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#3 - Here He Comes Again


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Playbiller I just read your "fractured fanbase" post over at the CH, and I just have to say that just prior to reading your post, and having read, some of the "none of my friends like the CD/and all of my friends love the CD posts. I was thinking, it's funny that in many cases the fans that have posted (sometimes repeatedly) that they dislike the CD also post that none of their friends like the CD. Conversely, fans who post that they love the CD also post that their friends love it. I think you are right, people project their own biases onto others whether they realize it or not. If you add to that the fact that people like for their friends to agree with them, there you go. I know that this seems to have kicked into gear since prior to the CD release, but I saw a lot of it last year with the news of the JNT/Play, the strong opinions of like/dislike.

One of my favorite examples was someone who listed, I kid you not, numerically every thing she hated about the JNT05, she had not yet seen it. When she finally did see it, rather late in the tour, she posted that she really wanted to like it but blah blah blah....how could I possibly believe that this person wanted to like it, her mind had been made up long before she ever saw the show. So, long story short, I kind of think the same thing has happened with this CD. Not only had the critics made up their mind before it was ever released, I think some fans had too

Prior to being a fan of Clay, I never really expected to like or love every song on a CD track list, but I'll say this, of the 3 CDs that he has released I like or love 90 to 95% of them. I rarely skip songs. I haven't given up on this CD, maybe the best is yet to come. It's anyone's guess.

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EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Someone read a post of mine!!!!

Yes, I don't think it started with the JNT2005, but it accelerated. I think that some fans have defined what they want Clay to be - apparently it is not Clive's job, but their job, and when Clay steps out to be - well, himself, they in turn reject him, much like his hand.

I had written a long post about how I do see the fanbase fracturing because it is not like before, it is more like political leanings where I am right and don't you dare talk me out of it. On one board I was being insulted as nothing they could say would change my mind. Well, they were right because they were basically saying nothing, but I have frequently changed my opinion as the information changes. If I am not wrong, I would almost never be anything. The person who accused me of this, however has a history of never admititing to change their mind. They just don't discuss it anymore if they are proven wrong.

In an interesting move, the Clayboard moved all discussion off thier secret thread and out in to the open availalbe for all to see the brilliance ofthe secret information.

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atinal, I know just the type of relentlessly negative posters you are referring to, and frankly if I even bother to read certain posters, I just have to roll my eyes and move on. Sooo predictable... And definitely, we all seek to have our own strongly held opinions validated.

I agree that vocal posters in the fandom have tried to shove Clay into a box that may be as ill-fitting as the one they blame Clive for. Is there not the slightest possibility that Clay might actually want to be Ballad Boy and not Rawker Dude? I haven't been privy to the negotiations that went on in making ATDW, so what the hell do I know about the situation? Blah, blah, blah...

Anyway, hawt pic Ansa! Love how prominent the lima bean eyes are. :D


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I'm sorry I mentioned the Christmas song list was the same old same old. I didn't mean to complain.

Its just it is also almost the same set list as JNT05 as well as JNT04 and I was disappointed last yer when he sang the same old same old (of course, I wasn't a big vignette fan either.... :unsure: )

But I still saw it 5 times. Didn't plan on it. It just sort of happened.

Clay can be addictive that way. :)

But I should confess. I am not a fan of Christmas. In fact, I HATE it. For me its the most depressing time of year for a multitude of reasons. If I had my way, I would go into hibernation from Thanksgiving until January 2nd.

So its not just that he will be singing the same old same old. Its just Christmas.

Besides, I am only going to one this year and frankly, if he looks like this, he could be singing anything and I wouldn't notice. I would just be sitting there in a puddle of drool (and other things....), tongue hanging out, rendered into more of an idiot than I already am.


God he's is GORGEOUS!!!! He totally mesmerizes me with that look on his face!

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(((Claygasm)))..I think those are very valid complaints and I do believe Christmas is not everyone's cup of tea. I will be lying if I say I wouldn't want him to sing some new Christmas songs. I just never expected anything different because of the circumstances. The fact that he was using different orchestra would mean he would have to fit in neatly with what they already know. Unlike JNT04, he had a lot of time to work with the orchestra and to develop the show on his own...hw was calling the shots. This time, as a guest I presume his choices were limited. I guess at this point what we go for is the individual perfromances, the voice and how he can skillfully deliver the songs every night, the banters that I hope he will have...and of course for how hot he looks.
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atinal, I know just the type of relentlessly negative posters you are referring to, and frankly if I even bother to read certain posters, I just have to roll my eyes and move on. Sooo predictable... And definitely, we all seek to have our own strongly held opinions validated.

I agree that vocal posters in the fandom have tried to shove Clay into a box that may be as ill-fitting as the one they blame Clive for. Is there not the slightest possibility that Clay might actually want to be Ballad Boy and not Rawker Dude? I haven't been privy to the negotiations that went on in making ATDW, so what the hell do I know about the situation? Blah, blah, blah...

Anyway, hawt pic Ansa! Love how prominent the lima bean eyes are. :D


I agree, bottlecap that some fans are as guilty of having their own "box" for Clay as they seem to think Clive has. I don't think he is ballad boy, nor do I think he is a rawker dude, but I have pointed out a couple of times that when Clay does have the option of picking the songs he sings, ie on tour or his demo songs, more often than not he has chosen ballads. Now, I don't think he limits himself to these, on tour of course he tries to mix it up, but I think Clay was pretty much "staying in his lane" long before Jaymes Foster suggested it. I like his lane just fine, and I'm just as happy when he swerves a little bit. I think he's willing to swerve a little more in concert than he is ready to do on a CD

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I was just over looking at the entries in the banner contests here. Lawd have mercy! I think I'm dehydrated now from all the drooling. "Scuse me while I down a couple to recover. :drink:

It's gonna be tough to pick my favorite. :)

Christmas setlist - I'm okay with most of it, although MCWL has never been one of my favorites because I think it's a bit trite. I'm not a big fan of most secular Christmas music, but I can live with Sleigh Ride and whatnot. Think Clay'll still do all the hand motions since he won't have the sleigh-riding dancers along this season? HO! HO!

I am very much looking forward to hearing what he does with My Grown-Up Christmas List over the course of the tour. Since Clay will be singing it with the orchestra (I presume), I wonder if he'll be closer to Quiana's dramatic version, rather than the low-key and intimate rendition he did on GMA.

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I can disagree with you guys because I love Christmas music and listen to it well into February, and sometimes in July. Oddly enough it means I hear several versions of the same songs, much Like a JNT. I like MCWL, the only thing I have a problem with isthe first Joy, it always startles me and not in a nice way.

But then I listen to Johnny Mathis album for the mumblety mumblety year.

Speaking of Johnny Mathis, with all this doom and gloom talk about, I went to the RIAA and pulled up his certification record.

16 MOST REQUESTED SONGS ----------G - 8/4/2000

ALL-TIME GREATEST HITS ---------------P - 11/21/1986

BEST OF JOHNNY MATHIS 1975-1980---G - 10/21/1994

FAITHFULLY -------------------------------G - 12/4/1962


HEAVENLY----------------------------------P - 11/21/1986

HOME FOR CHRISTMAS-(video special)-P - 11/27/1990

JOHNNY'S GREATEST HITS---------------M (3) -11/1/199

MERRY CHRISTMAS -----------------------M (5) - 11/1/1999

MORE JOHNNY'S GREATEST HITS -------G --1/12/1962

OPEN FIRE, TWO GUITARS ---------------G --12/4/1962

SWING SOFTLY ----------------------------G -12/4/1962


WARM ---------------------------------------G - 5/5/1960

YOU LIGHT UP MY LIFE ---------------------P - 7/6/1978

That's all - in the US anyway. Now I always thought he was successful and I always enjoyed him without being obsessed with his sales. It looks like Clay is on the way to be gold this year, so for some reason I am missing the issue. I think it is the AI bragging rights issue.

Well, that was fun - let's try another respected icon and see how he does

Tony Bennett

16 MOST REQUESTED SONGS -------------------G - 8/15/2000

A WONDERFUL WORLD----------------------------G - 1/23/2003

ALL TIME GREATEST HITS-------------------------G - 8/15/2000

ALL TIME HALL OF FAME HITS---------------------G - 6/12/2001

I LEFT MY HEART IN SAN FRANCISCO------------P - 6/28/2005

- Certified gold in 1963,BTW

MTV UNPLUGGED-----------------------------------P - 8/7/2000

PERFECTLY FRANK----------------------------------G - 11/21/1994

SNOWFALL: THE CHRISTMAS ALBUM-------------G - 4/1/1999

STEPPIN' OUT---------------------------------------G - 8/17/2000


So I say Spfft to all people who are thinking these sales will end Clay's career.


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Right now I think the biggest fallacy I can see is the belief that clay's career is doomed because he didn't reach Platinum by the end of the year...or that he dropped off from top 50...Where is this coming from??? Just because he sold this much this week does not mean he cannot sell more...

Fergie...with all her promo, hit single and street cred...hasn;t sold as much as Clay..do we really think her career is over????

Clay sold more on his first week than Rod...than PDiddy...than a lot of artist out there...why are people writing this CD off...and most important why are people mourning his career?

Does Not Compute....

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For reference, anubee found these official numbers for last week. This does need include this week's Soundscan numbers yet.

32 AIKEN*CLAY THOUSAND DIFFERENT WAYS 25,033 -36 39,217 350,016

Nope...I think he would go over 360K and probably close to 370K with this weeks numbers.

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:dancingpickle: As we think and talk about Clay's "numbers" (8.25" anybody? :ph34r: )...I remember something he said one of the times someone asked him about moving back to Raleigh. He talked about why he was more comfortable there and one reason was that the people he knew there and who cared about him, etc., didn't care about how many albums he sold.

I think he's doing incredibly well, given the lack of VISIBLE support from his label. I have no idea what deals are being made or broken behind the scenes, etc. I just love the man, his voice and his HAWT self. He loves to sing. And my money's on one fact: If Clay Aiken is set on a career in the music industry---if that's where his heart is leading him and where he wants to focus his considerable talents, intelligence, heart and drive---if being a successful vocalist, musician, artist in music is what he truly WANTS to be?..

He ain't goin' anywhere, folks. B)

Hee! I was at the office until 10pm last night. Another long night tonight, too, I'm sure....

But then that's why they pay me the big bucks, right? <_<^_^


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Playbiller, terrific post regarding fan base "fracturing." You make a lot of valid points.

What I find interesting about the division of viewpoints is how emotional it is becoming, even with posters who normally seem quite dispassionate. There is such fury at RCA, that it sometimes gets directed not only against the label, but against anyone who isn't willing to rage with everyone else.

I do think there is a lot of fear in the fandom--fear that without great success, Clay will be taken away from us, that there will be no more CD's, concerts, or appearances from him. For fans who have invested so much in him, emotionally as well as financially, this may be a terrifying idea. Perhaps some of the responses come out of that emotion. There may be those who are trying to manage their feelings of disappointment by writing him off now, because they're too afraid to have any remaining hopes dashed. They may feel it emotionally safer to declare the album a failure at this time than to dare dream of a holiday surge or growing overseas popularity.

It's not an easy time for the fandom. I'm hoping, though, people begin to regain a sense of perspective. His numbers are not a disaster, he has quite a few appearances ahead of him, and most importantly, he's fantastically talented and remarkably intelligent. It's far too early to count him out.

Edited by JennaZ
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OK, People have to realize that Clay is not going to disappear. I really do not get that particular angst, but then I never got it after the anomoly - I would look around and say, "but..but.. he has us" - Right now, I am not sure he "has" everyone who posts, I think there are lots of agendas out there and that is not a good thing. I think way to many fans are addicted to their "fame" and like to bat around influence. I think in someways this fandom is getting old. Perhaps it will be like a TTC explosion and what is left is the ones who want to be. TTC is not dead, it is nicely moving along with a lot less people and posters.

Then I have long thought some people need the emootional high of angst. This fandom ws born in it and some people have never stopped since day one. My attitude is that Clay should worry more about me, than I worry about him. He is young, rich and talented. I am not.

How the heck can you angst for 3 years?

Anyway, I am the party girl - looking forward to Friday - every one attending please raise your hand and say -> PAR-TAY!!!!! :04: :polon: :09: :bier: :ole0::nanaonacid::manynanas:

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Great post, JennaZ.

You know, Clay's greatest competition for this album was really himself. MOAM sold so well on the wake of AI2 and the Clay/Ruben "competition" and how Clay should have won, yada, yada, yada. That album took off like a rocket, but it slowed very quickly.

Then MCWL came out and sold remarkedly well for a Christmas album.

That set the bar very high for Clay AND his fans. Almost impossibly high. This was his first mainstream album in 3 years. For the "not us" folks he had been out of the public eye for a long time. Then it was a cover album. I think even with major traditional marketing this album would have been a tough sell.

Believing that, I think his numbers are incredible. And realistic.

Nope, Clay isn't going anywhere. I don't need him to outsell anyone. I don't need him at the top of the charts. I don't need the critics to say he's great or cool or anything else. I just need him to sing to me!

And looking hot is just a nice perk! :)

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This sales article from Billboard notes how this week's new releases from a number of artists stack up against their previous CDs first week's sales numbers. Almost nobody, with the exception of JoJo, is selling as well as they did with prior releases. It's just a different ballgame than it used to be.

And looking hot is just a nice perk!

Clay is kinda, sorta cute, isn't he? HA! B)

ETA: Per 43dudleyvillas

Sales for the week ending 22 October 2006:

52. Clay Aiken, A Thousand Different Ways: 16,122 (366,138)

Edited by bottlecap
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Right now, I am not sure he "has" everyone who posts, I think there are lots of agendas out there and that is not a good thing. I think way to many fans are addicted to their "fame" and like to bat around influence.

This something I've often thought but have been too afraid to mention. Thank you.

Then I have long thought some people need the emootional high of angst. This fandom ws born in it and some people have never stopped since day one. My attitude is that Clay should worry more about me, than I worry about him. He is young, rich and talented. I am not.

How the heck can you angst for 3 years?

Interesting point. The fandom grew up out of anxiety (Will he get voted off? Will he sell more singles than Ruben?) and it rarely seems to cease. I have a feeling that even if Clay had an album that went ten times platinum, swept every Grammy, and made him a major international superstar, there would be angst. ("Why isn't it eleven times platinum?")

Claygasm, you're right in saying that fan expections can be unreal. We want the world for him but rarely ask if he wants the world. Or what the world even means.

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NOTE: If anyone, ANYONE can find the missing code that can get this post looking right...I'd be forever grateful. I've been staring at it for 15 minutes and I can't see it!

Geez, what a day. I come in to work expecting to load a bunch of online library materials for an English teacher and her class (and *coughchecktheFCAcough*)...and our internet was down. Gone for over 2 hours. I had the DT's after 20 minutes. Fortunately, it came back in time for me to load at least some of the stuff I needed to for the class by my self-imposed time frame, noon. And then...you guys turn into post-hos besides!

Hugs to muski for her persistence with her job. I'm making sure that when I see you in a few weeks, a LOT of wine will be available! (That reminds me, I need to send a few PM's...)

oh god!!!

careful in clicking on that thumbnail...very very lethal...

eta: make sure you enlarge to get the full effect.

Dear Lord in Heaven...that man in black is smokin'. And I think I did fall into a burning ring of fire after seeing that picture. (obtuse Johnny Cash references)

Playbiller I just read your "fractured fanbase" post over at the CH, and I just have to say that just prior to reading your post, and having read, some of the "none of my friends like the CD/and all of my friends love the CD posts. I was thinking, it's funny that in many cases the fans that have posted (sometimes repeatedly) that they dislike the CD also post that none of their friends like the CD. Conversely, fans who post that they love the CD also post that their friends love it. I think you are right, people project their own biases onto others whether they realize it or not. If you add to that the fact that people like for their friends to agree with them, there you go. I know that this seems to have kicked into gear since prior to the CD release, but I saw a lot of it last year with the news of the JNT/Play, the strong opinions of like/dislike.

That's a very good point...we all tend to bring our own biases to the table regarding this album. I love this album, and love to trumpet when someone I know tells me they've bought it and love it too. Do I know anyone who doesn't like this album? Actually, I do...but it does make me sad that we don't share the same viewpoint.

So, long story short, I kind of think the same thing has happened with this CD. Not only had the critics made up their mind before it was ever released, I think some fans had too

Yep. Lots of prejudging happened in this past year, IMO. Meanwhile, I kept coming back to Clay's blog..."open your minds and prepare for something different." He tried to tell us...it's just that some didn't listen, if you ask me.

Prior to being a fan of Clay, I never really expected to like or love every song on a CD track list, but I'll say this, of the 3 CDs that he has released I like or love 90 to 95% of them. I rarely skip songs. I haven't given up on this CD, maybe the best is yet to come. It's anyone's guess.

I rarely skip anything on his albums either....but I hit repeat on several of the songs. I always listen at least once through every time I listen though.

And yes, I truly believe the best is yet to come.

I agree that vocal posters in the fandom have tried to shove Clay into a box that may be as ill-fitting as the one they blame Clive for. Is there not the slightest possibility that Clay might actually want to be Ballad Boy and not Rawker Dude? I haven't been privy to the negotiations that went on in making ATDW, so what the hell do I know about the situation? Blah, blah, blah...

I've been observing this "box" phenomenon for a LONG time now -- I actually think it cemented for me when he decided to sing "When Doves Cry" 2 1/2 years ago. I'd really like to know his thought processes on WHY he chose to sing that song. Anyway, I think that performance made a lot of fans see a different side of Clay, one that they really wanted. Meanwhile, I enjoyed the performance...but always thought that was just a bit of a lark for him. For some reason, I could see the "sexy" but not the "SEXY," if you know what I mean. I also thought he never seemed totally comfortable with that one either. JMO.

But yeah, I know exactly what you are saying bottlecap. I think it will be very interesting in the next years if Clay does ditch RCA and go to a different label...and then produces another album of ballads (albeit originals). Even if he does stay with RCA, I still think he'll be doing ballads, just because he simply likes them.

But I should confess. I am not a fan of Christmas. In fact, I HATE it. For me its the most depressing time of year for a multitude of reasons. If I had my way, I would go into hibernation from Thanksgiving until January 2nd.

I'm actually feeling like that right now, for I've never been a fan of Halloween. Fortunately for me, the season is a bit shorter, and Clay hasn't released an album of Halloween carols. *g* If you need to vent Claygasm, just let us know.

I like his lane just fine, and I'm just as happy when he swerves a little bit. I think he's willing to swerve a little more in concert than he is ready to do on a CD

Man, that's so smart...and I think very true. The recording process vs. the concert process is such a totally different one, and I think Clay knows that. There simply are limitations to recordings; concerts are much more freeing to him, IMO. I personally can't wait to see these ATDW songs in concert, and watch them grow and change through the tour. I predict there will be a song like ISY that really matured into a major performance as the tour goes on. Not sure what that song will be yet, but I'll have to think about it...

Right now I think the biggest fallacy I can see is the belief that clay's career is doomed because he didn't reach Platinum by the end of the year...or that he dropped off from top 50...Where is this coming from??? Just because he sold this much this week does not mean he cannot sell more...


Does Not Compute....

My brain is fried trying to understand this as well.

As we think and talk about Clay's "numbers" (8.25" anybody? :ph34r: )...I remember something he said one of the times someone asked him about moving back to Raleigh. He talked about why he was more comfortable there and one reason was that the people he knew there and who cared about him, etc., didn't care about how many albums he sold.

The latest People magazine article. I've reread that article *mumblemumblemumble* times (as well as drool over the picture *g*), and I had that thought strike me too. He said they just don't care -- and I'm sure he meant that if he sold 1,000,000 in the first week, or if he sold 50 copies.

he's doing incredibly well, given the lack of VISIBLE support from his label. I have no idea what deals are being made or broken behind the scenes, etc. I just love the man, his voice and his HAWT self. He loves to sing. And my money's on one fact: If Clay Aiken is set on a career in the music industry---if that's where his heart is leading him and where he wants to focus his considerable talents, intelligence, heart and drive---if being a successful vocalist, musician, artist in music is what he truly WANTS to be?..

He ain't goin' anywhere, folks. B)

God, that's so good, and so true. He'll do what he wants. And I think he ain't leaving either.

I do think there is a lot of fear in the fandom--fear that without great success, Clay will be taken away from us, that there will be no more CD's, concerts, or appearances from him. For fans who have invested so much in him, emotionally as well as financially, this may be a terrifying idea. Perhaps some of the responses come out of that emotion. There may be those who are trying to manage their feelings of disappointment by writing him off now, because they're too afraid to have any remaining hopes dashed. They may feel it emotionally safer to declare the album a failure at this time than to dare dream of a holiday surge or growing overseas popularity.

Honestly...and don't shoot me...but I've always been a bit prepared for this possibility, that he might just up and leave. I certainly don't think it will happen, but I also want Clay happy. If getting out of the business is what would do that...more power to him. Sure, I'd be sad, but I've got a lot of friends I've made through this fandom, a lot of clack to go through, and a lot of good memories. I guess what I'm trying to say is that my emotional attachment seems to be at a different level than so many others in the fandom. Why that is, I have no idea. Maybe it's because my husband keeps me in check from time to time, asking me to spend time with him instead of my Clay friends?

I also truly believe that this fandom thrives on being angry at someone, or something, in Clay's life. For the longest time it was 19E and American Idol. Then they left the picture, pretty much...but the fandom found something else. (I think it was probably his management firm by then.) It just seems that there's always SOMETHING [tm Emily Litella].

Nott an easy time for the fandom. I'm hoping, though, people begin to regain a sense of perspective. His numbers are not a disaster, he has quite a few appearances ahead of him, and most importantly, he's fantastically talented and remarkably intelligent. It's far too early to count him out.

Isn't perspective a great word? And yes, I hope that this happenes too. As I said, I wonder how much of it is because some don't have someone giving them a "reality check" in the outside world...

Then I have long thought some people need the emootional high of angst. This fandom ws born in it and some people have never stopped since day one. My attitude is that Clay should worry more about me, than I worry about him. He is young, rich and talented. I am not.

Or I could have just not written anything, and let playbiller write for me instead....

I'm the party girl - looking forward to Friday - every one attending please raise your hand and say -> PAR-TAY!!!!!

Can't wait!!!! I'm preparing comments on some of the songs now...is that wrong?

Great post, JennaZ.

You know, Clay's greatest competition for this album was really himself. MOAM sold so well on the wake of AI2 and the Clay/Ruben "competition" and how Clay should have won, yada, yada, yada. That album took off like a rocket, but it slowed very quickly.

Then MCWL came out and sold remarkedly well for a Christmas album.

That set the bar very high for Clay AND his fans. Almost impossibly high. This was his first mainstream album in 3 years. For the "not us" folks he had been out of the public eye for a long time. Then it was a cover album. I think even with major traditional marketing this album would have been a tough sell.

Believing that, I think his numbers are incredible. And realistic.

Nope, Clay isn't going anywhere. I don't need him to outsell anyone. I don't need him at the top of the charts. I don't need the critics to say he's great or cool or anything else. I just need him to sing to me!

And looking hot is just a nice perk! :)

I was going to cut something out of this post, but I couldn't. The bar was high...and I think Clay did a very admirable job of trying his best to make it to the top. Besides, I do think this album really reflects him, and he's proud of it.

And he'll sing for us for a long time to come. And look hot doing it. *g*

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Here is something positve to read!!!!!

American Idol Fans Have Fun, Building Lasting Friendships While Helping Others

PR Web via Yahoo! News Wed, 25 Oct 2006 5:00 AM PDT

(PRWEB) October 25, 2006 -- Cure diabetes; help bring peace to northern Uganda; help kids go to school; send candy to troops in Iraq; check on caregivers and people who live alone; or how about build a new wing for a children's hospital?

Rats!!! The link didn't show.........

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ldyjocelyn, could the problem be that you have too many quotes? That happened to me at CV once.

Yay give the girl a cigar...she got it! Now lets see if ldyjocelyn can go over the next maximum number of quotes...heh

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I'm the party girl - looking forward to Friday - every one attending please raise your hand and say -> PAR-TAY!!!!!

Yikes! I just realized that I'd better get all this conference prep work finished tonight and tomorrow night---I canNOT work late Friday!

Or perhaps I could...just be here at the office all alone...with Clay on my speakers and my fingers on the keyboard...

no! no!


Oh and I think I have to move to Hartford, CT. Holy crap...every Clay pic I see from that danged place just gets better and better. This newest one made its way to my work desktop...dayum! chest hair, too!

dayum :blink:

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