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# 9 He's a man of a 1000 faces and all of them are great to look at.


Thread Title Poll  

31 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be for the FCA Forum?

    • He's a man of mystery that I would like to figure out.
    • Clay live just replentishes my soul.
    • There's so much more in life (and in Clay) to enjoy, celebrate, and savor.
    • Oh. My. God...on so many levels!
    • The world needs more Clay Aikens.
    • All done darling, all done. All finished.
    • Clay isn't the only good guy out there. He's just the one we love the most.
    • It isn't so easy to get your knickers off when they're in a knot.
    • He sells himself so very well.
    • Teefy, toofy; Smiley, goofy; windky, "wonky;" My favorite "honky!"
    • He is simply doing his thing...quietly...without fanfare...what a beautiful thing.
    • That doesn't mean that I don't still think that he is super hawt and that I'd like to lick him...
    • He was cute, he sings pretty, he teases people, and he's sexy.

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I know how my mother must of felt when she got all her birthday presents wrapped in Christmas paper and one gift covered both holidays. Her birthday was the day after Christmas.

My dad's birthday is December 26th. Poor baby, he said when he was a kid he always got one present for Christmas and birthday and always ate Christmas dinner leftovers for his birthday. We try to make a big deal out of it now with real birthday presents and dinner at fancy restaurants -- and no turkey!

My moms birthday was last sunday and sent her 2 gifts one for bday and mom's day...then she called last night to greet my daughter happy birthday and i greeted her already...hee. Its just that calls to the philippines can get really expensive and she understood.


YAY My daughters will make supper tonight...one will make a cake...which actually makes my hubby happy.

so I'm good now.

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Happy Mother's Day! I'll be off to my Mom's very soon. And as far as I know, the cats didn't get me anything this year. Maybe a new stuffed mouse to put on my pillow.

Yeah. Waldo neglected me too. I guess he'll let me share a stuffed mouse.....

Happy Mother's Days to all the FCA moms. As one who NEVER wanted kids, I admire you all!

I had no moral dilemna about those pictures. As Ansa said, he was out in public. The photographer didn't seem to be bothering him. He was probably across the street with a telephoto lens! Clay wasn't doing anything private (well, except for making an adjustment or two....), illegal, immoral or embarrasing. Plus, he looked hot and his shoulders are to die for!

Its when no one cares to take his picture anymore that he should worry.

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Happy Mother's day to the Mothers - and someone remind me when Pet owner's day is?

You see, my pet leaves me presents all over the yard every day - heh, and I just keep picking them up. Ah, the challenges ofthe holidays!

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Gonna see my other boyfriend today! Yes, that's right, Mr. Bo Bice over in Annapolis, Md. Can't wait. Remember when Clay said he was the nicest person he ever met on AI? I"ll give him your regards.

Playbiller, I"m thanking you over here for your Janis Joplin video finds in the Kelly thread at CH. I cried, I stomped , I yelled. There has never been another singer like her again. Loved her fragile and bold heart so much and I thank the Goddess that I got to see this goddess many times over in San Francisco and at the Monterey Pop Festival.

Happy Mother's Day to everyone in the spirit of the Great Mother . We're all mothering someone be they kids or animals or friends. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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I was reading some of the discussion surrounding the narrative regarding Kelly's album and how she fought/won to get "her" album released.

What I don't get is no matter what people want to believe, Kelly going into THIS album has much more clout that Clay did going into ATDW. She had two albums under her belt - one quite sucessful and one phenomenally successful with Grammys and tons of radio play. You cannot compare the positions each of them were in when they entered their respective negotiations. Kelly is more successful at this point than Clay was in regard to CD sales - which is all RCA would care about.

Secondly, as with most things we hear about, the truth probably lies somewhere in between what Kelly says and what the label says. As with most business decisions, I suspect Kelly had to give in on some things as did the label. However, the more money you have earned for the label, the more clout you will have and the more battles you will win. You still won't win them all. That will never happen. But Kelly was in a much better position to win more of her battles than Clay was.

To compare what may or may not have happened with Kelly's album to what may or may not have happened with Clay's album (and yes, we do not KNOW exactly what happened...) is like comparing apples and oranges. Yes, they both involved RCA and Clive, but the two of them were coming from entirely different positions. Kelly now DOES have more clout that Clay did at the time of ATDW talks. Kelly has said how much she had to give in to RCA/Clive during negotiations for "Breakaway". It was then that her position and Clay's were most similar. I think she had two advantages to Clay even then. One was radio loved her and secondly, she wrote a lot of her own songs and I do think that helps.

I just do not understand why some in this fandom just cannot admit that Kelly is more successful thus far in the music world than Clay is. In every aspect of music, she has surpassed Clay - in terms of sales, radio play, awards and even just acceptance. Good for her! I bet Clay is thrilled for her success. I also bet he doesn't feel he is competing with her! Why does everything had to be compared to Clay? Why do people think her success is somehow at the expense of Clay's success?

Whether you like her music, hate her music or never give her any thought whatsoever, her success or failures have nothing to do with Clay's successes or failures.

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Hey claygasm...I just made a similar post someplace else...but I think you covered the topic better than I did.

I think the problem some fans have is that they are equating this clout and success to the quality of the artist. They take umbrage to the idea that Kelly might get what she wants over Clay and cos that means she is a bigger talent. Sometimes its not how good a singer or performer you are...its how well your music sells. Again the market is no longer determined by quality since it is certainly subjective...but it is determined by what is getting more attention on radio and in the media. Right now the market wants pop rock and Kelly and Daughtry does that kind of music very well. These kind of artist is very easy for the label to market because radio...MTV embraces this music.

Clay's music does not quite fit the mainstream. His core audience is not the desired demographic by advertisers...therefore it is not quite as easy a sell as Kelly...very different circumstance. So yeah Clay will have a harder time to get what he wants from the label cos he does not as much leverage. But as I was saying in other posts...Kelly is not getting everything she wants either. I think she had to fight hard to get her songs heard and the story is not over. she still has to prove that she can sell both tickets and CD's when she is singing her own songs...in other words she still has to prove herself as a song writer.

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I just posted this at CH and am bringing it here as I find it interesting:

Oprah Winfrey received an honorary doctorate degree at Howard University yesterday. Karen Bradley, a dance instructor at U of Maryland and an expert on nonverbal communication explained Oprah's "almost preternatural ability to dazzle audiences" . Made me think of another person, too, in terms of potential:


Oprah's body movements and voice reinforce her words, a consistency that helps her seem "entirely authentic." (Example: While referring to "blessings," she held up one hand, palm facing the audience, as if to bestow a benediction on the crowd.) Bradley calls her "completely embodied-what someone is feeling internally is congruent with what they're expressing. That's what we call presence or charisma.....She's always absorbing and always expressing something. The impression I get from her is that she's showing us how to be in the world."

There's more about this way of communicating in today's Style Section of the Wash Post.

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I'd like to thank Clayzorback for that earlier adjustment picture. Happy Mother's Day to me! It would seem that Clay prefers to administer such adjustments with his left hand.


Guess we can add being ambidextrous to the list of his many talents. And gawd, his hand looks so....big and....strong there.

Then again, I guess it would have to be, huh? :whistling-1:

Happy Mother's Day to all the very, very deserving MOMs out there! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Kenny and I are going to an A's game, gonna tailgate---just the two of us---and then sit six rows from third base (Kenny's company's seats), which is close enough to keep a watchful eye on Eric Chavez's very watch-worthy ass.

Hope it's a great day for all of you! :rainbowsmile:

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Personally, I don't like discussing or comparing Clay and Kelly for as few reasons - They are different people - totally different people, hated when people ship them as well.

I guess I find the sexiest part of a man is his brain - I have always been a sucker for an intelligent man. i.e Clay is very sexy and would be without the transformation and expensive clothes.

I find Kelly street smart but not very interesting - she seems to have a less interesting life to me and her deepest thoughts seem to be about music - which is fine, but not interesting to me. I know there are some fans who wish Clay would concentrate on becominghte musician that they want him to be and the bestest singer in the world (and a rocking one as well writng hiw music and other things), but I selfishly want him to be happy and enjoy all that life has to offer. So far it seems like he is listening to me the the bestest fan ever rather than the others who are more concerned about his career - so I am fine with it. He makes music that I enjoy and puts on shows that I enjoy, I don't feel the need to celebrate awards with him, he gets plenty of awards that are seriously awarded to him, rather than many of those empty awards people get like honorary degrees just to get the speaker at their school and such. The man seems so joyous lately, I don't see how I can complain about his career, he just does not seem to be down or depressing - even his song, while a little sad, seemed more reflective and thoughtful than depressed. Clay beats down the naysayers by having the life he wants, living where he wants, doing what he wants and being happy - doesn't need to think about them, they are just gnats.

Kelly can enjoy her fame, she can sell and that is a good thing. However, she should think a little about writing too many hate your boyfriend revenge songs because it can get plenty lonely if you scare guys away by trashing ones you dated before.

I am looking forward to the next 10 years of Clay because I see him building alliances and meeting and winning over new people all the time - should be good - not good enough for some fans, but plenty good for me.

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So....I woke up to an empty house. Alex had spent the night with a friend. Kenny and Carrie had a pitching clinic, so I decided to go for a latte. The phone rang. It was Alex asking for Kenny. Told her I was going for a latte. I did. When I got home, still no Kenny or Carrie and it seemed I was once again alone in the house. Then I heard something from the living room and figured SOMEbody must be home. Walked in there to find a beautiful bowl of yellow tulips on the floor.....and

Clay was singing to me from the stereo! :rainbowsmile: (Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word)

I went upstairs and Alex was in the den doing her homework and when I opened the door she just looked up and smiled.

That was her Mother's Day present to me. :wub:

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I just posted this at CH and am bringing it here as I find it interesting:

Oprah Winfrey received an honorary doctorate degree at Howard University yesterday. Karen Bradley, a dance instructor at U of Maryland and an expert on nonverbal communication explained Oprah's "almost preternatural ability to dazzle audiences" . Made me think of another person, too, in terms of potential:


Oprah's body movements and voice reinforce her words, a consistency that helps her seem "entirely authentic." (Example: While referring to "blessings," she held up one hand, palm facing the audience, as if to bestow a benediction on the crowd.) Bradley calls her "completely embodied-what someone is feeling internally is congruent with what they're expressing. That's what we call presence or charisma.....She's always absorbing and always expressing something. The impression I get from her is that she's showing us how to be in the world."

There's more about this way of communicating in today's Style Section of the Wash Post.

See, I know I am one of the very, very few, but I find NOTHING sincere about anything Oprah does or says. I truly believe that if in some way it isn't self-serving, then Oprah has nothing to do with it. To me she is a complete fake.

But people love her, so what does it matter what I think.

So....I woke up to an empty house. Alex had spent the night with a friend. Kenny and Carrie had a pitching clinic, so I decided to go for a latte. The phone rang. It was Alex asking for Kenny. Told her I was going for a latte. I did. When I got home, still no Kenny or Carrie and it seemed I was once again alone in the house. Then I heard something from the living room and figured SOMEbody must be home. Walked in there to find a beautiful bowl of yellow tulips on the floor.....and

Clay was singing to me from the stereo! :rainbowsmile: (Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word)

I went upstairs and Alex was in the den doing her homework and when I opened the door she just looked up and smiled.

That was her Mother's Day present to me. :wub:

Awwww. She must REALLY love you if she put on Clay music!

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I knew I'd get jumped on about the Oprah remark. Gaz, I personally have mixed feelings about Oprah, (there are some things I admire and some things not so much), but, my point , which seems to have been missed, was the very interesting components that make a person charismatic and a good communicator which I believe Clay is in many ways. :(

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Glad you mom types are having a nice day so far. My mom and my sisters and I had a nice lunch out yesterday and our normal Sunday dinner at Mom's today. Mom was supposed to stay out of the kitchen (my sister and I aren't cooks by any means, but I think we can be trusted to heat the rolls and whatnot without burning the place down), but she just couldn't help herself. Just got back from a nice walk in the park - it's absolutely gorgeous out today.

I think I might like Kelly better if the songs she wrote spoke more to my personal experiences. I highly enjoy screaming along with Miss Independent or Since You Been Gone, but Because of You makes me grit my teeth, and the angry ex stuff makes me want to say "Get over it already." I don't by any means like everything Gwen Stefani and No Doubt have recorded, but I think from time to time she can really capture a core feeling I can relate to. There is one line in the song A Simple Kind of Life that seems pretty profound to me: "You seem like you'd be a good dad." I've never particularly wanted to have kids, but I can't say I haven't thought that at times about men I've met, so that sentiment really strikes a chord with me. Eh, different strokes, as always.

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Play...ITA that Kelly and Clay really shouldn;t be compared. I think the only reason I find Kelly's career interesting right now is that despite selling millions of records she is still having a struggle with the label over creative control. That really does not surprised me cos I know that the labels can be ruthless. So if it can happen with Kelly it can happen with Clay and any artist if the labels don't believe in the current project. No need to put in personal conflict and vendetta scenario which was part of the early conspiracy theories.

Awww muski that is a sweet story...

Bottle.. although I like Kelly's singing...I can't say I am a real fan that would buy anything she puts out. I am really not impressed with her writing skills. I think BOY and BTHE were tweaked by other writers to be more commercial...but the other songs I heard that she wrote are not very good IMO that is why I can believe that clive was not happy with the record. I am not liking Never Again...i think the melody is pretty boring. I really think she would do better getting help from the label in finishing up her CD.

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I knew I'd get jumped on about the Oprah remark. Gaz, I personally have mixed feelings about Oprah, (there are some things I admire and some things not so much), but, my point , which seems to have been missed, was the very interesting components that make a person charismatic and a good communicator which I believe Clay is in many ways. :(

Diva - I didn't mean to jump on you! I honestly didn't think I had! I'm sorry you thought I did.

I actually did get your point. I guess I just didn't think comparing Oprah - who I find anything but charismatic and a good communicator, to Clay, who I think is both, to be an odd one.

Then again, there are probably many more people who think its an odd comparison for just the opposite reason - that Clay is the one who is not charismatic and Oprah is.

But I never, ever meant to jump on you. It was never my intention to do that and if you thought I did, I am very sorry. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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I like the opening guitar riff on Never Again, but the rest of the song, not so much. And there a couple of moments in the video (mainly the airport scenes) when Kelly looks so much like Avril - I think it's the dark eye-make up and how her hair is parted in the middle and hangs low on her forehead. And getting all angsty over a Federline look-alike? Don't get it. Ansa and muski - your girls are in that tweenie / teen age bracket - what do they think of Kelly? Anyway, sorry for those of you who are bored by the Kelly stuff... I'll move on now. [bTW, Avril is using that "creative control struggle" with the record label bit also. Those girls need to talk to Pink, and ask her how that worked out for her...]

One of the CV'ers posted the schedule for Clay's upcoming presidential committee meeting - I think it was Monday and Tuesday-ish of this week. (Dude, make use of the conference table - assuming it's not glass-topped - and be discrete about those necessary adjustments!) I would assume that means Clay's back home this week-end so he can go to DC tomorrow. Do you think Clay and Brett are cooking for Faye - Hot Pineapple Salad all around! - or at least hitting the drive-thru? HA!

Yeeks! AI1 Rewind - Justin's trying to sing A Moment Like This. It's just not good. [tm CHA]

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Well my kids would have no problem putting Kelly songs on their CD...they like her songs but they go on a song to song basis. They did not buy Breakaway just downloaded what they liked. They never followed what happens to her...they were not even excited about her new single. They had more active interest in Avril when she first came out...buying her two albums and reading up on her in the magazines. I have to admit...I loved avril's first CD. No she does not have the vocals of Kelly but her songs were really fun, had great melody and interesting lyrics. I always found complicated and sk8erboi her weakest tracks. I think my girls like her overall not only because of her music but how she looks like..her fashion and even her personality. They don't have the same interest in Kelly. Well in general my girls like bands better like simple plan and fall out boys, Maroon 5.

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YSRN, that was one of the BEST baseball games I've ever been to! Wow! Our A's played flat most of the game and the Indians were hitting like crazy! Bottom of the ninth, two outs, two strikes and MY sports boyfriend had to do something and he did! Single! And then....then....five hits in a row, with a walk-off, three-run homer!!!!!

The place went nuts!!! Perfect day at the ballpark---perfect weather! perfect company! perfect game!

WOOT! So now the girls and Kenny and I are going to dinner, then getting Mom and going to the local ice cream parlor for dessert!


Woo Hoo!

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I'm back! For those who want to know...Mom is doing well. It's been over a year now since she fell, and she has settled into the nursing home quite well at this point. She's at the point where she can now get from her wheelchair to the bathroom and back by herself, and today she informed my husband and I that she can now get into bed from her wheelchair for a nap in the afternoon by herself as well. I think what makes me so happy about this is that she came up with both of these acomplishments on her own....no one "forcing" her to do this.

CG, I spoke too soon about the kitties...they got me a card, saying that they were going to miss me today when I was gone. They are so sweet. (And yes, the kitties buy my husband a Father's Day card too...*g*)

Regarding Kelly -- I pretty much agree with CG and play that there shouldn't be a "competition" between her and Clay. At the same time though -- the music business is all about the competition, and I think that's where the problem comes in: the lines really get blurred when people talk about "comparisons," and it turns into "competition." I personally bought both of Kelly's CD's, and I think I listened to them once each. *shrug* I don't always turn her off the radio though, I actually do like many of her songs. I just end up listening to other music more -- for example, today my husband and I listened to U2, Don Henley, Bruce Springsteen ("The Seeger Sessions" -- fantastic album) and Paul McCartney on our road trip to Mom's. Those 4 albums were agreeable to both my husband and I. Other days, my husband picks what he wants, I pick what I want (usually Clay *g*). Anyway....I think I lost my train of thought. Sowwy.

muski, such a cute story.

Off to watch "Celebrity Fit Club!"

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CG, I spoke too soon about the kitties...they got me a card, saying that they were going to miss me today when I was gone. They are so sweet. (And yes, the kitties buy my husband a Father's Day card too...*g*)

Well, I'm giving Waldo a talking to! He doesn't even have to worry about Father's Day - since I am a single parent and all. You would think the least he could do is get me a card!

ETA: I just read this as part of a post over at the CH.

Follow that with Roger apparently telling some of the fans in LA during pre-sales of ATDWs that Clay was "going down."

I had never heard this bit of fiction information before. Has anyone else? I mean, it makes sense to me that an RCA/Clay's publicist would tell the fan on the street that one of his clients is "going down".

Lots of sense. :wacko:

Edited by Claygasm
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ETA: I just read this as part of a post over at the CH.

Follow that with Roger apparently telling some of the fans in LA during pre-sales of ATDWs that Clay was "going down."

I had never heard this bit of fiction information before. Has anyone else? I mean, it makes sense to me that an RCA/Clay's publicist would tell the fan on the street that one of his clients is "going down".

Ah, I've been offline all weekend, so I opened the CH and closed it right quick when I realized what was being discussed. Don't need to read a rehashing of Clive/Roger/RCA is eeeeevil. Don't see what the point is.

ldyjocelyn, I'm glad to hear your mom is doing well. I spent the weekend with my mom in Toronto. We kind of surprised her with a kitty on Friday night - I did call her in advance and feel her out about it, and she said it would be ok. It's my daughter's one year old cat. Since she's moved back home and we already have 2 males, we didn't think a third was going to work out well. I think we made the right decision - mom took to the kitty immediately, and he to her. Perfect match.

Playbiller, mom and I also spent a few hours in the cemetery on Saturday, planting flowers on my mom's mom's grave (ok, so the first hour was us wandering around trying to find the freaking grave!) It's funny how you think you know exactly where you are going, until you get there, and then everything looks alike. We chose miniature roses. I hope it rains enough to keep them alive! This was our first Mother's Day without her, and it seemed quite strange.

Today the kids and I took my mom and cousin out for lunch, and then we drove home. I froze my butt off at my older son's baseball practice tonight (he plays competitive hardball). The season starts tomorrow and all his games are going to be late - 8:30 pm start, under the lights. I guess that's what happens when they get older - this league is 18 and up. I sure hope it warms up.

I have to say how great it is to be able to come here and catch up on all the news. No angst, just chat and fun and smut. That's how it should be. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Hey, did you guys see this blurb from the Knoxville Tennessee blog?

Clay Aiken fans are in luck! In support of his 2006 release, A Thousand Different Ways, pop idol Clay Aiken makes his Knoxville debut at the historic Tennessee Theatre this summer, performing with a full symphony orchestra.

Aiken’s live show include performances of the following cover songs:

Harry Nillson’s “Without You,”

The Bad English hit “When I See You Smile,”

The Foreigner classic “I Want to Know What Love Is,”

Bryan Adams’s “Everything I Do (I Do It For You),”

Paul Young’s “Everytime You Go Away”

Dolly Parton’s “Here You Come Again.”

:Tour3: :TourExcite: :Tour3:

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ETA: I just read this as part of a post over at the CH.

Follow that with Roger apparently telling some of the fans in LA during pre-sales of ATDWs that Clay was "going down."

I had never heard this bit of fiction information before. Has anyone else? I mean, it makes sense to me that an RCA/Clay's publicist would tell the fan on the street that one of his clients is "going down".



ldyjocelyn, I'm glad to hear your mom is doing well. I spent the weekend with my mom in Toronto. We kind of surprised her with a kitty on Friday night - I did call her in advance and feel her out about it, and she said it would be ok. It's my daughter's one year old cat. Since she's moved back home and we already have 2 males, we didn't think a third was going to work out well. I think we made the right decision - mom took to the kitty immediately, and he to her. Perfect match.

Awwwww....how sweet! Good for you to give her something that it seems both parties like (and you as well).

Hey, did you guys see this blurb from the Knoxville Tennessee blog?

Clay Aiken fans are in luck! In support of his 2006 release, A Thousand Different Ways, pop idol Clay Aiken makes his Knoxville debut at the historic Tennessee Theatre this summer, performing with a full symphony orchestra.

Aiken’s live show include performances of the following cover songs:

Harry Nillson’s “Without You,”

The Bad English hit “When I See You Smile,”

The Foreigner classic “I Want to Know What Love Is,”

Bryan Adams’s “Everything I Do (I Do It For You),”

Paul Young’s “Everytime You Go Away”

Dolly Parton’s “Here You Come Again.”

:Tour3: :TourExcite: :Tour3:

EEEEEEEEEEEEEE! I'm hoping this list holds up, just for WISYS and HYCA. And I still wonder if WY will be the encore....

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Excuse me - am I the only person around who made it into an executive position on a fortune 100 company? Do people not know how large business works? Pick on freakin' harmless Clay Aiken and teach him a lesson for vengence? Oh, yeah, that is a major goal of any company deliberately lose money (actually there are companies that do that, but not record companies that are bleeding money already. No, they would be regulated companies hoping to be unregulated)

Isn't there a word for people who go through life thinking they are a victim of others? Now I have to change that word to reflect a fandom that thinks it is a victim of others - how the hell can I post and respectfully disagree with that attitude? It has been so nice lately with the appearances and the UNICEF stuff and now this illogical, nonsensical idiocy is back is back and I have to go into hiding again. I am pissed

I have been a self employed consultant for many years before actually being converted to being an employee by them throwing money at me (and my mother being ill) - I worked in many different firleds - like publishing in royalties (with the lawyers discussing contracts, contracts, contracts) and distribution (you can't just send stuff out, people have to order it!!!!!) for several years

As far as the Roger remark - unless someone new came out of the wood work - no, I have heard about two different conversations with him and no one mentioned that before. No one said he was happy - but then we went into the album with a bunch of fans whirled into anger over - OH MY GOD!! - an album with covers on it - that really helped the buzz angry fans - does wonders for stocking. Don't even get me started on the fans talking to people about - well.... Clay didn't want to do this album, but you should buy it - yeah, great little sales helpers.

ETA - beautiful flowers that survive drought - Martha Washington geraniums - they are gorgeous, much better than normal geraniums, and with a little soilmoist (available at garden stores) - no watering except for the most desparate drought and a beautiful garden (that outgrows weeds) until fall. Of course not all cemeteries allow planted gardens I get a 1 X 3 foot wide area to use infront ofthe headstone. I will be back for Father's day with daisies that won't last. Down the beach, I always use portulaca because I never water those and they grow like weeds in the worst soil - but they are an acquired taste. Roses need care, geraniums not so much.


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