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#3 - Here He Comes Again


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bottlecap, totally agree about the Standard interview. Natural hair Clay, with some very thoughtful answers about his life and the way it was heading. Love that interview.

**Sniff** I guess I really am invisible. I was the one who mentioned the Standard interview.....

Poor, poor invisible me.... :(;)

Aw man...I'm soooooooooooo sorry. I woke up with a major headache in the middle of the night last night, and so I'm Miss Zony today. Will you ever forgive me?

How about I offer a pretty picture as a pennance for my sins? Still one of my most favorite pictures of him ever...even though it's a year old at this point...


I'll be back later to respond to some posts here...but I knew I needed to get the apology out of the way...

*hangs head in shame*

Awwww. No apology necessary, especially when you kiss up with such a pretty picture! :)

I hope your head feels better.

I can't get the Halloween thingy to work! Bummer. :glare:

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Hey, I'm back! Miss me???? :P

The OMG OMG moment...yep, like couchie, I didn't even know how to download anything, especially video clips. And, like playbiller, hadn't even thought about going to a AI2 concert. That clip changed a lot for me. First of all, I've become much more technologically savvy -- I never even knew how to burn a music CD before Clay, even though I'd had a computer with a burner for a year and a half. Now, I'm at the point of (FINALLY) making my own DVD's. Not editing them, though...I need to backtrack and find some good editing software.

Secondly, though...I saw that clip and HAD to see that for myself live. Found out the tour was going to be in St. Louis. Found tickets on ebay (and not particularly good ones either). Asked hubby what he thought about going. Unbelievably, he said yes. Therefore, my fandom truly began. The only thing that is different from then is now I have no qualms about flying only to see a Clay show. I wouldn't have considered that during the AI2 tour at all.

Couchie..wow that GN was interesting...it is quite different from last years GN. I can see why that is such a favorite cos he seem so bright and young and full of hope. His facial expression seem childlike...a kid so eager to share GN...

I think last years GN is so much more mature...not as smiley and more contemplative. Not sure what CLay GN I like more but I want to find a good example of GN that will illustrate that.

I found this Good News from JNT2005...scarletts from Kansas City what a difference....they are both excellent in their own ways.

Wow, thanks for the comparisons. I think you're right on the money Ansa with regards in the difference a year makes. He does seem much more grownup in the second clip.

Someone mentioned this earlier with regards to Solitaire, but it works with these clips as well -- his hands. OMG, the way he uses his hands for emphasis in GN thrills me. Again, he's not just singing -- he's performing. Love that.

BTW, my favorite lines of GN: "Why, oh why are you afraid? Has this world stripped you of your faith?" Man, those two lines really resonate with me. I really think they sum up the way many people in this world at the moment. Just an observation on my part.

Hey, I haven't even been on this morning.... I've been busy sitting on my hands elsewhere because the "Clay's not really going to tour in the New Year" conversation has come up again, even though as recently as the LKL interview he said he was. I think I need an outline or a color-coded directory or something, so I know when Clay is being truthful in his interviews (which, silly me, I assumed was pretty much always), and when he's lying, spinning, being evasive, etc. :blink:

A color coded BS meter? Heh. I'm thinking it could be along the lines of the National Security thing -- red alert, orange alert, etc.

I'm still floored at how many people cannot take Clay Aiken at his word. Hidden messages, body language -- sheesh. Can you hear my eyes rolling from wherever you are?


The Salamander's: Clay's Halloween 2006.

OMG, this is GREAT! I'm in love with Gandalf!Clay! and Forrest!Gump!Clay!

So -- does anyone wonder if the Kimmel rerun or the press annoucing the DOOL appearance will affect HDD this week? I have to admit I'm curious....

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I'm still floored at how many people cannot take Clay Aiken at his word. Hidden messages, body language -- sheesh. Can you hear my eyes rolling from wherever you are?

Don't forget the twinkle in his eye and the way he cocks his head! I actually read both of those as indicators that he wasn't happy! :blink:

Clay seems like a pretty honest guy. I suspect he CAN spin, but the way some are thinking, he should be getting pretty damn dizzy with all the spinning he's doing.

Me? I tend to take him at his word. If that makes me naive, so be it. It makes me happier and my blood pressure lower!

Finally got the Halloween thing to work and BWAH is right! That is hysterical - and I am in awe of her photoshopping talents!

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Ah, Ansa posted one of those knowing smile pictures - actually wasn't it the "approving" smile of something happening in the story, like cookie making parallels? But still very pretty.

Poor Bottlecap sounds like she needs a hug or to learn how to use the scroll bar.

I don't really have any funny Clay pictures. Well, maybe I can cheer her up with a little something I posted on a Taylor thread a while ago - no offense meant for Taylor, just his old haircut.

Separated at birth


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LOL! Playbiller, that's brilliant!

No matter how much Clack I've seen, the truth is, I don't know him well enough to judge his unspoken feelings. Watching him on television or in concert is not the same as understanding him on a personal level.

I remember times when fans used to talk about how Kimberley Locke was a bad friend because of something she said, or more often, did not say. They'd act as if Clay was merely too good-hearted to realize this. They'd somehow gloss over the fact that unlike the fans, Clay actually KNEW her. He spent months with her on AI, shared a house with her, spent real time with her. He was in a far better position to judge her friendship with him than fans who only saw a few minutes of her on some talk show. However, many believed that, well, they knew the truth.

Sometimes I think that because fans spend so much time on the boards, there is a false sense of intimacy. Some seem to spend more time thinking about Clay than they do thinking about people they actually know. However, I doubt any of us really know him as well as we think we do. Even if we watch Clack all day, we only see a very tiny sliver of his life. I think we need to keep that in perspective when we presume to understand "what's really going on."

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JennaZ, I completely agree with you. While Clay I think has been more open with his fans than many performers, this is only a tiny part of his life - and it IS a public persona. We only know what he wants us to know about him. That essentially means we know certain facts about his life - those he has chosen to share with us - but we do not know HIM.

Not that that stops some in the fandom from psychoanalyzing him, or planning his career for him, or deciding how he thinks for him, or how he feels for him, or even who he is in love with for him!

That's why I tend to take Clay at his word. If he says he's happy, I tend to believe him. If he says he's proud of ATDW and it reflects a lot of who he is, I tend to believe him - even if I don't feel the same way.

I guess I have always figured Clay knows himself better than I know him, considering I haven't even met him and all. *g*

I love how accessible Clay has made himself with us, but I have to say, in a way, I would like him to step back a bit more and separate his real life from his public life. It may not only help keep him sane, but it may force some in his fandom to gain perspective.

Or not. I am sure they would find some kind of evil plot being the reason behind it. :glare:

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Ansa, home for lunch and I just watched both GOOD NEWS and you're right there is a difference. I haven't found a GOOD NEWS that I don't like but that EL Cajon is special to me...maybe because I was there and the feeling of contentment I felt when I left the building. He does appear more hopeful in my favorite version... and younger. I just love it though and it might be all my time favorite bit of clack... well if I had to really choose which I don't. thank goodness.

That song just really touches me and has been a comfort when I needed it. I can really feel an extra oomph in certain songs of faith that he sings - and I think that's why these songs are some of my favorites. You Were There is right up there with Good News in my book.

It was mentioned several times that he would tour small venues in February. If plans change they freakin' change but I'm not going to worry about that now...I have 3 major holidays to get through before I even begin to fret about it.

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playbiller, that picture comparison is awesome!

And it made me feel really, really old when Clay didn't know who Captain Kangaroo was (from one of the Leno interviews...)

Clay seems like a pretty honest guy. I suspect he CAN spin, but the way some are thinking, he should be getting pretty damn dizzy with all the spinning he's doing.

Isn't that some sort of exercise class you take at the gym?

Me? I tend to take him at his word. If that makes me naive, so be it. It makes me happier and my blood pressure lower!

Just call me naive as well. Maybe we can start a "naive and proud of it" car.

Sometimes I think that because fans spend so much time on the boards, there is a false sense of intimacy. Some seem to spend more time thinking about Clay than they do thinking about people they actually know. However, I doubt any of us really know him as well as we think we do. Even if we watch Clack all day, we only see a very tiny sliver of his life. I think we need to keep that in perspective when we presume to understand "what's really going on."

Ah yes, it's all about perspective. This is what seems to be missing to me in many of the fans. They've gotten themselves overinvested in the man, and can't quite figure out how to pull back. So, in the meantime, they just keep making more and more assumptions.

I remember all that KLo stuff, and that used to really irk me. It's practically the same with everyone in his life, though -- Faye, Fran, Jaymes...the list can go on and on. Is it jealousy?

It's just a simple fact to me -- I don't know Clay. I will never know Clay. As much as I'd love to get inside his pretty head, it.will.not.happen. Why people can't see that they are in the same boat, I'll never understand.

That song just really touches me and has been a comfort when I needed it. I can really feel an extra oomph in certain songs of faith that he sings - and I think that's why these songs are some of my favorites. You Were There is right up there with Good News in my book.

OMG, yes. I think YWT speaks to me more than GN does, but they both give me chills. Why? Because to me, the feelings he portrays are just different -- more passionate, more intense. When he wails at the end of YWT, it still brings tears to my eyes.

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Well, to be different - Good News is probably the least favorite thing that Clay has ever sung to me. Just a different taste - mind you I am not going to post all over the place about it over and over, declaring it a great division between me and Clay and I can't buy tickets to a concert featuring it. Nope, I am just going to let others enjoy it. I liked You Were There and could not understand the controversey. Got my tickets pasted to my walls. So I guess I will hear another version and will try and stay awake.

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See, I knew I was fine! If strummer only has 99 Gb, one small hard drive with approximate 148 Gb of video (not counting AI2 because that's on a separate hard drive and other people are on it so those 19 Gb don't count, really they don't) isn't particularly excessive (especially since I moved a far amount to DVDs).

I am really struggling to pick my top 10 faves.....

And as couchie knows, I don't actually like GN either...but he does sing the freak out of it.

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Well, to be different - Good News is probably the least favorite thing that Clay has ever sung to me. Just a different taste - mind you I am not going to post all over the place about it over and over, declaring it a great division between me and Clay and I can't buy tickets to a concert featuring it. Nope, I am just going to let others enjoy it. I liked You Were There and could not understand the controversey. Got my tickets pasted to my walls. So I guess I will hear another version and will try and stay awake.

Well, I can stand GN. I just think its boring. But his cheekbones always made up for the boringness of the song for me.

Why yes, I am shallow. Why do you ask?? :P)

Now, for all your sake's I won't get started on YWT and its - IMO - inappropriateness during a pop concert, especially with the visual effects. Lucky for all of you (well, except Muski....), you didn't know me then. But I dared to express my displeasure of that song being in a pop concert on another board (in a my opinion only and respectful manner....), and an entire thread was created just to bash me and ban me to hell!

And no, I am not exaggerating. :glare:

I had very strong feelings about it then, and still do. But that was over 2 years ago and I don't want to dredge it up again.

Unless he does it again, which I hope he won't.

The only time YWT amused me was at the 1st NC State Fair concert. From where I was sitting on the side I watched some in the audience testifiying while others were in the back buying hot dogs and cotton candy! CMSU!

Ok, maybe I am going to hell..... :unsure:

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I think as an African American I'm used to the church just being a part of the music. I never blinked twice. If you go see Luther (well when he was alive), or Patty Labelle, or even young black artists, you just might go to church some time during the concert. Maybe that's a different expectation than a pop concert, but plenty of pop artists has thrown other types of religious stuff at me that I neither believed in or knew anything about but I just went with the flow. Perhaps being a preacher's kid has something to do with it as well. It certainly bothered a lot of people so you weren't the only one claygasm.

now, off to find my favorite desert island clack #4...and it's a change of pace. hee

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I thought of another piece of favorite clack - the AOL Sessions MOAM.

I never liked that song until this piece of clack. The simplicity of the arrangement. The slight imperfections in his voice. There was just something about it. This arrangement to me highlighted the meaning of the lyrics. I fell in love with it because of this piece of clack and, with the exception of WB, it still remains my very favorite performance of MOAM.

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I'd love to get inside his pretty head,
Ah, ldyjocelyn I'd love to move the words around in that sentence of yours and make it mean something more relevant to MY wishes for locations of heads and Clay and whatnot... B)

TMI, you say? Pfftt! Blame it on the Windy City! I'm in my lovely Governor's Suite at the hotel here in Chicago...ah, yes.. a bottle of wine awaited me when I got back from dinner and four fat chocolate-covered strawberries! I put the berries in the fridge and I'll put the wine there, too (Drat! It's white wine! ) I'll save it for our Sunday fest!...(but not for Christmas Day...heh)

It's really surprisingly warm here today...and re: GN...I was bored to tears when I saw it in San Jose...I have to admit that seeing the El Cajon tape swayed me somewhat...I really only like it, though, because Clay obviously does and he makes us feel what he feels when he sings it. I won't miss it, however. (sorry, couchie, dear I still like to LISTEN to YWT, though. He sounds amazing singing this song and it never fails to give me goose bumps. Didn't like the light show, though, at the concert; in my opinion, all the views of whatever on the screens only distracted me and detracted from the impact of the man's presence and voice and the expressions on his face.

I remember watching the OMG! OMG! What IS that move?!?!?!? and thinking that something was shifting in the universe. I didn't see an AI tour show so just depended on the hum and buzz from those who did. Seeing him in that St. Paul clip confirmed what I'd suspected while watching him on AI2---the man's feelin' it. That is so plain to me. And so it was and so it shall be.

Shallow muski will contribute a favorite piece of CLACK...it's the YGAF clip from RI when Angela got to him....BIG time....while he sat and squirmed on the stool. Classic, horny Clay and I love it. I resisted believing my eyes for a very long time, I'll have you know, when that clip...er...arose...and all the consequent oohing and aahing ensued...I SWORE it JUST.COULDN'T.BE!

I've come to my senses, obviously. ;)

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Shallow muski will contribute a favorite piece of CLACK...it's the YGAF clip from RI when Angela got to him....BIG time....while he sat and squirmed on the stool. Classic, horny Clay and I love it. I resisted believing my eyes for a very long time, I'll have you know, when that clip...er...arose...and all the consequent oohing and aahing ensued...I SWORE it JUST.COULDN'T.BE!

you wench...you just stole my #4..I'll have it up on youtube momentarily. heeee.

ETA: actually decided not to put it on youtube... because it's really not a great peice of video..very blurry..only good for gawking for those of us that...ummm want to gawk...so i'll upload it to fcam for anyone who has not seen it.

ETA..claygasm beat me to it..heh. sure is a lot of interest in that video..

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I think as an African American I'm used to the church just being a part of the music. I never blinked twice. If you go see Luther (well when he was alive), or Patty Labelle, or even young black artists, you just might go to church some time during the concert. Maybe that's a different expectation than a pop concert, but plenty of pop artists has thrown other types of religious stuff at me that I neither believed in or knew anything about but I just went with the flow. Perhaps being a preacher's kid has something to do with it as well. It certainly bothered a lot of people so you weren't the only one claygasm.

now, off to find my favorite desert island clack #4...and it's a change of pace. hee

Yup...I admit when this first came out, I was surprised that this song created quite a controversy...growing up in a predominantly Catholic country like the Philippines...having some religious content in entertainment was not really all that unusual. But this is another instance where Clay has taught me a lot about other people.. It gave me a chance to discuss differences and to gain a better understanding of people with very different life experiences. Claygasm, I'm sorry your board didn't show you respect for your views. I certainly learned that Religion and politics can be a very sensitive subject for some people.

Musically though...I always thought YWT and GN were stunning songs. I just love the melody and he was so into it while singing it always gave me a high. GN actually showed me that Clay can certainly perform in Broadway. Just because he had the voice for it does not mean he can actually act...GN gave me a glimpse of what he can do. Both songs were certainly show stoppers and I loved that he took a chance like that.

Oh yes claygasm..I was just thinking about that AOL performance...I was stunned by that and got quite verklempt.

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Yes. the AOL MOAM....I'd just come home from a visit at a Clay friend's house in Southern Cal. We'd had some heavy conversations about things in our lives and I was feeling so very vulnerable and scared...and

I got on the boards and saw the hubbub about this clip and I watched it and cried and cried and cried. He seems so vulnerable in that rendition of the song, too. So raw and open and simply truthful and earnest. God, it killed me. Yep, I love it, too.

Hey! I forgot to tell yall something hilarious! In addition to the wine and the strawberries waiting for me from myh hotel contact...there was a lovely little tote/toiletry bag filled with all kinds of smell-good goodies from the spa...

OH...and one more thing that was in there..... :P

A "Clay Aiken Christmas" DVD! :o

Huh? :unsure:

Well, I...uh....MIGHT'VE mentioned that I think Clay Aiken is a good singer... :ph34r:

But I'm sure anything more was just extrapolation on her part.....heheh ;)


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Speaking of Broadway, that reminds me of another favorite piece of clack - the Broadway Cares duet with Heather Headley (the one from the DVD where you really can see and hear, not the fan video). It was so funny the way Heather Headley got all giggly and fan girly and said he was cute and then it gave me goosebumps when he walked out on stage in front of a largely non-Clay fan filled audience....

It was great. But alas, that piece of clack seems to have been lost. Does anyone have it????

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WOW muski...you sure get the perks in your travels....

Hee...RI YGAF...those certainly brings back memories...I love it when we get glimpses of really really naughty Clay. I think thats why I loved the the NC trifecta...he was in such a naughty mood.

eta: Claygasm I do believe I have that somewhere....

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I have Headley duet - It really should not be up on youtube since it was not to be released to the public. I will put it up on the file upload and you can get it from there.

Who am I kidding or what, I think I have just about every piece of Clack, not counting concert clack. I was cracking up last year when I was pulling up clack that no one else seemed to have from november 11 2002 and onward. I wonder if the parts I am missing exist anywhere?

So, did anyone watch the bouncy ball clack I put up yesterday? I think it took me a couple of days to download on dial up.

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I have Headley duet - It really should not be up on youtube since it was not to be released to the public. I will put it up on the file upload and you can get it from there.

Who am I kidding or what, I think I have just about every piece of Clack, not counting concert clack. I was cracking up last year when I was pulling up clack that no one else seemed to have from november 11 2002 and onward. I wonder if the parts I am missing exist anywhere?

So, did anyone watch the bouncy ball clack I put up yesterday? I think it took me a couple of days to download on dial up.

Oh I do remember the bouncy ball clack...that was just too cute..

I am currently doing a YSI for the headley clip. so we can just wait for that if you haven't started it yet.

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