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#3 - Here He Comes Again


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I heard a rumor tht people were going to start to post here, but I come here and it is just us, as if that is not more than enough.

Have you ever noticed that things look much brighter after you go food shopping, as opposed to being hungry and tired before? Now if I could just train Holly to do something like that , maybe she would actually stop depending on me to be her sole entertainment source. NO MORE BALL, Holly, four hours a day is enough!

I did my normal Target run (the chain closest to an acceptable food store, not like Kmart and the rotten food in the store by there). Six Rows of Clay, down from 9 last week, so that must be anotehr 30 albums sold. It looks like Fergie might have actually sold a few (3 or 4) this week, must be that Rolling Stone cover. Continum is selling very well, but no so for Jimmy Buffet who only had me to buy it. I think they may have returned some Beyonce or she sold like crazy this week. There are no longer 20 bins of her, just one. I think they returned the CDs. Jessica SImpson is also absent, they were not selling a single one of them each week I checked. Can she have negative numbers this week?

I would have posted something more Clay like, but I think I have to run away from home. I hear the dreaded sounds of a ball being dropped behind my back. NOOOOOOOOOOOOO

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So this Clay-obsessed woman reports to her boarding gate only to hear that her connecting flight to Colorado Springs has a mechanical problem and the flight's delayed.

Ok. No problem. She's got some things from work with her that need to get done in order for her to rationalize her absence from the office Monday and Tuesday only two weeks before the big conference in Chicago.

After dozing over meeting room schedules, capacities and audio visual needs for a while, she hears the airline rep report that the mechanics need more time to isolate the problem...give 'em another 30 mins, she says before we expect to know when we can take off.

All righty, then. She calls the person in charge of this junkett---the one who invited her to this little fam trip---to tell her that most likely she won't be able to make the first obligation on the itinerary---a group site visit of the property hosting the group at 5:30 pm.

She returns to her charts and lists. Ooops! Another announcement. Seems those silly mechanics are too busy watching football to hunker down and find the problem with that pesky plane. They need another hour to tell the alleged customers when they might be able to board. The rep is sorry and offers one idea! Go to the airline customer service desk and get a refund for this flight's cost. Then rent a car and drive to Colorado Springs! It's really not that far. Thing is, though...such an enterprising person won't really know when her luggage might arrive at the airport in Colorado Springs (those football-watching mechanics, you see... <_< )

So what's a Clay-obsessed woman to do in such a situation?

Shucks. That's an easy one. She pays AT&T $7.95 for 24 hours online access! She logs onto FCA to tell her tale! Then she closes her new used laptop to put in her backpack so that she can find a freaking bar! :P

She'll be back. ;):lol:

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The gods are smiling on me. The bar at this terminal was right beside my gate! :P Sitting here in front of a few monitors where various sports events are blaring at many people coming and going hither and thither (or in my case, NOT going anywhere)...Drinking a Fat Tire Amber draft...tastes good. I'm hungry, too, but afraid to order something...I mean, what if those silly mechanics decide to take a time out from football watching and actually fix the plane? :o

Hey, couchie! We need to do a Friday night beer thang....How's next Friday?

Oh, this is a Clay fan board. Topic?

I can't wait to see how tightly closed Clay has his lips when he kissed Tyra....heh.

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Was it something I said?


Finally! We are getting ready to board, so they say, for a 5:30 departure. Hmmm...maybe I'll just be TOOO put out to actually get all gussied up for the reception.

Maybe I just need to relax in my lovely paid-for room, soak in a tub....listen to a certain hot as hell singer.


I know you're hanging on to your hats, wild with anticipation, as you wait to know what I'm going to do. <_<

Hee! Later, women! ^_^

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(((Muski )))) sorry no one was here to commisreate with you..

I got entangled again...I hope this time I do not get tempted to get into it .

yup I am following your adventure...hope everything goes well...

I know I had my own travelling woes last November...travelling in the East in the fall and winter can be very iffy.

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Oh, muskifest is doing a KAndre travelogue, but in real time! I'm on pins and needles! Will she make her connection? Will she be drunk and argumentative on the plane, and be arrested when she gets off as a risk to homeland security? The suspense is killing me....


hee you wish bottle...lol

Oh yeah I forgot. My dream / nightmare husband is this spastic little doofus, not Clay. :unsure: Crap!


And I can't believe I actually went to JPL's myspace page in order to get this picture. I hope I didn't pick up any nasty hobbity viruses while I was there.

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Oh no! travel nightmares, BC's nightmares - what next? Happy happy joy joy - Rem and stimpy nightmares?

Anyone know anything about setting up a wireless router in time for my company so we can play everyone on the computer? Maybe this is another nightmare to be.

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NOOOO...my eyes!!!

hurry up post some cute Clay pix...

BTW...our contest are about to start...we will need your help to spread the news and hopefully the enthusiasm...

Its time to have FUN!!!!

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Oh Muski!! I am so glad you got your new/used laptop before you left! Whatever would you have done stuck in an airport without it???? ;)

Enjoy your little junket and try and find some time to relax. Get a massage or something. You deserve it!

I have spent almost my whole weekend sitting in front of my computer playing with iMovie! I started playing with it during the week, but this weekend I have become obsessed with figuring out how to do things. I can now put text over video and/or pictures, attach audio to clips, edit said audio and/or video clips, do transitions etc. I sort of played with making a montage - made a mini one - and have new found respect for the master montage makers! At the end of the day, I have a created a 2 hour clack movie! Now if I can just figure out how to export it to iDVD, I can burn it! ^_^

Oh the things we learn to feed of obsession! :D

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Oh the things we learn to feed of obsession! :D

One of the main reasons why my husband has no problem with my Clay fandom. For a while there, I knew more about video formats than he did! I'm still learning (DVD burning is my challenge at the moment)...and I have no desire to learn montage making (even with the contest. *g*).

muski, sorry to hear about your travails. Good luck!

BTW, who won the football game? :unsure::P

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Friday is great MUSKI! You crack me up....

Ansa and I have been working on contest rules all day and hopefully we'll get some participation.

Claygasm, keep playing with your imove...you'll have to make a montage for the contest. I may even try my hand at one.

the new contest forum can be found here.

Ansa is working on the front page FCA announcement and for those of you on other boards can you spread the word about the contests.

We have great prizes thanks to Play, Fear and spotlightlover and Queenp of the CH.

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Claygasm, keep playing with your imove...you'll have to make a montage for the contest. I may even try my hand at one.

the new contest forum can be found here.

Ansa is working on the front page FCA announcement and for those of you on other boards can you spread the word about the contests.

We have great prizes thanks to Play, Fear and spotlightlover and Queenp of the CH.

Oh I have loooooooong way to go to be able to compete against some of the masters in this fandom!

But I'll keep playing and see if I get any better!

The contests sound like fun, though. :)

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I want to down load the video from OFC but it is in Quicktime.

I have Real Media player .

What do I do????

Very very very changelled Clayfan.............................

>>>Ansa is working on the front page FCA announcement and for those of you on other boards can you >>>spread the word about the contests.

Would you like to have it posted on Clay's Daily Double????

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What do I do????

Very very very changelled Clayfan.............................

>>>Ansa is working on the front page FCA announcement and for those of you on other boards can you >>>spread the word about the contests.

Would you like to have it posted on Clay's Daily Double????

You could download the quicktime player...just google quicktime...its free

oh yes please post it on as many clay boards...we really hope the Clay nation can start focusing on more fun things other than just the problems.

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I think you have to convert the program before you can ply it in anything other than quicktime. I hadto add quicktime to my laptop, it wants everything to play in windows media, but it doesn't work for everything, sigh.

I had to download a new version of Quicktime(7) for my desktop to play it.

The problem is that Quicktime 7 will only play on computers suing Wintows 2000 or XP.

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What do I do????

Very very very changelled Clayfan.............................

>>>Ansa is working on the front page FCA announcement and for those of you on other boards can you >>>spread the word about the contests.

Would you like to have it posted on Clay's Daily Double????

You could download the quicktime player...just google quicktime...its free

oh yes please post it on as many clay boards...we really hope the Clay nation can start focusing on more fun things other than just the problems.

And won't it be refreshing to focus on the more fun things! With all the upcoming "Idol" releases happening - Ruben, Fantasia, Kelli P., Daughtry, Taylor, Katharine McPhee.... I am sure the boards will be dominated by even more "RCA did Clay wrong" posts and "Clive is evil incarnate" posts yada, yada, yada. May I just say I AM SO SICK OF ALL THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And the way every word Clay says gets twisted to satisfy their latest conspiracy theory and each bit of promotion for another artist is a personal slap in the face to Clay..... Geez! Enough already! Clay's a big boy (heh - in more ways than one! B) ). He can take care of his own life. Can't we just enjoy the ride and let Clay manage his own affairs????????

And speaking of things that will set everyone off, Katharine McPhee is getting her own primetime Christmas special! Imagine - and she doesn't even have an album out yet! Obviously its all part of the evil plot to destroy Clay's career! ;)

If anyone is interested, Ruben is on The View today. Is it wrong of me to want Ruben's album to do really well? When the first line of his biography on his official site is about how he was overshadowed by Clay, how can I not want him to do really well? Here is what it says:

Studdard's post Idol fame has been somewhat diminished by the fact that he has been considerably overshadowed by the runner-up Clay Aiken. Despite not winning the formal contest, Aiken has gone on to be the most successful artist associated with the second season of American Idol.

Ruben deserves so much better.

See, Clive isn't only out to get Clay. He's out to get Ruben too! :lol:

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claygasm, I really like the way you think. I wish no ill will at ALL to anyone who comes out of the AI experience, and fairly intact to boot. While I'm not crazy about Daughtry at all, I also don't feel it right to wish him bad sales either. OTOH, I really liked Ruben, especially when he and Clay were together. They seemed to have brought the best out of each other, and I enjoyed it greatly. I wish Ruben all the success in the world.

The fandom has gotten crazy lately, IMO...and I think Claygasm hit the nail squarely on the head with this:

He can take care of his own life. Can't we just enjoy the ride and let Clay manage his own affairs????????

The way some are going on and on with the RCA crap, it truly sounds to me like they are trying to defend "poor widdle Clay," that he's a victim in all this. I will keep saying this over and over, until I'm blue in the face -- I don't feel it's my job to take over for RCA and their publicity machine. I can see what they are doing (or possibly not doing, as the case may be); I may not agree with all of it. But I certainly don't have any expertise in this either. Instead, I'll continue to do what I see fans doing -- enjoying Clay, spreading the word of his music to those who are interested, and just having fun. Damn it. :P In the meantime, Clay is working on doing what he needs to do -- in the background. Just as it should be.

I'll hash out the details of the listening party tonight. However, I'd save the dates of Friday, October 20 and Friday, October 27 if I were you. :D

ETA: *staples luckiest1 to the board* EEEEEEEEEEEE!

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Okay, okay, okaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay. I'm here. Is there an FCC? cheers.gifDo I have to tip the bartender? Is it okay to post with blinders on? Because all I want to do is love on Clay and his music. (In that order, thankyouverymuch). Cuz he's pretty. And he sings good. And I love him. And he looks at me like this (in my dreams)


Do y'all like wallpapers?


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I'm still trying to get used to Clay's new look. I love looking at his face though.

It's interesting to me the latest tarring and feathering of RCA and also Roger. It's one thing to be disappointed in sales but quite another to be so vehement. What is it going to get you or Clay. And it has spread all across the nation. It's like Fran only worse so I know it won't end good.

The thing is what do we know about running a music career. As someone smart told me once, they aren't experts they're just well read. I know there are a few in the music business but there is a reason there are so many failures and so few hits. People makes mistakes, the timing is bad, the market has changed, the plan was miscalculated but all this spending millions of dollars and fucking up his career on purpose to teach him a lesson when really, they could have just kept him on a leash for another year and dropped him. They could have saved themselves a whole bunch of money.

Even if a person does have some knowledge and love for Clay it still doesn't mean because you work out of love you will be successful. There have been many examples of us trying to control what a writer writes that did not turn out well. Even the press releaese for the cd parties dropped like a stone because of bad timing. There was just something more interesting with Clay going on than a bunch of fans wanting to make him sell a million records. And frankly we sent that press release to every newspaper, radio station and tv station in our very large market and nobody cared. The first time around, during MoaM, we had the major radio station at our party and a great article in a major newspaper. So are we going to blame anyone for that or just realize the world may have moved on while our noses were buried on a clay aiken fan board.

I have great faith in Clay. He doesn't need me to fight his battles. I can't fight his battles without knowing the unvarnished truth, and probably not even then. And the so-called insiders aren't doing him any good by all this hinting. I say if you love Clay so much, give up that status and tell us what's going on. But then, nobody would be looking to you for answers and in this small little world that's hard to give up.

I'm done with this topic.

I will just continue to support Clay any way that I can and making myself miserable isn't one of them.

Bottlecap..heee we'll excuse you from being mature. I actually just don't want to see the fallout if he loses that best non winner status.

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Ah, I don’t wanna be all mature and junk! I want Clay to sell better than Ruben, DAUGHTRY!, Kat and Fanty. Taylor “Whoot” Hicks is allowed to do okay, since he’s the winner. I just don’t know who exactly will be buying what he wants to sell. So PPPtthhbbb to all that fairness and not competitors and whatnot. :P:P

So, I haven’t listened to Lover All Alone for about a week. What the heck is wrong with me? I had to continually listen to “Broken Wings” and LAA in a loop for about two hours last night. It must have done the trick, because there were no more Hobbit Boy visits in my dreams last night. Whew! :blink:

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He can take care of his own life. Can't we just enjoy the ride and let Clay manage his own affairs????????
Actually, CG I'd prefer to enjoy riding Clay and would consider that a wonderful way to manage OUR affair! :P

Made it to Colorado Springs! Am now ducking out of a 'workshop' to find the free wireless in the lobby of this amazingly beautiful place. The speaker and topic originally planned (which actually had relevance) was canceled at the last minute because the speaker fell ill. They got a man to fill in (heh) but his area of expertise "Story Telling to Sell" or some such just ain't my cuppa. :glare: So I'm going to do work while they tell stories.

Course, I had to stop in here first... :unsure:

Interesting how so many fans daily drool and bow to the manliness of Clay and then when the going gets bumpy they react as though he were a helpless, pitiful child who couldn't possibly take care of himself in the big bad world. PUH LEEZE. IMO, Mr. Aiken is quite capable of dealing with the various flavors of BS and nastiness that the music business has to offer. In fact, I happen to believe that the very man that he IS invites such adversity because he doesn't back down. If we believe him (and I do), that is how he has always faced life---with his integrity and faith and character intact, thank you---before he entered this particular bacteria-laden pool of asshats. That type of man won't find an easy path...he doesn't choose one.

Methinks Mr. Aiken actually gets off on a good face-off. (hee! I said 'gets off' B) )...I come back to that wonderful Yogi Berra quote---"Wherever you go, there you are."

If Clay wants to avoid unpleasantness, he could become Marvin Milktoast and just go along with the flow, you know? But Clay is Clay (thank all the gods) and so will always fight the good fight.

The above soapbox spewing brought to you by "Blah-Blah 'R Us" :D

By the way....sat in that big ole bathtub last night, sipping a glass of Merlot with my noise canceling headphones on while listening to that HAWT freckle-fingered man sing to MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Twas rather lovely. And while I'm not tha-rilled that this cd is schmoopy covers for the most part, every time I listen to these songs, I hear something new in Clay's voice, interpretation, breathing, delivery, purity of tone...

Dayum, he can sang.

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