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#3 - Here He Comes Again


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Oh yes please if you guys have some ideas at all about what to discuss. We can even just discuss a particular appearance or favorite concert moments.

we could also share pictures and videos so we can have same referrence point

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Good Lord.

I've been really busy all day....and thought I'd finally reward myself with some message board lurking.

Holy shit.

You know, I'm stil incredulous at the angst-whoring masses. I don't get it. Why in this crazy world would someone LOOK for sorrow, try to FIND evil, want to DIVE into the mire? I just don't get it. Of all the wonderful, beautiful things about Clay Aiken that people could focus on as topics of discussion--all the prospects of success and joy and a meaningful life that that man holds within him...

Why the HELL do some people seem to get off on digging up crap to toss around?

Me? I think I'll open a bottle of cabernet and pour a couple of glasses for me and my hubby. I listened to Clay while cleaning my house earlier; again while folding clothes upstairs just now. Between those two chore times, I took my 15 year old shopping and we had a blast together. On the way TO the store I had ATDW playing in the soccer mom van, of course, and when IYDKMBN came on, my girl and I sang along to it. She LIKES that one! :P

And when I got home after droppping her off at a friend's house for the evening, my hubby was leaving to get a pizza. He hugged me and said, "Oh! I LOVE what you've done with the place!" in an affected way. :lol: I really changed the downstairs around and got rid of a lot of crap. (Now that my mom's in an assisted living residence, we moved some furniture up to create a den in her former room, so I rearranged things downstairs. It's so comfy now in our house. :) )...

Yep....life is good. (And it's gonna get better as soon as I get that cork out of the wine bottle!) If you don't think so, just look for good stuff in a different place from where you're looking! You must be looking in the wrong place ;) (or on the wrong message board. :unsure::ph34r::lol: )

ETA: Hey, I"m becoming a post ho! :P Go to www.people.com and get Clay into the Build the Sexiest Man contest! I did. I was honest, too. I put his name in for the sexiest eyes, nose, hair, smile, chest and shoulders....but I put David Beckham for arms, legs and abs! B)


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I had a problem whtn it came to arms. Sorry, but I can't build a Clay man, I need to inject a little variety and I just don't know enough about different guys.

Oh well, heading ona long cold round trip drive today to pick up everything I left at the beach when I cleaned up for the year. shivver. We are expecting a frost there this week, so this is probably the wrmest day of the week, it may hit 60.

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I had a problem whtn it came to arms. Sorry, but I can't build a Clay man, I need to inject a little variety and I just don't know enough about different guys.

Oh well, heading ona long cold round trip drive today to pick up everything I left at the beach when I cleaned up for the year. shivver. We are expecting a frost there this week, so this is probably the wrmest day of the week, it may hit 60.

Yup the cold days are upon us...although strangely enough we have been having a mix of warm days and rainy days...which is rare for this parts when it is not too unusual to get snow in October.

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My sexiest guy was a combination of Clay Aiken (eyes, hair, and arms [because they're fuzzy *g*]), Usher (abs and butt) and Naveen Andrews (everything else). What a multiracial stew I've concocted. Heh. Felt a little like Dr. Frankenstein there creating that perfect man.

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My sexiest guy was a combination of Clay Aiken (eyes, hair, and arms [because they're fuzzy *g*]), Usher (abs and butt) and Naveen Andrews (everything else). What a multiracial stew I've concocted. Heh. Felt a little like Dr. Frankenstein there creating that perfect man.

Why is this so hard for me...I guess I do find Clay cute and at times sexy as a whole...not quite wth individual features...though I do think his eyes could be intense. I think I find his personality a bigger draw that just his features.

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Definitely Clay for Eyes - I guess I have to get a People or somthing, I am not celebrity centric.

Maybe I could put in a few politicians. Hmmmm I wonder which politician I could put in for abs.

Something to think about while driving.

Well, I am almost ready for the long drive, just waiting for my body to be ready.

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There is just one more week till the deadline of submission for The Banner and The Parody contest.

There are lots of new submission for all the contest...some really hot and stunning banners, funny and clever parodies and great montages.

please check them out and spread the word.

Banner contest

song parody contest

montage Contest - claycentric

Montage Entries - Non Clay Themes

I will close the poll for choosing the Gabfest night at midnight tonight...so far Saturday is ahead. If you haven;t voted check it out.

Best Night Poll

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so after muski left the other night... my knee hit the tv tray that was holding our snacks and the salsa went flying across the room... all I could think of was CSI and the trail of blood spatter... scrub scrub scrub

so tv guide is next week... so is this all old clips..any new stuff..anybody know?

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hmm...lovely visuals...at least thats not as gross as watching a zombie movie...I watched a bit of one for the first time last night...YUCK...

so what should we do halloween night...

what about sharing scary stories.

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i'll be busy hiding with the lights out from all the trick or treaters.

Watch out for all those ghouls


and zombies


and creepy things... :ph34r:



That last picture is beyond scary!!! :ph34r:

I live in the middle of nowhere. My driveway is about a half mile long. I never have to worry about trick or treaters! B)

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I was reading backwards so I just saw this........

Good Lord.

I've been really busy all day....and thought I'd finally reward myself with some message board lurking.

Holy shit.

You know, I'm stil incredulous at the angst-whoring masses. I don't get it. Why in this crazy world would someone LOOK for sorrow, try to FIND evil, want to DIVE into the mire? I just don't get it. Of all the wonderful, beautiful things about Clay Aiken that people could focus on as topics of discussion--all the prospects of success and joy and a meaningful life that that man holds within him...

Why the HELL do some people seem to get off on digging up crap to toss around?

Me? I think I'll open a bottle of cabernet and pour a couple of glasses for me and my hubby. I listened to Clay while cleaning my house earlier; again while folding clothes upstairs just now. Between those two chore times, I took my 15 year old shopping and we had a blast together. On the way TO the store I had ATDW playing in the soccer mom van, of course, and when IYDKMBN came on, my girl and I sang along to it. She LIKES that one! :P

And when I got home after droppping her off at a friend's house for the evening, my hubby was leaving to get a pizza. He hugged me and said, "Oh! I LOVE what you've done with the place!" in an affected way. :lol: I really changed the downstairs around and got rid of a lot of crap. (Now that my mom's in an assisted living residence, we moved some furniture up to create a den in her former room, so I rearranged things downstairs. It's so comfy now in our house. :) )...

Yep....life is good. (And it's gonna get better as soon as I get that cork out of the wine bottle!) If you don't think so, just look for good stuff in a different place from where you're looking! You must be looking in the wrong place ;) (or on the wrong message board. :unsure::ph34r::lol: )

See, this is why I love Muski so much! :D

I was beginning to think there was something wrong with me for not wringing my hands and worrying myself to death over all things Clay. I saw someone on another board post something like how sorry she is that the Clay Nation is hurting right now. Hurting?? What is there to hurt about?


Looks like Clay is perplexed too.

And I NEVER hurt when I see that face! :)

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ITA with muski, Claygasm, Ansa, and I think at least a few others here. I think people are CHOOSING to be hurt at the moment. Hurt over what, I'm not quite sure -- but I choose to NOT think like that. I celebrate this album (poking Claygasm while I say that), and I celebrate the man. He makes me happy.

And...this may sound a bit "angel-wingy"...but I take a lot of my cues from Clay. He seems to be pretty happy with what is going on. OK, so I haven't seen him in a few weeks...but from what I heard from the Tyra show, that enthusiam has carried me for over a week now. :D Anyway, if he's happy, I'm happy.

I actually read someone today that said "he hasn't blogged in 2 months, that must mean something is wrong." *eye roll* Nope...it just means that he's BUSY. And her certainly doesn't have to do anything on my timeframe.

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Ah - to answer Muski, why do I wade into the muck - I guess because someone has to. I sit and read the PMs I get from lurkers who are thanking me for questioning posts and for challenging assumptions and realize there are lost of people who dislike the angst and want the air to be cleared, but they are afraid of doing it themselves. I think I should take names, I am convinced that it is less than 2 dozen people angsting out and I just want to count them. Now there are the angst creators and the others that seem to get swallowed into the angst. I am not counting the people who seem to be following.

I don't challenge with people every day and I don't do it on every board. There are actually many boards that are angst free, one rather huge board waves to people from that board that I have invited here. It is interesting that this board is probably the second largest private board and always has like 100 people people signed on at a time is never noted by any of the Clay boards. It has occaisional trolls that get handled nicely and the mods are not part of the general group of mods that handle most of the Clay boards and talk to each other. I am just not going to post the board name, they know who they are. But I find I am going there more and more because the people are so nice and I enjoy their posts and the enjoyment they get out of the fandom.

Annnnddd - these people are actually enthusiastic about the contest!

Quick add, I seetha 2 people I havd Pmd about entering the montage contest have submitted. I have taken to PMing people when they post a link to a montage.

Hope that is OK.

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Oh Mwah...Play of course its ok!!!

Thanks so much for doing what you do, I totally understand why you do it, Hope I had your patience and passion....I was going pretty good there until last week when I had two days of really bad headache and I relaized that this was just not healthy for me. If not for that I would be right there with you...SO I thought...hey why not just have fun in our little corner and hope others join in...

Thanks too for spreading the word about the contests...

wanna spread the love for the parties too??? :D

we had a great start with the first listening party...hoping we can continue that with the gabfest...

Play...you can be the FCA publicist...in charge of promo... :)

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I want to thank you all for letting me take part in the listening party. It was great fun. Ms. Playbiller very kindly invited me.

I enjoy any excuse to listen to ATDW. It sounds particularly great on our old nondigital stereo set.

I wish I could enter the contests but I am so uncreative it ain't funny. Maybe Mr. Fear could help me.

Hopefully I'll see you all next Saturday.

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Hi all,

Many of your screen names are delightfully familiar. It's great to see you here, in a place that seems to want to celebrate Clay rather than sulk and moan about what could be better. I'm tired of the anger, the hatred, and despair. I didn't become a fan to find ways to depress myself. I became a fan because I love the guy and his music. I'm so thrilled to find other kindred spirits.

Samtaycai, Playbiller, and all of those who make an effort to bring a positive tone to other boards--I salute you. I know it's not easy, but you do a great many fans a tremendous service.

Like others, I find it difficult to understand why so many seem to want to wallow in the angst. It's not just that these anti-RCA rants are declared, it's that they're declared repetitively, continuously, and virtually identically. I leave the boards for a week and when I come back, it's as if I never left the conversation. I want to scream, "Get over it, people!" but instead, I sigh, log off, and pick up a book.

I have missed talking with other fellow fans. I have missed sharing the sharing the joy. But every time I take a peek at the boards, I run into the same old arguments. Until I was pointed to this place.

So thank you, Samtaycai for directing me here. I really needed it.

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Welcome JennaZ! I'm so glad to see you here -- I recognize YOUR name as well!

Would you like a drink? Cosmopolitan, maybe?

Anyway, kick off your shoes, settle in...and oh yeah, this guy welcomes you too.


See, he wants you...

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Welcome, JennaZ! (and what a coincidence...I was just thinking through a possible new storyline and had decided that the woman's name would be....Jenna! :blink: )

Play, I certainly didn't mean to challenge anybody...I was mainly waxing rhetorical... :unsure: I had gotten to a point like Jenna said---away for a while and then go back to lurking at some boards and find the same dead horse being beaten...pages and pages and pages of similar posts, over and over.

This place IS like a breath of fresh air....ah....

That Clay Aiken fella is sorta hot, ain't he? B)

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Who is this samtaycai...heh

YAY JennaZ is here.

Glad you can join us. Your post impressed me long before. So I am excited to get to know you more.

Just watch out cos we tend to put huge gorgeous pictures on the posts...and lots of drinking emoticons...we like to partay... :D

hee and ldyjocelyn just proved my point with the post above... :D

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