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How the Heck are We All Gonna Get Along? With Clay, Naturally!

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2 hours ago, merrieeee said:


OMG those two are hilarious! I’ve always asked, how the heck can it work if you don’t agree on politics? Anything else, even religion, just not politics- too polarizing.  

I still think Clay needs to get himself a political show where he can help people see both sides and still bring the funny. Meghan’s getting her ass kicked over on the View. When they fire her, she’ll be available 🤣

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In 1895 the New York World published a “list of don’ts” for women cyclists, including “Don’t go without a needle and thread”, “Don’t ask ‘what do you think of my bloomers?’ and ‘Don’t scream if you meet a cow.’”

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Word of the Day: AGELAST - a person that never laughs.


Should a smile be needed, I offer a quick reminder that penguins were once known as 'arse-feet', your eyes were your 'ogles', and eggs were 'cacklefarts'.

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Weird comment I read in an article about Kyle Rittenhouse, the 18 year old who shot and killed two BLM protesters. He was seen drinking in a bar with some Proud Boys. Anyway they were singing "Proud of You Boy", supposedly their theme song. What a waste of a beautiful song.

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That honestly troubles me.  It means that either those guys were fans of Broadway or Clay Aiken.  Shudder.

Sorry I haven't been around much lately.  My college starts back up next week, and the week before is always a crazy time for the librarians, especially in the pandemic.  Faculty members are asking us for resources left and right, and we try to get to all the departmental meetings to talk about the library.  Plus we are down one librarian at the moment, because of paternity leave.

New podcast is up:


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