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Everything posted by Claygasm

  1. It is just past midnight here on the east coast. That makes it July 4th. Yes, its a holiday that celebrates the birth of our nation. Yes, it marks the one year anniversary of Keepingfaith losing her Clayginity. But there is something else this day marks. Another birth, another new beginning. Yes, its a very special day. ITS MUSKI'S BIRTHDAY!!!! :bday2: :bday2: :bday2: :bday2: :04: :04: :04: :04: :04: :04: :Pogo0: :Pogo0: Have a great one, my friend!! :F_05BL17blowkiss: :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  2. YAY!!! HIs hair is darker and long and looks more like my favorite hair ever!!! A.K.A. AMA hair!!! And as to all that transpired on this board since I last posted, I always own my posts and how I say them. I was a bit taken aback by some that commented on what I said, not because anyone disagreed with me (I expect that!) but because I felt one or two were rude, condescending and belittling to me personally. not to the content of my post. But you know what? Those who wrote those posts would probably never think that is how they came off - whether it was their intent or not. I do think it might be eye-opening to go back a read what everyone wrote, though. You might be surprised - even at yourself. Or maybe you knew exactly what and how you would sound in which case, :mockery-046: ! My new found perspective has made me so much more mellow! Besides, who really cares! We have the perfect opportunity to discuss HAIR again!!!!! :00000442:
  3. Well, I have frequently been called a Negative Nelly so I guess it should come as no surprise that I agree with you and muski. It would be nice to see if it weren't so obvious it is due only to a small group of fans diligently carrying out their duties. And while I am on a negative roll: kf, I agree with you here too - but not in the way you may think, and with a slight change in terms. I think Clay is the biggest CELEBRITY to come out of Idol. Unfortunately, you are right. He is know for more than his music. Unfortunately, the majority of people who have heard of Clay know nothing about his music! They don't know about what albums he has released since Idol. They couldn't name a Clay song - other than MAYBE "Invisible" - if you paid them. They couldn't tell you he was ever on Broadway. However, I would bet they could tell you that he supposedly is gay and trolls the internet to pick up guys. I bet they could tell you he supposedly impregnated his 50-year old producer - and not the old fashioned way. I bet they could tell you he was mean to little children at his Christmas concert a few years back. I bet they could tell you he's a known diva. But ask them to name any of his CDs - even his multi-platinum debut album and I bet they would draw a blank. That's not being a star. That is being a celebrity in the same vein as Paris Hilton. Unfortunately, all his good music, good works, good humor and good talent gets lost in all the muck he seems to attract. I am NOT saying its his fault. Personally, I am not impressed by the way he has chosen to handle some of the muck, but its not my call. But it is NOT his fault. Don't know why he seems to be such a magnet for crap, but he is and I sometimes wonder if his many talents will ever be able to rise above it. You know, Carrie Underwood is on commercials. You hear that song about keying someone's car every 15 minutes. Most everyone has heard of her because of her music or her commercials - not because of a tabloid scandal. Daughtry - I think most people could name a song of his, or recognize one when it comes on the radio -which they do A LOT. Even Kelly, whose last album didn't do well, people can name songs she has sung and they are still on the radio A LOT. But Clay? Here we are just short of 2 months after the release of his latest album and what would most people know if asked about Clay? Well, if they even know who he is, just see the above. If that's the definition of being the biggest star ever to come out of Idol, personally I would rather he be a little less of that kind of star and become a star more like Carrie or Daughtry or Kelly. I want him known for what his talent and his heart produce, not for what the tabloids produce for him. **Sigh** Maybe one day. Maybe one day...... And on that cheery note, I am off to bed. Didn't sleep at all last night. Too much on my mind...... 'Night all.
  4. I was just going to say - you couldn't possibly be apprehensive about Shadow!!! I don't think there is a mean, or even grumpy, bone in his body! And you never would have been afraid of my Max. He was a sweetie - although he did once sort of snap at muski, but he was very old and sleeping and she may have touched his back feet, which he hated. But it was only a warning snap. He never would have hurt her! This is Max: And this is his shrine. His ashes are in the blue box under the St. Francis of Assisi painting. I made the box specially for him. I miss my Max..... I was also missing Spamalot a lot today. I still think that was my most favorite thing Clay ever did!! I also loved going to NY to see plays. In fact, my lurker friend (FCA's 1000th member - who has yet to post..... :F_05BL17blowkiss: ) and I are thinking of going one weekend t his summer. Anyone have any ideas of shows to see? I need to get to bed. Its very humid here and my air conditioners still are not in. Maybe that's one reason I am in a shitty mood. :zero2bitch: :2jh: 'Night all.
  5. I was thinking the same thing! I didn't see any gentlemanly faux pas! Dropping her hand so she could lift up her skit and then not helping her like she is a little old lady is supposed to be ungentlemanly??? Maybe its because I am a crass Northerner, but I still see nothing ungentlemanly about what Ruben did - or didn't do. And I agree. I think Ruben's Mama did raise him right. He has always seemed like a polite, gentle, caring man - sort of like someone else we know. I was just referring to his body language really...not taking her arm, no hand behind the back...you know all the little sweet gentlemanly things Clay does automatically? Also his walking ahead of her for much of the way~Clay would NEVER have done that. And the Mama reference was in comparison only....I of course have NO idea what his Mama taught him. I just thought the body language was interesting. How do you know Clay would have taken her arm or put his hand behind her back? Have we ever seen Clay in this same situation? How do you know so definitely that Clay would NEVER walk in front of her much of the way? I have seen many pictures of Clay walking with women where he is leading the way. Maybe this situation is different, but since we have never seen Clay is this situation, how do we know that Clay wouldn't have done the same thing. And I would be willing to bet that there has been more than one occasion where Clay has not been a southern gentleman! Maybe I am getting the wrong idea from all this, but it just sounds to me like another instance of the old "Clay is better than Ruben" competition! But then again, maybe its just because I am in a shitty mood..... :bday: FEAR! Another Cancer checking in...... I hate that its Sunday night and tomorrow is Monday!! At least its a short week. I can't quilt at all. Don't think I would have the patience. But I love quilts and am in awe of all of you who who do it so well! A friend of mine quilts and made me one. This is it. Of course, Waldo is covering up most of it..... Ok, I guess I better go do some laundry so I have something clean to wear to work tomorrow......
  6. Thanks for answering, couchie! Such a big deal was made for having 1000 members and suddenly I saw gothedistance was member #1794! I thought WOW, we got 794 new members since this afternoon??? Welcome to all the newbies - all 794 of you!
  7. :laola0: :laola0: :laola0: :laola0: And since I happen to know the lucky FCA member #1000 (and some of you do too), all we have to do is try and convince her to post - at least one time! It may not be easy. She isn't called my lurker friend for nothing! ETA: Ooooo Gibby!!! One of my favorite pictures and my all time favorite look!!!
  8. Why are the west coasters heading to bed and I am still up???? I bet Clay will be at Ruben's wedding if he is back from the UNICEF trip. They are close friends - at least that is how they portray themselves, so I have no reason to doubt it. Clay could come in and out quite discreetly I am sure. I suspect there will be security anyway because from what I read they want their privacy. He may not sing. Perhaps he will just be a guest. Maybe even the token skinny white kid in the wedding party! Or maybe he will sing because I bet Ruben knows he has a good voice! But I just have a feeling, as good friends as they seem to be, that if it were at all possible Ruben would want Clay there and Clay would want to be there. Now I think I am heading to bed too.
  9. I think that's why I loved it from the start. The first time I heard it was when I saw him perform it at QVC. I t was the only one of the songs he sang that really struck me - partially due to the bad sound in the studio. But I just thought it was so sexy and jazzy. I thought the same thing after watching him seduce me on the AOL video. Oddly enough, it was the only song that didn't get a standing ovation from the audience. It would make me smile too. I love their friendship! I would bet anything if he's back from Somalia, he is there. I cannot imagine Ruben not wanting him there and I can see Clay moving heaven and earth to get back in time to be there! What do you m ean no anger and bitterness about hair???? BAD HAIR IS INEXCUSABLE!!!!! <snark> TGIF!!!! Its been a VERY long week!!!
  10. One problem with the boards is that one person's perception of lack of respect is another person just not loving something about or associated with Clay. I have had many people tell me I am being disresepctful toward Clay when I say I don't like his hair or his clothes or a song choice or jokingly talked about someone associated with him. There are some fans out there who love everything Clay does and think all his choices are wonderful etc. That is fine and if it makes them happy I say go for it! But they have no right to expect everyone to feel the way they do. I agree there are some posts I have read that are down right nasty toward Clay. But they are in the minority. While I hate the hate Clive/RCA conspiracy theories, I don't think they are necessarily disrespectful to Clay as much as they are just wacko! The only disrespect I see in them is MY perception that they are painting Clay as a wimp, a victim, who can't stand up for himself. I think we as fans are entitled (and I am sure some will jump on me for even using that word!) to say if we don't like something about Clay and his choices. He is entitled to totally ignore what we say! Who out there never tells the loved ones in your life when you are disappointed in something they do? Who out there thinks your nearest and dearest are perfect and always do everything right? You can love someone to death, think they are wonderful, enjoy being with them, never get tired of them, and still not agree with everything they say or do. Being a fan of Clay to me is no different. I am still here after all these years so obviously I like him. But I also do not think he is perfect. I think he has in the past - and will in the future - make poor choices and many mistakes. I have not always nor will I always love every song he sings. His hair has looked like crap at times and fabulous at other times. I have rolled my eyes at things he has said and cringed at others. I am sure I will again in the future. And I think I have a right to express it when he does something that I don't like. But I am still here. I think my fandom is in a better place lately because I have put it more into perspective with my real life. But I am still here. I like Clay despite his faults, poor choices and bad hair. Maybe its because I know that he will turn around and make excellent choices and have great hair if I hang around long enough. He is interesting and he entertains me. Until those things change, I will be here, and I will be here expressing when I love something about him, or when I don't. And I see nothing wrong with that.
  11. What do you want to bet he sings it both ways when he finally tours...... Or a way we have yet to hear!! Glad the fires are contained.
  12. You people are too chatty! Its hard to catch up after a long day at work!! But it does go faster when I see some are mentioning the RUMOR-THAT-SHALL-NOT-BE-NAMED that I avoid liket the plague!! Tom Hanks? Love him. Loved Bosom Buddies! That show was hilarious! But then again, I LOVE the snowflake pictures too! Using a Clay song in a political YouTube? Not crazy about it. The fact is, the general public may ASSUME the singer endorses the candidate. I suppose the way to solve that is to put a disclaimer at the beginning saying that the use of this song in no way is meant to imply the singer or songwriter endorses the candidate. I do think that should be added. Controversy solved, but Clay's songs still get out there. TRM? Gosh, its been so long since I listened to it (or any of the CD for that matter....Bad Clay Fan! :thdom2:) that I had to go back and see what I said about during the listening party. I'll stick by what I said then: I see this as another song of triumph over adversity. Be it God or his mother or his friends or the love a good woman he was lost and now he's found. I'm loosening my grasp No need to hold back my frailty 'Cause you see the real me Is there any better feeling than being able to truly be yourself - warts and all - with someone? Its like freedom. Its like someone lets you breathe. Did I miss anything that was discussed???
  13. People, people, people!! Would you all please stop being so chatty!!!! I had a very long day at work, didn't get home until after 8:30, fed the kitty and myself and sat down to catch up here and have just caught up! And I still have to do my dishes and read my email! No time for fun! Oh, except when remembering Clay's funniest moments, don't forget his "Run to Jesus!" from the first AC JBT! And the entire Williamsport JNT06! Muski, tell Alex congrats from me!! Welcome all newbies!! Looks like we're getting an influx here!! Guess that's all the time I have for fun today!! I hate working....
  14. I vote for forget it and just enjoy what we have here! Seriously. I made the mistake tonight of venturing out for a brief moment, read a couple of posts, thought :fssign: and came back here. As many here might remember, I was one who was having a very hard time processing the news/non-news. I mean a REALLY, REALLY hard time! So hard I was worried about myself!!!! Staying off the boards and lurking the time that I did really helped me put things in perspective for me - that and venting to friends (muski, Iseeme, couchie, anyone else who would listen! :F_05BL17blowkiss:). I needed to put some distance between me and my fandom. I changed my desktop wallpaper and the picture I had on my cell phone and it felt good to do that. I just needed to step back. My reaction took me by surprise and I just had to deal with it in my own way. Now I am ok - as long as I don't read too much about the rumor-that-shall-not-be-named. And that is why I won't venture out again. There really is nothing you can do to try and change how they're dealing with this. They will have to find their own place of peace about this in their own way. So you may as well forget it and enjoy what you have here.
  15. All I know about cats is that they seem to find me tasty (according to KAndre). As for naming friends, I stayed over at a friend's house last weekend and I now know exactly what to do to make her rush out the front door in whatever she happened to be wearing (or not) at the time and run down the street yelling at the top of her lungs, "Aiken, Aiken, come back!!!" Of course I won't actually do this since I plan to stay with her again in the future but it's a nice thought. BTW, Aiken is a full-grown dobermann. :cryingwlaughter: Ok, I am bummed because tomorrow is Monday and that means the start of yet another long work week. I need to win the lottery so I can be independently wealthy and live in the style in which I want to become accustom!
  16. Well, I thought of it because when I first got him he was always disappearing and I thought of "Where's Waldo". Then I thought Waldo would be a good name. Then I thought I couldn't! Then I consulted muski about it. She helped me see how much fun it would be to be able to say things like "I'm sitting here stroking Waldo"! And the rest, as they say, is history! Who don't know that!! Oh, you mean my cat! Yeah, he's handsome too!
  17. Fur babies? Are we sharing our fur babies? Here's mine - named after Clay! Is name is WALDO! He is my first cat ever. I was always a dog person, but after my beloved Max died, I knew I couldn't have another dog. I'm just not home enough. Plus, I figured I wouldn't get as attached to a cat. Boy was I wrong about that! I'll have had him him 3 years in September. I keep thinking of getting him a friend, but I am not sure how he would like that. Plus, my tiny home is wall to wall cat hair as it is! Do 3 year old perfectly spoiled cats even want to have a friend??
  18. A few more, also from the last AC show.... Ok, I'm out of here!!
  19. He never looked better than he did at the AMAs that night! Gorgeous day here. I might actually have to go out! But first, I see we are re-living the most fun ever - the JBT - through pictures! Here are a few of mine - untagged because I am lazy like that and besides there are so many better out there, who would want to steal mine?? These are from the glorious final show in AC. I love the first one because they all look like they are having so much fun! I know the last one and the one with Clay and Quiana are a bit out of focus, but they crack me up so I don't care!
  20. Sounds familiar if you ask me - squealing, stomping feet in pure unbridled middle-aged lust over the CUTE guy.... Well, I think it speaks to learning one HUGE lesson - that we can either sleepwalk through life or open our eyes and realize that each of us can make a difference, in the world or in the lives of others - and by doing so we make a difference in ourselves. Its sort of the ultimate lesson in life. At least that's what I get from the lyrics.
  21. {{{Muski}}} I am so glad Carrie was found safe and sound. That's the most important thing. :F_05BL17blowkiss: You mean to tell me my Muppet song was the song of the day and I almost missed it????????? I LOVE THIS SONG!!!!!!!!!! He MUST sing it in concert so we can all sway with our Bic lighters!!!!!! His voice is amazing on it and its just a feel good, uplifting song. And his voice is amazing on it. And I just LOVE it!!!!!!!!! Not really even sure why. I just do. A lot!!!
  22. {{{Muski and Carrie}}} :F_05BL17blowkiss: I remember being 13. I think my parents were ready to kick me to the curb. Just the beginning of those years my parents often refer to as the worst years of their lives!! And in restrospect, I was a good kid! Never did drugs. Only cut school occassionally in 9th grade (and I had a VERY good reason!). Got good grades. I did the lying thing quite a bit, though. But I got through it ok as did my parents. I know Carrie will too because she has two terrific parents who love her and care about her. All three of you will make it through just fine. And then one day, you too can look back at those years as the worst years of your life - but will be able to laugh about it! PLEASE keep us posted because I will worry until you do!
  23. TGIF!!!! This is me. I KNOW one song that would be in my top 3 Clay songs - TOUCH!!!!!! See, I not only love this song, but it makes me giggle at how stubborn Clay is about not singing it. I never thought there was any deep reason he didn't. Just figured he didn't like it. But I swear the more fuss we made over it the more he dug his heels in. I still believe one day, waaaaaay down the line, when most have forgotten that the song exists, he will sing it! But after TOUCH I don't know what I would pick. I can't even pick my top 3 songs on OMWH much less ever! As for non-Clay songs - forget it!!! Too many I love. I am sure George would be there because he always is, but which one???? Can we just take 3 iPods instead???? Or one iPod filled with Clay and one with a mix??? Hell, forget. I ain't going to no stinking island if I have to make choices like that!! Unfortunately, I do have to go to work where its the land of NO music! ETA: You go OMWH!!!!! I think it can! I think it can!
  24. Sneaking in from work without reading because I just had to share this email. Somehow I thought you all would appreciate it!! ETA: I just noticed. :bday2: ANSA!!!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  25. That about sums it up for me - especially the disconnect between the content and the tempo. I don't dislike it, but I don't really love it. And I wish he had kept in the lyrics pertaining to the environment. Would have made it very timely. I always thought this song would have been much better done acoustically. Yup. It was Cliff Barnes, played by Ken Kercheval.
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