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#3 - Here He Comes Again


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Congrats Alex! And Mom too! BTW, muski -- I bought munchies today for next weekend. Probably went overboard a bit; I think I bought 5 kinds of cookies and 3 kinds of chips. Plus, if we order pizza, and drink lots of wine...yeah, we'll be good to go.

Favorite piece of clack #2: No real story for it from a personal perspective, but boy do I remember the angst over this -- "Fantasy" from AI3. Remember than one? Days ahead of time, we found out he was going to be doing AI3 instead of Larry King Live. People were furious. People were livid. OMG, it was bad. In retrospective, considering the angst of the fandom today, it was mild, though. :D Anyway, he showed up...and sang...and danced...and the joy came through. It was a breakthrough performance, IMO.

As Ryan introduced it -- "Clay Aiken and the goils"

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Good luck on leaving that one up on Youtube - I aint going to load anything out there and get banned for a 4th time.

Here is a link to clack unlimited - of course , if you have keys to the vault...

I could not find the u pick live, so I had to download it fromt he vault, it is probably under another name I can't remember becasue I unloaded it from Neurox, I do like to view it from time to time, where ever it is on my hard drive.

I think everyone had a copy of the platinum clip, so, you know, play your own. I liked it because Clay was speechless. Clay had just done the 20-20- interview with Diane a bit before. In the clip she says tehre is someone who wants to see him and he holds his breath. I believe he was afraid it was his biological father, then they Say Clive Davis and a look of relief seems to appear. Anyway, that is how it seemed, as usualy, I do not have a link to his mind.

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Hey playbiller, I like the fileskip links. I tried my download manager with it, and it worked like a charm. Yousendits and whatnot tend to stall out on me, and won't work with the download manager, so wooo hooo on finding a file sharing system that will.

Isn't the youtube dealie all in the tagging? If you don't actually label something as "American Idol", is it likely to be caught?

There was some discussion about Megan Mullally scheduling on CV. Apparently, she's close to get cancelled, and her times are getting shuffled around. I thought she was shown on one of the regular networks locally, but when I went to her website, it listed the show as being on TBS here. Oh, well, the download will do for me, as long as the plug doesn't get pulled altogether before Thursday. :unsure:

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Isn't the youtube dealie all in the tagging? If you don't actually label something as "American Idol", is it likely to be caught?

I believe you're right. With so many videos on the site, their legal team may not have the time to assiduously hunt down every video by searching the name of every former contestant. They may have done it closer to airdate, when they may have thought there would be a greater likelihood of uploads. However, with Idol off the air since May, it's probably not top of mind.

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Ihad some stuff up there that was WRAl and it had no shots of AI on it, no mention of American Idol and it still got reported. I had concert video with permission from the videographer and it got pulled, when I objected, they said too bad, just sign up again and reload it.

Aparently someone we don't want to see there has posted videos there for his ugh web site, I did not like the comentary, so I reported him for copyright infringement. Notlikethey are going to check, even thought it was. They have the attitude of delete first, don't look back.

how come no one mentioned it or got him deleted before? He had this up for a month.

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Aparently someone we don't want to see there has posted videos there for his ugh web site, I did not like the comentary, so I reported him for copyright infringement. Notlikethey are going to check, even thought it was. They have the attitude of delete first, don't look back.

how come no one mentioned it or got him deleted before? He had this up for a month.

I saw that too, and thought the same thing. It's very obvious. Glad you reported it.

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OK third on my list is from one of my favorite concerts - the final JNT04 at El Cajon. My sweet, sweet Scarlett was sitting 2 rows in front of me so this video is from my vantage point. I walked out of that concert so content. And this was the big finale...GOOD NEWS. It's only a partial video but thankfully I have Deborah760's audio clack of the whole show.

congrats muski... whoo hooo

and why are you working so damn much!!

One is "Solitaire" from the NAT Greenville concert. I find myself mesmerized by his hands in this one, and it even has a great lip bite at the end!

Honest to god truth..I could not stand Solitaire until I saw it live for the very first time ...that first time? Greensboro, NC but Greenville, the next night was the one that blew me away.

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I am heading to bed, but I just thought of two of my favorite clack moments.

One is "Solitaire" from the NAT Greenville concert. I find myself mesmerized by his hands in this one, and it even has a great lip bite at the end!

The other is that Standard interview from around the time of the start of the JNT05 in Vancouver. I would make a link for it, but the file is huge and would take all night! But that is one of the best interviews EVAH! And he looked pretty cute too what with his natural hair (just begging me to run my fingers through it) and hoodie! B)

Muski, congats to Alex! Go Adrenaline!!! Have a safe flight to Chicago!

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You know, as I pack clothes for this trip, I realize that they're the same damned clothes I always pack...no matter where I'm going.

I mean...the very freakin' same.

I actually don't like most of them. But they're what I have. Hmmm...

I just might take an empty suitcase with me along with the one packed with old, tired, non-descript clothes. I'll be smack dab in the middle of Miracle Mile---Michigan Ave. in Chicago. Think I might be able to find a store that has some cool threads? B)

Money? Huh? :o

New things cost money? :(

Well....go ahead and piss in my cornflakes, why doncha? :glare:

Hee! When next I post, I'll be in another time zone...which, in some people's opinion is where I usually reside. :blink:

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Have a nice trip - You surely travel a lot.Well, I hope you get a lot of miles. At least you can leave home happy, your dog is found , your daughter is a winner, your husband is considerate. This probably all happened just to make you appreciate home.

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Have a nice trip - You surely travel a lot.Well, I hope you get a lot of miles. At least you can leave home happy, your dog is found , your daughter is a winner, your husband is considerate. This probably all happened just to make you appreciate home.

:blink: You're so right, play... :)

Uh, yeah...I know I said I wasn't going to post again from here...but I downloaded Greenville Solitaire. See, when my computer disappeared, so did all of my CLACK...a lot. And before the lost laptop, I hadn't watched any of the older stuff in so very long.

Dear God in Heaven. The man is inhuman in his ability to emote. I found myself right where he was emotionally while he wrung every single drop of meaning out of those words...his voice. It is...more than just an incredible musical instrument. When he combines that voice with his own heart and soul in a performance...it's almost too much.

I MISS that. I'm SO ready to go to another Clay concert. So ready.

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Ten favorite pieces of Clack, huh? Geez, I'm glad you upped it from five!

1 - The OMG, OMG Invisible. Piece of Clack Number One. It started a movement, y'all. That, plus he was so happy, he was practically flying. Add in that last shot, with both him and the jumbotron in the frame -- I had never seen him look so beautiful before.

2 - Clay and Brianna. One of the cutest kids ever and he's glowing.

3 - Pitt Ovation, AI tour. I love that -- it goes on and on and on and he just lowers his head, blushes and laughs. There was blushing!

4 - Oprah IWCY. The 'Home' kills me. Well, the whole thing kills me, but especially the home.

5 - Canada AM with Ruben. God, they were having fun.

6 - The most recent Kimmel. Clay shows leg and let's loose with a belly laugh. I could not want for more. (Okay, I could. But I won't go there.)

7 - The first Kyrie entrance. It was just so exciting. Where is he? Where? He's ... here! With us!

The last three, I must think on and will likely post tomorrow night.

This is important stuff.

And ... um ... I just clicked on properties in my video directory. It says I have 3,169 files. 99GB. Some of those must be duplicates, right? Right?

How am I going to pick ten? The more important question -- how in the hell did I get all that? Yes, I'm in shock.

muski -- I see you are headed out of town, but when you came back and if you need replacements for some of your lost video, let me know. I seem to have quite a bit here ...

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Strummer - wow you had some good ones. Before OMG OMG...I wasn't even downloading any clack. I didn't even have a ticket to the AI2 concert. I had dial up. I didn't know how to work the media player. All that changed that night because I was determined to see it. May have done a silent squeeeeee on that one...then promptly went about trying to get tickets for my show....ended up at 3 of them.

The first Kyrie entrance was fantastic..actually being online for the first IT concert was very exciting. Ah the innocence LOL...

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wow strummer...those are great choices...maybe I will put all of these favorite clack together and make a seperate thread...for easy access...when we are blue or bored...we can just look in there and find soemthing to watch and remind us of why we are all here...

I know I'm such a cheater picking whole concerts...but like Brianna...that is one reason why the NC concerts were so special to me.

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Great list strummer. I really agree with you on many of these. As a matter of fact, from recent stuff, I'd definitely put the latest Kimmel appearance on my list (so that makes 3 pieces I've posted so far). That appearance is worth it for that belly laugh, "THEY WILL BE LOCKED!" and "Lawd Jesus." Oh, and the shocked face after seeing the ladies get their tatoos.

I really need to think about all this more, though. There's definitely one that I love (only 30 seconds) but it's not on Youtube yet. I may have to post it tonight.

As for banter clips...way too many to sift through. Sheesh. That will be a hard decision.

bottlecap, totally agree about the Standard interview. Natural hair Clay, with some very thoughtful answers about his life and the way it was heading. Love that interview.

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The OMG moment - I posted a poll about it on the OFC early on, while I was still usingthe message board, heh. I was amazed at the people who had not seen it. I got permissioon from the filmer to post it at Youtube, got deleted in the first great AI purge. Hey, I was one of the first people using youtube, who knew that they were actually going to act on the rules then.

Now, I know I bought a ticket to the AI concert at that moment, even thought I did not know anyone else who wanted to go. I also got my sister to buy a ticket, she really did not want to, thought it would only be kids, I posted a notice on the CH for someone to go with her and Julian responded, (she recently fell onto hard times and can't afford to be on the internet anymore, so few remember her) she and my sister became friends and we went to other concerts together.

Well, the outcome of my poll is that the respondents said they already had tickets and the video was interesting, but not important. I think the wrong people responded. heh.

Edited by playbiller
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Oh yes that was another memorable moment in the fandom...hey we shoudl make that a topic in the gabfest...

Couchie..wow that GN was interesting...it is quite different from last years GN. I can see why that is such a favorite cos he seem so bright and young and full of hope. His facial expression seem childlike...a kid so eager to share GN...

I think last years GN is so much more mature...not as smiley and more contemplative. Not sure what CLay GN I like more but I want to find a good example of GN that will illustrate that.

I found this Good News from JNT2005...scarletts from Kansas City what a difference....they are both excellent in their own ways.

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bottlecap, totally agree about the Standard interview. Natural hair Clay, with some very thoughtful answers about his life and the way it was heading. Love that interview.

**Sniff** I guess I really am invisible. I was the one who mentioned the Standard interview.....

Poor, poor invisible me.... :(;)

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bottlecap, totally agree about the Standard interview. Natural hair Clay, with some very thoughtful answers about his life and the way it was heading. Love that interview.

**Sniff** I guess I really am invisible. I was the one who mentioned the Standard interview.....

Poor, poor invisible me.... :(;)

Hey Clay wanted to be invisible...you now have a connection... :D

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Hey, I haven't even been on this morning.... I've been busy sitting on my hands elsewhere because the "Clay's not really going to tour in the New Year" conversation has come up again, even though as recently as the LKL interview he said he was. I think I need an outline or a color-coded directory or something, so I know when Clay is being truthful in his interviews (which, silly me, I assumed was pretty much always), and when he's lying, spinning, being evasive, etc. :blink:

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bottlecap, totally agree about the Standard interview. Natural hair Clay, with some very thoughtful answers about his life and the way it was heading. Love that interview.

**Sniff** I guess I really am invisible. I was the one who mentioned the Standard interview.....

Poor, poor invisible me.... :(;)

Aw man...I'm soooooooooooo sorry. I woke up with a major headache in the middle of the night last night, and so I'm Miss Zony today. Will you ever forgive me?

How about I offer a pretty picture as a pennance for my sins? Still one of my most favorite pictures of him ever...even though it's a year old at this point...


I'll be back later to respond to some posts here...but I knew I needed to get the apology out of the way...

*hangs head in shame*

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