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#3 - Here He Comes Again


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playbiller, you're absolutely right about Ruben. I guess I didn't really mean "poor Ruben" so much as "wow, that's a small number." And it really did make me appreciate Clay's numbers all the more.

Whew! Went to see my mom and she was in pretty good spirits. She's had a nasty eye infection and it's clearing up. I took her to get some new sheets for her bed and then an ice cream cone at McDonald's---her favorite! And the airport called to say they'd be delivering my two pieces of luggage within the next two hours so yeay!

Glad to hear mom is doing well, and that you finally have luggage! Hee.

I've been thinking about one thing Clay has said in one of his recent interviews or shows or whatever. The interviewer asked about his privacy, his own life, etc. And he said something to the effect of "Yes, I have my life, but some people want to make it theirs."

That's been really, really repeating itself to me lately. I understand. We all have our own lives but I know I've been guilty at times of making Clay's life more important to me than it should be OR than he'd ever want it to be. The 'coincidence' of things in my real life DEMANDING more of my attention and investment of my time and heart is only making all this bullshit on the boards more absurd to me.

Amen, sister. I know what it is like to go overboard with my Clay stuff -- I did that 3 years ago when I was having terrible troubles with my job. That pulled me back some...and then this year was just crazy time with family and job as well. Add to that the BS of the fandom, and it does make it even easier to pull back even more. I love Clay still like crazy -- but I want him to have his own life too.

The man is a natural talent, entertainer, vocalist, performer. He ain't goin' nowhere that should make me feel the need to spend all my time and energy trying to run his career, save him from the bad guys or in general poke my nose where he ain't asking it to be.

Wow. Just wow. Perfectly said.

Clay's television performances lately have been simply stellar, and he's a star in my eyes. Is he a star in the whole world's eyes? Nope. He'll never get everyone -- but he'll convert a lot more people in time. I'm one that personally thinks that TV is the way to go for him. His charm and grace wow me every single time.

I'll keep in discussions with the mods regarding other listening parties. As for "discussion" topics -- I'd say maybe a 2 hour period, every other week? And I'm loving the banners that have come in. Gah!

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WOW two times in one day, what a blessing.

LET ME TELL YOU NOW Muski. Thank you for putting that picture up while I was at work. I clicked on for just a second (THEY know where you go on our internet at work), so as I was saying clicked on, saw THE PICTURE and my tongue hit the floor, started drooling, grabbed the desk and said "all that is Holy", "Dear Jesus in Heaven". Thank you for making such a GORGEOUS male species.

I still have Ruben love, just not as much as I have Clay love.

And one more thing, those green eyes. Oh my.

Later everyone


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That's been really, really repeating itself to me lately. I understand. We all have our own lives but I know I've been guilty at times of making Clay's life more important to me than it should be OR than he'd ever want it to be. The 'coincidence' of things in my real life DEMANDING more of my attention and investment of my time and heart is only making all this bullshit on the boards more absurd to me.

Me too muski, me too. Hopefully the mass hysteria will get old pretty soon. And Lord if Ruben had outsold Clay people might have jumped out of windows.

Welcome back Georgia.

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LET ME TELL YOU NOW Muski. Thank you for putting that picture up while I was at work.
I'd love to take the credit but I just can't....it's Claygasm who did the deed. Thank God. :o I can't look at it too long (BS) or I lose myself in those eyes and in the absolutely PERFECT stubble and that %#*!@ sexy mouth...

Lawd Jesus! :lol:

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Due to some nagging at the CH, I have edited the appearance list - her is the updated version


  1. Sept 8, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, The Insider - clips/interviews/performance// 10/17 SHort interview Access Hollywood
  2. Sept 15, Tonight Show with Jay Leno couch performance// ----
  3. Sept 19, 20, 21, 24, Good Morning America several interviews and two performance shows// October 9, Today show, (rerun 10/17 because pre-empteded before)
  4. Sept 22, The View, long interview and song// October 16, The View,short interview and song
  5. Sept 22, 25 and 26, ET - Clay Segment, interviews/ clips and performance// BET video show, short interview with video clips
  6. Sept 26, The Jimmy Kimmel Show, couch performance// October 12, Jimmy Kimmel Live short skit performance
  7. Sept 27, Larry King Live, 45 minutes with performance clips of several songs// -----
  8. Sept 30, ET Weekend - interview with performance clips// -
  9. Oct 6, Martha Stewart// October 20, The Martha Stewart Show,
  10. date? Tyra Banks Show - entire show, two songs// ?, Tyra Banks Show ?,
  11. Oct 21, TV GUIDE CHANNEL: CLAY AIKEN SPECIAL// 10/9 Interview TVone - short interview
  12. Nov 2, Megan Mulally Show//Oct 25, Megan Mulally Show,
  13. Nov 17, Live With Regis and Kelly,co-host// -----
  14. Nov 21, American Music Awards, presenter// -
  15. September 27, KTLA 40 min // 10/?, BOSTON'S FOX MORNING NEWS,
  16. 10-Oct, Scrubs repeat//October 17, StarJamz rerun from 2004
  17. Sept, Yahoo session// October 11, Yahoo session
  18. Date?? Dr. Phil //October 21, Early show
  19. ----- //Aretha tribute - don't now if this will be on TV
  20. Days of our lives// -----
Of course this is just TV and not radio, where Ruben has appeared on some shows and his songs play on Urban radio and it does not include special promotions like the walmart sound check we all loved and the Kmart and I tunes promotions or the fan club pack

There is no entry for QVC because we just don't know right now.

I removed the entertainment clips because there is no way to catch every clip of Ruben, although what has been reported to date is much less than Clay's - I left the Clay's Insider and ET and Ruben's access Hollywood because they had exclusive interviews and performances.

For print, Ruben is on the cover of 3 magazines Jet, Sister2sister and one other. Clay had his small People cover - there were smaller print mentions for both of them allover the place - I am not going to track anything but covers.

Ruben has a video on BET, VH1 and MTV although there does not seem to be a lot of play for this video. Ruben has exclusive video and his Jimmy Kimmel appearance on his Myspace.

Clay has a fan club with exclusive video and a store.

Don't make ne start on Taylor!

Bringing this post from CB. It was psoted by evancol

The Kimmel show is going out of it's way to accommodate us. Normally, they put up video of ONE song by the performer. As we were aware, they had a contract with Sony who then packaged the other 4 songs and sold them as downloads.

We found out about 10 days before Clay was on JKL that Sony would NOT have Clay's performance. We were going to have NO WAY to see this at all.

They are being extremely accommodating by putting all 5 performances up for a limited time in order for all of Clay's fans to be able to view them.


We asked for 5 songs.

They do not have sole discretion in releasing tapes, DVD, etc....as deeply as it pains me to say, Clay Aiken belongs to RCA....as does any performance, reproduction of any performance, etc, and that is normally agreed upon PRIOR to an appearance...particularly for a musical guest that involves song royalties, etc.

Today just makes ONE WEEK since his appearance. Jimmy Kimmel was, without a doubt, the best publicity Clay has had through this promo. Clay shined, and Jimmy gave him the forum to do that....




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this is a bit confusing...

what 4 songs bundled and sold as downloads....

so they are still giving us the 5 songs for a limited time..just not ready to put up yet?

and did the fans know 10 days before kimmel we won;t see the video? I thoguth theyw ere told there will be?

this post is very confusing

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I missed the part about the downloads. I will ask her about that remark.

She is saying a week to 10 days for one song, so it should be 50 days for 5 songs, except they were going to try and get it up before then.

I will write and ask her to clarify.

Other posts

Well....since they normally only put up the 1 performance that is seen.... and since the Sony deal they have had for over 2 years suddenly ended 2 weeks ago, and someone whined and begged and groveled and pleaded and generally demoralized themselves to get them to post all 5, we didn't really settle on a time frame....

Don't ask me how I know...

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*grabs the pure and virtuous strummer6 and staples her to the board* Glad to see you back again! MUAH!

playbiller, not to be a nag or anything... :P ...but Ruben had a People spread as well. It wasn't the cover, and it was only two pages, but he did have an article. I read it on Tuesday while I was on the treadmill.

The weird thing about the article? It was really more about his weight loss than the music (although there was a quote from Clive Davis :blink: ) So, this must be the standard People procedure...mention the singer has a new album, but mostly talk about something in their past, with "digging." Heh.

I'd seen that post about the Kimmel stuff before, but went *shrug*. Don't get me wrong, I want to see these clips very badly -- but I'll deal if they don't show up. Anymore, that's how I deal with most things in this fandom.

Yes, I'm up at 4:45 a.m. Just call me the stealth librarian. :ph34r:

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Alright, which one of you jokers left a plate of what looks like congealed Hot Pineapple Salad :kotz0: , a chewed-up tennis ball :bounce: , and an empty wine bottle :trink3: on my doorstep for me to find this morning? :unsure:

Aww we were just trying to get you to come out and play more...hey maybe you are busy working on some hilarious parody or two????


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Glad you like my avie, strummer6! Don't you just love the way his hair moves??? B)

My theory on the long lost Kimmel videos is they are waiting until after the show airs again - isn't that October 27th - to put them up.

Hey, its as good an excuse as any! ^_^

Is the Walmart Soundcheck online over? I haven't checked lately, but if it is, did some technological genius capture them and if so I WANT THEM!!!!!!

PROMOTION, SHOMOTION! Damn, I bet each and every teeny little bit of promotion Taylor, Daughtry etc. get will be used as yet another bit of PROOF that RCA was trying to destroy Clay's career. Phffffft! :P

I think Clay is doing just fine. Its not traditional promotion, but every time his gorgeous mug turns up on TV he wins fans. It may not result in immediate album sales, but it may result on a gradually increasing fan base which will bode well for his future. Besides, when Clay is on a TV show it is much more of an event. He takes over even if there are other guests. There is a part of me that thinks the promotion for ATDW wasn't just aimed at selling ATDW but at selling CLAY. He had been out of the public eye for a long time. He had been the subject of nasty crap in the tabloids. And TPTB know that Clay can sell himself just by being himself. So stick him on TV and let him work his magic. You want to spread it out over a period of time because you don't want people to become sick of him (I mean normal people, not "us"!). So even if people are not intrigued by this particular album, they remember (or learn) that he can sing purdy. They find he looks hot. And they see what a personality he is. Clay is more than just a singer. He is an entertainer, a true entertainment personality.

Maybe that is what he's promoting this time out - and if he happens to sell a few albums along the way, great. But I think he's promoting for the future.

JMO and all that, but as far as I'm concerned, seeing his gorgeous face on my TV often works for me! :)

ETA: After lurking on some other boards, I have to say I am so glad I found this lovely little happy corner of the Clay world!! FCA put the FUN back into being a Clay Aiken fan! :D


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So stick him on TV and let him work his magic. You want to spread it out

See? I'm not the only primo smutter around here! Way to go, CG! 'stick' and 'spread' in the same breath!

woo hoo! :ura:

Big day at work today. Lot of things to do to make up for taking that time to be pampered at the Broadmoor.

I'd rather be clackin'..... B)

eta: just cruised around to lurk at ....another board. :unsure:

I am SO over my need to be wanted. :glare:

{{{{{FCA!}}}}} ;)

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KAndre looks at Claygasm's theory, likes it, and appropriates it for her own...she loves having clever minions...

OK, who's going to the 3fer in NY/NJ? I bought my tickets, am dragging along the evil Houston posse, and need to know where the party people are at!

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I am SO over my need to be wanted. :glare:


Ummm ..Muski, I can't go out drinking on Friday...I need to be home for the listening party... wanna go tonight or this weekend?

Karen, I would love to come to the 3fer..but this just might be my first missed Clay concert series and it's a bummer.

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I am not going to track anything but covers - so there - too many changes if I track each story and I already forgot a few. If it isn't easy, I am not interested.

As far as AI comparisons - yes, Taylor comparisons have begun. Do I care? Nope. I think everyone has a right to their audience and I do not believe that BMG is plotting, I think they are counting green more than anything else.

Fun, fun fun - ??? hmm - Why did Clay Aiken cross the road?

He wanted to eat the chicken?

He wanted his goat to eat the chicken?

They were out of chicken at KFC, so he went to MCDOnalds (oops, had to fix the wrong Fast food restaurant.) across the road?

Any help here?

Three fer in NJ - well, I am going to West Point and Red Bank and Englewood - I think this is a different 3 fer combo than yours. It is not all in NJ either, but there are not 3 concerts in NJ, only 2. I offered to drive up to 3 people to West Point and Red bank if they had a hotel in my area, but no one seems interested. Sniff. 3 because my car only fits so many and Fear will be here. I could also drive people to Englewood, but I don't think as many are coming in for that one.

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After lurking on some other boards, I have to say I am so glad I found this lovely little happy corner of the Clay world!! FCA put the FUN back into being a Clay Aiken fan!

I want to echo this. This place is a breath of fresh air after reading some of the other boards!

Plus, public drunkeness is not only tolerated here, it's encouraged! :wein: :trink3: :trink4:

I'm immature and petty, so I'm not only jealous of Taylor's promo (which he deserves as the winner blah, blah, woot), I'm jealous of the Christmas concert-goers. Write good recaps, wontcha please?

So when the heck is it gonna be Tyra Time already?

And why am I hungry for chicken all of a sudden? :unsure:

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Well, I'll see ya at West Point (I thought that was NY) and Red Bank - we're also doing the Long Island thing and just hanging out in NYC for a couple of days causing trouble.

Why did Clay Aiken cross the road?

To escape from "enthusiastic fans"?

To reach the end of a glory note?

There was a big-bosomed woman there?

For some blue kitchen stuff?

There was a cat on this side?

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Why did Clay Aiken cross the road?

Because an old man hit him with a cane?

Because a giant chocolate-covered lobster drinking coffee and carrying a plate of minted, nut-crusted mushrooms was chasing him?

Because a kitten was chasing the lobster?

Because Muski was 'Right There Waiting?"

(PS....the last reason incorporates KAndre's suggestion of a big-bosomed woman being on the other side. ;) )

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Why did Clay Aiken cross the road?

Because an old man hit him with a cane?

Wait, I thought the Old Man was busy helping Whitney through rehab. :blink: And that exposure to sunlight would make him crumble into a pile of dust. Or are we talking about a different Old Man?

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KAndre looks down and doesn't see her feet...

Wait a minute - I think I have adequate bosomage to attract attention...and frankly I'd be running from a chocolate-covered lobster waiter myself...

Why did Clay Aiken cross the road?

The the leaky cow turned the tables on the kitten, who then went after Clay?

For a big ball of Velveeta?

And pineapple?

That where we threw his mandals?

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Why did Clay Aiken cross the road?

So the critics and haters would follow him and get hit en masse by a bus???? :)

Christmas shows? I'm doing one-fer! I'll be at Red Bank - but I have to admit its only because a friend bought me the ticket for my birthday. But I will be at Red Bank with bells on.

Well not literally with bells on. Although it is Christmas..... (contemplates the possibility of wearing bells. Rejects it because I don't want to be mistaken for one of the weird, er craz, er enthusiastic Clay fans....)

And KAndre, I am honored to be one of your minions! I bow down to you!


After lurking on some other boards, I have to say I am so glad I found this lovely little happy corner of the Clay world!! FCA put the FUN back into being a Clay Aiken fan!

I want to echo this. This place is a breath of fresh air after reading some of the other boards!

Plus, public drunkeness is not only tolerated here, it's encouraged! :wein: :trink3: :trink4:

Hee! I knew there was another reason I liked this place!!! :wein: :trink3: :trink4: :704:

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