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# 8 My titanium balled, taking his life into his big hands,


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24 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be for the FCA Forum?

    • I really look forward to hearing Clay bring a sexy Moon River back
    • All this talk of Moon River has made pour a nice glass of red wine, curl up on my sofa with Waldo
    • It makes your girl parts vibrate
    • The board of easy women
    • It's just that Clay's world is so much more than us. So much more than fans and concert dates and venue choices and juvenile exchanges on his fan site. He's just so much more.
    • He's just so much more.
    • He's a man of a 1000 faces and all of them are great to look at.
    • They have not fallen down on their knees and kissed his lily white ass!

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Oh God, he looked so hot at that Gala. And that ring...the mouth, the teeth, the tongue in the ring...


I do have to admit (muski puts on throwaway poncho because tomato stains are hard to get out, y'all) that his smile IS different to me, with the new teeth I mean. It's just different. Still getting used to it....He looks different---not saying he looks bad or anything....just different. The change DOES affect the shape of his mouth and smile...no doubt about it...just sayin'....


Anybody still love me?

You and those teeth!

You and Tyra should start a club!!! ;)

But you know I still love you! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

By the way, can anyone get into the OFC yet cause I can't!

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Hey, today's Tyra was about fixing various woman's teeth - kind of like queen for a day, except they all competed to get their teeth fixed and they fixed all of them anyway. Sheesh, you would think they could see that coming -

Wow,. I am so impressed by that Clackgatherer's discreetness - to get such good photos and they got a good seat - now the other person was off to the side and I think thier gives a slightly different perspective - nope, never too much auction Clack for me! This is an instance where It Is ALLLLLL Good.

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RUN, don't walk, and get the latest gala clack by ClayIzzaQT. It's so up close it's like being there! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Clack Unlimited link

OMG yes! You all must get this clack now!!! All four clips are worthy, but the killer is 1:00 through 1:30 of the ring auction. I'm guessing that muski will be dead soon.... And he SOOOOOOOOOOO knows. He's such a little shit. I love him.

Did we ever get that THUD emoticon loaded?

This stuff is GREAT!!!! I bow down to ClayIzzaQT!!!

This should be put up on YouTube so the unsuspecting might find it!!

He is HOT! He is hysterical! He is adorable!

He is sizzling!! :hubbahubba:

ETA: I just saw this at the CH:

Not only was this the first time ClayIzzaQT every took video, she took these from the last row with her Canon S2 with 12x zoom.

She needs to be encouraged to do this more often!

ETAA: Saw this at the CH from the front page at the OFC

04/06/07 : Update: ClayOnline.com Technical Issues

By Team Clay

Dear Clay Fans,

Due to some unforeseen technical issues with the domain, the ClayOnline.com site was not accessible beginning late last night through this morning. The site is now up and running again and we do not anticipate any problems of the like to reoccur. Please rest assured that Clay's official site and fan club are not going away! We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience and we appreciate your patience and understanding in this matter.


Team Clay

Sooooo, WHY CAN'T I GET IT TO COME UP FOR ME?????? :angry22:

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Lucky for you all, I just wrote a fifty kazillion paragraph post to play catch up since I've been gone, gone, gone, and suddenly my computer restarted! :lol: I ain't doin' it again! Hee. Seriously, is there any question what I was agreeing or disagreeing with? I think ya'll know me by now, and if you don't... well, you will never, never.... *sings*

muski, darlin'...yes, I still love you, because I'm hiding right under that poncho with ya. Yep. Different. My mom still wants her hair dyed black. My brother has to do it because she's not able. She told him he could stop if he wanted and he said, no, besides that you like it, I don't wanna take care of a stranger! Haha! CMSU!

He's a ham, that boy. (Clay, not my brother!)

I can't get to the OFC either, but I figure when it's done doin' it's thing, it won't be a problem.

Aren't I little miss mellow? That's what a shitload of gardening will do? Anyone wanna see? http://thistle-hut.blogspot.com/ It's not that exciting (except to me), but there are some pretty pictures, if I do say so myself. :medium-smiley-070:

Wow, ClayIzzaQT has some stable hands. I tried videoing my dog with my CS2 zoomed in and it is so shaky I almost made myself seasick watching it. Um, those who know me, know that's not very hard to do, but still!

Anywho, janscaped posted this on CV:

Kwaku Alston Portraits

Clay is in the 4th photo essay. The caption to the pictures taken for Time magazine, written by the photographer, says: "This was right when he was so hot on American Idol. And the editors wanted me to capture him like he was a huge star, but he walks into my studio, and he's just a nice country boy. We had this huge spread, wonderful catering, and he asks if we could order McDonald's instead."



I think I was thinner back then too! :tongue09:

Happy Easter to all who do that sort of thing!

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CG, try clearning your cache and your cookies and then see if you can get into the site.

Back to that wonderful auction footage...*sigh*....

Teno rings

Doesn't look like they have the design I'm used to seeing him (and I've studied this picture more than a few times....)


But the second one on this catalog page might be one of the necklaces he has (or had, at this point....).

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BWAH..but of course... actually no you will be able to see all the content without registering... but for anybody that we drag in uh request to help out with some things will require a password and sign on.

Couch, does that mean we will be an "elite" board now? :medium-smiley-070: Sorry, just had to say that.

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BWAH..but of course... actually no you will be able to see all the content without registering... but for anybody that we drag in uh request to help out with some things will require a password and sign on.

Couch, does that mean we will be an "elite" board now? :medium-smiley-070: Sorry, just had to say that.

I thought we already were? Well at least an opionated board

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In the ring video, did the auctioneer ask some lady if they needed to get a mop, or was I hearing things?



P.S. Couchie's late! It's 6:06 and she was supposed to be here at 6 pm. Hrrmmmph! :angry2:

Guess I'll just have a glass of :wein: until she gets here....heh.

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Hey, I was serious... Guess I'll have to zapruder the video again and try to figure out what exactly he said.

YSRN, I checked out your garden blog. What beautiful pictures, especially since I have been watching snow flurries swirl around outside my windows on and off all day. Some dancing veggies just for you (I think the broccoli is wearing lifts, though. Pretend you don't notice.)


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Well, pooh! I thought maybe my not being to get into the OFC was a Mac/Safari thing, but muski tells me she can get in. There goes that theory!

Bottle - I think the auctioneer is asking her if she wanted to stop. But I like your interpretation better, so we'll go with that!

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Hee. Just watched the Wango Tango shirt video. Geez, Clay, you and the shirt should just get a room already given the way you were fondling that thing. muski, I think you may have found the love interest for your next bit of writing.

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In the ring video, did the auctioneer ask some lady if they needed to get a mop, or was I hearing things?

I just watched it again (thanks, I needed a reason to watch it again :medium-smiley-070: ), and yes, I hear him asking about a mop too. What is up with that?

Can I just say that I also love the auctioneer? He's funny too -- I loved him asking the one bidder for the WT shirt if she needed a loan. Cracked Clay up even. Also -- loved Clay trying to get "JOE'S" attention during the ring auction -- as if Clay couldn't say that name loud enough!

What a clack goldmine. I'm in heaven at the moment.

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I have more ofthe AI1 files - where would you like them?

I am so impressed with the clack - I thought she sat close - but she was really in the back and got amazing clack. I thought someone said that Jerome said it would be OK to video the auction, if so, I wonder why not many did it?

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Several posters at the CH and CV have mentioned Jimmy Kimmel sitting in for Larry King tonight, and I guess he does a great job going after some paparrazi and tabloid bloggers. In most areas his show airs again at mid-night eastern. I think I'm going to try to catch it. Sounds like it was a serious interview, but that Jimmy got some zingers in.

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Hey! It's 11:25 pm and the last post was four hours ago. What the hell?

So...couchie made it, we walked and took my doggie with us..then I took all my Clay clack upstairs and left Alex and her friends to the first floor of the house. I'm going to bed now but I've drunk about five glasses of wine, watched Clay in AI2 from Group 2 through the Final 11 and ...

that's all.

All righty, then. Going to bed now. Oh, couchie! How'd you lke the gala clack (She hadn't watched it yet when we walked...)...

As I'm watching this early AI Clay clack, I'm overwhelmed by the incredible growth (heh) in him since then. Actually, though...it's discernable each week. Open Arms-DLTSGDOM--ICHM---SOT....Each week he came out there more confident, more comfortable, more in charge than the week before. I'm so proud of him.


Is it July yet?

'night, friends. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Just wanted to check my new avatar....what a goof

oops I gotta agree with Muski about the teeth...I thought I wouldn't notice it from the pictures...but I did notice it in the videos...its just different...and still adjusting...hee

hey have you guys seen this before?


I like this one better...more natural

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Well, if you can have a new avi Ansa, so can I...

:medium-smiley-070: :medium-smiley-070:

But I have to admit, I'm gonna miss seeing conductor Clay under your name.....


Hee...actually I am missing him already...I may just put him back after a day or two.

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Good day - any New news? I always want new news, rather than old news. Have you heard some day, Clay will record another album.

For some reason, I felt inspired by You Were There.


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Good day - any New news? I always want new news, rather than old news. Have you heard some day, Clay will record another album.

Happy Easter all. For some reason, I felt inspired by You Were There.

You Were There was one of my favorite songs from that tour. It is an inspiring song!

I loved the visual of him rising up in the white suit, all backlit and shining.


Happy Easter!

eta: I got distracted by clack and forgot to say.....

HOW GREAT IS THE CLAYIZZAQT CLACK????? WOW! I have that same camera and I continue to be amazed at the quality of the vids I can get. It has a 12x optical zoom, and a 40x digital zoom! I just did some great vids at my nephew's 5th grade production of Annie! ::need more memory tho::

Also - I loved seeing Kimmel take that Gawker bitch down a notch.. His reasoning was spot on. There's clack up (not sure where besides the CH) of it is you didn't see Kimmel on LKL last night. I got a kick out of his wearing of suspenders ala LK! hee!

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Play, I really didn't recognized you by your avatar!!

I can finally get into the OFC. Of course, there is no real reason to go there at the moment, but you never know!

I was awakened this morning by my phone ringing and it was a Jehovah Witness. That just got my day off to a really bad start.

I was watching AI2 Clay on YouTube last night and it gave me an idea. Maybe one of these days we can have an AI2 listening party (just Clay, or course). Could be fun!

Or not.

Must do some house cleaning this weekend. Too much cat hair and dust! We don't do Easter in my family so I have nothing else to do!

I could always exercise........

Or not.

(I will not get into YWT again..... I will not get into YWT again...... I will not get into YWT again...)

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