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Everything posted by ldyjocelyn

  1. *gives jamar, the TV theme lover, a big hug*
  2. Aw man, he didn't do then entire Brady Bunch thing tonight. Telling the story of singing Perfect Strangers at AI tryouts -- trying to find someone who has never heard the story before. First one HAD. Hee. I think he's found someone now.
  3. EEEEEEE! He's talking about playing recorder! MEE!!!! I play a recorder!!!!! I'll join you on the next tour Clay. Or would that be famewhoring? WW banter right now. play, Clay didn't sing the last lines of WISYS. It sounds like he's giving Q a hard time for her show choices.
  4. Oh dear Lord. I need Kleenex. Lots of laughter too during RHW. There seemed to be an "aha" moment there in the second verse...wonder what that's about? BWAHAHA!
  5. Pointing out the people he knows -- Ethel, Toni. He said something about people not liking the attention Ethel getting, sounds like maybe Toni was getting guff last night? But we're all family here.... Bob and Linda are there, but in separate seats. "I feel like you people are turning this into the Jerry Springer show!" WISYS. Will there be lights? Lots of laughter! Cellcerter said "you would not believe the smiley faces...and now they have them on stage."
  6. Talking about playing at the Hard Rock....all the acts that have played there...."I really fit in with Kid Rock." Now talking about the bar situation tonight -- lots of liquor? Going through what we've learned about this tour -- shoes on planes, bats....I can't hear anything else!!!! Too much laughter and screaming.
  7. Angela and Quiana are splitting duties tonight on the duet! Gotta love it! Wait...that makes it a threesome, right?
  8. So am I. I'm crying already. Truly. I'm gonna miss live versions of this song. I don't want it to end.
  9. He did fantastic on HYCA. The crowd has gotten very quiet for EIH. This is such a lovely song.
  10. It's starting finally....and I'm about ready to cry already. I don't want these shows to be over. HYCA....sigh.
  11. My contribution (I wasn't planning on breaking them out until the correct time...heh): Yikes! According to the CH cellcert, if someone gets caught with a camera, they are thrown out! YIKES!!!
  12. To quote Homer Simpson -- "doughnutssssssssss...." I hope we're not staying up TOO late tonight....but for Clay, I'll sacrifice....
  13. CH stream is up! I think the cellcerter might be sunnydays.
  14. CH stream is giving me nothing too. WAH!!!!
  15. I too think there will be SOME shenanigans tonight. With the orchestra, it could be interesting. On the other hand....this orchestra has been with them for the past three shows. They might be part of the plan too! Interesting tidbit jmh. I wonder if he contacted Clay a few weeks ago and said he was going to be at this show....meaning that Clay had to put the song back in the show!! (Actually, I think ATD was out of the California shows because of the dry air there....) I've got the Discovery Channel on in the background at the moment (I LURVE "Dirty Jobs") and they were advertising "Meerkat Manor" on Animal Planet. 2 fifteen second clips. The music behind the first? "Oooops I Did It Again." The second? "Sexy Back." I'm still giggling.
  16. Here ya go! You'll have to provide your own whipped cream though...sorry.
  17. Pre-concert dinner at my house! Hubby is burning burgers, corn on the cob, fresh tomatoes from the garden, and fresh peaches with a little sugar and a mound of whipped cream on top for dessert! Oh, and booze. Wine for me. Anyone want to join me?!?!?!?
  18. anyone? Thank you PuddinsJoy. That was beautiful. Love this line in particular.... And I'm throwin' it back too.
  19. AM I GOING TO HAVE TO TURN THIS MESSAGE BOARD AROUND?!?!?!?!! :F_05BL17blowkiss: From the Palm Beach Post reviewer's blog: Clay Aiken: the aftermath!
  20. Quick question: is it "Jaime" or "Jamie" who is his cousin and stylist?
  21. Tampa pictures via Tasapio :F_05BL17blowkiss: Entire album is here.
  22. Palm Beach Post Aiken More than Singer He's a Showman
  23. Gibby, I got my google alert this morning with that review and was ready to bring it over myself. She gets it. I like that. And EEEEEEEEEEEEEE for Merrillville being the last show of the tour!!!! My first "last" show! EEEEEEEEEEEEE! Finally -- I'm glad Angela agrees with me that Clay has no butt. However....if someone actually SAW butt last night (of the skin variety) -- it works for me. muski or CG -- PM me. I'm home all afternoon today.... *g*
  24. I think I hang with a bunch of smart women here. I think my answer to the poll leans toward jmh's....but add that 10% grain of truth from Ansa. But unless I get to talk to Clay personally, I'll never know, will I? Angela killed -- again.....
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