, just a few CDs gone.

on the other news, I made a little table (but found, despite saying you could do tables, I am not bright enough) showing a comparison of Clay and Ruben appearances because some people think that Clay did not get any promotion and Ruben is all over the place - perspective is important.


  1. date? inside edition// -
  2. date? , Showbiz tonight// -
  3. Sept 8, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, The Insider - clips/interviews/performance// October 10 Extra news clip
  4. Sept 15, Tonight Show with Jay Leno couch performance// -
  5. Sept 19, 20, 21, 24, Good Morning America several interviews and two performance shows// October 9, Today show, (rerun 10/17 because pre-empteded before)
  6. Sept 22, The View, long interview and song// October 16, The View,short interview and song
  7. Sept 22, 25 and 26, ET - Clay Segment, interviews/ clips and performance// -
  8. Sept 26, The Jimmy Kimmel Show, couch performance// October 12, Jimmy Kimmel Live short skit performance
  9. Sept 27, Larry King Live, 45 minutes with performance clips of several songs// -
  10. Sept 30, ET Weekend - interview with performance clips// -
  11. Oct 6, Martha Stewart// October 20, The Martha Stewart Show,
  12. date? Tyra Banks Show - entire show, two songs// ?, Tyra Banks Show ?,
  14. Nov 2, Megan Mulally Show//Oct 25, Megan Mulally Show,
  15. Nov 17, Live With Regis and Kelly,co-host// -
  16. Nov 21, American Music Awards, presenter// -
  17. September 27, KTLA 40 min // 10/?, BOSTON'S FOX MORNING NEWS,
  18. 10-Oct, Scrubs repeat//October 17, StarJamz rerun from 2004
  19. Sept, Yahoo session// October 11, Yahoo session
  20. - //October 21, Early show
  21. Days of our livesn// -----
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YAY...love you Play....

I was just telling friends...that when you think of it...Clay's appearance have been really stellar. They were usually treated as events in the shows he was on. They were not the usual promo appearances. Then there is the fact that Clay will be having promo for his symphony shows...every local paper where he will be will be doing ads for this and that will be good for cross promo.

oops Play, you forgot DOOL appearance and the possibility of QVC...

GeorgiaClay...welcome back.

oh and the combination of mr. reclining Clay and Muski's smutty words...very powerful

About the All About Clay Chat ...

do you guys want to do that every week or every two weeks?

What day of the week would be best? people can make suggestions and we will see what is the best day.

We can set it up for two hours, 9 to 11 and people can come and go as they please.

Possible topics...clay flubs, clay's hair, clay glory notes...or just talk about specific appearances...we will get people to suggest topics and we might put up a poll on the topic to be discussed that week.

About the listening party...We can do this every month...after ATDW we can have MCWL , MOAM, then do the demos, then Concerts and even AI performances. So much we can all listen to.

Play...I agree about Ruben. I think if people just stop the comparisons with Clay...he could really have a nice, long and satisfying career.

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Whew! Went to see my mom and she was in pretty good spirits. She's had a nasty eye infection and it's clearing up. I took her to get some new sheets for her bed and then an ice cream cone at McDonald's---her favorite! And the airport called to say they'd be delivering my two pieces of luggage within the next two hours so yeay!

I've been thinking about one thing Clay has said in one of his recent interviews or shows or whatever. The interviewer asked about his privacy, his own life, etc. And he said something to the effect of "Yes, I have my life, but some people want to make it theirs."

That's been really, really repeating itself to me lately. I understand. We all have our own lives but I know I've been guilty at times of making Clay's life more important to me than it should be OR than he'd ever want it to be. The 'coincidence' of things in my real life DEMANDING more of my attention and investment of my time and heart is only making all this bullshit on the boards more absurd to me.

I feel an essay coming on, y'all. B)

Meanwhile, I agree with you, Ansa, about the nature and quality of Clay's appearances. He's the STAR of them...the reason for them, and he absolutely rocks every single time. He wins new friends in high places every time and confirms to the already converted his worth when the ratings come in and the show is a hit----again. I just checked out Megan Mullally's (sp) show dates and Clay's date is the ONLY one that says the show is full, please choose another, when you click to get tickets!

The man is a natural talent, entertainer, vocalist, performer. He ain't goin' nowhere that should make me feel the need to spend all my time and energy trying to run his career, save him from the bad guys or in general poke my nose where he ain't asking it to be.

Now, that does not in any way keep me from wanting him to poke me somewhere with just about any CLay part at all,

but I digress... ;)^_^

ETA: One of these days I'm going to be able to post something here without seeing a reason to come back and edit it...Bolding someone's name is a good thing. :unsure:

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Oh as far as I'm concerned...the edit and preview options are my best friends....you should see my typo on IM's and emails...

WORD Muski...

we are starting to get some entries for montages and parodies...we will put it up tonight.

also more gorgeous banners went up...I think we will need a rotating banner cos there are just so much hot ones coming in.

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