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#3 - Here He Comes Again


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Yawn. Dude, I know the OFC is on the West Coast and all, but does it have to put up the new stuff so late in the evening for us Eastern Standard types? If I'm surfing around past 10:30pm EST, it's kind of rough on the ole sleep patterns. Yah, I'm old and my morning starts early and it's all about ME.

Off to see what news and whatnot this day in the Clay Nation brings. Right now, Clay is singing to me about it being a "Sad, Sad situation" and wondering what he's got to do to be heard. I hear you loud and clear, babe.

:wub::wub:CLAY :wub::wub:

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Yawn. Dude, I know the OFC is on the West Coast and all, but does it have to put up the new stuff so late in the evening for us Eastern Standard types? If I'm surfing around past 10:30pm EST, it's kind of rough on the ole sleep patterns. Yah, I'm old and my morning starts early and it's all about ME.

Heh...I used to be like that (although I'm central time zone). 10:00 p.m. -- out like a light. Since becoming a Clay fan...I'm up until at least 11:00, frequently past that.

But I still wish they'd post something for us early people. Post something at, say, 4:00 a.m. PDT. That would make both of us happy, right?

Love the new appearances scheduled. The AMA one makes me especially happy.

I also simply love some of the friends I've made in this fandom. I stayed away from the other board all night last night...but still knew about everything posted at the OFC, due to friends IMing or emailing me. Gotta love it. (Still haven't checked the other board either...may not; I like it here).

Off to see what news and whatnot this day in the Clay Nation brings. Right now, Clay is singing to me about it being a "Sad, Sad situation" and wondering what he's got to do to be heard. I hear you loud and clear, babe.

:wub::wub:CLAY :wub::wub:

Don't forget about it getting "more and more absurd" as well. That's so very true too.

I hear ya Clay.

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You guys are a great way to start the day....

"Its sad, so sad"... indeed...but why does that actually make me smile. Maybe its because I always think of the Kimmel screw up and the dorky smile he give us during that song.

YAY...Couchie finally listened to the bonus tracks...and has fallen for IYDKMBN...I wonder if she will have to Fight KAndre for it.

Well hopefully we get more goodies today. Need to go to school for a bit, but have been talking to Couchie about the contest and we probably will announce all of the different categories at one time and just have different deadlines for each one.

we will try to have somethign definite about it by the end of the week...start spreading the word to all your other boards. the first deadline will be for the song parody contest...only for the songs in ATDW and bonus tracks.

Remember ...the idea is to celebrate Clay and the work he has done on ATDW and on his appearances....cos you know he totally deserves the accolades.

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Yeah, it's another picture from the "Fat Pants" series! :D Boo that he looks barely legal. :glare: Ah, who cares, I'm celebrating anyway. :bounce:

Updated numbers per 43dudleyvillas:

Soundscan for the week ending 8 October 2006 via css at Pulse (via other sources):

20. Clay Aiken, A Thousand Different Ways: 39,217 (324,983)

:laola0: :laola0:

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Hey! I've shared something before! I can't remember what it was, but I sure I've done it. And I would dream of fighting couchie - any violence that may have occured was totally some other person's fault! Like maybe....Clay! Yeah, that's the ticket! Clay did it! Clay does all sorts of stuff! Besides look good, that is!

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Um...where the hell did that come from? And man, is he cute or what? OK, I'll agree to the barely legal thing...but still.

Updated numbers per 43dudleyvillas:

Soundscan for the week ending 8 October 2006 via css at Pulse (via other sources):

20. Clay Aiken, A Thousand Different Ways: 39,217 (324,983)

:laola0: :laola0:

YAY!!! This is very cool. I'll celebrate that!

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The picture came from a Sony/BMG Thai site. Maybe they are going to promote Clay to Asia. I think he should do a few appearances. It wouldbe nice if he could do it in conjunction with some UNICEF stuff, but there is probably not enough time to do both or, possibly, you are not allowed to do both. You know, be serious and stuff.

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Yeah, bottle...he should have the stubble goin' on in this one, fo sho! :unsure: However, he does mitigate the problem somewhat by baring mucho chest hair. :P I'm waiting for someone to fix the pic so that I can zoom in on the LARGE triangle of pale chest and the smattering of cinnamon thereon....sigh....

And YEAY for holding on to the 20 spot! I dropped into a Wherehouse record store yesterday....the first visible end aisle display said "TOP 20!" but Clay wasn't there.

ANother in-the-front aisle display right at the checkout counters did include a couple of ATDW with the other "Hot Releases"...and then he had some, some MOAM and MCWLs in his regular spot in the alphabetical listings.

There was another end-aisle display that had many of the same ones as the other two special spots that did NOT have him, though. Had Christina, John Mayer, Tony Bennett, JT of course---all of the ones in the Top 20 again plus Aaron Neville and Weird Al, etc.....but no Clay.

The price of Clay's CD was $12.99....SALE! from 18.99. Also, there was one MOAM in the USED CD section---had been reduced to 7.99 then further reduced to $4.99! :blink:

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Peeking my head out from under the sand. Is it safe??? Can I come out and play a little bit?? :)

Seriously, went snooping and/or lurking at the other boards last night, and I have one thing to say: THOSE PEOPLE ARE FREAKIN CRAZY. I think I will stay here at my home board where I know it is safe and sound with no "crazies" around to dissect every LITTLE THING THAT IS SAID!!!.

The picture, what can I say. It cures what ails you alright. Boy that man is purty with a capital P. Even looking just above jail bait material, I would do all kinds of things...... slaps self. Get back to reality here.

Waving at everyone. I don't know about the contest. I am not very talented unless it is scrapbooking. My forte (and NO!! I have not made a scrapbook of Clay. I am not that deranged, but can't say that I have not thought about it, LOL).

Well off to work at the zoo. Hopefully we can get past the broken bones, bad hearts, gallbladder disease, et cetera. Oh, I just love my job listening to all those doctors rant, rave and talk with their mouths full of food. Where were MOMS when growing up and telling them not to talk with their mouths full.

See ya tonight.

Waving to everyone again.


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I guess I'm one thing that's wrong with the music business today, 'cause I would never pay $18.99 for a CD. Which may be why the FYE in the local mall is closed. It's Target all the way for me, where the just-released CDs are generally on sale for $10 or less. Between the price issue, and the fact that is just sometimes freakin' hard to find anything less than 6 months old, even in the local Best Buy and Circuit City, it's no wonder buyers are defecting to Amazon and to the downloading services.

Yeah, I may have just had a spirited discussion on the same topic with a co-worker who was lamenting his inability to find a recently-released gospel album locally. :blink:

Oh yeah, it's supposed to be about Clay. Except for selling out during the middle of release week, my local Target has maintained a pretty good stock of ATDWs, both in the Bestsellers section, and in the alpha section. And the stock seems to fluctuate, so somebody's buying 'em. No MCWL, though, last time I checked. I'll have to keep an eye out....

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Hee...you guys are funny...not talented? hah!!! you guys are so articulate that I'm sure you got some talent for words if you try.

Even photoshopping is really fun and with that face and tons of photos and screencaps...I;m sure its easy to get inspired. I know I didn't start doing graphic designs and webdesign until two years ago...and it was all for Clay projects. GerogiaClay, I always think of photoshopping as scrapbooking, I just dont need to deal with glue and scissors.

Anyway...another way to participate is just letting others know about it, just spread the word.

That picture is just gorgeous...yeah he looks young...but he is young...he is still Beautiful.

YAY for soundscan numbers...its always scary cos sounscan can give and take away...glad it was on the positive change.

hey he is averaging 100K per week...I think thats pretty darn good for no radio play, no video and just a bunch of covers. :D I think the momentum will go up again in november and before Christmas...I expect he will be doing more promo for the symphony appearances...which means promo for both MCWL and ATDW. All I can see are dollar signs for Clay which is totally cool.

Hope he goes gold by the end of the year!!!

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Yeah, bottle...he should have the stubble goin' on in this one, fo sho! :unsure: However, he does mitigate the problem somewhat by baring mucho chest hair. :P I'm waiting for someone to fix the pic so that I can zoom in on the LARGE triangle of pale chest and the smattering of cinnamon thereon....sigh....

I didn't want to distort them too much, but will this help you Muski?


And if not, how about this??


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I was going to post something, but I just looked at Claygasm's enlargements (Hee, that sounds like the subject line of a spam e-mail) and I lost my train of thought.

My eternal gratitude to whomever managed to "misplace" Clay's twelve boxes of undershirts in the course of the move back to Raleigh. :D


Okay, I know we are suposed to be sensitive about celebrity gossip slams and whatnot, but it's Kevin Federline, and it's Go Fug Yourself, and the snark is so freakin' funny I can't stop giggling and I need to share.

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Man, I feel like Odo after looking at that closeup. Gah.

Raise your hand if you know what I'm talking about with that reference...

Here's an idea for an organized time-waster. I've ripped the idea off another board I've started hanging on, called Simply Clay. They are having a "listening party" for ATDW. Their idea is that over two nights, the entire group would listen to the album. They are organizing it so that everyone plays the first track, RHW, for 15 minutes on loop, and discuss. Then a signal is given, and everyone moves to track 2, LNM. They are planning to do the first eight tracks the first night (for a 2 hour listening party), and then the final 6 tracks plus the two bonus tracks for the second night (again, another 2 hours).

It sounds kinda fun to me. What do you all think?

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more info on TV appearances from Clay's RCA site:

TBA Clay Aiken - Tyra Banks Show

TBA Clay Aiken - Dr, Phil

TBA Clay Aiken - The Megan Mullally Show

Nov 17 Clay Aiken - Live with Regis & Kelly:

Co-hosting with Kelly and performing

Nov 21 Clay Aiken - American Music Awards: Presenter

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE co hosting with Kelly...love that. She can e quite fun when she has a funny and chatty cohost. I can't wait...

And Dr. Phil!!!! what can they be talking about I wonder... <_<

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Man, I feel like Odo after looking at that closeup. Gah.

Raise your hand if you know what I'm talking about with that reference...

Hey, I'm not a Trekkie / Trekker et al by any means, but I recognize the reference to the need to be scooped up in a bucket from time to time. (DS9? Maybe?)


Hmm, all the new TV appearances seem like an interesting term of events. I wonder if they were originally planned as part of an extended promo process, or if some Coke machines at RCA got the snot kicked out of them finally and this is the result.

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I'm in with the listening thing except for this weekend as I will be in Cali again and actually visiting my relatives there...

And look! Clay is actually all over the tv! What a shock!

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Hmm, all the new TV appearances seem like an interesting term of events. I wonder if they were originally planned as part of an extended promo process, or if some Coke machines at RCA got the snot kicked out of them finally and this is the result.

I bet they were always in the works. Clay said in his blog he would be promoting ATDW the rest of the year, so this would make sense. I almost think they released it in September for "us" because it had been so long but that they would really be pushing in come the Christmas shopping season.

Of course that means they would have to get stock on the shelves, but I heard Cap is taking care of that problem. ;)

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Gee if Clay gets any more appearances what will the nay sayers say? Is that like how much wood could a woodchuck chuck?

I just had another good rant on CB, I have it going in two threads now, so I have to start working on raking. Lots of leaves came down overnight! I can't see grass.

Warning about contest - Claybies are starting with wallpaper and other awards. So maybe this should emphasize the funny rather than the beauty.

Fear contacted me about more prizes, I told her to check in with the leaders of the pack. Maybe you can figure out how many you need and then we can see if we have enough.

ETA - someone help me with this - didn't someone tell us about Clay co-hosting with Kelly on R&G - I swear I have known this for over a week and yesterday someone questioned me on it and I don't remember where I heard it. Now people are reacting so surprised, I really haveto wonder where I heard/read it?

Do you think we have any hope of a PBS special?

Do you think we have any hope of any store carrying enough MCWL - Target sold out in the 1st week for the 3rd year in a row and say they are not ordering anymore - how frustrating is that?

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playbiller, I know there was some talk of Regis usually being gone on Fridays, with the hope being that Clay might co-host. But as far as I know, this is the first we've had the co-hosting thing confirmed, rather than Clay just being a musical guest.

What TV do we still have our fingers crossed for: Oprah (a really big deal, I think), Rachel Ray maybe, Ellen, Dancing with the Stars, SNL? (I see Christina Aguilera is scheduled for Nov. 11th on SNL. I think Clay would need some more momentum before he would get SNL again.) Maybe The Today Show and The Early Show the week he's in NYC for Regis & Kelly? The way things are going, is it possible he might even get whispers*a video and radio support? :ph34r:

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Oh that sounds like fun!!!

I always wanted to do a discussion of the songs...to discusse what it is we like and dislike about each track...I'm in...what will be a good night?

Well, this weekend is the time when the Simply Clay board is doing it...and it might not be nice to step on their toes, per se. Maybe we could, instead of doing it over one weekend, do it on two consecutive Friday nights? Friday nights are good for me; my husband is usually tired from the workweek and doesn't like to go anywhere else, so I could spend the time on my computer. How does that work for everyone else? Maybe Oct. 20 and 27? Mods, please consult; I'd be willing to coordinate this for the FCA.

And Dr. Phil!!!! what can they be talking about I wonder... <_<

My guess is the panic attacks and his using Paxil. It would be kinda cool if he also rants and raves about the tabloids, but he might be through with that topic.

I bet they were always in the works. Clay said in his blog he would be promoting ATDW the rest of the year, so this would make sense. I almost think they released it in September for "us" because it had been so long but that they would really be pushing in come the Christmas shopping season.

That's EXACTLY the way I've always pictured this as well...especially after hearing his words in that OFC video. "My fans have been waiting for a year and a half now..." And it just makes sense to me for the push to continue on through 1) the premiere of AI; and 2) Valentine's Day.

Of course that means they would have to get stock on the shelves, but I heard Cap is taking care of that problem. ;)

BWAH!!!!! And EWWWW!

ETA - someone help me with this - didn't someone tell us about Clay co-hosting with Kelly on R&G - I swear I have known this for over a week and yesterday someone questioned me on it and I don't remember where I heard it. Now people are reacting so surprised, I really haveto wonder where I heard/read it?

I think this was only speculation early on, because people who watched the show regularly knew that Regis always takes Friday off. So, nothing "official" was announced, but the rumors looked pretty darn good.

Do you think we have any hope of a PBS special?

*dies* That would be my dream.

Do you think we have any hope of any store carrying enough MCWL - Target sold out in the 1st week for the 3rd year in a row and say they are not ordering anymore - how frustrating is that?

Very frustrating, and stupid, IMO. I don't know what's up with these stores, but I sure wish they would get clues. :ph34r:

One more thought: I've always wondered if that footage we've seen of Clay performing the songs off the album might not show up as a DVD in the near future. We can only hope, right?

BTW, bottlecap, your reference was correct. DS9!

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I wouldn't be surprised to learn that it has been CLAY negotiating for more tv appearances like these....When I've read about 'insiders' saying that CLAY was the one pushing for things during negotiations, I immediately thought this---that he wants TV coverage and opportunities....

Woo the hell hoo! He can be on my TEEVEE everyday with Clay anytime he wants to!

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