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# 8 My titanium balled, taking his life into his big hands,


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24 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be for the FCA Forum?

    • I really look forward to hearing Clay bring a sexy Moon River back
    • All this talk of Moon River has made pour a nice glass of red wine, curl up on my sofa with Waldo
    • It makes your girl parts vibrate
    • The board of easy women
    • It's just that Clay's world is so much more than us. So much more than fans and concert dates and venue choices and juvenile exchanges on his fan site. He's just so much more.
    • He's just so much more.
    • He's a man of a 1000 faces and all of them are great to look at.
    • They have not fallen down on their knees and kissed his lily white ass!

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I shan't stress out either - considering I just bought 12 nonrefundable box seats for the last home Rockets game of the season - arranged catering - cleared it internally and with clients - sent out invitations - called to reconfirm with head honcho client - only to hear TODAY "Oh, Tim didn't tell you? He scheduled a meeting in NY on the 16th. I guess we won't be going!" Somebody's gonna have to eat that four grand and it ain't gonna be me. Shit happens. All the time.

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I love Clay.

There is no way in hell I am sitting my ass outside on the 4th of July to listen to ANYBODY in Frisco, Texas.

Ain't gonna do it.

But it really doesn't sound like a part of the concert tour at all. It sounds...strange.

Claygasm, you go and report back to us. In the air conditioning.

Hee I was wondering about you...I thought that this was not really the kind of atmosphere I could see for you...But hey we really don;t know details yet..I say stay tuned..

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Just want to mention that (like someone has, on another board) that I am a sports fan, and don't get drunk at games. I kind of like the idea of Clay winning over a big happy crowd - but yeah, it doesn't seem like a symphonic setting.

I already have my Houston ticket, have not booked a flight, and will wait to see what Playbiller is gonna do....4th of July does sound like fun!

I cannot even imagine how this could be gathered into the Conspiracy Theory, but then I am a proponent of Occam's Razor, not the Gilette 5 blade extravaganza!

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I don't know how to do the quote thingy, so the lovely YSRN said ever so succinctly:

"OF COURSE, in real life I can understand that he didn’t do it for me. And really, I’m not that selfish of a human being that I’d want him to be unhappy to please me. Seriously. And I don’t understand the accusations of such a thing either from some people who rush to make sure I understand how selfish I’m being by telling me it's about him and his happiness. Circle back to “we’re all fans for, and of, different things”.

I don’t “love” Clay. I love him though. I love him like ice cream. And baseball. I love how he affects ME. Which is totally different than I love him, therefore I sacrifice anything for his happiness. I don’t. I think some fans expect that of other fans though. I adore him and I want him to be happy, of course, but I want that for every human on this earth. In the fandom experience though, I don’t need everyone to be the same. Or like the same things. And I most definitely don’t need them to be quiet if they don’t have anything positive to say! *shudder* I want to hear what real people think, otherwise I could just talk to myself and hear what I wanna hear all day. The "true fan" thing drives me insane!"

Thankyou, YSRN, I couldn't agree more. Just because you may like or not like something doesnt' mean you don't want his happiness or that you're all shallow and shit. I am a high visual type as well. Some of the most erotic pictures of Clay I've ever seen are the ones where he's singing, mouth open and you don't see any teeth. It's like that mouth is a sexual organ all it's own. I expect to catch flack for this one. Now I see a game show host's mouth or something and he's still fabulous and all, but it's a different thing. Over time, I probably won't even notice it .

I look forward to sitting with you under the pergola covered with flowers and vines and sipping tea and having a good laugh .

Prayers and hugs for everyone caught in the Texas angst. Jeez, Louise, who's in charge here?

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Lots of great posts. Many of you echo my own thoughts. There was a time when I felt much more addicted and desperate for all thing Clay Aiken. However, my neediness has dissipated, though I still find myself interested and excited. Just not quite so obsessed.

My heart goes out to all of you with Dallas plans. I'd be disappointed too. However, I tend to give Team Clay the benefit of the doubt. There is much we don't know as to why it was scheduled and why it was cancelled. Should the OFC have announced it without everything signed and confirmed? Perhaps not, but fans had been screaming for a full schedule. And who knows what had been originally planned, and what may have changed? What if his Frisco orchestra backed out?

Yes, Texas in summer can be hot. But it is July 4, and if there will be fireworks, perhaps his concert can draw a good not.just.us crowd. People often seek July 4th events, and this may be a better opportunity for him in some ways.

Welcome, Artquest!

Edited by JennaZ
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OkOKOKOK I will call you in a little while - I am just leavingto have a little quality time with my dog now. I will be back shortly

I have no plane ticket yet (If I did, I think there is a $50 penalty for changing dates, not cancelling).

I can go either way on this since I don't have any reason for being, except I like spending the 4th at the beach for dog reasons -toooooo many fireworks near my house and near dogsitters house.

There was going to be a bus to Dallas - what is another 4 hours to Houston? or could just come in earlier and go to the fair (must remember to buy dog tranquilizers) instead. Could it be any hotter than the day in Tomsriver where they confiscated all our bottles of water and then wanted $3 to buy replacements?


Conspiracy theory? johntravolta.gif Right.

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I love Clay.

There is no way in hell I am sitting my ass outside on the 4th of July to listen to ANYBODY in Frisco, Texas.

Ain't gonna do it.

But it really doesn't sound like a part of the concert tour at all. It sounds...strange.

Claygasm, you go and report back to us. In the air conditioning.

Huh?? You must be kidding! I'm a northerner. I don't do heat and I hate humidity! We get enough of that up round these parts! Hot to me is 80 degrees. I HATE heat and humidity. Makes me grumpy!

I have a feeling that this soccer concert isn't going to be the real first concert of the tour. I think it will be shorter, since its after the soccer game and before fireworks, and I think he'll probably throw in a few patriotic songs for the occasion. I know when here in Philly we have the big concert on the Parkway, its never a full concert. No time for that because of the fireworks. Nope, this will only be a special July 4th appearance by Clay. The first concert of the tour will start in Houston on July 6th.

That's my rationalization and I'm sticking to it! :medium-smiley-070:

You know, it is what it is. I am lucky. I hadn't bought my airline ticket yet. I am more than a little annoyed by the OFC, though. Obviously this just didn't happen over the weekend. IMO, since they have told us that the OFC is the only place to go for the official word, they shouldn't have put up the Nokia until all contracts had been signed, sealed and delivered. At the very least, when they knew they were talking to Tulsa about the Dallas date, they should have taken down Dallas from the tour schedule with a note saying something like "Sorry, changes are coming. Stay tuned.". The Nokia is still up there!

And for some reason I'm not convince what we have heard via the fans is completely accurate. Its like a damn episode of a soap opera... "Stay tuned for tomorrow's episode of 'Days of our Tour'."

YSRN - Great post!!

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Shoot. I just know I'm gonna be sitting on my butt, watching a soccer game I have no interest in, for a good spot to listen to my boyfriend. Demmit.

I am too made of sugar! I'll melt!

I understand about not liking something - there are a fair number of things I probably don't like about the boy - but there are ways of expressing it (Man, his hair looks funky to me! vs. His hair now represents the third sign of the Apocalypse and his hairdresser is some sort of demon-worshipping tyro that hates all his fans and he also clearly hates all his fans and doesn't want a career and yes I know I've said this 17,856 times before but clearly someone wasn't listening or they would fix that shit to my criteria and let me beat you over the head with it ONE MORE GODDAM TIME.) You might be surprised that I like the first way much better. If I never see the phrase 'true fan' from either side again, it will be a good day for me. Because at this point it seems to be used by both sides flailing wildly about. Everyone gets thumped, no one's listening and it's just so frickin' pointless because neutral observers just try to avoid the entire mess because no one cares who started it or who's trying to finish it - they just want to escape.

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I lost my mind and got a ticket for Houston thinking it would be the first show, but I didn’t buy a plane ticket yet. I’m not schlepping to Houston from Philadelphia if it’s not the first show. I’m in wait and see mode.

I loved your post YSRN. I want to be as reasonable as you when I grow up. I often wish I was more even keeled in my fandom....more casual. I have to admit that Clay Aiken and I have a tumultuous relationship sometimes. I have to give muski’s questions more thought and get back. I was away and offline for about five days following the gala and I swear I am still not caught up. I feel completely out of the loop or something. It’s not good for me to be offline when Clay is afoot.

Last night after we returned from dinner at my in-laws I got busted with a picture of Clay as my wallpaper. First let me say...there is no evidence of Clay in my every day life at home. (other than me sitting at the computer) Sometimes when the kids are away, I'll put a picture of Clay as my background on the computer…but that it as radical as I get.

When we got home last night my 18YO was the first on the computer to do her AIM thing. The rest of us were in the family room when she calls out...

18YO: Who’s that with Clay? He’s cute. And Clay looks different.

ME: blank stare…(I suddenly realize that I must have saved the pix of Clay and Jesse to my desktop instead of my external hard drive. ACK!)

21YO daughter: Who’s cute?

We scramble to the computer where the ….ACK!!!!! wallpaper is Clay and Jesse…and ACK!!!! I pounce on the keyboard to make the …..ACK!!!! Clay/Jesse picture GO AWAY!!!!



21YO: That’s Clay????

A team of horses couldn’t hold back her amazement.

Later she told me that she always thought Clay was …and I quote… “sweaty, greasy, oily, and orangey”.

I have no idea where she got all that…other than …


maybe at some point I saved a photo to my desktop of the one time he actually sweated… jeez.

I made a little speed montage the other night for Sherrygirl’s birthday. It’s up at You Tube.

. It's got gala clack in it....like when he looked directly into ClayIzzaQT's camera as he put that ring in his mouth. The little shit.

OMG. Like a hundred people have posted since I started typing this.

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Dreamlarge that was a speed montage???? that was totally awesome. It was very artistic!!! It think this is why I have a hard time imgaining myself doing a montage, I don't know if it would occur to me to do those kind of shots and effects...

lots of great posts as always...I want to respond but I think I will take a break and work on another non clay project...

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kandre wrote:

yes I know I've said this 17,856 times before but clearly someone wasn't listening or they would fix that shit to my criteria and let me beat you over the head with it ONE MORE GODDAM TIME.

:cryingwlaughter: This cracked me up. May I add a few more things to your "if I never hear again, it will be too soon" list?

Marketing. No everything is not about fuc*ing marketing people. Clay isn't a damn sack of potatoes nor will he be marketed as such. STFU. Promotion or lack of? STFU Extrapolate? STFU Clay is a gift from God. Here to clean up the music industry. No he isn't......STFU Clive Davis mandated the covers.......STFU STFU STFU :cryingwlaughter:

I love YSRN..........She is a very wise woman. Someone who you just know you would like to meet one day. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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I understand about not liking something - there are a fair number of things I probably don't like about the boy - but there are ways of expressing it (Man, his hair looks funky to me! vs. His hair now represents the third sign of the Apocalypse and his hairdresser is some sort of demon-worshipping tyro that hates all his fans and he also clearly hates all his fans and doesn't want a career and yes I know I've said this 17,856 times before but clearly someone wasn't listening or they would fix that shit to my criteria and let me beat you over the head with it ONE MORE GODDAM TIME.) You might be surprised that I like the first way much better. If I never see the phrase 'true fan' from either side again, it will be a good day for me. Because at this point it seems to be used by both sides flailing wildly about. Everyone gets thumped, no one's listening and it's just so frickin' pointless because neutral observers just try to avoid the entire mess because no one cares who started it or who's trying to finish it - they just want to escape.

THIS is why I am a minion.

The true fan crap is, well, crap. No one is saying anything about true fans here, that I can see.

Word to Clayzorback, too.

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I understand about not liking something - there are a fair number of things I probably don't like about the boy - but there are ways of expressing it (Man, his hair looks funky to me! vs. His hair now represents the third sign of the Apocalypse and his hairdresser is some sort of demon-worshipping tyro that hates all his fans and he also clearly hates all his fans and doesn't want a career and yes I know I've said this 17,856 times before but clearly someone wasn't listening or they would fix that shit to my criteria and let me beat you over the head with it ONE MORE GODDAM TIME.)

I love it when you rant, KAndre!!

I wanna try. Let's see, the toofies: I loved his old chicklet teeth and gummy smile. They made him unique. (and all the good stuff YSRN said) vs I just know that Clive himself put Clay in that dentist's chair and personally attached those veneers, and now Clay looks exactly like everyone else in Hollywood and there is nothing special about him anymore, and now that he looks Hollywood I just know he's going to act all Hollywood too, and he's going to start taking drugs and become a drunk and he'll marry Brittney and Paris and Nicole and Angelina and adopt every child in Africa, and he will never, ever be the same again, and now he's never going to marry meeeeeeeeeeeee and it's all Clive's fault, and I'm so mad I'm going to go find Clive and beat him into a bloody mass for taking my Clay away from meeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :angry22:

I've met YSRN, Clayzor. She's all that good stuff, and more.

Yahoo for :TourExcite:

Dreamlarge, your daughters are funny. I'll bet there are a lot of other people out there like them who have no idea what Clay looks like or sings like, but are just sure that it's bad. He will win them over one by one.

Edited by jmh123
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Ok, who deleted my post????

I swear I posted something with "new" information about the soccer game thing and now its gone!!!

I saw it! I KNOW I did!!

I even posted the crazy chicken!

OMG, I have lost my mind!

Anyway, I think what I said was here is version #1234269236520357324 of Clay Does Dallas(area)....

From CV:

The person I spoke with said "post game." So it's a concert after the game. But I want to reiterate that he also said they're still talking to several performers about the event and nothing has yet been signed with anyone.

I wish the people at the Nokia had never mentioned the Pizza Hut place. They could have just said Clay wasn't coming to the Nokia and left it at that. But now, everyone and their mother is calling and we're getting just as many answers.


And dreamlarge, your montage is amazing! You truly are a master! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Let's see if this post disappears.......

ETA: Here is the latest tour schedule from the OFC. Midwesterners - there's a Michigan date! And Dallas is still there.....

Date Location Venue On-Sale Date

July 6 Houston, TX Jones Hall On-Sale Now

July 7 Dallas, TX Nokia Theatre

July 17 Philadelphia, PA Mann Center On-Sale 4/17

July 18 Syracuse, NY Constellation Performing Arts Center On-Sale 4/18

July 19 Canandaigua, NY Constellation Performing Arts Center On-Sale 4/14

July 20 Chautauqua, NY Chautauqua Institution Amphitheater On-Sale Now

July 21 Columbus, OH Chemical Abstract Service

July 23 Sterling Heights, MI Freedom Hill Amphitheater

July 25 Gilford, NH Meadowbrook Farm On-Sale 4/14

August 2 San Diego, CA Embarcadero Marina Park South On-Sale Now

August 3 Pala, CA Pala Casino Starlight On-Sale Now

August 4 Los Angeles, CA Greek Theatre On-Sale 6/2

August 10 Cary, NC Koka Booth Amphitheater On-Sale 5/5

August 11 Asheville, NC Biltmore Estates On-Sale 5/23

August 15 Atlanta, GA Chastain Park Amphitheater

August 17 Tampa, FL Tampa Bay Performing Arts Center

August 18 West Palm Beach, FL Kravis Center for the Performing Arts On-Sale 4/14

August 19 Orlando, FL Hard Rock Live Orlando On-Sale Now

Ok, now I really think I am hallucinating! You see what I quoted above? Well, I just went back to the OFC and Dallas is gone!!!!

Edited by Claygasm
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It wasn't me. I don't delete, I edit. Heeeee

Dreamlarge I loved your post. Clay is always peering out from my computer screen. I have a Clay print of CLay in the Grease jacket on a wall in my room and also my Jukebox tour I love Clay license plate. I have a bunch of stuff I would put up if I had room..one of these days. But one day I took my computer to work because the techie guys were going to upgrade for me. They set it all up in the walkway and lord, there I go walking back and my cutie pie staring at me. Everybody in my family and the mailman (cuz Clay fans never send anything without cute little Clay stickers all over it heee) knows about my little hobby.

Later she told me that she always thought Clay was …and I quote… "sweaty, greasy, oily, and orangey".

Bwah..buat now he's HOT. Sounds like a thread title. heee

YSRN...who IS fabulous -- you have the right attitude. I aim for where you are but am not quite there...almost I think. I don't think I've ever said the "true fan" thing in mixed company but have muttered a few times under my breath the phrase...can you take your bitter ass somewhere else please. heee. See I said I was working on it.

KAndre and Muski...ya'll made me LOL today. KAndre, your rant and this from Muski...

and it gave me an idea. Maybe I WILL go to this concert! If I wore this outfit, the damned stadium full of drunks would sober up and clear out right fast and I'd be able to mosey on up to the front to get that Clay _ _ _ _ after all! :hubbahubba:
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you lost a post Claygasm???hey I see couchie down there...I wonder if we can blame her for that...heh


I have a feeling...TC and the OFC are in quite a tizzy. the OFC people post what TC tells them TC is comprised of several components. You have management that coordinates the agents, the promoters, the lawyers and their artist...don;t know where the screw up was but I have a feeling the OFC is getting the brunt of it and they probably are the ones that are most clueless and innocent about this.

eta: hee ok...couchie didn't do it...bwah!!! but we certainly were in the same page on that.

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Boy, can't ever live down a bad rep...

Yeah I'm sure OFC isn't on the net searching up venues for CLay. Somebody gave them that information - some nameless, faceless someone, who doesn't have to deal with the fallout.

ETA: a small cautious optimistic eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee for Bottle

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Hmmm, Sterling Heights, Michigan, eh? Mapquest tells me that it's about an hour and a half away from me. And based on the website pictures, it's a covered amphitheater with sloped seating, plus a lawn. I might let loose with a tiny eeeeee! for this as a possible venue that works for me, and already looks ten times more appealing than Columbus' flat lawn venue. Of course, the OFC and the new OFC e-mail schedule doesn't agree, so I'm not counting my chickens (crazy or otherwise) yet.

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Hmmm, Sterling Heights, Michigan, eh? Mapquest tells me that it's about an hour and a half away from me. And based on the website pictures, it's a covered amphitheater with sloped seating, plus a lawn. I might let loose with a tiny eeeeee! for this as a possible venue that works for me, and already looks ten times more appealing than Columbus' flat lawn venue. Of course, the OFC and the new OFC e-mail schedule doesn't agree, so I'm not counting my chickens (crazy or otherwise) yet.

YAY when I saw michigan I thought of you right away and was hoping this will be doable for you.

Well can't wait to finally see all the confirmed dates...

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I wanna see our boy win over the Pizza Hut redneck crowd with his joking around, snark, some major eyefucking and a long , lean lazy "Git 'er done, boys". They'll love 'em. He grew up around NASCAR after all. He knows that culture well. It will probably be one of the more memorable shows.

Oh, what a night! And JOey Fatone was hot! Er... back to Clay. A regular goatscrew that scheduling is.

Dreamy, you're the top! Who was that gorgeous music by? Bearded boy looks like one of those counts from "War and Peace". Clay's got to do a photo spread dressed in multiple period costumes. He just cuts such a fine figure . I want to see him on the cover of a Harlequin romance, the heroine (Tyra) arched backward, breasts half-bared and heaving as caped Count Aikenov poises over her ready to plunge!

I'll go back in my cage now.

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YSRN...who IS fabulous -- you have the right attitude. I aim for where you are but am not quite there...almost I think. I don't think I've ever said the "true fan" thing in mixed company but have muttered a few times under my breath the phrase...can you take your bitter ass somewhere else please. heee. See I said I was working on it.

Hee. Yeah, I think this is me too -- at least I'm pretty positive I've thought that a few times. Am I working on it? Of course. But then I slip up occasionally too.

See, regarding the teeth -- well, let me tell you a story. When I was a kid, probably no more than 6, I remember watching the Miss America pageant with my family. My Mom was going on and on about a physical attribute about one of the contestants -- I don't remember what, exactly. Probably something like "that color dress looks horrible on her." What did I do? I broke into tears -- I was sure that my Mom was picking on this contestant. I know, to this day, that I can be very oversensitive toward certain people, especially when it seems TO ME that what is being said is mean. I know that's not right of me, but it IS the way I feel. Again, it's my character flaw, something I'm working on, but I hope that makes some sense, because I can get my back up against Clay over small, perceived "slights" toward him. And it's very strange, knowing that I can blow off something like the fff crap, but other things like that bug the snot out of me.

muski, I can identify with your story too -- Clay has been my escape, and I know early on in the fandom, it was a avoidance thing too. But I think for me today, with so much other stuff going on in my life, Clay is just simply a part of my life, one that makes me happy. OK, so he takes up more time at work than he should, but I'm getting better.

See, I do a lot of that "working on myself" stuff.

Don't look at me for you missing post CG. I wasn't even around.

Lesson learned: don't buy plane tickets too early. *sigh*

I'm not even going to get into the speculations on the tour dates and locations. At this point, I just know I'm going to see Clay in Houston. If that's the only show I see, fine. I'll deal. And I'll have fun in Houston too.

dreamlarge, fantastic montage!

Welcome back Jenna! How was vacation? I'm getting ready for that myself -- 4 days in Florida for my niece's wedding on Saturday. Going to Kennedy Space Center for the previous days. I will have the laptop with me, so I will probably check in at least once or twice.

diva, if you need help with the Quote thing, just let me know.

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He just cuts such a fine figure .

He does, doesn't he?


As I was watching all those looks scroll by in dreamlarge's Swell video, I have to wonder if I'd even recognize the man offstage, just being Clayton or whatnot. He has so many possibilities...

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All I can say is I am going to have one hell of a good time in Houston! I have some great friends to party with (some of whom i've never even met) and If that's the only one I am going to get to, then I am going to make it count for all it's worth!

I WILL look at the bright side! One is better than none and I missed the JBT so I know about none!

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All I can say is I am going to have one hell of a good time in Houston! I have some great friends to party with (some of whom i've never even met) and If that's the only one I am going to get to, then I am going to make it count for all it's worth!

I WILL look at the bright side! One is better than none and I missed the JBT so I know about none!

That's right! We'll party together! Can't wait to meet you there!


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