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#2 - Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler!


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The problem with covers is that some self proclaimed fans have been preaching "no covers" as a mantra since early 2005 or late 2004, claiming no sophmore album can survive with covers on it, especially one from an Idol. Of course you cannot say that to them or they will get hurt feelings (your feelings do not matter, by the way) or they will have you modded for disagreeing. That and an idiot from an insanity board had introduced the information first last winter.

I have an album that had covers on it that I did not know were covers for years - why, because the previous singers never made it to the big time and I never heard the songs. I know that when covers information first came out people assumed Buble like music from the forties. This assumption lived even after being told they were modern covers. And probably is still persisting in some minds.

The problem is some people want Pop Clay, others want Standards Clay and others are insisting on Rock star Clay. I just want Clay singing Clay. I still find it interesting that after Clay sings a song, I can't stand the original artist doing it anymore (hear that Elton John?).

I think some people still have issues that Clay is not writing his own stuff and they seem to be drawn into the - If Kelly can do it, Clay can do it - vortex. Not recognizing that not only are they different people, but also that Clay has stated that he is not going to take writing credit away for changing a few words or lines. (which seems to be what most "writer/singers" today do - Ashlee).

The other issues is - have you done promosquad lately? The music really sucks. Have you heard Ruben's clips? I would rather he do covers as well. Or maybe it is the artists.

I don't really care, I am in wait and see mode. The interesting thing was how Clay said the hard thing was getting the right producers. I wonder what he meant by that? Is that wahat is delaying things?

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OK, I wrote a treatise on my opinion on Clay, his CD and the state of the musical world today over at OFC and have dragged portions of it over here for comments. Gasps at my brilliant deductions are always appreciated. Board names have been removed because it seems like a good idea.

Well, I don't think Kelly's stuff is particularly memorable, haven't bought any of it, and don't know anyone who has.  And so don't particularly think of her as someone I would like Clay to emulate.

Most people I know enjoy her... aka the 20 something college student.

She won grammies. Someone must of thought she was good. She sold 5 million copies... its what sells. I don't want Clay to be the "oh I hate love" male but more of good pop/rock songs that could be played on the radio every 5 minutes...

Well, the 20-somethings I know don't - but then they tend to be more into John Legend or Green Day. Various

a couple of the points you raised may be answered for you if you know that I was not thinking of just the internet fans as Clay's fan base, but all those who loved him on AI and bought his album, or not, but are't internet fans. Maybe he will reconnect with some who have lost track of him. I was also not trying to make a case for covers, just that I think they were probably his idea.

I have to agree with this.

I'll buy one CD and go to one concert maybe. Clive Davis knows that Clay's fans are for the most part loaded with cash to burn. I see it all the time: "donate to this charity... we raised $10 thousand dollars!", "I went to every single concert stop this tour and sat front row at ALL of them", "i bought 7 copies of MOAM". We're over the top and our devotion is almost cult-like... that's why I feel he and we are being exploited.

I gotta disagree with this. Shoot, that type of fan doesn’t even represent the majority anywhere, as far as I can tell. Frankly I think Clay and Clive are bright enough to realize those people are an noisy, but statistically insignificant portion of his fanbase. I don’t even think the Internet fandom is a particularly accurate representation.

if clay had blogged "my CD's going to be all great new material" there would be substantially less complaining.. guarenteed.

Hah. I don’t think anyone believes that. What if he mentioned his great new material was…country? Rap? CCM? Mongolian polka? Groban stuff? Alt rock?

unless you'd really truly rather see covers than clay's own songs, then everyone has to be at least a little upset/let down (believe me i know those of you who are SO EXCITED!! will let me know). you can be glad for clay that he's making the best of the situation and that he's apparently happy but you really can't tell me that if you could have whatever you wanted, you'd choose a CD of all covers. If you do, well, then Clive Davis hasn't lost his touch.

If I got whatever I wanted, Clay would be living in Houston, singing all my favorite songs to me and a select few who had the cash.

do you guys realize how hard it is to be a Clay fan, both on and off the internet? do you realize how like jmh said other people's fanbases view him and us?

Ah, the truth comes out. I’m really sorry if it’s hard for you to be a Clay fan. It’s not hard for me. I’ve like what I like – if other people like it, good; if they don’t, their loss. I hope I never have to compromise my taste because someone I don’t give a flying fig for makes a joke about it – that’s a LOT of stuff I would have to give up. The people I do give a flying fig for don’t mock stuff I love – that’s why I give a flying fig for them.

Nobody knows how this CD will be received by the public or media critics...and I mean NOBODY knows...only when its released will we know how well or not so well its received.

mguffey – you know you like totally rock.

Exactly! Even Hilary Duff can do this. Its sad even Duff has more interest in making songs her own- SHE CAN'T EVEN SING!

Which is why I don’t buy crap from Hillary Duff. Don’t listen to her. Ultimately, all I can do is buy stuff I like. I have no earthly idea why other people like some of the stuff that they do – isn’t “I’m In Love With A Stripper” fairly popular now about 20-somethings? I believe that’s an original tune.

Let me clarify my position. If Clay is popular with everyone else in the world, I will find that good except when I try and get concert tickets. If Clay is popular with most of the people in the world, I will find that good except when I try and get concert tickets. If Clay is popular with most of the people in the world, I will find that better because it should be easier to get concert tickets. If Clay is popular with enough just people in the world to have the career he wants, I will be ecstatic, because as long as I like him and his singing, I’m good. Selfish, I know.

Yes, I know the Duffster and Kelly and Mariah and Outkast and Eninem are popular, but you know what? So are Manilow and Rod Stewart and Groban and Buble and Bocelli. They are all selling albums and making money (the importance of radio play, I'm on the fence about - it indicates popularity but I'm not sure it indicates real support for an artist - as the many millions of illegal downloads vs. legitimate music and/or concert ticket sales demonstrate) - they just are popular in different segments of the population. I personally think the days of the huge cross-over acts are in the past, the current trend is for increasing segmentation of people's musical tastes and I think Clay is one of the few bucking that trend with the diversity of his fanbase. I think (and I have no facts to back any of it up) Clay will try lots of things and will eventually get to each fan's favorite stuff. People will just have to wait their turn.

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Yup Playbiller...I think that is the dilemma they would be facing...because I think there has been a lot of laziness in the music industry nowadays. So I cans ee the scenario where the producers are either making him sound like Groban/Buble...or Nick lachey/ Justin timberlake...these people just haven;t been able to work with a singer that can do so much before that they don;t know what to do with him.

I also remember that Quiana did say that clay has been feeling frustrated not because of the label...but because of the production. So yeah....I can see that they may have probelms finding producers that are actually innovative and fresh.

Aww Bottlecap...don;t leave us...we are still generally cheery...just getting damn impatient cos I want to hear him sing soon.

The only drawback to this.... I am wondering if we will actually see him in the summer at all... WAAAAHHHHH....dont we have smile throwing a tantrum?

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KAndre -- GASP! I :::heart::: you. That was a beautiful set of replies to the angsters of the OFC.

The thing I keep coming back to is that Clay really will define his own popstar. If that means selling TONS of albums without a radio hit (but lots of TV and print media appearances), so be it. It can be done.

All in all, I believe in Clay's talent. I also do not find it hard to be a Clay fan...because it's not rocket science. It's fun. When it becomes not fun, I take a break...and then I come back, refreshed and alert and ready to be a Clay fan again.

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Clay lurves me best of all!  I like covers - I like original stuff - but this, this man j'adore: 

So no complaining, as much as I love your curiosity...

Though I wouldn't have phrased it like that. heh.

Hee! You are me...er, I...

although from either one of our perspectives, that's a scary thought, ain't it? :blink::lol:

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Kandre...great response...its good you can take the OFC...cos I don't think I can.

See...whenever we think of Clay and what songs he will be good with...do people really think of current songs or are they thinking of songs from the past decades...

Can someone really give me a name of a current hit that would be a good Clay song?

Like the James Blunt song...I think that works because of Blunts unique voice...but I think that song would be a waste of Clay's beautiful tones...

Can anybody think of any other current hit that you would like to be Clay;s song instead...these are the songs the current crop of pop song writers are churning out...so where do we think Clay will get great songs?

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I neeeeeeed Clay to record "With or Without You" by U2. It would kill me dead.

So, I'm currently listening to the Clash wail their way through "Should I Stay or Should I Go". That could be considered a love song (hee), and could you imagine Clay either screaming his way through that one, or conversely slowing it down and ballading it up? An epidemic of exploded heads would follow. HA!

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Man, the only reason my best friend likes Clay is because I'm making her play her music - U2 and Clash and others.

Hmmm, maybe he's do some Taylor Dayne for me..."I'll Be Your Shelter" would be just lovely...full of wails and growls.

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Ansa, to your question from the other day: The current pop solo guys on my Hot AC radio station seem to be James Blunt and Daniel Powter (both singer / songwriters) and Nich Lachey. I can't bear the screeching tones of Blunt's voice, Powter has one good song in "Bad Day" (I didn't like his other album stuff - thank goodness for AOL's Listening Party so I can try before I buy), and Lachey just isn't that strong. He may get some attention because of the whole divorce thing, but his voice is just not all that, IMO. Rob Thomas is still getting some airplay, but I don't know if he is done with issuing singles or not.

Hoobastank's "If I Were You" would work for Clay, I think, but I also get the idea that the rest of their stuff is much more hard rock tinged. I see Coldplay (another nasally leader singer), and the Goo Goo Dolls are also near the top of my radio station's playlist.

I don't think any of those singers can touch Clay vocally. If the product is good, and it gets marketed right, he should certainly fit in with what I'm hearing. And based on Kelly Clarkson's radio domination, I think Clay should be entitled to the same push and support as she got from RCA.


If we can pick songs from the 90's, I'd love Clay to sing "Don't Speak" from No Doubt. It's an end of love song, but it's quite moving and beautiful, IMO, and I'd love to hear what a male voice with some depth could do with it.

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Yeah I think I remember that song...

In the 80's though I remember I was so much into tears for fears, Depeche mode...and Sting and the Police...I don;t know if any of their songs would fit...Sting has a lot of interesting songs.

There is so many possibilities for this CD...I am just so excited to see what they choose and how they treat the songs...but I think they will be choosing popular songs instead of obscure ones.

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I just cannot get too vested in guessing. What ever Clay chooses, I probably would not have heard it. I am not much for music of the last 20 years, heh. Now if we go into music of the last 500 years, well, I know a bit about old, very old, folk songs. I won't quote any of trhem, but they make todays songs look pretty clean by comparison, quite randy ancestors we had there. At least the sea going ones. (the cleaned up version of one song is "friggin' in the riggin' ". Of course if we go for old Scot folk songs there is that one about an orgy at a castle that went into great detail about positions and who was doing what to whom. It was a very, very, very long song - about 20 mintues or so. I am not sure I heard the full version though, The performer may have just gotten tired of singing the song. Iguess I should order the all white album (Oscar Brand) if I want to hear those songs again - the album is white because no record store would stock it if they printed the titles of the songs. Right now, I am content with my "rollicking sea chanties" album for a little smut.

I am still wondering about the RCA posting of the release date and the sudden withdrawl - Somehow I think it was TC that required the recall. I think RCA is very anxious to get this album out there. I cannot get on board the RCA hate train, I just picture all these midmanagement guys runing around looking for money in any place to try and retain their jobs. I do wonder how all these payola investigations (not that I trust the federal one will do anything besides slaps) are going to affect music play or even staffing at BMG.

I read that article on MTV about Tamyra and it seems her new album project that she is shopping around to labels is Hip Hop and she claims her aim it for more radio play, so that should pretty much indicate the death knell for that as a radio giant. Doesn't it make you wonder if J records was right asking her to sing mor urban songs when she wanted to do unicorn and rainbow songs or if they were just stuck in the rut?

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Of course if we go for old Scot folk songs there is that one about an orgy at a castle that went into great detail about positions and who was doing what to whom.  It was a very, very, very long song - about 20 mintues or so. I am not sure I heard the full version though, The performer may have just gotten tired of singing the song. 

:blink: I swear I have had the rap version of that song on promosquad....

Yeah, I know the guessing thing is about as useful as spitting into the wind, but it's kind of like eating potato chips. Once you start, you can't stop.

:00000442: <== This guy looks vaguely chip-like, doesn't he?

I do find the readily-accepted idea that love songs automatically equals ballads, and nothing but to be a little annoying. What - there are no rock, country, jazz, or polka-themed love songs that Clay could sing?

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I do find the readily-accepted idea that love songs automatically equals ballads, and nothing but to be a little annoying.  What - there are no rock, country, jazz, or polka-themed love songs that Clay could sing?

WORD!!!! Love songs is one of the broadest theme imaginable...Besides, Clay doesn;t always go for sappy ballads when he chooses his songs...lots of variety I say.

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Well, let me be the one to cover the Polka Covers - there is the Too Fat Polka, which would be interesting if he sings it considering he seems to like woman with meat on thier bones and then there is the non-love song polkas like Who Stole the Kishka - this could work, especially for people who don't want Clay singing sappy love ballads - it is very up tempo - almost rock-ish.

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Hi everyone. Any chance of someone getting a good version of Rosanna out on YouTube? Anyone here still posting there. I've been hoping for one but so far none have been posted. It is a fun site and I've enjoyed revisiting some of the TV shows and songs.

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Hi everyone. Any chance of someone getting a good version of Rosanna out on YouTube? Anyone here still posting there. I've been hoping for one but so far none have been posted. It is a fun site and I've enjoyed revisiting some of the TV shows and songs.

ivy, playbiller is the youtube wiz, so maybe she'll be able to accomodate you.

So, I was shopping today and got a couple of cute, funky, tastefully-blinged and probably inappropriately low cut tops that would be perfect for some late summer concerts. Now, if we only had some dates and venues for Clay's Magical Mystery Tour.... :unsure:

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Lets see, I have been banned 4 times now - could you believe that someone reported me for inappropriate material in the this girl is mine concert clip? Sigh. I think the trolls are at work there. One of my last acts was to report copyriht infringement for other people. Yes, I am bitter.

I am thinking of reupping as concert girl and only posting concert video, because the other things I was cited for was copyright infringement on news items, despite that fact that many have news shows listed.

Is there any particular reason why you would like a copy of this out there and is there any particular clip you would like to see?

I am currently trying out several other video hosting sites. I will let you know what I find.

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Thanks for the response. No particular reason. I just enjoy seeing a variety of songs sung by Clay there and I love Rosanna. Sorry about the trolls. Looks like the mods/owners don't do much to check things out to make sure complaints are valid. That stinks.

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Slightly bummed that if the fashion show had worked out, we would have been analyzing a fresh bit of Clack today. Sigh. Ah well, I'm sure good things are over the horizon, out of view for right now, but rapidly approaching. :)

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oh yeah...thats true!!!! sniff!!!

I can;t believe its been 4 months since he made a public appearance...my 2006 timeline in FCA is still quite empty...oh well lets hope the second half of 2006 will make up for it.

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Hmmm...so the fashion show you're speaking of is the fashion show whose organization's web page looks like a feminine hygiene advertisement? :D

Do we know if it even happened?

Do we care?

I miss Clay Aiken with the burning heat of a trillion suns. :(

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I miss Clay Aiken with the burning heat of a trillion suns. :(

Only a trillion burning suns? Pppfffttt. :P Slacker!

So, do we think the calender release date is going to stick this time? I sure hope so, although I'd like to see some pictures before I order my requisite 7 copies. Oh, who am I kidding? I can't believe I haven't done my pre-order already. :blink:

Current music on AI tonight - can't wait. I'm sure the remaining contestants will do a bang up job, and will give us a clear idea of the kind of record they would make. [HA! Good luck dealing with the Dread Lord Davis. Be afraid. Be very afraid. :ph34r: ]

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Where the heck is everyone? Isn't everyone EEEEEEEEEEEEing over the Clay sighting? (OK, it was from a few weeks ago, but still...it was new to us!)

I don't have time to bring it over now...maybe later....

...but I thought he looked pretty good. Longish hair -- eh? But the glasses? Swoon. Love that man in glasses.

I'm also very glad he was able to do this for us cousin without the glare of fans. That's way cool in my book.

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Hey, ldyjocelyn - hope your mom is doing better. Not much action here lately except in the AI thread.

I saw the "new" Clay picture, and was not wild about how he looked, but am glad that he got to do some family stuff. One of the CV'ers photoshopped Clay bald. I wonder how long until that shows up in a blog as evidence of further trauma in Clay's life. <_<

Still spending money on Clay stuff. Sent in my order for the calender from Amazon, so I hope it sticks. I miss having Clay's face on the side of my refrigerator so we can occasionally have a little chat. Hee. Maybe I should think about getting a cat instead. -_-

I also ordered a couple of the Clackhouse keychains. I remember when I first saw those offered last year (before the start of the pin frenzy), I dithered around and decided not to spend the money on them. HA! That was several hundred dollars (I sooo do not even want to know what I've spent) and a ton of pins ago.

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