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#3 - Here He Comes Again


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Aww, thanks for welcome and the drink offer. A Cosmo would be nice, actually!

Love the photos!

:blink: :o a Cosmo?!???! :wein:


not a Cosmo....I can't afford to lose another computer... :glare: :lol:

However, I will have some wine or some brewskies.... ;)

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so which is more deadly a cosmo or long Island Ice Tea???

gah...that reclining picture...the eyes...kills me dead!!!

watching TAR...and one team just did this really cool thing to help another team...I think Clay would also be that generous ...But I wonder if he would be the one climbing...

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bottlecap... girl you crack me up. I missed you at the listening party on Friday..hope to see you this coming Friday.

Hi JennaZwelcome!

so yesterday, when I got tricked by my sister into cleaning desks, and chairs and bookshelves at her kids' school, I thankfully had my ipod. At one point I put it on repeat and listened to broken wings for two straight hours. heee... I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE THAT SONG.

also love the Cho brothers... and the KY couple...I think I'm the only person under the sun that didn't like the hippies last year. I like having two teams to root for.

Clay on TAR...is it my imagination or is there less water stuff this time around heh. I really wonder how he would do on it.... he's so competitve....

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This is one thing that always makes me wonder about Clay...its not like he is not familiar with the show...he knows the type of challenges they have and how often they travel on water... how much food challenges there are...YET he wanted to go...seriously considering it. That is really amaaaazing to me...either he is delusional or very brave.

I think he would've done good on this round...but I wonder how he would've survived the tasks in vietnam when they had to row that boat around.

FINAL plan for ALL About Clay Gabfest....(maybe we can think of a better name, suggestions?)

Date: Nov. 4 ...Saturday

Time: 9 to 11

Topic: Favorite Clay Flubs...

bring your own drinks, food and a friend. We shall talk about all the times he made lovable mistakes that made us laugh or even made us go AWWW...bring videos, pictures and memories to share. The topic will just be the jumping point of our discussion. It will be a free wheeling exchange of ideas that may veer off to all kinds of topics as long as its all about Clay.

We will try to make this a bi weekly event. So continue to suggest topics you think will be fun and intersting. It can be silly and serious...just no doom and gloom please... :P .

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I haven't posted here in a long time, but after getting the emails about the contests and some of the topic discussions, I decided to check it out again. I'm sorry I missed the listening party you had the other night, I did read several pages of that thread. Unfortunately, I'll be out of town this coming Friday and I'll miss the second part of the discussion as well. I'd like to add my appreciation for a place that seems to be celebrating Clay and the CD. I know as fans we speculate, and that can be fun, to a point. But sometimes I think some fans could make an Olympic sport out of "jumping to conclusions" I remember finding the Clay message boards almost exactly 3 years ago, I know it was a couple of weeks after MOAM was released. The mood of the boards was exciting and fun. Now when I log on, I kindof do it with one eye closed. I'm still here after 3 years, I love Clay and I love this CD. I even like "Right Here Waiting" will I get my FCA membership card revoked for that? Anyway, I'll keep trying to check back to see what's goin' on

I really like the Cho brothers too

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I didn't think you were challenging anyone, Muski, just genuinely curious. Guess I don't take offense easily, that must be how I survive. Anyway it helps that there are so many other good arguers out there, I steal their arguments.

OOh, Publicity cheif - how many more people can you support before you have bandwidth issues or crash? Hey, ya gotta know this stuff!

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Hey Atinal...so glad to hear from you!!!!

Too bad you won't be here for the listening party...not to worry...we will be having more listening parties...we will try to have one every month...we will go through all his recordings and even relive some concerts.

December may be the exception. During concert tours we do try to get together and have cellcert parties where we bring in cellcert reports from all over and just post about our impressions about the performances...we will be doing that again this year as long as cellcerts are happening.

So maybe in November it will be time to listen to MCWL??? we can schedule it the last two fridays of the month so its closer to Christmas...what do y'all think? Oh unless thanksgiving may be too busy a time...

hey Play...the more the merrier...

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This is one thing that always makes me wonder about Clay...its not like he is not familiar with the show...he knows the type of challenges they have and how often they travel on water... how much food challenges there are...YET he wanted to go...seriously considering it. That is really amaaaazing to me...either he is delusional or very brave.

Yeah, I think about that, too. I can see him wanting to experience different cultures, but so many of the tasks involve situations that could make him uncomfortable--activities on water, crowds, exotic foods. Then, there's the fact that he's never been the most athletic of individuals. TAR wouldn't seem to be the kind of show he'd be drawn to, yet he claims he even filled out the application. He had to know it wouldn't be easy, but maybe he wanted to face his fears? Perhaps he was looking for a life-changing experience? Who knows?

I remember finding the Clay message boards almost exactly 3 years ago, I know it was a couple of weeks after MOAM was released. The mood of the boards was exciting and fun. Now when I log on, I kind of do it with one eye closed.

You and me, both, atinal. Nice to see you here!

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Wha?! Looks like I missed out on some squeeing and picture lickin' and drinkin' last night. I better get caught up...

:wein::drink: :trink3: :trink4: :704: :bier: :juul:

Who cares that it's only 7:30am on a Monday morning? Hee.

Ah, yes, RCA as the Great Satan. The Gerbil Wheel turns and turns and turns and never goes anywhere. :glare:

Couchie, I hear you about putting a song on repeat. I was listening when I was walking the other day, and realized I had been sadly neglecting my favorite from the 30 second clips: I Want to Know What Love Is. I cranked up the volume and put that sucker on repeat. I really love the sort of dialogue and the blend of voices.

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Morning all!

I'll try to reply to y'all's smart and sexy posts later this afternoon (when I have more time)...but I need to drop off a present I found at Simply Clay. There's more...and I'll try to post them this evening. I've never seen this one before...

Remember him when...and remember to click on him to make him big...heh.


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Cme on BC, just stay with us, we will hold your hand. I am going out all day again, so - eh.

I was posting on another board that I will wait a while and see what happens. Numbers gho up and numbers go down. I thinkthe hardest thing for this album to overcome is the elements of the fandom badmouthing the album. The not just us's can be the only saving grace.

The FOC was really serving a purpose for a while keeping all the nuts together, but they are back out on all the boards again, spreading their own personal joy. I have to do something outraeous again to scare a few people off.

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hee yeah bottle...no expectations for this week and next with no real promos...but november is coming along...lots of promos...lots of appearances. Things will look up again.

Hmm is that OFC that use to be the playground of the nuts?...I guess they had to close threads down since Clay IS allergic to nuts. HEY they shouldn't spread around...if nuts touch us then we cannot touch Clay...WAAAAH.

so we need a "this is a nuts free zone" sign...

yeah there may be some nuts here but we are all peanuts... :D

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"this is a nuts free zone"

Well, since I can't play here today, you may be right. B) I am SO far behind in my work---I've been making progress in my personal life, baby steps to finding some sort of calm and ability to make things fall into place. But I've REALLY neglected my professional life and I can't anymore...the conference is in a week.

So I'm going to stay away from the boards today....not gonna peak in to see what's happnin'....

so yeah...

guess this WILL be a 'nuts free zone'---at least today! :P

Have fun, y'all! ;)

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I'm not making any guarantees about how long I can maintain my particular corner of FCA as a "Nut-free Zone". My local AC station is supposedly playing "Without You", and I am determined to hear it at least once during the work day (which probably means they're spinning at 2:00am). In the meantime, the station is tormenting me by playing every treacly, drecky, syrupy song on their playlist, only occasionally switching their torture methods to play songs that Clay has covered better than the original artist, like "Still the One". The closest I've heard so far today has been the Richard Marx version of "Right Here Waiting". I'll tell you, I'm sorely tempted to give up this vigil, and just slap ATDW in the CD player for some relief.... :blink:

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:blink: Whew! Finally done with my two library orientations this morning...which means I finally have time to post! Yes, this means it won't be QUITE a "nut free zone" here today, because I'M here!

*blows kisses to fellow nut muski*

This is one thing that always makes me wonder about Clay...its not like he is not familiar with the show...he knows the type of challenges they have and how often they travel on water... how much food challenges there are...YET he wanted to go...seriously considering it. That is really amaaaazing to me...either he is delusional or very brave.

Just interjecting here a bit of TAR history. Water challenges have been a mainstay of the show, but the food challenges were a fairly recent addition. I'd say about half the seasons have had food challenges now. Personally, I don't like those -- too "Survivor-ish."

Anymore, I tend to watch TAR with either my husband and I doing to competing (who would take the challenge? Would we yell at each other over directions?), or else Clay and someone (I think it would have either been Kristy or Nick). Honestly -- I think he wanted to do it to get over some of his fears. Why he would do that on national television, I have no idea.

Welcome back Atinal! And this:

I even like "Right Here Waiting" will I get my FCA membership card revoked for that? Anyway, I'll keep trying to check back to see what's goin' on

Nope. Not at all. I think the song is a great start to the album. We'll huddle together and keep each other warm over that one!

So maybe in November it will be time to listen to MCWL??? we can schedule it the last two fridays of the month so its closer to Christmas...what do y'all think? Oh unless thanksgiving may be too busy a time...

I'll look at my calendar, but I would think the Friday after Thanksgiving would be bad. Well, it will be for me, as I'll be with my in-laws in Minnesota. *g* Ansa...we'll talk.

I was posting on another board that I will wait a while and see what happens. Numbers gho up and numbers go down. I thinkthe hardest thing for this album to overcome is the elements of the fandom badmouthing the album. The not just us's can be the only saving grace.

Numbers day is usually a good day to skip the boards entirely. The roller coaster just simply moves too fast, and then it seems everyone throws up at the end, regardless. :blink:

Finally...I bring...more pictures! One old (and one that reminds me an awful lot of the picture for the basis of bottlecap's Halloween icon), and one new (love that killer smile...). Again, they're clickable...



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Welcome all the newbies, everybody here seems to know me, but I will reintroduce myself for those of you that are new. I am GeorgiaClay and I am of course from Georgia (middle Georgia). Have been a fan since the first audition (fungly clothes and all).

The only way I can make if through the day is hearing LNM on the way to work everyday. (Hey, I only live five minutes away). I just love the new CD. I don't bad mouth or cry, bitch or moan about anything that he does. I am just here to celebrate the man, listen to his music, and gaze and get lost in those eyes, lips, hair, you name it.

Waves to all my friends, Ansa, Play, Couchie, Bottle, Muski and everybody that I left out.

Check on ya'll tonight when I get home from "the job".

p.s.s. I don't watch TAR. Never had, but I might have to tune in. I am more CSI and Law and Order kinda of person with a little Six Feet Under (Bravo) on Monday nights. Love that show.

See ya,

G :wein: :trink3: :trink4: :00000441: :704: :bier:

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I was posting on another board that I will wait a while and see what happens. Numbers gho up and numbers go down. I thinkthe hardest thing for this album to overcome is the elements of the fandom badmouthing the album. The not just us's can be the only saving grace.

Numbers day is usually a good day to skip the boards entirely. The roller coaster just simply moves too fast, and then it seems everyone throws up at the end, regardless. :blink:

Such an apt description! I've been avoiding the boards on HDD days and peeking on Thursdays to see if the things look "safe." It's nice, however, to have a place of relative peace on days like this.

I enjoy "Right Here Waiting," too. In fact, I found that I enjoyed the entire album even more once I took a little break from other boards. Away from the disparaging comments about certain songs, from the constant reminders about the critical reception to the covers concept, and from the general mood of bitterness over promotion, I could actually savor these gorgeous songs for what they are.

Hey, GeorgiaClay! LOVE Six Feet Under. Absolutely brilliant show.

Why would Clay go on TAR? The interesting thing about him is that even though he claims to prefer stability and routine, every few years, he seems to make a kind of radical change. At 19, he changed his name. I understand why he did it, but it's still a huge thing. He made a big decision to go on Idol, despite being deep into his education degree. Later, despite his music career and interest in television, he made a decision to move to Raleigh -- not just buy a house as a part-time residence -- but as a real home.

My point is not that he is flaky or indecisive. I think he had good reasons for doing these things. It's more that he doesn't seem to be afraid to "take the big plunge." I also wonder whether, even with a satisfying and promising education career ahead of him, Clay wanted a little bit more out of life than he had at the time. I've no doubt that he enjoyed teaching. However, maybe there was a part of him that wanted to live life a little bigger, and a little different.

Because while I believe that he doesn't like surprises and wouldn't want big changes imposed upon him without his consent, I'm not sure he really would be content with strict routine. His concerts may have had the same general structure, but no two were ever identical, and that was typically because of him. He changed things up. The Christmas shows showed less variation, but even in those, sometimes he'd sing a song one way, sometimes he'd sing them another. You'd never know quite what you'd get.

I think that after a while, Clay gets bored with sameness, and that occasionally, he feels compelled to shake things up a bit. TAR may have been one attempt to shake up his life a bit, at the time. I wouldn't be shocked if we see similar surprises from him in the future.

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