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# 12 An Evening With His Royal Highness Fantasy Fodder


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27 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • Ahhh, skin, tractors, fading tan and growing arm fur. All's right with the world.
    • Another talented dude who reputedly wields a big wand.
    • Very nice to look at...this very well put together firecracker.
    • Does he know he's so DWEAMIE????
    • Hips, thighs. derrierre, it's all there!!!
    • If the pants get any lower he'll need a hard-on to keep them up.
    • The spirit just moved him.
    • The Aiken Experience. There's nothing else like it. Ah.Freaking.Mazing. The Man, the Music. All of it.

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But rest assured, the poddies will find something to angst about and ways to spin it. Yadda Yadda Yadda.........*g*
Hey! As this board's token poddie, I have to say that my only angst at the moment is that I'd like the new CD sooner rather than later, but that I'm willing to wait for what Clay wants to give us. Patiently. Sort of.
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Hee. artquest... you're the cute! I really enjoy people who are comfortable being themselves wherever they go and that feel comfortable going just about anywhere -- I hope I do come to the Greek because I would love to meet you. :)

I have no problem bringing someone's quote over. :lol: It's a fun recap:

ncwannabe at CV wrote:

Hi All. I'm back from Canandaiguq. Of course, nobody most likely knows I was there. But, I was blessed to have a M&G, and front row seats to the concert. Here's an extremely long, semi-coherent, rambling, recap of a night in heaven! Scroll at will!

Don't know where to begin. I guess I'll do the M&G first. (Note: this will be full of typos and inaccurate grammar and stuff like that cause it's gonna likely be really long!)

He walks in looking all gorgeous dressed all in green (green hoodie and jersey type material shorts down to the knees and his sandals. (Gah-worthy) Anyway, he says "hey how are yas? Having a good day?" Then he asks us where's our green stuff? We told him that some of us were on the road already and so couldn't pack more and then we said "we're women -- we've known what we were wearing for more than a month!" He said something like "well, too bad -- I want green!" Anyway, then he said we have to come up with a color for tomorrow. I said "how bout red?" He said "well, we know the Claymates have red. But then that's too easy. Let's make it blue. So blue it is!" I asked him "what can you tell us about the new album?" he said "well, there's not a lot to tell as of yet." I said "new stuff?" He said yes, if he get's his way. He said he'd fight for it, and to be prepared that IF there is a fight involved, it could take a long time -- like 2 years. But, he did say the label is pleased with the new producer and that might help keep Clive at bay. Someone asked about resurrecting BFM. Clay said no, and that it really wasn't his favorite song. He said he did want to do uptempo stuff though and said I promise we'll get some uptempo stuff that's really good and even better. He then stopped talking rather abruptly and got this look on his face. He pulls his iPhone out of his pocket and I thought maybe it had rung (vibrated). But, what he did was look up something and then he says something to the effect of "I can let you listen to something." Then he says "no, I can't, you won't be able to hear it." Then he says "we'll we'll try" or something like that. Anyway, he leans in to the table in the middle of us (he's on his knees or something and puts his arm across the table and holds out his phone.) He says, "lean in." Like one giant amoeba, we all do an EF Hutton and lean on each other listening to this song on his phone. It wasn't him, I would assume it was a demo someone sent to him. It was uptempo. I couldn't hear it very well. Couldn't really get any words for a title. So, when we were done I asked what the title of it was. He said "I'm not telling!" Then my friend asked who the new producer was? He said, not telling. She said how about his inititals. Clay said No!

Someone asked about how long he would be with RCA (ballsy question!). He said something like "as long as they'll want me" (truly don't remember his words.) Then he paused a bit. Then went on to elaborate. He said words to the effect of "Listen, every label has problems. No matter where you go. I work with nice people there for the most part." (please, please, please remember I'm paraphrasing!) Here's the statement I love. He said. "It's better to have a known devel than an unknown devil" or something like that.

Someone asked if he'd like to do movies? He said yeah, if someone would ask him. We all thought he'd be great in a Disney flick. My friend asked how the symphonies respond when they see the set list? He said it really varried. Each symphony only gets to see the music for the first time the afternoon of the show. They learn it in about 2 1/2 hours. Some are really snooty. Most of the snooty ones are the orchestras that play together all the time. The ones that bring in various members from different places are usually a little bit more fun. In contrast, however, was Rochester. It was a real symphony but he said they were the most fun so far. He said they had a bunch of fun with them in the rehearsal and they were really great! He said having done shows with orchestras now for 3 tours, they can usually get a feel for which ones are fun and which are not when they walk in.

I asked about merchandise. Told him we wanted more! He said it was hard because having a lot of mdse on the tours make it a LOT more work for them. Said then they needed more trucks, personnel, etc. Said symphony tours much easier for them in that regard too. Said Philly cleaned them out of mdse and they had to make an emergency call for more stuff. Got 35 boxes that day of new stuff and have NO IDEA where to go with it to take it to the next venue. (guess space is at a premium with 9 of them packed in that bus!) My friends who are going to the show tonight (fri.) piped up and said they'd take it LOL. Clay laughed, and then said the funny thing is that when they were talking about what to do with it all, he had said "I'm sure the fans would take it. Then he said NO!"

That's all I can think of regarding the questions in the M&G right now. I, believe it or not, was relatively calm . Anyway, I was ambulatory and mostly coherent and able to ask questions. I remembered to look at him and his eyes. He looked great, even without his hair fixed and wearing his VERY casual clothes. He sat in a directors chair at one end of the little room, I was on the opposite end. Two sofas were on either side and a table in the middle. Anyway, we could get one thing signed. Jaime went around the room and took the thing and handed it to Clay with want we wanted on it. Then it was time for pics. This is the only time I fogged a bit LOL. I was last! Everyone was getting the "prom pose" which is his arm around your back and holding hands in the front. That's what everyone got. But I wanted a hug! So, I went up and said "is it okay if I do this" and put both arms gently around him. That's when I blanked out a bit. I don't remember him answering. (my friends said he said "sure.") I don't remember his arms around me (but they tell me he did) and I don't know if he put his face next to mine. (I think he did). Then, suddenly I snapped out of it when I realized they took the pic and I realized I was looking at Mary, and not Jaime, who was taking the picture. So, I just reacted and I said "Wait, I wasn't looking at the camera!" and Clay said to Jaime "did you get it?" and Jaime said at the same time "It's there." Well, I knew she took it, just that I wasn't looking LOL. But, anyway, I presume I was still hanging onto him while I said that LOL. Not sure! Anyway, then as I walked away I know I said "thank you" but I wish I had had the presence of mind to say it to him as I looked him in the face. But at least I said it. Soooo, anyway, not sure how the pic will be since I'm sure I'm looking in the wrong direction! But, we'll see.

Okay, whew. moving on.

Concert time. First row. Good Golly. Perfect, I mean perfect seats. There was a center aisle, and we were the first 4 seats in. Gah! He starts "Here You Come Again" and he's up in the top tier. He keeps trying to find his way down. At some points he's climbing up stairs and actually running! All while still singing. He ends up coming down the center aisle right beside us! Then turns to his right and walks right in front of me (truly, 10 inches away!) and makes his way to the stage. It took the entire song. As the music for "Everything I Have" begins, he turns to Q and mouths to her "I didn't think it would take that long!" I can tell he's out of breath. But, he handles it like the pro he is and sings the shiznit out of "Everything I Have". At the end of that, he mouths again to Q something like "I had to catch my breath!" Then proceeds to sing IWKWLI with Angela. It was great. Does the banter about someone emailing his mom cause he must had said something bad at the concert in Philly. He doesn't know what he said. Says he told a fart joke last night which he realizes was on the edge, but doesn't know what he said in Philly. Then he says, Oh, maybe it was the puberty joke. Anyway, he said someone emailed his mom and he got an email from her saying "are you doing vulgar entertainment?" He said his Mom never believes his side of the story. Had to have Jaime call her about the airplane thing and say he didn't do anything wrong. She told him well you shouldn't be putting your foot on someone's arm rest. very cute.

They did cue cards for the TV medley. It was a riot. A & Q are trying to get it ready. The cards are laying on the piano. They think they're out of order. Clay looks back and says "what's taking you guys so long?" They say "they're out of order." He says to Angie - here, you talk to them (the audience) while he grabs the cards and puts them on the easel. They have all the names of the shows. One of them pulls them off as they are singing them, sometimes Q, sometimes A or sometimes C, depending on who is singing. When they get to Gimme a Break, Clay is pulling them off. The next card says, "with Nell Carter" then "Remember now?" then "She was the maid" then "Oh well." It was a hoot!!! I was rolling. He did the George Jefferson dance too. He was really moving! Fun, fun, fun.

Voice was great the entire half and it was over much too quick. (oh, just remembered something. He practically fell on his but once while singing IWKWLI with Angie as he hammed it up when acting like her voice was blowing him away. He tripped over the stool and ended up sitting down hard on it!)

Moving on to second half. He comes out and starts with "A Thousand Days". He's holding a kush ball and tosses it at Angela as he walks out. She tosses it back. He or A tosses it to Q, she mouths "what's this?" She tosses it back. All the while he's singing the first 2 lines or so. Tosses it to Q again, who tosses it away. He says "spoil sport!" Anyway, I'm thinking why didn't he sing "Without You" and MOAM (as has been the setlist previously)? But, he next adds "Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word" and then sings "Without You" and MOAM after that. Each one is awesome. Standings Os on all! Just beautiful.

Get to TWYMMF. He comes out into the audience. Walks right in front of us again. He's been putting the mic in front of some folks along the way to sing the line. A lot don't know it, and he's giving them grief (kidding). He turns up the center aisle and is just moving along and singing. (here's when Jerome tackles some poor schmo who evidently walked down the steps to give Clay a hat (it was a guy) and Jerome took him down. Couldn't really see, but thought I saw if that makes sense) Anyway, moving on. Clay comes back down the steps. As he does, of course we're all turned looking at him. I'm just singing along. He looks to see where he's going and we sort of make eye contact and I think he sees that I'm singing and I guess appear to know the words. He makes the turn from the asile to go past us again in the front and he stops in front of me and puts the mic in my face. It's a split second but you'd be amazed at all the thoughts that happened! Like: OMG he stopped. He has the mic pointed at me. It's me. OMG (you get the drift) Anyway, I distinctly remembered I tilted my head and kind of bopped along and sang my line (I'm sure quite loudly and quite offkey.) And, how appropriate. The line I got to sing to Clay was "You really turn me on!!!!" Good Lord! I sang "you really turn me on" to Clay! I'm thinking, did that just happen? I asked my friends later if he was looking at me when he did that. They said "yep!" Gah!

Anyway. I'm still laughing about that one! Too freakin' fantastic. How much better could the day get?? My life is complete!

So then we have the classics. Good golly. It's priceless. He's a dancing fool. Big butts gets quite a healthy thrust! Then he's vamping for LAV, and then he and Q "vogue" a bit too. Then, on the "Bills" song, he and A are having a great time doing this body wave together. He gets himself all primed and ready for it, holding out his arms and then he's so dang proud of himself for doing it! incredibly cute. Tractor is great with the knee bends. OPP he's literally bounding around the stage with the thigh grab. Sexyback has the whipping motion! Everything is just on! Party all night is priceless, with his arm whipping around and some great thrusting action. And, finally, on "beat it, he's doing his MJ hand snapping thing. It's great.

Moving on. (Gosh this is long!). "Lover All Alone". so incredibly beuatiful. It's raining - hard. You can hear it coming down on the roof and stuff. It just adds this extra element of atmosphere to the song. Gah. Just gah. He sings it sooo very well. what can I say?

"Because You Loved Me". dedicated to us. (heavy sigh) . At the end when the words are "and you believed" when he's kind of vamping at the end, he now says "You made me believe" Awwwwww.

Anyway, there you have it. I think. I know there's more. But, I'm spent. It was just an incredible night for me. One I'll remember for a long, long time. The front row seats were perfect. Not too close that you had to look up the whole time, but so very close so you could see all his emotion. His voice was perfection. He was so incredibly gorgeous. Lots of eye contact all night.

It was everything I could have ever asked for.

I have to say that last night's classics are... classic! He's really getting good at some of that stuff. LOL! Too funny!

Edited by YSRN
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LOL Artquest is just masquerading as a poddie..

Anyway, Clayzor, you hit the nail on the head. Clay talking more to fans is GREAT because frankly it gets his truth out there. I dont care if it bursts any of my own bubbles although I can't think of a thing that I have been spouting FOR him anyway. He has certainly so far made me realize more than ever that I don't know squat about what he wants and I just roll my eyes at people who talk like they do and write their instructional posts as if they speak for him and you need to recognize. As for myself, I've had some notions that I've already discovered are wrong.and it cracks me up.

But I'm glad he clarified his position on RCA because frankly that's the one area that really bothered me. Some peoples seemed surprised to find out Clay was still with RCA a few months ago although there had never been any indication to me that he was leaving. Of course nobody remembers saying he was going to leave RCA; they were just speculating. Except I know speculation when I see it and people I respected, or used to, made inferences more than once that he was with Warner..not hoped he was there, but acted like he was already there, or it was a matter of time until the announcement..In this case it didn't even matter to me whether it was true or not. If it was, then they were famehoing with their posts. And if it wasn't then they caused undue angst in the fandom. I no longer read their posts and god forgive me if I read something that wasn't there but I have pretty good reading comprehension. Yes, I can be a bitch. Sorry if that is news to anyone.

But I think in general, with Clay around, everything is much better, happier, calmer. In the absence of information, people just make up stuff and are able to cause angst. . That's not possible anymore for the most part. And that's great. and as a result I'm enjoying the fandom these days.

Now, off to the cellstream.

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There was a time in my life when I wanted to be a photographer - well, that time has past - too many good ones out there. Does anyone ever think about his teeth anymore, or has it reverted to the ever popular what has he done with his hair?

I think hair angst never ever bothered me, wait 5 minutes and it will change. Teeth angst was getting annoying because do you really want to sit in a dentist chair and have it done over - ICK Owwee Ouch.

I have this thing about asking permission before bringing posts over from private boards, just a hold over from when things were secret - now public boards (parts of CH, parts of CB) is another story. I do have an issue with how many people are posting personal pictures though - that is the untrusting 'this is the interent' part of my soul. Please be careful - it's dangerous out there!

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Play, I never really gave a thought to posting private pictures until recently. I mean to me there is so much information out there who in hell would bother with me and mine.

I haven't picked up a camera at a clay show since the third song of my first concert. I couldn't concetrate on him with a camera in my hand..plus I take lousy pictures heee and there are really some great photos out there so don't feel the need.

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Ok, I really hate not being around this board!!!!

I was going to quite a lot of people but I lost track. One thing really struck me, though....



Now I'll go back and read what else was discussed....

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Hi! It's just me. Sitting up here in Toronto listening to the cell cert, missing Chatauqua, lurking in chat and going through my pix from last night. You have no idea how happy I was when I heard that we were allowed to take photos. Syracuse was awesome but damn it the lighting there was good and it hurt to just sit there and enjoy him so much. Had I done it two nights in a row, I swear I'd have developed some dandy S & M tendencies. Love that kind of pain......Yep, I most certainly do.

I uploaded one photo.


Now, I think I'll go make a cup of tea.

Edited by Karen Eh?
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You know what, play.... CV is private sort of. But I never thought of it that way. So, I see your point. I brought that post over from CH, not that it matters, because I would have also brought it from CV. Hmm. I'll have to ask dudley about that. Just for clarity.

Not just inferences, couchie... outright lies. Manipulative outright doozies. Very amusing fiction, some of it. I had a whole pile of them directed right to me until I cut them off with the truth... and suddenly I was no longer seen as a viable conduit. But I did earn a featured spot in a very special blog story. :rolleyes: LOL! Like I give shit one what any liar thinks of me. Send me a straight up bitch anyday. Face value, I can deal with. Manipulation, lies, and disrespect for an entire community... zero tolerance.

But that's all I have to say about that.

Awww, TWIN.... I want you to come over too!!!

OMG, KarenEH!!! Get your ass back here right now!!!

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I finally watched the TV Theme medley from Canandaigua (sp?) and for the first time I liked it. More importantly I loved him doing it. That took on a whole new meaning of "cute" to me. He was working so hard and was just so damn adorable doing his George Jefferson dance. Now I want it to stay so I can see it live. Ya just never know how he'll change your mind from one minute to the next. :RedGuy:

couchie, ITA with this statement you made. Especially since I seem to be the queen of angst ;)

Quote: "But I think in general, with Clay around, everything is much better, happier, calmer. In the absence of information, people just make up stuff and are able to cause angst. . That's not possible anymore for the most part. And that's great. and as a result I'm enjoying the fandom these days."

And as for Clay's take on working with RCA or any label, truer words were never spoken! He's a very wise young man.

Quote: " "It's better to have a known devil than an unknown devil" or something like that."

Oh and the teeth. Yea, I seem to remember disliking the new dental work, like lots.

Now....I don't really notice much of a difference anymore. He looks mawwvelous dahlink!


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I finally watched the TV Theme medley from Canandaigua (sp?) and for the first time I liked it. More importantly I loved him doing it. That took on a whole new meaning of "cute" to me. He was working so hard and was just so damn adorable doing his George Jefferson dance. Now I want it to stay so I can see it live. Ya just never know how he'll change your mind from one minute to the next. :RedGuy:

couchie, ITA with this statement you made. Especially since I seem to be the queen of angst ;)

Quote: "But I think in general, with Clay around, everything is much better, happier, calmer. In the absence of information, people just make up stuff and are able to cause angst. . That's not possible anymore for the most part. And that's great. and as a result I'm enjoying the fandom these days."

And as for Clay's take on working with RCA or any label, truer words were never spoken! He's a very wise young man.

Quote: " "It's better to have a known devil than an unknown devil" or something like that."

Oh and the teeth. Yea, I seem to remember disliking the new dental work, like lots.

Now....I don't really notice much of a difference anymore. He looks mawwvelous dahlink!


Yeah...I wonder if he was referring to David Foster...and 143 ....

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I finally watched the TV Theme medley from Canandaigua (sp?) and for the first time I liked it. More importantly I loved him doing it. That took on a whole new meaning of "cute" to me. He was working so hard and was just so damn adorable doing his George Jefferson dance. Now I want it to stay so I can see it live. Ya just never know how he'll change your mind from one minute to the next. :RedGuy:

couchie, ITA with this statement you made. Especially since I seem to be the queen of angst ;)

Quote: "But I think in general, with Clay around, everything is much better, happier, calmer. In the absence of information, people just make up stuff and are able to cause angst. . That's not possible anymore for the most part. And that's great. and as a result I'm enjoying the fandom these days."

And as for Clay's take on working with RCA or any label, truer words were never spoken! He's a very wise young man.

Quote: " "It's better to have a known devil than an unknown devil" or something like that."

Oh and the teeth. Yea, I seem to remember disliking the new dental work, like lots.

Now....I don't really notice much of a difference anymore. He looks mawwvelous dahlink!


Yeah...I wonder if he was referring to David Foster...and 143 ....

I'm sorry lightmyfire but HUH? WTF? Chill please.

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CG I REAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALY miss you during the day. You can always quit and come 3 days early heee.

**Ponders the idea.....Really, really ponders the idea..... Really really ponders the idea....**

Damn this work crap gets in the way of fun!!! Of course, I do go see our boyfriend on the 28th, but if it weren't for evil work, I still could have flown out there on the 29th!

Do you all realize that if that if Carrie's softball team does really well, I may be the only one to NOT see muski! :cry4:**pouts some more**

And YSRN - you just must consider Pala. I have tickets....... :whistling-1:

This little matter of needing money and not being independently wealthy is really annoying!

And I am so far behind on my clack!

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Ok I'm missing something... What is 143 and is it a bad thing? Somebody explain. Don't know why you're offended treenuts.

I'm confused but I have company...so.....

CG :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Yeah I just googled it...heh...and 143 is David's record company. I am not LMF but I suppose she means that Clay's blanket statement would include DF and his record company. Since speculations abound in the fandom that Clay was going to DF...then if its true that he considered going there but he decided to stay with RCA...then he probably didn't see the situation with DF and 143 to be any better

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God I'm so in the dark. I've never heard of his company. Is it successful? Does he have real artists? I never thought of Clay going to a David Foster label..just letting him produce him or be a mentor or give him some songs (like I have any choice lol). The only specific label I ever saw mentioned was Warner although for many I think any would do. Anyway, I think Clay was just saying one is the same as the other...and he's made his connections, knows who he is dealing with, probably has people on his side, and knows who is against him etc etc.

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And YSRN - you just must consider Pala. I have tickets....... :whistling-1:

I promise... I AM considering it... if I come to LA, it will be Pala and the Greek.

I can't do Indio or San Diego -- too many days away and I'm going to NH next week.

We shall see!


Ya think KarenEh?'s done with her tea yet? :eusa_whistle:

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Greetings from South Lake Tahoe!!

Carrie pitched a six-inning, one-hitter, shut out! We won 6-0. She was awesome. I think she walked two in the first two innings and then she either struck them out or the defense got the outs....whoa. One of the parents sitting behind me said at one point, "I think Carrie's added a few miles per hour to her pitches." uh.yeah.

whoa....that was impressive. Kenny said that's how she looked all two weekends ago at the Regionals while I was in Florida...

Ok....enough bragging... :clap:

I've lost track of where and when concerts are...gotta go now, poolside team meeting and then I guess I need to go to the slot machines and stick nickels in until some half-dressed floozie comes around offering a free drink. heh.

Later, babes! Oh...and Ansa...looks like Sunday the 29th might be better for me, too. Team's doing a garage sale to raise some spending $$$ at Nationals on Sat. the 28th..I think.

Ok...I'm going into the casino with $20 and I will NOT leave with less.... :lilredani:

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Hmmm....well perhaps I'm offended at the fact that lightmyfire for whatever reason has taken my original post so personally that she/he whatever has taken it to the point of needling as that last comment would indicate. I don't know what their personal issues are but I'm not enjoying the minor "shitstorm" that my original post seems to have started. At first I was happy that at least I thought I started an interesting dialogue. But then it just kept ooooon. And now since being quoted and rebutted repeatedly I can only say sheesh! If this one person wishes to continue along these lines I will ask that if they read this to please take it to PMing me.[/u] Not on the board anymore. That's all.

I'm gonna go do something fun now like watch some ass clack if I can find any.


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Company gone... heee.

Muski..you must be walking into the casino to get change if you think you're going to walk out with that $20.

OK NO CAL FCAers... I hope we aren't leaving out anyone from this area. We're going to meet up at YSRN's on Sunday, the 29th around noonish.... go the the beach/boardwalk....and then back to bbq/chat/clack and whatever fits our fancy until about 8:30. Sound good? If you're interested in coming just let me or YSRN know so we can keep you in the loop. Hmmm is there a concert that night? OK checked..NO concert. Thank you Clay.

Ass clack usually works.

Artquest - great job with the cellstream!! You cracked me up a few times tonight with the cursing. I have that issue.

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