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Everything posted by Claygasm

  1. And I imagine if muski is there I will be there! I don't have a ticket yet, but I didn't have one for the last closing night until the bitter end either!
  2. I often don't believe emoticons, based on history. I'm not inclined to believe them now. They're so convenient - they are often used to soften nastiness (so no one will get mad at you), and not to indicate humor. I try to be funny such that no emoticons are necessary. Of course, I occassionally fail, as do others. Especially when work beats the funny out of me. Well you know, Heidi, we can't all be as perfect as you and as talented as you that we don't need the help of emotions to make sure people don't read us wrong! You'll just have to put up with those of us who are inferior to you and have to use them from time to time. Ok? And if you don't believe them when used, well, that becomes your problem now, doesn't it. Wouldn't be nice to me..... I tend to agree with cindilu about the gawker site. In the past people posting on that site have had their own agendas. This is the same sight that reported him being seen holding hands with a blonde in NY around the time of Hannah's last night. While - as we know now - his baby mamma was only weeks away from giving birth! Oh, and wasn't it this site who also saw him in a Whole Foods early one morning with a woman with an accent who most assumed was Hannah back in the day when everyone was shipping them? Now he's holding hands with someone who looks like his baby mamma? He always seems to be holding hands with someone! I could probably go on that site and post some alleged sighting! Even if my life's desire was to see him holding hands with Jaymes (and where was little Parker anyway???), I would not be apt to believe it if I read it there. Maybe its true. Maybe its not. But I think I will wait for a more reliable source. Now, for the topic that is REALLY important - what's this about short spikey hair?????? I want the long chestnut locks I loved so much from the AMA's!
  3. Huh? What is this new evidence? What we know of Parker's conception is what we always knew - it was by IVF. The only other things we KNOW is Parker was born in NC - but we don't know WHY. Could be as simple as they felt it would be easier to keep it quiet in NC where the paparazzi don't spend as much time and where Clay wouldn't attract attention traveling back and forth or calling attention to himself in LA. That is one very logical and likely reason. Parker being born in NC or Jaymes staying there or Clay and Jaymes being dear friends (I include this in what we actually know since Clay actually told us this) or anything we actually KNOW about this whole thing gives a reason why Parker and Jaymes being in NY is definite and an actual fact! The only actual fact is we don't know! I see no indication anyone cares if you or anyone else believes they will be together. But some here have stated it as almost blasphemy to think otherwise! It seems it matters more to some that some of us believe there is a possibility that they may not be with him in NY all the time than the other way around! Besides, the simple point that is getting lost in all this one upsmanship is Iseeme and I have both stressed that we are sure Clay will do whatever he thinks is best for Parker. We just left the door open to the possibility that may mean Parker remains in NC for some of the time at least. It seems to some even leaving the door open to that possibility is cause for an argument. I mean, why is there an argument anyway? Is there anyone here who disagrees that Clay will do what is best for Parker? Of course not, and that is what was being said. Thing is, none of us know what that is. And there really is no evidence one way or the other - only personal interpretation of the few facts we know and how what we personally imagine Clay would do - all run through our own filters. Around here they can! Just because being disagreed with a lot feels like you are being told your opinion is wrong, doesn’t mean you’re actually being told your opinion is wrong. It means people disagree. Seems I am not the only one around here who needs a lesson in joking. See, I used this to make sure people would see I was kidding!
  4. I have to agree, Iseeme. Clay will do what he and Jaymes thinks is best for Parker. And I can totally see where they may think it is best at this point that Jaymes and Parker remain in NC for now. That doesn't mean forever. That doesn't mean for his entire run of Spamalot. But I can see where they may feel it is best for all concerned that they stay in NC for now. We don't know what is going on, how Jaymes is, how Parker is, if they found a place big enough and comfortable enough for the 3 of them (or who knows how many people and things!). Remember he thought it would be fine to have Raleigh and Durham with him in NY before and it didn't turn out that way. I KNOW THIS IS DIFFERENT, but we just do not know how things are or what Clay and Jaymes feel is best for Parker. As for after all he went through he would never be apart - I am sorry but that is a little over the top IMO! I mean, many parents go through what he and Jaymes went through to have a child - and more - and love that child every bit as much as they love Parker but because of work cannot spend almost every waking minute with their baby! Many fathers - and mothers these days - work and travel for a living. They don't give up their jobs just to be with their baby, or uproot their family just so they never have to be apart. They do what they think is best for their child - even if it means they have to be apart some of time. I feel confident Clay and Jaymes will do just that and I also feel confident in saying none of us know what that is! And you know, I kind of hope we never do. IF Clay and Jaymes and Parker are together in NY for the entire time or for part of the time then I hope we never know so they can just live their lives. And IF Jaymes and Parker remain in NC then I hope we never know so no one goes nuts and starts passing judgment on Clay's ability to be a father. May I just ask where you read that and who reported it? Did Faye give an interview saying that? Did she post on a board? Or did someone' best friend's sister's hair dresser over hear Faye telling the garbage man? I don't mean to be disrespectful but I am always suspicious of reports attributed to member's of Clay's family that don't come directly from them to us! Around here they can!
  5. Thank you for the apology. I guess we all from time to time see a poster's name and read what they say with pre-conceived notions about what they actually mean. I know I have. I only said something because what you deduced was so far from what I meant I didn't want anyone thinking that is what I meant. Besides, I wasn't even talking about MY feelings, but rather how the media/music world etc might see things. And just for the record, when most women have babies in their 20's, it is by definition unusual for women to have babies when they're 50, or in their 40's. Not unheard of, just unusual. Oh I totally agree with you, couchie. Which is why I said: Seems to me like we're saying the same thing! Has anyone watched "Fringe"??? Scary, creepy. and very good!
  6. Whoa! When did I use the word "weird"???? I said UNUSUAL, which just means its not the norm. I never said it was weird. That has a entirely different meaning! Do I think the circumstances that we KNOW about Parker's conception and birth are weird???? No. Do I think it is unusual? Yes. Do I think your mother was weird when she had your brother at 43? No. Was it unusual for a 43 year old woman back then (only because its less so now) to have a baby? Sure it was. HUGE difference in the meaning of those two words and since I never used the word "weird" in this discussion I just want to make it perfectly clear that I do NOT think its weird (though let's face, many do...), but I do think it is unusual. And yes, couchie, that old double standard raises its ugly head again. But in this case I think its unusual not only because of the differences in their ages - which would only be a big deal if they are romantically involved, which is one of the things we do NOT know, except that Clay seemed to indicate publicly they were just dear friends. Jaymes' age does make it unusual because it is not that common for someone of her age to have a baby! It is more common for men to become fathers at that age (although it is still not the norm), but then again, their biology doesn't seem to limit that possibility. And assuming what Clay has said publicly about his relationship is true, it is also unusual for a guy to choose to have a baby with a friend - no matter what their ages. Listen, one of the things I have always loved about Clay is that for the most part he has chosen to live his life as he wants to and if that means not conforming to what the music world or general public - or even his fans - want, then so be it. I was never saying differently. I only brought it up because we were discussing the prospect that he might get treated with more respect simply because he is now a father and I doubted that. I simply said that I believe that because he has never conformed to what the pop music world expects of its stars it is unlikely getting respect from them would be as easy becoming a father and that the unusual circumstances surrounding Parker wouldn't help.
  7. For all I know someone here (FCA) could have had "an unusual" birth. Doesn't mean I would not respect them. Respect comes as a result of working hard in your field, being talented in your field and willingness to experiment. If cool was all that counted I could think of quite a few entertainers that would be unemployed now. Unfortunately the internet has colored our impressions of what "talent" is. If it's all about conforming or being scandalous, thank goodness Clay is not cool. We don't know the circumstances of Parker's birth, so to call it unusual is just your opinion. Clay has and I presume will continue to hold all personal information "close to the vest". Therefore I don't anticipate his discussing this with fans or the media. JMO For myself, I am "over the moon" happy that Clay and Jaymes have Parker in their lives. Well, the one fact we DO know is unusual. Let's face it, it IS unusual for a 29 year old man to have a baby with a 50 year old woman. It is unusual for a 29-year old man to have a baby with a 50-year old woman who he declares publicly is his dear friend IMPLYING they have a platonic relationship. Hell, its even unusual for a 50 year old woman to have a baby - period! And no where did I say I expected him to discuss it. My point was that since this whole thing is unusual it gives the media and the so-call critics more chance to put their own, unflattering spin on things, therefore not helping him gain any respect. My point was his becoming a father would have no bearing on his getting respect in the music industry. And that would be true even if he were happily married to a woman his own age. If that were true, Clay would have had respect all along. He hasn't. He entered the music scene in an area where being cool DOES count. A lot. It may not be right, but its true. Coolness often counts more than talent. Is there any more shallow arena that the pop/rock world? But the fact is, this is where Clay has, up to now, marketed himself. He chose not to conform to their coolness factor (for which I applaud him) and one of the things that has suffered for it is respect. In a pollyanna world you would be judged just by your deeds, your talent, the kind of person you are and those things would earn respect. In the real world of pop music, that just isn't the case. It DOES seem to be the case in the Broadway world and we saw that when Clay was in Spamalot the first time. I remember saying then that it seemed like for the first time in his professional life Clay was receiving respect from the critics, from his peers, even from the media. But it didn't follow him back into the pop arena. Two different worlds. Two different set of rules. Too bad.
  8. Would be nice but I wouldn't count on it - especially considering the out-of-the-ordinary circumstances of Parker's conception and birth. Besides, I don't think the music industry not respecting him has anything to do with his maturity or lack thereof! If only it were that simple.... Clay is still the uncool guy off AI when it was still considered cheesy. He still sings uncool songs. He still lives an uncool lifestyle. And maybe the worse offense of all, he still doesn't write his own songs! **Gasp** So unless the music industry has an epiphany as to what really matters, which somehow I doubt, I don't think Parker's birth will have any affect on how they treat him. But as long as he keeps doing what he wants to do and keeping us entertained, does it really matter? Not to me! Especially if he stays this CUTE! So I was in the grocery store today when suddenly I started hearing someone singing about spinning balls! Hee! Its always kind of surreal when you start hearing Clay sing when you least expect it! Well maybe not least expect it. The place I would least expect to hear Clay would be the radio!
  9. The weather channel guy is in Clear Lake TX and he is being blown all over the place and Ike hasn't made landfall yet! I cannot believe some people around Galveston actually didn't leave! And I worry about the pets and other animals. Sometimes Mother Nature is really a bitch! You Texas ladies, when you can, please let us know you are ok!
  10. Someone wrote one entirely in French? That must have thrown him for a loop! And I just KNEW he would love irreverent and silly bios! JUst like I knew he would fit perfectly into Spamalot. That is just sooo Clay! Damn I wish I could think of something clever and original and funny and silly and completely irreverent! TGIF!!!! Stay safe all you Texans!
  11. Waldo poops in his carrier every single tome! About 10 minutes into the drive I can smell it! At least he does his best to stay out of it! Me too!! **sniff** Apparently one of my first loves - and a favorite of Clay's - James Taylor is going to be on QVC for 2 shows tomorrow! I guess cause he's a legend he gets 2 shows and since Clay is only a legend in the making he only got one! Stay safe eHP!! And don't forget your pets!
  12. :cryingwlaughter: :cryingwlaughter: Funniest thing I have read in a LONG time, Jemock - as is most everything I have ever read of yours! Thanks for posting it here. Loved every single word!! Sometimes I think some here are too quick to judge and criticize and too slow to laugh.
  13. I think people can write whatever they want. Clay will be choosing the one he prefers, so he can decide what he thinks is appropriate. As for assumptions about Jaymes, again, I think that's up to him. If the bio has something he doesn't like, he won't choose it. Simple as that. It isn't that I don't agree with you about what the bio should be like, but I'm not sure what the point is in making sure that no one has any fun with the contest. Clay would probably enjoy some laughs while he's reading entries, even if they go into the reject pile afterwards. Sorry, but this is the first I have been online since last night and I had to comment on the bolded part of this post. Please tell me where I suggested no one should have fun with this contest? I suggest earlier that it would be a riot to write in Monty Pythonesque humor! Let me quote myself (post # 782): I also said the challenge in writing the bio would be in HOW it was written, not just the content. I cannot see how that could be taken as telling people not to have fun with it! Obviously Clay will choose the one he wants but I don't think Clay is stupid and I think he KNOWS many others than his most loyal fans who fork out the money to get almost nothing from the OFC will be reading it and that inside jokes and information would be lost on them. Then again, maybe he's not as smart as I give him credit for, but somehow I doubt it! And as someone who so values his privacy that he chose not to share with his loyal fans that he was expecting a baby even after TMZ broke the news, I would think it would just be respectful to leave out any speculation involving his personal life. You seem to say that I have no right to dictate what people choose to write in their bios. I agree. I was only stating MY hopes and opinions. You noticed I used IMO in my post. I also used the words "I hope" in the part of my post you chose not to quote. No where did I say these are the rules - live with them! I was just expressing MY OPINION on what I HOPED people would include in their bios - whether humorous or serious. Now I will go back and read the rest that I missed today. Just wanted to set the record straight.
  14. Um, let's hope not! I hope Parker is not a focus of Clay's bio - even in a humorous way. And, if you read Playbill bios they tend to focus on the actor's career, not their personal lives. At the very most it should contain no more than a brief mention of Parker's birth - and no assumptions about his relationship with Jaymes. You know, at most something like "Clay recently became a father for the first time this summer when his son Parker Foster Aiken was born". Should be pretty easy to update this bio. He hasn't done much of anything since leaving Spamalot. I guess you could say how he had a successful run in Spamalot before, how OMWH opened at number 4 on the Billboard chart - just leave out that it sunk like a lead balloon there after of course! And mention his trip to Somalia. But other than that, what can you add? I think the words are not the challenge. Just take his old bio and add the few things he has done since. The challenge and the creativity will come with how its written. We should remember that this is going to be read by a lot of NJUs (we hope!) and focusing on a kid many of them probably don't even know about wouldn't make sense. Either would any "inside" jokes. This bio cannot be Clay fan-centric. However it is written it should be in such a way that someone who has never heard of Clay (and there are many) or who haven't followed him at all will appreciate and understand. And in a way that might help promote interest in him perhaps. Getting too cutesy about Parker or having too many fan-centric jokes or comments would be a waste, IMO.
  15. Ah, but Cindilu, I didn't surmise wrong! All the baby talk I was referring to - sarcastically - was here on the board, not in his blog! I hope the winner writes a really funny bio, with humor in the vein of Monty Python! Now that would be creative! If I had talent in that arena, that's what I would do! (And if someone steals my idea and wins they better share the prize with me!) White pants? I am so there!
  16. Where are your seats? Row B, seats 106 and 106 - I think those are the right seat numbers. Why? You going to be there???? Guess the Clay blog will have to wait until I get hime, but can't wait to read about Parker..... (Oh come on! You knew I had to say something about all the baby talk! ) As to the contest I have surmised from the bits I read here.... I just hope he doesn't want us to make him cry again! Off to have dinner with a friend!
  17. And you if you do, please give her a HUGE hug from me!!!! And tell her I may actually email her one day soon like I said I would last May........ Well, my lurker friend and I finally got our first Spamalot tickets for October 4th. No problem getting GREAT seats for a Saturday night! What a difference a rerun makes! Not sure how many other times I'll go. I know I can't afford to go as many times as I did last time. But I suspect I'll go more than once.......
  18. Unless of course he's into menage-a-trois.......... Hee!!! Expensive champagne, a hot man and a hot woman..... Sounds like a fun night to me!
  19. Haven't been around much lately (not that anyone noticed I am sure.....). Work's been a bitch, my sinuses have been a bitch and I have been too tired..... So I finally came online and saw this: GAH!!!!! You know that old expression - a picture's worth a thousand words????? They say you're never alone in the Claynation, and I feel squicky about it too, even though I love Hannah to death and adore that photo of the two of them. My interpretation of Clay's expression is that he looks schmoopie and sad that Hannah is leaving the show and he got a little sentimental about it. Somehow though, until he absolutely denies a romantic relationship with Jaymes, I'm gonna feel funny about shipping him with anyone else. Think I'll just ship him with Parker for the time being. God, I sound like such a prude...and anyone who knows me, knows that isn't true...AT ALL! (waves to cindilu2, luckiest1, From Claygary, goldarngirl, Bella 19, heinz and Iseeme!) I do have to agree on the statement "Wow, and GAH!" however! For me, until Clay absolutely says he IS in a romantic relationship with Jaymes, I will continue to enjoy shipping him with anyone he looks like this with in a picture...... God I love this picture!!! Love the new NYT ad! I guess I should try and find one to go with my original one, but alas I have no clue where to go around here! If anyone has extras......
  20. Well, I just thought about how many more years I may have to work! I think I am in desperate need for some Goofy Clay!
  21. What I did is drop all those premium channels with the same movies over and over and over. If you have Netflix or something that's taken care of anyway. Now if I can stop myself from paying for the NBA Sports pak next month I'll be in good shape. Except I never had the premium channel! Just the basics and I am paying too much. Problem is out here in the boonies there is no cable, no FIOS. Just satellite or rabbit ears! Maybe I can cut down my phone service and say some money there.... I WANT A DVR!!!!! Muski my dear! Thanks for my new motto!!! I might have to have that engraved on something!! Nothing but nothing would make me leave my cat. NOTHING! Besides, shelters were allowing animals this time round after the catastrophe that was Katrina. As they should. No one should have to choose between beloved pets and their lives.
  22. Huh??? I have NO clue! But with this stupid satellite, my guess would be no. On my To Do list over the next few days if I get a chance is to call Direct TV and see just what it would cost. Their website confuses me! I already pay waaaaay too much for it as it is, so I think I just need to know or sure I can't afford it so I can stop dreaming! Why do I have to go to work tomorrow????? Not fair!!! I'm so depressed.... (tm. The King)
  23. I'm not ready to conceive Clay is smarter than me - or anyone here. He's smart, but so am I and MANY here on this board! Now, how we all use those smarts...... Now FOR SURE he has waaaaay more advantages than most here, and FOR SURE he is waaaaay more talented than most here - or anywhere. So worry about him or his career? Nah. Like many here, I have enough to worry about in my real life. I'll let Clay worry about his. And if he disappeared tomorrow I would survive. I could revisit him anytime I want thanks to his CDs and lots and lots of clack. The part I would miss most are the people (well.... some of the people....) I have met because of Clay. If it all ended tomorrow, though, I know I will have come out of this fandom richer than I came into it - and heaven knows I don't mean monetarily! I am richer because I have some friends I met because of Clay who I feel sure will be my friends long after Clay. But thankfully, I don't think any of us have to worry about Clay disappearing permanently any time soon! Speaking of more important things to worry about, I am trying to figure out how to afford a DVR with this stupid satellite I am forced to have. Now that the new TV season is upon us (watching the season premiere of "Prison Break" now) I need one! I can't rely on my old VCR!
  24. Hee!! Maybe we should contact Ripley's Believe it or Not! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  25. I was one who never thought Clay was as much of a "superstar" as some on the boards made him out to be. There were too many I knew in my real life who, even at the height of it all, had no clue who Clay was. They had never watched AI. He had no radio play. They didn't read People or watch ET. How would they know who he was? I know there are a lot of people who are huge in some circles (probably mostly the teen circle) who I have never heard of! IMO, I don't think Clay was ever at the megastar level someone like Mylie Cyrus is now (thanks to Disney), for example. Everyone's careers ebb and flow. The fact that Clay still has one says a lot to me. I think his career is evolving. I always thought he would end up much more than just a "pop star", and it looks to me as if he heading in that direction. Works for me! As to him being a natural actor - not sure of that, but I DO think he is a natural comedian! I swear he could be a successful stand-up comedian if he wanted to be. He is one of the funniest people I have ever seen and he has the quickest wit. And he's the cutest!
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