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Everything posted by Claygasm

  1. RIFAN, the station could be out of Eugene too. Or Salem. Or anything in between! Unfortunately muski was on the road and not really paying that much attention to the station - until OMWH came on! All she could remember it was one of those STAR stations that seem to be everywhere.
  2. BREAKING NEWS!!! Just got a call from Muski. She and MuskiDaughter #1 are on I-5 between Portland and Eugene, OR. They kept losing radio stations but finally got one of those STAR stations. They listened to all the usual suspects - Leona Lewis, Maroon 5, Daughtry, Clay Aiken.... WAIT!!! Clay Aiken???????? She said she found herself staring at the radio in disbelief as she heard the strains of OMWH coming out of a radio!!!!!! It was such an unusual occurrence that she just had to call and tell me about it! **Sigh** I guess I'll just have to enjoy the excitement vicariously. Heaven knows, pigs will fly before its heard here in the greater Philadelphia area! But I'm glad someone has heard OMWH on the radio!
  3. This is all I have to contribute tonight..... And lastly, the ONLY picture of Clay with glasses I have ever liked! 'Night all.
  4. So, basically, you just don't feel you should be disagreed with? If you post that you are not pleased, you are inviting posts from people who ARE pleased. You know, djs, I sure wish you would stop telling me what I meant!! You have done that twice now in the last 24-hours and you have been dead wrong both times. What I meant is what I said - I would explain my reasons but I knew she would disagree with me in the end so why bother and why get into another bru-ha-ha over a long ago controversy. I just didn't think it was worth my while since it doesn't really matter. I also didn't think it was worth dragging the board into something that happened 4 years ago. Trust me, I did my time in hell over that. I don't need to go there again, and neither does this board. Because of that, I saw no reason to go into it. I was just being considerate! Where did I say or even imply I didn't think I should be disagreed with? How could you POSSIBLY have pulled that from what I posted? I don't know, djs, but it sure seems you are making it your mission lately to twist my words almost as if you are trying to goad me into a fight or something! Trust me. You don't want to do that! But then again. You would never do that, I'm sure. I know! Maybe you do know me better than I know myself and are just being helpful, making sure I know what I really mean when delusional me thought I meant something else! If that's the case, thank you so much for caring. :sm227:
  5. I could give you my reason for why I think it might be possible that in hindsight Clay thinks including YWT in his pop tour might have been a mistake, but you would just disagree with whatever I said so I will spare everyone my thoughts on the subject! Can we hear a big fat YAY!!!!!! :laola0: Now I an heading to bed. 'Night everyone!!
  6. I guess I don't understand, then, why we keep having these discussions. Because I like having discussions! Well, I like having discussions, but not the same one over and over and over. Lets just agree to disagree and never mistake a disagreement for an attack again. it is not a pile on if most people dis agree with you it just means your opinion is the minority - welcome to my world. You know, I think I am the only one to have never used the phrase "pile on" except to say I don't feel like I am piled on! As for having this discussion over and over, I am not the one who keeps arguing the point, but when someone responds to me, I will respond to them! And others constantly state their opinion on the subject, so I feel I need to keep responding in kind - you know - just to keep things balanced. It takes more than one person to have a discussion! Except for those people who hear voices in their heads and have discussions with them............ :2:
  7. Fair enough, and all that. It's just that I feel you think that those who don't see the negative, or look for the negative, or whatever, are being blatantly dishonest. Well, that is not what I think - and not what I said. You don't have to be a Subject Matter Expert to have an educated and valid opinion. Since very few people in this world are Subject Matter Experts on most subjects, then according to this logic, no one should criticize and no one should express their opinions - negative OR positive. See, saying something is wonderful implies knowledge enough of the situation to deem it wonderful. So it seems to me if you don't have to be an expect to say something is wonderful, you shouldn't have to be an expert to say something negative. Works both ways. I am not an expert on most things, but I sure think I am entitled to my opinions on things - and have the right to express those opinions. They are just my opinions and are not meant to be a definitive analysis. In fact, just look at the definition of the word "opinion": Nowhere in the definition does it say you have to be a Subject Matter Expert. In fact, it even states that the belief rests on grounds "insufficient to produce complete certainty". Well, you KNOW I disagree with you here and you most likely know I believe YWT was a HUGE mistake! I will not rehash all the reasons why I believe it was a mistake. Been there. Done that. And that was not the only thing he has done I believe was a mistake. Not only that, I personally believe that Clay thinks some of his choices were probably a mistake - maybe even his decision to sing YWT in hindsight. To think Clay hasn't made mistakes seems a bit unrealistic. Making mistakes is part of being a human being and Clay is very much a human being. I guess I don’t understand, then, why we keep having these discussions. Because I like having discussions! Not caring what other people do is not the same thing as having a discussion that involves opposing points of view. I like to try and understand why others say what they say and think what they think. I find that interesting and sometimes even enlightening. This is probably true because I do have some kind of social relationship with the people on this board, Many I have met. I have even walked dark streets late at night in search of booze with some! I think people always place a greater importance on the opinions of those they have some kind of relationship with than those they have never heard of nor are in any way part of there lives. There is a HUGE difference between someone being blunt and honest with you and a pile on. And while yes, I have felt there have been times I have been piled on here, that is not the case the vast majority of times when opposing opinions have been discussed. For example, I don't feel piled on right now by you and djs. I just feel we are having a discussion! Well, I have no issue here. Not sure why you have decided I do, but I don't. As I said I rarely feel piled on. It has happened - blatantly - and when it does it bothers me. If the people in my real life all got together and ganged up on me, I would feel piled on then too and I wouldn't like it. But it has never happened in my real life, and it has only happened a few times here. I don't want to treat disagreements here like I would someone who might twist my words on the net. That would mean I don't give a shit about anyone here, and that is not true. And I do pretty much treat disagreements on this board as I treat family and friends who are blunt and honest with me. When my family or friends are honest with me, it usually involves a good discussion. When there are disagreements on this board, it usually involves a good discussion. Just to be clear, discussion is defined as follows: I have no problem with a good discussion. As I said, I like having a good discussion! And Heidi, thanks for caring so much that you were trying so hard to understand. :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  8. Yup, we all come from different places and those places determine our perceptions of life around us. I guess I come from a family and group of friends who are blatenly honest with each other. I think criticism - positive or negative - is very constructive. How can you learn if you don't hear all sides? I want to know, in a respectful way, if someone thinks I have screwed up, look like shit, made a mistake, etc. I also want to know if someone thinks I did great, look great or made a really good decision. I count on the people I love and trust to tell me these things, to give me their honest feedback. I don't always heed what they say, but I always listen. I try to take from the negative lessons to help me improve myself and my choices. If I can't see their point, I thank them and go my own way. I know I am not someone Clay loves or trusts (damn it!). and we don't have a real relationship (damn it again!). But I guess I figure since I feel strongly about him, I get to say the same things to him I would say to someone I care about. As for someone taking my words and using them against Clay - guess what. Not my problem. Not my concern. I cannot and will not live my life worrying about someone else's actions. If someone did that, guess what. The onus is on them, not me. I am only responsible for my actions and my words and how I say them. If someone chooses to twist them, that is a reflection on them, not on me. What makes a message board interesting and fun, IMO, is variety - a variety of people and points of view. Makes for a lot more interesting discussions and more fun - most of the time. It also presents its own set of challenges. Its easy to live in a world where everyone thinks like you, acts like you, comes from the same place as you, shares your beliefs etc. It is also, IMO, boring. Variety is not only the spice of life, but it also makes your life richer. I love to travel and one of the many reasons I do is to experience different cultures, meet different people. I may like some more than others. I may be able to see myself living in some cultures and not others. But I always learn from them, respect them, and feel richer for having seen them. In a way, that's how I feel about variety on a message board. Although I may not like the variety all the time, I feel it is interesting reading different POVs and I feel the whole experience is a lot more fun and enjoyable for it. :bday2: PLAYBILLER and CAROLINA CLAY!
  9. For me, the difference is, I would not criticize those who are special to me......in public. I choose to give the same courtesy to Clay. Even though I know he's not spouse, family or friend. Darn. I should be in bed but I made the mistake of checking in here first and now I need to comment! Rohdy, I understand what you're saying. But I think again there is a perception thing going on here. While technically this board would be considered "in public", I don't consider it that way. This board TO ME is just a group of people sitting around talking. TO ME its not in public, like at a mall or something. It is not even in public like newspaper or a widely read not Clay only website like People.com - although I see nothing wrong with sites like that expressing their opinions about Clay, be it positive or negative, as long as they are not slanderous. So I guess the difference here is how we perceive this site. And couchie, just disagreeing with someone isn't the same as being jumped on. There is a difference - be it tone or whatever. I do not generally feel jumped on when people disagree with me. I am used to people disagreeing with me! I am often the holder of a minority opinion - be it with Clay or anything else! (And being in the minority doesn't make you wrong...) But there have been times where I have felt jumped on and it usually is caused by HOW the disagreements are expressed, not simply because they are expressed. Oh, and I have had the honor of knowing a few people who have told me in no uncertain terms that Clay is perfect and nothing he ever does is wrong! Lucky me! And Play, no one should feel obligated to post what they don't feel like posting. I never meant to imply they should. I was just explaining how not choosing to express their thoughts might influence how they are perceived. ETA: Justclay12, expressing a disagreement with someone's choice is NOT the same as "tearing them down"! And while he may know his life better than we do, it doesn't mean he isn't capable of making bad choices and it doesn't mean we shouldn't be able to freely express our opinions on those choices. I think most of us here realize we are talking to each other, not to Clay! God I hope he has better things to do with his life than read this or any other board! Now I really am going to bed!!!!
  10. First guy I kissed? Steve Graham in a tent in my backyard when I was 9. Wonder what ever happened to him??? Speaking of kissing and Danny Kaye (I know someone mentioned Danny Kaye, right?), I once went out with a guy with red hair and his name was truly Danny Kaye! Pre-AI Clay - well, now, you all KNOW what I am going to say so if you are one who never wants to read criticism of Clay, start scrolling. IMO, pre-AI Clay, the person pictured in those wedding pictures was 100% unattractive. Like Iseeme, I am referring his LOOKS. I find it hard to believe anyone who knew nothing about him - that he could sing, or was funny, or a good guy, etc. - would find him physically attractive! I wouldn't go so far as to say ugly, but definitely not at all attractive! Let's face it, I would bet (since I have no actual knowledge) that the majority of girls who would see a picture of an unknown goy who looked like that would be more inclined to laugh than drool! But I am sure there are a few who might find him attractive based solely on his looks in those pictures, hard as it is for me to believe! On the subject of fans who find him perfect - well, it sure SEEMS as if there are a lot of them - some on this board. Some on probably every board. But maybe they don't find him perfect but rather, as someone said, they just don't ever say a negative or even slightly critical thing about Clay. That of course might give the impression they think Clay is perfect! I would think one can understand how one might get that impression. The other thing that gives that impression is that those same people - the ones that never utter a criticism of Clay also seem to be the ones who jump down the throats of those of us who dare to criticize Clay, which again gives the impression that those people have no tolerance for anyone who criticizes Clay, which reinforces the impression they think Clay is perfect. Maybe that isn't how they are at all, but I think again one might be able to see how they would give that impression. Personally - and perhaps as a surprise to no one here - I see nothing wrong with saying something that could be seen as negative when it comes to Clay. I have used this analogy before, but with those in your real life who are so special to you, who you love and cherish and admire - do you never tell them something that bothers you about them? Do you not ever criticize them when you feel they have done something wrong? Do you never express your disagreement with something they say, or a choice they make? I would find it hard to believe anyone here would honestly say they never do any of those things in their real life. Well, if we can do that with those we love in our real life - where our opinions may actually matter - why can't we not do that in our very unreal Clay world? I have never understood that. I have never understood why some refuse to utter a crtical word about Clay - unless they truly have no critical thoughts about him. In which case they must think he's perfect. So there is that impression again. IMO there is nothing wrong with saying you don't like something about Clay and/or his choices - professional or personal. I don't even think there is anything wrong with saying you won't contribute to UNICEF or buy his CD or whatever because of the thing(s) you may not like. That is your choice and that is ok. I do think we should all be as respectful of him as we would be with the people we care about in our real lives. But then again, I think we have probably all lost our tempers with those we love in real life, so I think it is probably only natural to think it could happen with Clay in our Clay life. So are there fans who think he is perfect or just those who give the impression they think he is perfect? Probably some of both. Are there some who can't stand him and are only on the boards to cause trouble and say nothing but negative, nasty things about Clay? I hear tell there are but I personally have never witnessed anyone like that. Perhaps the tales of the so-called fans who are like that are being told by those who get the impression that anyone who criticizes Clay is only on the boards to cause trouble. I guess all our impressions are formed by the place where we are personally coming from. So what is the truth? IMO, it is a given that anyone who is spending any part of their valuable time on these boards likes Clay a whole lot. Those who either think he is perfect or just give that impression are not any better a fan than those who choose to criticize him. We are all here for the same reason. That should be all that matters. And keeping that in mind, IMO, perhaps we should ALL - myself included - be more tolerant of those who conduct their fandom differently than they do. Ok, enough of all that philosophical crap. I think a HOT picture or two is in order! 'Night all! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  11. Well, if he wants that to happen he better stop posting pictures with those damn glasses!!!
  12. I remember the video from Afghanistan. Guess I was thinking bigger. I remember at the time thinking TV interview about it, a 60 minutes feature about it - stuff like that. Can't help it. When I think of Clay, I think big! Ooops! How did that get in here???? Iseeme - great news about your MIL!! Hope she gets to stay put!
  13. Ok, I could care less about Jason Castro. Kind of enjoyed him. Seemed like a nice guy, but other than that, don't care one way or the other. BUT - SAT's are NOT a good indication of intelligence IMO. My SAT scores were TERRIBLE! They were lowers than Jason's. Yet my grades were excellent and my I.Q. is very high. Despite what some of you may think I AM quite intelligent. But I don't test well. Actually, I probably would be better at the SATs today because they have an essay portion and I always did well on essay tests. But in general, I do not test well. Maybe he isn't bright. I don't know. But I just wanted to point out that SATs are NOT a good indicator of intelligence. Woke up Friday with a sore throat. Went out Friday night, talked too much, woke up yesterday with a sore throat and not feeling great. Sore throat went away by the time I went to bed. Woke up this morning feeling quite good, but sore throat is back and now I have no voice - or at least much of one! Weird. Didn't we see a mic on Clay during at lest one other UNICEF trip - I think maybe Afghanistan? Yup, it is here.... Yet we got nothing....
  14. Thanks everyone for all the birthday wishes - and all the GORGEOUS pics, including my all time favorite AMA pics! YUMMY!!!!! And kf, :F_05BL17blowkiss: for that YouTube present! One of my very favorite performances of MOAM ever!! I had a decent birthday considering I had to work. I do long for the birthdays that involved doing whatever I wanted and getting lots of presents and cake and everything! My mother and I went out to dinner. Good food and I did get a great present from her. This is the first birthday since my father died and I was hoping she would be ok. I was having a bit of trouble with it, not that I would let her see that, though. Anyway, for the first time since he died in January, she would bring him up and laugh about him without her voice cracking or her saying wistfully "Poor darling" or something like that. For the first time I believed she is moving forward. I always knew she would be ok because she is a very strong woman. But I did worry because it was so hard for her to talk about him in a normal way - you know, laugh about the things that used to irritate her about him - stuff like that. Anyway, it just felt so good to see her relaxed and happy and laughing about my father. That to me was a great present. Then of course my boyfriend sent me an email for my birthday! Sure, he diguised it as an appeal for money, but I can read between the lines with the best of them! I had on my super-seekrit decoder ring! It was a hidden birthday wish just for me for sure! But he made one critical error.... HE WAS WEARING GLASSES!!!!!!! He really ought to know better if he wants to get money out of me! Yes, I know. I am being shallow, but then again, its my birthday and I get to be shallow on my birthday if I want to! And any other day I want to, for that matter.... Anyway, thanks again for all the birthday wishes. They mean a lot to me. Despite the fact we sometimes disagree, argue, battle, hiss at each other etc., I still love this board - and Clay! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  15. I hope people look beyond just Clay's work at UNICEF. Its a big, unjust world out there. Just saying..... No schmoopie from me! Just shallow, shallow, shallow! Yup, I reside completely in the shallow end of the pool! Unless it involves animals. I'm just weird, what can I say? And you all better be careful or you may get whiplash nodding your heads in agreement with my being weird! Back to the shallow... The hair is looking mighty fine!!! Very reminiscent of AMA hair - my favorite!! No blond! YAY!! LOVE the stubble. Always been a big stubble lover!! Good hair and stubble. It doesn't get much better than that!! You all may resume being schmoopie! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  16. OMG I love it!!!!! Couchie, can we keep it??? Can we? Can we? Huh? Can we please?? Pretty please???????? Yikes! *blushes furiously and attempts to change the topic* We had fun last night with the continuation of the blow-torch question from last September's chat and the newbies got to add their views. How about some more of that? These were the Q's: (pick any) 1. Your part in the fandom: how has it evolved? Do you consider it a hobby or an addicition? How much time do you spend on your fandom? 2. What would you considered a "blowtorched puppy" -- in other words, what could Clay do that would make you stop being a fan? 3. How do you feel about "shipping Clay?" Why do you feel that way? 4. How does Clay combat the tabloid media? 5. Should Clay be a "superstar?" A "pop star"? An "entertainer?" Or all of the above? Does he really have to choose? 6. How do you feel Clay's voice has evolved over the past 4 years? Shamelessly posting my answer was to question #5: In the interests of equality and diversity, why isn't pornstar among the choices? I think this is a fair question! He would make a very good porn star! In that arena, there is surely no doubt, he would be HUGE!
  17. Iseeme, keep us posted on your MIL. Hope her house survives and I am glad she is safe. In the end, that is really all that matters. OH I do! Since I am sightly afraid of fire (I think I died in one in a past life....) I have often though exactly what I would grab. First - Waldo! (Mind out of the gutters, folks! You know I mean my cat - although if the other Waldo was around, I can assure you I would grab that too! ) Then I would grab the box with my Max's ashes (Max is my beloved dearly departed dog). Then I would grab my Mac and my external hard drive. If I still had time after that, I would grab all my photos and as many of the things I have collected from my travels as possible. I would see how much time I would have after that, but I think I would grab things of sentimental value first and move on from there. Told you I had given it a lot of thought! Growl all you want, sweet Scarlett! I ain't afraid of you! I mean, its not like you're a beast so foul, so cruel with great big pointy teeth who will nibble my bum! (We really need a killer rabbit emotion!) I can be patient. I can wait. I have it on good authority (from many on this board ) that you tend to sleep around! And then, when you are, um, otherwise engaged, I can swoop in and stake my claim!
  18. Huge WORD, Iseeme! Too bad you're already taken by dear Scarlett, because I would grab you for myself if you weren't! And before anyone starts knitting booties and talking about how happy you are for Clay, just remember the ONLY source of this information in TMZ. My mama always told me to consider the source...... Which is why I still say IIT, and tend to believe (and admittedly want to believe) its NOT true!
  19. IMO he has NOT established himself as a recording star. His album sales have been plummeting. Star? Nope, not IMO. Personality, absolutely. As I have said before IMO he is far more of a personaility or celebrity than a recording star. His star seems to be fading, IMO. But he was recruited by UNICEF when his star was shining much brighter. He has shown a dedication to their cause and a talent for raising money so I very much doubt they will be getting rid of him anytime soon. But IMO the fact remains if he fails to put his career first, his star will continue to fade and opportunities like UNICEF will fade with it. As I said before, IMO, the ability to pursue his chairitable endeavors on such a large stage is a perk of his job. Its a perk he could easily lose if he isn't successful at his job. TIMOOBON. Which is what each and every one of us should be putting when spouting off our opinions no matter how much we want others to think we know what we are talking about. Clay and babies? Men and babies? Babies? Yuck. Don't like babies. Men holding babies does nothing for me. Women holding babies does nothing for me. Now show me a picture of a puppy or kitten and/or a man or woman holding a puppy or a kitten and that's when you'll hear me say awwwwwwwww!
  20. Clay didn't go to Somalia on vacation, nor has he been there during this entire hiatus. He is taking a work break - other than the Somalia trip - and for most, that is a vacation. He is entitled to one, for sure. I do think it wasn't the best time to take one. IMO, I think it would have been wiser for him to have waited to release the CD at a time he was willing and able to spend more time promoting it. He knew going in he would only have a short window to make promotional appearances and he himself said hurrying to release it cost him some prime TV appearances - ones where he actually sang. But those were his choices and maybe there was a reason that will make it all make more sense that we will find out about one day. With what we know as of now, however, I don't think they were the right choices. If he is interested in selling CD's, and I believe he is, I think it was a strategic mistake. As for "pimping himself out for more sales" - Huh??? Um, that is part of his job!!!!! He wasn't in a position where he had to make a choice anyway. He had stopped "pimping himself out for sales" weeks ago! Its all nice that Clay is so into his charitable endeavors, but the bottom line is, his success in his chosen field is what enables him to do things like be a UNICEF ambassador and make trips to Somalia. If he ceases to sell those CDs, he will cease to have these opportunities. Being a UNICEF ambassador is a perk of his job. And without the job, he won't have that perk. That may sound harsh, but that is the reality. And yes, even without this career Clay would probably still choose to do things that make a difference, but this job gives him a much bigger stage from which to do that. If he wants to continue on that stage, he better work harder at pimping himself out to sell CDs. IMO. As to his music, I do think he sings a style that isn't popular right now, but I do think there is an audience out there for his music. But how will they hear it when no one seems to publicize it? This CD has been totally hidden beneath the baby rumor. Maybe it will re-emerge. I sure hope so. But if TC doesn't do something to bring it into the public consciousness, it will just slip into permanent oblivion. That's not doom and gloom, folks. That is fact. Something cannot sell if no one hears about it! I do believe if songs from this CD had a chance to be heard, it would sell. I just hope there is a plan to get that done. If this CD does sink into oblivion, I do NOT think that is the end of Clay's career. It will be a set back, but nothing he can't overcome. It would just be nice if that didn't happen.
  21. OK, swiftly sunk works for me! I don't think it was his intention for it to die! But some things are beyond his control. There is a part of me that is convinced there is a Plan B where this CD is concerned, but there is a part of me that thinks TC was surprised how poorly it did and now has to rethink things. As far as touring, sure, he could tour to the same 3000 2000 people but they have to figure if it will be economically feasible. A lot of things may go into that. Clay may have to accept a much lower fee. They may have to decided what the tickets would cost to make money and if, in these hard economic time, people could afford to come. Clay is very much aware his fans have a tendency to attend multiples and so they would probably have to factor in how the high fuel costs would impact on their ability to do so. Airfares have gone through the roof, gas prices have gone through the roof. That could have a huge effect on the ability of fans to attend multiples, and effect overall attendance figures. In general, most people are feeling the crunch of our failing economy. I am sure this would impact concert ticket sales for anyone, but perhaps for no one more than someone who so heavily depends on fans attending multiple concerts. There are so many things that I imagine go into the decision of whether to tour. If the album were a huge hit, the single getting lots of radio play, his fanbase growing by leaps and bounds, it would be no brainer. But that isn't the case. And the impact of the baby rumor, IIT, depends on the situation. If he is pretty much just the sperm donor and while having a role in the kid's life but isn't going to be a full time father - as has been reported - then I doubt plans for a fall tour would be scrapped for that reason. He would still have time after the kid is born before setting out on the road. Not to mention, if the rumor that Jerome was referring to a fall tour is true (which is questionable, but this is all speculation anyway), it was said at a time when Jaymes would have already been pregnant - IIT. If there is no fall tour then I would bet it is because of either the poorer than anticipated album sales or - and frankly I prefer this scenario - he is otherwise involved in some great new project like a movie or something. Frankly I hope Clay and TC are re-evaluating his career and their approach to it - at least as far as his recording career is concerned. Obviously something is wrong when more people know about the baby thing than that he has a new album out (based only on my experience and the fact the baby news was reported everywhere, was in every magazine, reported on every entertainment TV show and even made the mainstream local news shows and OMWH didn't, which logically would mean more people heard about the baby news than the album. But I could be wrong....). I mean the least TMZ and the others could have done is added something like this: "Clay Aiken impregnated his 50-year old executive producer of his latest album, OMWH, which was released May 6th and is in stores now" and shown a picture of the cover and have the song playing in the background! Think of how many people would have heard about it then! Oh, any by the way, D all the way!!! My favorite Clay look ever!
  22. This reminds me of a Clay dream I had toward the end of his Spam run in which he said he didn't know what would be next, and that he might finally have time to study meteorology, something he always wanted to do. Meteorology??? :cryingwlaughter: I don't know what Clay will or won't do next. And with my new found perspective, I don't care. If he shows up again, fine. If not, fine. I personally have my doubts he will ever tour off of OMWH unless there is another plan to do something to promote that album. I just cannot see them touring over an album that has tanked and shows no sign of a resurrection. The only people attending would be, as he called us, the same 3000 people - which may be down to closer to 2000 people. I'm not sure that would make it economically feasible. On the other hand, it is completely possible they have plans to start re-promoting the CD. If that happens and is successful, then he'll probably tour. I never expected a fall tour. I would be surprised if he didn't do a JNT this year, but I also see that as possibility. I have no clue what Clay is up to. I hope it has nothing to do with babies, but if it does, it does (and I am with whoever said maybe we will never hear anything and no, the father's name does not have to be on the birth certificate). I have a feeling he may be re-evaluating his career goals like many do after something doesn't go as planned. He went from the resounding success of Spamalot to what must have been disappointing sales of OMWH. Maybe its time to re-charge and retool. Whatever, he will be back. Of this I am pretty sure. Meanwhile, we all have lives to live, right? Let's live them and let Clay live his!
  23. Oooo duckyvee! I LOVED Mack the Knife!!!! I thought it was a fabulous performance made all the more fabulous because it followed the Vincent debacle! I think that and BOTW are my two favorite. They were the two that had me standing up and cheering all alone in my living room! Man that seems so long ago.......
  24. I love Design Star too! Isn't that Tracey a bitch? My first time seeing Clay was the Philly IT. From the front row. On the side he came in on. I had bought my camera the night before. Never used it before. First security said no cameras but when he saw all the cameras that popped up he said to go ahead, so I did! When he walked in front of me, I was struck by how small he seemed! Not as tall as I thought and so slight in build! And soooooooo young! But I swear, as soon as he hopped up onto that stage, he seemed larger than life! He owned the stage - and me! In a way, I miss those innocent days. It was so much simpler then. It is all so different now. I was one who was very excited when I heard he was doing Spamalot! I thought the humor of that show fit him to a 'T' - bawdy, wacky and a little irreverent! While I never want him to stop singing and recording, I think he could have the most success if he did more Broadway. He was verra, verra good and he seemed to be respected and accepted by the Broadway community in a way he has never been in the "pop" world. And he seemed so at ease and happy. The "pop" world has always been a battle for him. Broadway was just a joy.
  25. YAY Carrie!!!!!!! :laola0: What a cool way to spend your birthday, muski! Better than last year I bet! I thought all day about commenting on the topic du jour. Consequently, the subject has passed, but since I am used to always being late I thought what the hell! So here are my thoughts. Scroll at will. The following is my opinion and my opinion only and is not meant to represent actual fact or the opinions of FCA, its member or its lurkers, or anyone else on the planet earth. I do think there may be a bit of a double standard on this board where those who tend to only see goodness and light (and there is NOTHING wrong with that!) are pretty much allowed to say whatever they want any way they want and get away with it. Those of us who sometimes express something not goodness and light (and there is NOTHING wrong with that - and it isn't always doom and gloom) are not given as much leeway. But perhaps that is just my perception based on my experience, so I could be wrong and probably am. I do know this board does defend its members when there are attacks on them. I do know this board defends the right to state your opinion, no matter how it may differ from the majority. I have benefited from that kind of defense in the past. The hardest call to make, I would assume, is where do you draw the line (Oooo, I think there is a pretty great song with a name like that!). When does a disagreement of opinion become a personal attack? I mean, unless a poster states things like "You are an asshole and a bitch" directly to a poster, it can be hard to tell. There was a post made to me following my post of a few days ago that I saw as a personal attack - and I thought it was CLEARLY an attack on the poster (me) not on the post. Others didn't see it that way. After days of trying to work out how I feel about this, I am going to give the benefit of the doubt to the poster since there has never been any hostility between us in the past. I could be wrong. Maybe she did mean it exactly as it sounded to me and if she did, oh well. What can you do! I'll live! Its only a post on a message board. And anyone who knows me knows it will take a lot more than that to drive me away! Aren't you all so happy about that? <snark> But I digress. My point (and yes I do have one somewhere.....) is the written word is a great communication tool, but it is also one that is very hard to master. You don't hear inflections in a voice, or see someone's face. The emotions help, but not always. And when time can pass between a post and a response, it isn't easy to go back and say "What did you mean by that?". Even PMing can be difficult. And then people get defensive if a post of theirs was misinterpreted because they see nothing wrong with what they said and the way they said it. For the life of them they can't see why anyone would be hurt or offended by their post so they get their backs up at the criticism. Its just hard. But we are all adults here (even if we don't all act like we are all the time...). I think we are all intelligent. We should be able to deal with things and work things out among ourselves without any Big Brother interference. I have never posted on an ink infested board. I doubt I would last long on one, nor do I want to be on such a board. The mods and admins here will scold when they deem it necessary and they will defend when they deem it necessary - sometimes publicly and probably more often by way of PM. But for the most part, they let the board members duke it out among themselves. Personally, that works for me, even when I don't think they are treating everyone fairly. They probably are treating everyone fairly. Again, it is probably just my perception that they aren't. And they are being consistent and I love that. I know that kind of thing, that almost self-moderation, doesn't work for everyone. Some people seem to like more rules, more structure. I think this kind of board throws much more responsibility to the members, and sometimes that is more work for us. For me, its worth it. For others it might not be. For the newbies I say give it a try and hang in there. Things do have a way of moving on around here sooner or later. I think sometimes things get worse when Clay disappears and/or when there is something upsetting or controversial hanging in the air (in this case, the Rumor-That-Shall-Not-Be-Named). But when you haven't been through some of the ebbs and flows of this board before, you may not realize that there is light at the end of the tunnel. It may just be worth hanging in there until you see it. And it may not. But I do think you should give it a chance. There is no perfect board out there - not even FCA. Just like there is no perfect man - not even Clay. You just have to give yourself time to see the good and the bad before deciding if the good outweighs the bad enough to make it worth your time. What I find works for me is to step away for awhile until things get back on a more even keel, or to just scroll past the posts that irritate me - although I have been known to duke it out once in awhile.... Anyway, as with anything in life, you have to take the good with the bad. For me at least, even at its worse, FCA is better than any other board I have been a part of or read in my somewhat limited experience. Even though at times I want to scream or I just do not understand why things are happening the way they are, even when I want to tell a poster or two to fuck off, when all is said and done I enjoy it here. A lot. I came here at a time the board moved at a snail's pace and the mods/admins out numbered the members. That was just 3 years ago. Growth is exciting, but it can also be hard. Hmmmmm. Growth is exciting but it can also be hard............ For some reason, this picture just popped into my mind.... And now I have totally lost my train of thought...........................
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