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The Amazing Race

Couch Tomato

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Geez, seems to me that some people can't handle nipples at all. OF course the stench may be throuwing a few off, especially since they have to drink this after they are done and the smell will be hard to forget. Wouldn't it be better to move the bowl a lttle more forward if the camel keeps kneeing it and aim forward with the nips?

The grandfather was impressively fast on this one. I wonder if the grandson has any interest in doing any of the roadblocks?

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Great hair Phil!!!!!

Bookwhore, I love your one liners toinght.

Who knew a memory test could be so thrilling?

Oh God, who's going to make the marked path first?!?!?!?! Oh yeah, Jason will be around for me to look at! Too bad Lorena's with him.

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Ahhh...a good choice to go. They just weren't interesting enough. I really enjoy this show. I loved the part where she asked her sister "Are you OK?", the sister said, "No" and then she said, "Ok, let's go" :cryingwlaughter:

Oooo...I can't wait to see what controversial decision the blondes make. :clap:

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play, I missed the time too.....

Ooooh, this U turn thing sounds pretty cool. In a way, better than a Yield -- if the people can complete the other task quickly as well, they may not lose as much time.

Bummer about Dad -- I thought their dance was pretty creative.

Go Grandad! Good job choosing the gold.

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Uh oh

Um....yeah. Nothing more to say there, really.

OK, I REALLY like the U-Turn. As much as Lorena was a screaming mess last episode, she's pretty good this episode, and if they catch up (or its a non-elimination round), the blonds are going to be in deep doo-doo.

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OK, I had TAR on mute for the last half. And... I am laughing my butt off (so much better than dieting and excercising). See, one of the on-line videos has last weeks losers arriving at the hideaway and saying that they were waiting for the blondes.. dum dum dum duuuuummm.

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I'm incredibly happy at the way tonight's show turned out. My husband and I were trying to decide if this was a non-elimination round tonight -- and then when it was the blonds at the end, I was praying "please be elimination." Thank you Jesus. (As if he's listening, ask the lesbian priests....)

For some reason, I like the hippie couple. They had it together this evening, played it pretty cool despite a few mistakes.

Ronald and Christina have done another turn around -- I get the feeling he's really TRYING to improve on things his daughter has talked to him about. Tonight, it seemed to have worked, and his guts and determination in getting that stilts task done was awesome.

Grandpa/grandson? I think Grandpa is the stronger player. Heh.

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Anyone still watching? I am!

I'm really bummed that the Goths are out of it. It seems that the vigors of the race finally got to them, with the bickering that started to show up, followed by the total lapse of judgment with the UTurn. I'm gonna miss them.


(Was that a good impersonation of them?)

Seriously, they are just not a nice team, and not good at working together. Blame, blame, blame, blame and blame.

Right now, Ronald is back on my "bad guy" list, but at the same time, I can't totally hate him either for some reason. I really think he's TRYING, but doesn't have the skills to get out of the mindset that he's used for so many years. I just hope Christina can survive him!

Grandpa and Grandson are OK, although I think Grandson needs to work on his navigation skills a LOT.

So that leaves TK and Rachel. I didn't think I would like them at first, but they have been (mostly) a team with some smarts, and some logic. OK, so TK couldn't find a clue as he was flying over it, but still.... I've liked the way they've mostly kept their cool throughout the race, though. I hope they win.

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I guess there are things that look odd by perspective - like the goths assuming that Donald and grandpa were behind them. But the last two shows seem to have them losing ground due to carelessness.

I am shocked! Shocked I tell you! taht Grandpa and the father with the hernia are still in it! I can't imagine doing the race now, but to do it with a crappy attitude AND a hernia is amazing. I think what grandfather does is calmly just go about business, I am glad the grandson is doing some of the roadblocks now - I wonder if each of them has to do half and that is why the grandfather tackled some in the beginning? None of them look good for the crazy "fastest person gets it" finale though.

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