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Everything posted by Claygasm

  1. Couple of things here...first of all, this is simply the topic du jour of the moment. I mean, it's Clay's COVER story on People magazine. The big story on GMA for two days. It's simply what people are going to talk about for a while. Also...many boards really frowned on this whole topic. Not, of course, that it is really any of our business, but it is kind of freeing to me to be able to speak about this. And I personally love to talk about how cuuuuuuuuuute both Clay AND Parker are. Having said that...how about instead of saying "I wish we could talk about this," saying "wasn't it great to hear Clay's voice again today singing?" Or "remember that time when he sang this, or looked like this?" Suggesting a topic is easy; it just depends on if the board wants to pick up on it. Some will, some won't. I wasn't suggesting anything! I was just wondering if anyone else was wishing we as a fandom - not just this board - could move on and go back to talking about Clay the entertainer, not Clay the gay man! It was just something wistful. I even said I cannot wait for the day when the focus of our conversation is something else! I was not suggesting we move on NOW! I was not saying we should. I am not so naive to think that two days of discussion on any topic is ever enough in this fandom! I was just looking forward to the day when we won't be dissecting this topic anymore and wondered if anyone else was too. Geez, its hard for me to say anything these days without getting a finger wagged at me! You would think Jaymes was posting here or something!
  2. Oh joy! Listen, I totally respect those of you who think Jaymes is fabulous and right to do what she is doing over there at the OFC, but I maintain my opinion and I maintain she could learn a lot from Clay and that her decision to continue to post on the OFC the way she is not a good idea. Just my opinion like its just your opinion if you think the opposite. Despite the way some some post in their disagreement, or how many may disagree, you are still no more right that me! Or more wrong. As usual, well said, Jenna. I know this is big news and many are still struggling with it and all, but is there anyone else here who wishes we could just move on and go back to enjoying Clay for what he does best? I cannot wait for the day when once again the focus of our conversation is not about his sexuality of his baby or Jaymes, but on Clay singing or lighting up a stage or how bad or how good his hair looked, or something like that. I hope one day we will no longer talk about his sexuality at all. I know Parker (who if you noticed, Clay called his kid... ) and Jaymes aren't going anywhere, but I still want the focus of attention to one day again be Clay the entertainer and hot sexy singerman and not on them. Maybe one day.
  3. Totally, I love you! :F_05BL17blowkiss: And I found it ironic Clay chose words like "lecture" and "chatisise" when IMO that is exactly what Jaymes did to some fans. You know, I think it would have been better if she really felt the need to say something if she had come in and wrote one, well thought out post that didn't sound like a teacher lecturing children, expressed her thoughts in a non-accusatory, calm, rational way and then left again. Picking some posts out to award gold stars to and others to write that big, fat red F on them was IMO just wrong. She should have done something more like Clay just did. Maybe she should learn from him.
  4. Sure, since today I get up extra early to get everything I need to get done before 7:30 so I can watch the interview, he's on in the 8am hour! Figures. What is with that hair??? It looks like he used half a tube of gel and it wouldn't move in a hurricane! And I hate those glasses! And yes, even in the face of this "revelation", I am still shallow! After reading all of Jaymes' remarks last night I was going to say something that flies in the face of popular opinion here (nothing new there, right?) but I decided to sleep on it. This morning I still want to say the same thing, so I will. I thought her posting at the OFC was wrong in so many ways. I don't disagree with her words as much as I really wish she wasn't there stirring up the fan divisiveness again. I thought maybe, maybe naively, that the good fan/bad fan crap might begin to heal... But IMO she just made things worse. I thought she was preachy and heavy handed. She was scolding people who were having legitimate problems with this news. I totally get where she is coming from, but she is not coming from the same place we, the fans, are. She is not one of us. She is part of Clay's real life and inner circle. We are not. She cannot put herself in our shoes. She cannot fully understand how so many are feeling. She is not a fan. That board was meant for the fans, not for an over protective woman to run and defend her man! She needs to learn her place and keep off the fan boards. This reminded me of sticking her nose in where it didn't belong at the beginning of JNT05. And we all saw how well that went over! JMO and all that. Off to work!
  5. :F_05BL17blowkiss: It's out here (Philadelphia area). I picked up a copy in Walgreen's today. Damn - and I was going to stop on my way home!! You know it is really annoying to work when things are happening. I am downloading GMA now, I have to read at the OFC (shudders) - anything else I shouldn't miss? Damn! This is like homework!
  6. What am I missing???? I won't be home for at least another hour and I am missing something great! Damn it! Why do I have to work???? Can someone post where I can find the beginning of the fun with Jaymes so when I get home I can sit down with a drink and enjoy???? Please???
  7. Well silly me - who does not function well in the morning anyway - was so convinced it would air in the second hour, I used the first hour getting ready for work - except for quickly jumping in the shower which I have to do now. Oh well. I am confident there will be clack. I woke up this morning feeling annoyed. Not annoyed at Clay but annoyed that every stereotypical "gay" quality about him that all the asshats and late night comedians have been ragging on him about since day one and all the asshats calling him gay for the last 5 years were right! I hate that! And I hate that because they were right, those stereotypical images will become more ingrained in people's minds. I hate it when people like that are right. I just do! This cracks me up! Clay has always been a little confusing. This most certainly was a declaration! Silly boy! You know, I was thinking. IF nothing had leaked before the GMA interview I think the reactions may have been worse than they are. I just think there were some people who were so sure of what Clay would have said, and this is soooooooo the opposite.... And I really wish Clay would take off those damn glasses! Off to the shower and then work. Guess the clack will be up when I get home.
  8. Why do I never happen upon these things??? Posted by oldmoviegal at the CH: Damn! I have to get up early tomorrow so I can be ready for work before his segment comes on GMA! I better get to bed. Isn't it ironic so many in this fandom are excited to see him on GMA when they know he is talking about being gay? Somehow that fact kind of surprises me. Happily surprises me, but surprises me all the same.
  9. Couchie, I really don't lump all Christians together. Far from it. That term just makes me think of the ones who seem to hate so easily and yet somehow think of themselves as morally superior. I know they are the minority - but they tend to be a very loud minority. And this is what I am talking about. It seems so, well, so un-Christian like. Thankfully, they seem to be in the minority. And I refuse to believe any God would be on their side.
  10. I'm Christian and the first time I heard this argument from another Christian was in regards to a mutual friend who is Jewish, and was also present at the time of this conversation. I was absolutely, flat-out astounded that someone could think that way. Still am. I evidently missed the addendum to the Bible where God gave handed judgment over to us. When I was in 6th grade one of my classmates told me I was going straight to hell because I hadn't been baptized. I ran home and begged my mother to have me baptized. She just laughed. Then about 20 years ago or so, a "friend" who was a born again told me my dear sweet recently deceased grandmother would go to hell because she was Jewish. These are the reasons I detest the words "born again Christian" and seeing those words in front of Clay's name upsets me more than his being gay ever could! But I choose to believe he is not one those "Christians", born again or not. From your lips, Jenna! And may I just say again how wonderful it is to see you posting here again! I actually worry, no, maybe a better word is wonder, why I am so ok with this! But it does seem so surreal to me still. I haven't read the scan. I have barely had a chance to read this board! I think I will just watch GMA and then read the magazine when I see it. It really is hard to change how you have always seen someone - even when you're ok with it. I just have to keep reminding myself that his sexuality wasn't who he was - or is. He is so much more than that. He is still a really good person. He still sings like an angel and is funnier than the devil. He still cares about this world and strives to do his part to make it a better one. He still loves children and strives to do his part to make the lives of children all over the world better. He is still a giving caring person. And he still has integrity and character. None of that has changed. So really, not much has changed. At least nothing important. He has had a hell of a life when you think about. Yes, he has had great blessings and I think we, his fans, would be counted among them (at least some of the time!). But it seems for all his blessings he has had more than his fair share of pain. I hope that balance can begin to change now. I hope. I hope. ETA: Now that's a story I want to read!! Do we know when on GMA his segment will be? I assume it will be in the second half, but want to be sure.
  11. He's wearing his glasses???? Now THAT is something that upsets me! <I kid! Kind of...> Across the crawl at the bottom of the screen all morning it kept saying "After years of denying it, singer Clay Aiken admits he is gay", or something like that. Still a bit surreal.... Aren't you glad you will be on the east coast? Me, too, rohdy...and I also wonder about those friends from his college and YMCA years who, early on during AI, were posting on message boards and who talked about Clay's relationships with girls and adamantly declared that Clay was NOT gay...I wonder if they knew then and were just trying to 'defend' him (since he was now under public scrutiny) or if they really didn't know because Clay hadn't come out in his private life yet. BWAH! I'm laughing at myself because I want to see Clay Thursday morning with Diane suddenly take out a huge chart, stand up and with his pointer (heh) go over the whole damned timeline of his coming out process! "And at this time" (He points to October of 2004) "Two people knew. Here...(He slides the pointer to November) "I knew I had to tell ______ and __________. Of course, it wasn't until this month...that I told _____ and ______." I'm such a dork. Hee! I wold appreciate that if he did because I am curious as to the exact time line of everything! He doesn't have to tell - I know. I am just curious.... I was a little surprised in the People teaser that he told his mother 4 years ago. Makes me wonder if he told anyone else. Makes me wonder about the whole JP thing. Makes me wonder why he didn't tell us for so long........ I do love him and I am proud of him and I hope now he can just be happy, but I can't help but wonder these things..... I also can't help that I have to get out of here and get to work! Shit! If I don't get a move on I will be late. Not that that is anything new..........
  12. Got to love Kimmel! I think the GMA piece will be very interesting. He obviously has a great trust in Diane Sawyer. Now I really am going to bed!
  13. Maybe she was going to pet CG's cat. Hey! My cat is NOT gay! Neutered, yes, but not gay! You know, I think anytime something happens that alters your belief system or your perception of someone, it takes time to process it. Even if your perception or belief was based more on what you want to be true, even if somewhere deep down you think it might not be true. I think there are a lot of fans out there going through that now. Doesn't mean they won't be his fan any longer, just that they have to deal what they now know is truth, something they probably didn't want to be true. I know how they feel because I recently went through something like that with the whole baby thing. Its harder than you think to do! But I am glad to read so many of those struggling saying they are still his fan. Change is hard and this is a change - even if it is something you suspected all along. I hope everyone gives those fans the time they need without condemnation of their struggle. They just need to find their way and that may be easier with a little support. Now I need to go to bed. Sometimes being a Clay fan can be exhausting!
  14. What did I miss? Why does everyone have to get up so early?????
  15. That big headline on the cover of People is just meant to throw the rest of us off. It's all about souper sekrit messages, don't ya know? Damn! Maybe the battery is dead on my super seekrit decoder ring!
  16. Can't say I blame him. No doubt TMZ and the other paparazzi would have been all over him. I trust he's getting support from the cast of Spamalot. And no doubt, Jerome will let him know that there are still fans there for him. Considering the likes of TMZ were there I can't blame him, but I still wish he done the stage door, the paparazzi be damned! I just thought of something. How is FBM and company going to explain this??? ETA: I meant to say how great it is to see JennaZ here! I've missed you! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  17. Well, at least he and Jaymes aren't secretly married! When I heard about the People cover my first thought was Whoa! This is weird! Not that Clay has come out and admitted he is gay. But that I woke up this morning and I just KNEW that is what he was going to say on the GMA interview. I just KNEW it! I was in the shower and I imagined the whole scenario - the interview with Diane Sawyer, even reasons he kept it secret for so long. I even decided it was Hannah and the other actors in Spam who made him feel like it wasn't a big deal. I even remembered a conversation I had with my friend who is a screenwriter in Hollywood who said he was gay. She said it was just a known and accepted fact out there. I hadn't thought of that is ages! So weird. I even imagined the scenario that he had to come out because he couldn't lie to his child and he couldn't expect his child to lie for him. Its just too weird. I just KNEW it that is what it was when I got up this morning! Maybe I should play the lottery with my new found psychic abilities! I guess I always suspected Clay might be gay. I could never shake that feeling, no matter what he said. And ever since the baby news hit I was more convinced than ever. Just like him being involved with Jaymes was the only way it made sense to some, being gay was the only way it made sense to me. I am strangely very much ok with it. At least now it all makes sense. I don't feel he lied to us ever. I think maybe he was lying to himself in the beginning. Maybe just maybe he couldn't admit it to himself. Think of his upbringing. Think of how he was raised. Think what Ray Parker would have done if he knew Clay was gay. Maybe he always thought he was and that was one reason he treated him like he did. Then he is thrust into the public eye and girls are screaming for him and he is determined to be a good role model and how can he do that with his "dirty" little secret? A lot of gay men and women struggle like that. And with Clay's upbringing it must have been a hell of a struggle. He was probably told from day one that homosexuality was a sin. He is still the same person he always was. And think of what a relief it must be for him to finally admit it publicly, to stop trying to be something he isn't. Think how this must be so freeing to him. He must be at peace with who he is and I think that is great. And now the questioning will stop. He is who he is and you either accept it or not. I am glad he is finally happy enough with himself that he can do this. And think of the courage it must have taken for him to do this. knowing he has fans who won't accept it and will likely dessert him. Maybe this is what he meant when he wrote that being his fan isn't always easy. The only thing that is truly upsetting to me is that Perez Hilton broke the news in a way that was a bit jarring and that all the asshats who tormented him with accusations of being gay will now be crowing about how they were right. And that in the picture he is wearing those damn glasses!!! I am happy for him. I admire him more now than I ever have. I admit I have a few problems, like damn! Why are all the hot good men either gay or married! A friend of mine is at tonight's Spamalot. I called her and she wondered if he would do the stage door. I told her I hope he does. I hope he walks out there with that gorgeous, million watt smile on his adorable face and his beauteous head held high! And I hope he walks out to cheers and the usual pushing and shoving to get his autograph. I bet he will walk with a lighter step without that weight resting on those amazing broad shoulders. I wish I were there to see it.
  18. Oh how wonderful it would be if Clay actually talked a lot about his CAREER and his CAREER plans before some in the general public forget he has one! Of course, you all know I could care less hearing anymore about Parker. One thing I cannot stand is when new parents talk nonstop about their child like everyone cares as much about it as they do! Besides, Parker is not part of my life. Clay entertaining me is and that's what I want to hear about! But then again, its not all about moi! Damn it! I think I will skip it and wait for the Clack. Of course, that's easy for me to say with conviction since I have to go to work anyway!
  19. I don't know. I thought in many, no, in most, of the SD pics I remember from last time he looked verra, verra happy! I do think as the run went on it became more of a chore and obligation and there were days he didn't look so happy, but overall, I didn't think he looked serious at the stage door at all last time. He did look blond and often had that dreaded eyeliner on heavily then so I would definitely say he looks BETTER this time! Plus, I just think this time he looks more like Clay.
  20. He looks like an adorable 12 year old at the stage door!!! Just like the good old days during the NAT at the bus lines! **Sigh** Just like the good old days. The good old days are back! Loved that Broadway blog. Yup, Clay's a natural on Braodway, that's for sure! Two weeks from today my lurker friend and I will be going to see him. For the first time I am beginning to get a teeny bit excited. Does this mean I will end up spending more money I don't have on more tickets???????
  21. Getty Images pics are up and you can click on them and make them bigger! He's about to bust a button on that vest! I think the boy has been eating one too many hot pockets! http://www.gettyimages.com/Search/Search.a...entId=82759622#
  22. You know real life is being too intrusive when you forget tonight was Clay's second opening night in Spamalot! Damn real life for being so inconsiderate! Loved Clay's blog! But seriously, knowing what was in store for him, don't you think he could have started working out to get those knees in shape? He could have done squats while holding Parker or eating a Hot Pocket! That was inevitable, although I suspect Parker wants for nothing! You know most if not all of those gift will not go to Parker. But I bet there are some little babies who need them more who will benefit from the generosity of Clay fans, so its all good. Oh joy. TMZ was there.... Wonder what angle they will use to present this story. God the very idea that TMZ was there makes me want to shower! So cute - although do I have to say it???? I hate those glassses!!
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