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Everything posted by Claygasm

  1. I did go back and read it - several times. I still do not see bitchy or bitter. Ansa, I love you but you are sooooooooo off the mark with me I don't know where to begin. Isn't it possible everyone is reading my posts with a defensiveness already in place because there is an expectation that my posts will be contrary to popular opinion? I have reread my posts and I do not see bitchiness AT ALL. Unless bitchy means bucking popular opinion. Now, let me TRY and clarify where you are wrong about what I think and what I said. I have no aversion to Clay and Jaymes or the fact they had a child together or whatever their relationship may be. I never said I did, nor even alluded to it so I if this is what you got from my post you are reading things into it that are not there. Again you say I have an aversion to them as a couple. Again I never said that. And I didn't think ALL shipping was judgmental. All I said was I believed SOME who still are shipping them are doing so because that would make this whole situation make more sense to them, even make it more palatable. SOME probably are having some problems with the untraditional nature of their relationship but are not admitting it and IF Clay and Jaymes were indeed a couple, despite what Clay said, it would make it all ok for them and they would feel better about it. For those who are shipping for those reasons, I think that is judgmental for they are essentially saying they don't approve of their relationship as it is - platonic and having a baby together. Even your comment "I still don;t get how hoping they have a romantic relationship and thinking that means that people are judging them" to me speaks of a judgement. I mean why would you hope this for them? Hoping something for them implies you want something better for them. So that implies you believe if they were involved romantically that would be better for them than just being "dear friends" which in turn implies that there is something wrong with them being just "dear friends". That is judgmental IMO. And I really do not understand why anyone doubts they have a platonic relationship. Clay said they did. What, his word isn't good enough for you? I stand by my statement that some who want and/or believe that Clay and Jaymes are not just "dear friends" need them to be more than "dear friends" and that to me is judgmental. No one has to IMO justify their feelings. They are feelings. They don't need to be dissected, rationalized or defended. You don't have to get it. You just have to accept that not everyone feels the way you do. And as long as they express themselves in a respectful manner (which I think I did - and I KNOW I tried to do), you need to respect their feelings. Sometimes you feel things and its hard to put your finger on why. I am disapointed NOT because I don't approve, NOT because I have an aversion to Clay and Jaymes or their decision to have a baby together, or any of the commonly thought reasons. I just am. I have come to understand why. I am not sharing those reasons here because I don't want to feel I have to defend myself. KAndre said you all are allowed to be disappointed in me. Well, you can be, but I am not sure why you would be as I doubt I am held to any high standards here. But feel free to be disappoointed in me. I am disappointed in many on this board right now. I am disappointed in keepingfaith and her over the top bitchy comment to me about the use of the words "the kid". I am disappointed that so many read my posts already deciding what I mean instead of reading what I write. I am disappointed in the fact so many here constantly prejudge me. I know some of you are over the moon happy for Clay. I don't get that just like you don't get that I am not. But I respect your right to be happy about it. I just wish the respect was mutual. I am so tired of having to defend my every thought and opinion and feeling here. I have no problem with those who disagree with me, but when I am told I mean something I don't or that I am being dismissive when I'm not or bitchy and bitter when I am not, and that my feelings make no sense, then it leaves me having to defend my right to say what I think. It also once again makes me feel as if only one mindset is permitted here. I know that isn't true in theory, but perhaps as you asked me to reread what I wrote to see how others may see it, you all should reread yours to see how I may take it. And while you may think I am the only one who is thinking what I am thinking, I am not. I know others who have the same disappointment and are not judging Clay or Jaymes. They just are afraid to express it on a board where they know they will be treated like a pariah. And how disappointing is that.
  2. Actually, if he is normal, yes he can. Look, you told us bits of your life, what if we followed up with questions on when you last had sex and what positions did you use? or have you violated your vegetarianism, and don't you dare lie to us because we have other sources and we know you cheat on it,. You are a carnivore!!! We don't have pictures but we have some photoshps here that demonstarte you cheated. That is what Clay gets all the time. I can't be taht rude, but the media and some fans can. I think it is nice when Clay shares stuff and what he shares should be his choice, he is not a monkey to dance on our command, he is a living breathing human being and deserves the normal respect we give to others and expect for ourselves. i do not believe that b ecause he gets up on a stage and we pay for tickets that we have a right to know more than he wants to tell. JMHO. YMMV and all the shebang of initials. He may be normal, but I am not sure this fandom or the media is! In the ideal world he should be able to share the parts of his private life he wants to share and not have people try and go beyond that. But this is not an ideal world. And just to be clear, but when I read what you wrote to me it seemed to be implying that I think its ok to dig, dig, dig and I think its ok to make him a monkey to dance on our command and that I think its our right because we buy tickets and cds to demand he tells us more than he wants to. Maybe it was just your wording, but I NEVER said that or implied it nor do I for one second believe it and never have. Quite the opposite. Since so much of what I have said in the last 24-hours has been misinterpreted I just wanted to make that clear.
  3. Well my dear KAndre, I didn't see my post as a "a big, double-barreled, no hold barred, aggressive defense in a bitchy way" post. I thought it was expressed in a calm rational manner. And since the biggest criticism of it seems to be my using the term "kid", I think that shows the post as a whole was not generally considered to be bitchy. Thing is, if someone doesn't like the use of the words "the kid" they can say it a calm, rational way and explain why they feel that way like Liney and Cotton did, or they can be mean and bitchy like keepingfaith was. Guess which is more likely to get me to watch how I word things? Truth is, I was not thinking anything about respect when I wrote "the kid". It is how I talk. I have been using that term in emails and PMs to people and no one told me that was disrespectful. I still do not understand why anyone thinks it is. If my whole post had been about how wonderful "the kid" is, would anyone have seen it as disrespectful? Probably not. I suspect people decided it was disrespectful because I had expressed that I was disappointed in the situation. I hate to say this, but you are wrong about this. The reason is INTENT. You and a few others may have read it as dismissive. Others did not. There is no definitive rule on this. It is a matter of interpretation so the benefit of the doubt must go to the person who wrote it and what their intent was. As I have said before, my INTENT was NOT to be dismissive. It is just how I talk. I never stopped to consider that there may be a person or two who might find it dismissive because IMO they are over-sensitive about this kid child. I cannot believe you people are making such a big deal out of my using the words "the kid"! Its not like I called him a bastard - a term, by the way, that NEVER entered my mind until someone mentioned it here! Chill out people! So I called Clay's perfect little baby the kid! Its not a crime against humanity! They were words used innocently and without any intended disrespect. Geez! I see NOTHING bitchy about my post. I truly think it was written in a calm, rational manner. I was just pointing what I saw as an irony. I also said: If you all can get past my use of the words "the kid" you will see my disappointment has NOTHING to do with passing out moral judgements. Everyone here knows I am not a religious person - definitely not a Christian - and have in fact been the target of some of these holier-than-thou Christians in regards to Clay. I find them appalling! I have always thought those who try to hold Clay up to some religious or moral level that even Jesus couldn't live up to are wacko. I think spewing awful words about Clay and Jaymes is disgusting and should be stopped. That is NOT where my disappointment comes from. I am allowed to be disappointed in Clay. That is my right. I am not allowed to condemn him for his choice nor pass judgement on him. I did neither. I have been disappointed in Clay before. I have been angry at him before. And yet I am still here. Why? Because just as I do with the people in my real life, I deal with and move on. I wish Clay, Jaymes and their kid baby all the happiness in the world. I assume - and hope - they have thought through the special challenges their unconventional family will present. But I personally am not thrilled about this. But that doesn't matter because its their life to live not mine and I know that. At least I acknowledge I am disappointed. I think there are many others who deep down are too but won't admit it. For example - the number of people shipping Clay and Jaymes, going back through old clack to find evidence that they are really romantically involved and maybe even secretly married. All this despite the fact Clay used the words "my dear friend..." in his blog announcing the birth. IMO he was sending a message loud and clear to the shipping fans and to the curious media as to exactly what their rather unique relationship is. But yet there are some who insist on shipping them. Why? Clay says they are just "dear friends" and he seems fine and happy, so why the need to ship them? IMO I think its because deep down Clay and Jaymes being in love and hopefully secretly married is the only way this makes sense to them. That is being judgmental - covertly, but judgmental all the same. Personally I take Clay at his word. If he says they are dear friends then that is what I believe they are. Doesn't bother me so why bother trying to make their relationship something its not? For all we know, maybe he has someone in his life is romantically involved with who is accepting of the situation with Jaymes and that is why he wants to make that distinction clear. Whatever, it just strikes me odd that some who are jumping with joy over the birth are also shipping him to death. To me that indicates there is something about the whole thing they are not happy with and that seems to be the nature of the relationship between Clay and Jaymes. Personally I have come to this conclusion. This fandom is now and has always been WAY too involved in Clay's personal life. We (and from this point on when I use the term "we" please know I am talking in generalities about the fandom and am fully aware this does not apply to everyone in the fandom) ship him with any woman he is ever seen with. We dissect his every word. We want to know what he is doing every minute of every day. Even when he makes something quite clear - like his relationship with Jaymes - we try to uncover more about it. We need to step back. We should have long ago. Perhaps it is because of AI. Perhaps since we voted for him week after week and to some extent are responsible for his having the career he does we feel it is our right to know about every aspect of his life. Perhaps he is right when he says we feel motherly toward him. Many, many mothers try to run their kids' lives even when they are all grown up. I don't know, but I sure hope we hear little to nothing about this kid child. I hope Clay keeps his private life private - not only from the media but maybe more importantly from us. We need to concentrate on being fans of the only Clay Aiken we know - the entertainer and humanitarian. The other Clay - Clayton if you will - we do not know AT ALL. And we shouldn't. Its unhealthy for us. It is unfair to him. If nothing else, this situation has shown that very clearly. It seems clear he wants that separation so I hope he keeps the separation intact - and that would mean not giving us updates on his family. He can't have it both ways - sharing parts of his personal life with us and the media and then getting all bent out of shape when we and they want to know more. If he truly wants to keep his private life private then he needs to be consistent, IMO. And in time this fandom - and maybe the media - will learn the new boundaries. And that, IMO, would be much better for all parties involved.
  4. So wandacleo, my interpretation of who you were calling bitches and saying good riddance to was correct? You were referring to anyone who is disappointed in this situation for any reason? IMO there is a clear difference between someone being disappointed in something he does and expecting him to conform to how they think. I am disappointed for my own reasons. At no time did I ever think that meant Clay should live his life according to what I want for him. Is someone like me a bitch? Have you never been disappointed in the choices someone in your real life made? Do you tell them good riddance too? Sorry but I find that judgement of others to be as bad as those crazy zealots who are passing moral judgements on Clay and Jaymes. Disagreeing with someone, being disappointed in someone, being angry at someone is not the same as telling someone how to live their life.
  5. And that was a more respectful way of stating that opinion than telling me I was being bitchy! I ALWAYS use the term "kid". Always have. Its second nature to me and was used with no disrespect intended. I just do not see how anyone can see the word "kid" as bitchy or disrespectful. I am sorry if anyone thought that but geez! I hear more people refer to their children as kids than I do as their child! Its a common term. In the dictionary, the very first definition of the term "kid" is Informal. a child or young person. I mean, we often talk about Clay's private parts. I think I can use an informal term when referring to his child! So I am warning everyone. Chance are I will almost always refer to his child as his kid. I mean no disrespect and frankly I am shocked anyone was offended by the use of such a commonly used word! Well, I never said Clay was ruining his career with this move. But thank you so much for saying I have always been a good fan. You have no idea how much that means to me because I think many do not think that about me. So thank you. I know I wasn't one of those "bitches" annabear was talking about but wandacleo said: The way her post is worded lumped those of us who are disappointed with those passing judgement on him. Perhaps that is not what she meant, but it sure is what she said. Perhaps she can clarify.
  6. Are we all expressing ourselves completely tonight. Okay then, it drove up my blood pressure to see you refer to Clay's only-hours-old newborn as "the kid." I think that is totally bitchy, by the way. Why is that bitchy? He is a kid. I refer to all children, and some adults, as kids. I see nothing wrong or bitchy about that term. What term would have met your exacting standards? Should I have referred to him as that darling perfect child? The sweet wonderful baby? He is a kid. I called him a kid. Not sure why you find that bitchy. But since I am expressing myself completely tonight - which is something I thought we could do on this board any night - I think your response to my previous post is a perfect post to prove my point. I once again have to quote annabear:
  7. I think this is the crux of A LOT of the tention surrounding this situation. We all come from different places and have different life experiences. I can't fault someone for feeling how they feel. I can't fault someone for respectfully stating how they feel. I can even sympathize with their reasoning sometimes. BUT. When it comes to calling names and making moral judgments, that's where I draw the line. <- No pun intended! You don't have to agree with someone's decisions, but not agreeing doesn't mean you have the right to belittle them, nor does it give you the right to belittle and cast stones at those who choose to be happy for the other person. Again, this is not directed at anyone in particular, but I have experienced the exact situation I described above. I think some people must truly be miserable deep down in their hearts if the only way they can approve of something/someone is if it meets with their exacting standards. They're going to end up awfully lonely someday. Note the bolded in blue of the above (although what is bolded in red is also particularly relevant). Then read the post below. It works both ways. Just remember that when casting your stones. I am one of the 'bitches" who is not happy about the kid. It has nothing to do with it being a non-traditional family. I don't condemn Clay or Jaymes, just am not happy about it, how he handled it when the news broke and a variety of other things. I have dealt with them and moved on (in my life, not away from the fandom). I had decided to keep my distance from the board while the inevitable reveling was going on so as not to rain on anyone's parade. I know my feelings are in the minority (shocking I know!), so I chose to not submit myself to the posts that would make my blood pressure rise and let all who are happy be happy. Little did I know some on this board had decided that if you weren't happy about this you were a bitch and should get the hell out! I have not been anywhere to read posts spewing crap about this being immoral or passing judgement on Clay on so-call religious grounds etc. Those people really would scare me. They remind me of the zealots who condemned me because I hated YWT. I can understand anger directed at them. But from what I can see here, the anger is being directed at anyone who is not over the moon happy about this. And that is just wrong. I repeat what annabear said: I repeat: It works both ways. So next time any of you yell something like "GOODBYE YOU BITCHES AND GOOD RIDDANCE!!!", try looking in a mirror as you say it. Oh, and this "bitch" is not going to let anyone drive her away. PSA: I only used wandacleo's post as an example. I was not directing my comments only at her, nor singling her out. ETA: Just to make one thing clear. I am in no way implying the Clay and Jaymes should have taken my happiness into consideration when making this decision. That would be absurd. My unhappiness about it is mine and mine alone. I am in no way implying my feelings should have any bearing on any decision Clay ever makes. He should and will do what he believes is right for him. He will make bad decisions. He will make good ones. But its his life to live, not mine. I am aware of that.
  8. {{{Iseeme}}} Yeah, its not right to post things like that when the west hasn't seen it yet. Maybe FromClaygary could spoiler her remark and then you could edit yours so any other west coaters also won't be spoiled? I loved this year's show but the #2 guy should have won!! Seems I am rather partial to #2 guys!
  9. :bday2: My Darling Twin,YSRN (who I miss....)!!!!!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss: :F_05BL17blowkiss: My heart almost stopped this morning. MSN is our home page at work and I was glancing at the Entertainment news and saw this headline: "American Idol Runner-up Welcomes Baby". But phew! It was only Bo Bice's baby!!! Back to work.... Oh joy!
  10. I don't mind the photoshopped pictures of Clay. Some are kind of creepy, others are just plain hysterical! But as for worrying about them traveling over the internet? I haven't seen any that would be harmful to him. I mean, pictures supposedly of Clay with a six pack rather than a Buddha belly wouldn't hurt him! But maybe more importantly, I will never let the actions of some haters and asshats control what I do or say. That gives them too much power. Completely off topic... I LOVE SYTYCD!! Love it. It is everything AI should be and isn't. These mad talented kids dance because they love it. They work damn hard because they love it. And with no promises of being a star. Even the winner only gets some money. No guarantees of a contract or a job. I even like that they say its the search for America's favorite dancer. Not the best dancer, but your favorite dancer. I think like more artistic endeavors, what sometimes makes you feel the most may not be technically the most perfect, but still it makes you feel. Twitch is my favorite. He makes me feel happy and I am awed at what he can do. He may not be the best dancer, but he sure is my favorite! I will miss this show when its over. Wonder how much tickets to the tour are?????? ETA: Damn! They aren't even coming to Philly! Bummer....
  11. POSSIBLE CLAY SIGHTING. TAKE WITH A LARGE GRAIN OF SALT! And when you hear what he was supposedly wearing, you will understand why I said a LARGE grain of salt! I was bored so I went over to my first board - where I haven't been in ages and ages and ages and ages and ages and ages...... Anyway, I saw this post from someone who lives in Raleigh. It was posted yesterday: Tank top?????????? I mean, the woman he was supposedly with was likely Quiana and the kid Chamberlain. But a tank top? Clay??????? There was a later post where she checked back with the hairdresser and she insists it was Clay. She was putting her baby in a stroller which is why her husband saw him first and she is positive it was a tank top! A tank top? The man of a thousand t-shirts was wearing a tank top??? Showing that much skin in public???? :pigsfly: :pigsfly: Now where is that cell phone picture???
  12. But couchie, even IIT you can still ship them! He's only Jaymes' friend and sperm donor according to that impeccable source, the one even mainstream news uses as their impecable source, TMZ. So he can still have a lover on the side! He may have already had a lover (Hannah?) on the side since Jaymes has been pregnant. And on her back and on her front.......
  13. That would be wonderful! Either that or recording a song for a Disney soundtrack! Wooooeeeee. Sounds good to me! Or maybe getting ready to star in the big screen version of some musical! I mean, if we're going to dream, let's dream big! I know with Clay, dreams and big sort of go hand in hand...... **Sniff** I have the news on here. The station I watch sponsors Musikfest (which I always think is Muskifest!) and they just did a bit on it. I miss Clay performing at Musikfest (or anywhere...). **Sniff** This was followed by a commercial for Spamalot, coming to Philadelphia. I miss Clay being Sir Robin in Spamalot. Its not that I don't have a life, its just that these Clay things are so much damn fun!
  14. Commenting on, disagreeing with, discussing etc. Clay choices, decisions, actions, etc, does not mean denying him his right to make those choices, actions, etc. He chose a public life, which means he shouldn't have the same expectation (notice I said "expectations" not "right" because he has the right....) of privacy we do with our choices, decisions, actions, etc. His life if much more under a microscope than ours. When he chose this public life, he had to know this would be one of the down sides. IMO, I do not think for one moment this album was rushed for us. He didn't personally finance it so it is highly unlikely the label would have approved such a generous, but economically risky, gesture. "We" could have waited until fall when he could have recharged his batteries, done the UNICEF trip, had time to plan a better promotion, release the single to radio more in advance of the CD release and, IIT, been around for the baby's birth and some time there after. Really it would have made more economic sense and promotional sense and I cannot imagine one of his fans being pissed off because we had to wait a few more months for the CD to be released! I have NO CLUE what the reasons for the rushed release date were (but I sure would like to know!), but I bet you anything it had nothing to do with it being for "us", or the baby - IIT. And just to clarify something I said yesterday. I believe Clay is certainly entitled to take whatever time off he wants. I just don't buy that he needed it after Spamalot and recording the CD and the pseudo-album promotion. Certainly someone as young and fit as Clay could take a few weeks or so and be ready to go again! But if he wants to take the next year off, that is his right and his choice. (Not saying that is what he is planning to do, just using that as an example...) It would be a really stupid one, IMO, if he still wants to have a career, but it would be his choice! Again, not denying his right to make his choices anyway he wants, just discussing my opinion of those choices.
  15. Annoying. I had no electricity all day. No storms. In fact, it was a gorgeous day! Just no pwoer. Which also means no water since I have a well. Annoying. I agree with you, Iseeme. I guess I will NEVER understand why he would release that wonderful CD and then give it a half-assed promotion. I just don't see what the rush was to release it when he did. I would think better and longer promotion would trump any residual effect from Spamalot and Mother's Day! Maybe there is something we don't know that would explain it. I hope so. As for his vacation - gee, I wish I could work hard for 5 months and then just take 3, 4, 5 months off! And he's only 29!! He shouldn't get that tired that easily! I guess that's one of the perks of being rich and "famous"! Not that he doesn't deserve some time off. It just all seems like such odd timing. It would have made more sense to have taken the summer off, released the CD in September when he would have had plenty of time to book good promotional appearances, when he would have been able to release the single well ahead of the album release so it could maybe have been heard and picked up some momentum before the CD dropped. He could have had his vacation, gone to Somalia, had more vacation time and then he would have been well rested for the CD promo. But then again, there may be something we don't know. But I do know this. If Clay was sooooooooo exhausted after Spamalot and recording the CD that he needed several months off to recover, he needs a complete physical (and I volunteer to give it to him.... ) because he is too young to get soooooooooo tired. And I miss him too.
  16. CG... you like having opposing opinions from the majority! Admit it, now, don't you??? :F_05BL17blowkiss: Hee! I honestly don't try to have opposing opinions! Its just seems to work out that way! But wouldn't it be boring if we all always agreed with each other?? I tend to agree with this. I think Quiana's voice is lovely, but she does, to me, pretty much sound the same on every song. Angela may occasionally shriek (although I have always thought she sound shrieker on cellcerts and clack than she does in person) but she also seems to have more variety in her song stylings. I think she can handle the gentle song well, as I think she demonstrated during the last Christmas tour. And I still think her version of Listen was the best either Q or A have ever done with their solos. It is the only one of their solos I have ever downloaded and listen to without being part of the other concert clack. I totally agree with this. I cannot imagine what it would be like if one of them left. Yep...just one too many letters in that word "plants".... I love you!!
  17. Quickly slipping in under the wire to wish a very :7254: to Annabear! It was fun meeting you in NY! I know it is sacrilege in the Clay Nation, but I wasn't that crazy about the Clay/Quiana duet of Listen. Maybe it was because I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED Angela's version, but whatever the reason it was just OK for me. Now Kyrie I adore! Hey couchie, TGIF!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  18. Oooooooooo!!1 I LOVED that one!!! I love M & S!!! And the story continues with TXF - I Want to Believe!!! I also enjoyed the Katie and Josh one too. She is my favorite dancer on the show. I think she is poetry in motion. Wine? I LOVE wine! Prefer red, but love wine in general. I'm more the opposite of KAndre - I tend to like dry wine. But I must say, KAndre may not be a big wine lover, but she sure ruled the Temecula winery last year!! I will never forget the day couchie, couchie's lurker friend (*waves*), Ansa and I sat laughing our asses off as KAndre held court and we drank! Of course, our little winery sojourn lasted a bit too long and KAndre was a teensy bit delayed picking up Scarlett at LAX. Their trip back down to Pala is still one of the best stories ever!! And they didn't even miss that much of the concert! The story must be in the archives somewhere. Its worth a read! I'm still laughing over Scarlett changing her clothes in the little red Miata, top down I believe, as KAndre drove over grass to get to a gas station! (Or am I just remembering it wrong? Doesn't matter - it was something like that!) Good times. Wow. Hard to believe its been almost a year. **sigh** Glad all the Southern Californians are ok! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  19. Just a quick hello before heading to bed. Lots of storms today limited my computer time! :bday2: KANDRE!!!! Party on, girl! By the way. loved the X-Files movie! Ldyj, what did you think of it? **Sigh** Just saw an ad on TV for Musikfest. I wish Clay were at Musikfest this year. Of course, whenever I think of Musikfest I think of Muskifest! And to muski a special :F_05BL17blowkiss: to you! Damn I hate that tomorrow is Monday! 'Night all.
  20. OH YES!! You must stay through to the very, very end. <g> I heard that too. Must say I am very curious! Well, I was going to a 3pm show but since its almost 1pm and I am nowhere near ready to leave I think the 5pm show will be in order! Can't wait! I read an interview where "Bad Blood" was Gillian's favorite too! I loved that one. It was hysterical! I thought I read that Revelations was sort of a history of the Mulder/Scully relationship, showing how their relationship grew, how it developed. I can see that in some of the episodes, but wonder about it in others. Off to finish the things I need to do before I can take myself to see the movie!
  21. I know you all are still talking about the Rumor-That-Shall-Not-Be-Named (or as I like to call it - the Maybe Baby) just hoping I'll stay away! Its working...... BUT, I just want to say I too am planning on going to see the X-Files movie tomorrow! Some reviews have been rather lukewarm, but Roger Ebert gave it a really good review! And as a shipper from way back, I hear there are some nice shipping moments! So me, myself and I are heading there tomorrow (or maybe Sunday) to spend a fortune! But I LOVED the X-Files, have every episode on tape or DVD and wouldn't miss this for the world! ETA: Here is the link to Roger Ebert's review if any of the X-Files fans here are interested.... The X-Files: I Want to Believe
  22. I've been gone from the board for a couple of days and you all are talking about the Maybe Baby again????? :bday: PERMASWOONED!!!! See you around when the subject turns to something more fun!!!
  23. And that is how I believe the majority of people in this country who could recognize him or have ever heard of him think of him - that American Idol guy! But hey. At least they recognized him! And at least they said he was famous! And at least there was no mention of the Maybe Baby! But they could have at least described his hair!
  24. I meant to thank you for bringing this over, kf. That was amazing. And what an amazing song!! It is a little strange seeing Dhani over Tom Petty's shoulder. He looks like a very young George. George was my first love and I miss him being in the world. Sounds like the eHP, couchie and my Twin (hi Twin! :F_05BL17blowkiss: ) had a ball yesterday! They do know how to have a great time!!
  25. Looks like someone made a montage using OMWH for the Olympics. It really would have been a good song for all the Olympic coverage soon to come. Talk about a missed opportunity! Of course, I guess technically it can't be missed if it was never a possibility!
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