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#3 - Here He Comes Again


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Wow you guys have been speaking for me today...so a big old WORD to everyone.

After more than three years in this fandom...I never expected to get any consensus from the fans about anything. We are just so diverse. In the end I always thought that Clay was like a Rorschach test...that our view of him is more a reflection of who we are and our expectations of him. It came to the point that I can pretty much predict how certain fans will react to things that happen with Clay or things that he does.

The one thing that kept me actively posting in Message baords is the idea that we all have our own place in this fandom, you can find others that agree with you and you can cheerfully agree to disagree with others. This current conflict in the fandom is a bit more disconcerting for me because I feel that some people are no longer just posting their feelings to express themselve...but they are psoting because they need people to agree with them...I sense an agenda to control the fandoms POV. There is a mission to make people be unhappy with the current situation..but for what? Its not like we can actively do something to make changes in Clay's career...we do not have that poewer nor the right to even attempt this. This is Clay's life, we are just here to enjoy the fruits of his labor and support him by buying his cds and concert tickets...but we have no other say to what happens in his life. He is a smart and mature man who can take care of his business.

I really wonder what has brought this on...is it fear? I do agree with JennaZ...I think for some they would rather expect the worse rather than expect something good and be disappointed. For others I think its easier to think that there is a force that is keeping Clay down. They are firmly entrenched in the idea that Clay is a superstar right now and should have the accolades of that status.

However...the reality is...Clay is just at the beginning of his career...he already got such a huge boost that its almost unreasonable to think that it would continue to be an easy road to the top. I do believe that there are people in the industry that feel he already got an unfair advantage and would like to see him have his come uppance...I think that is why his reveiws seem unecesarily harsh, it seems like they need to bring him down a peg or two.

I really think Clay's Career is simply normalizing after a very sharp upward trajectory. Its still on its way up...just on a more managable rate, IMO. I think this is just the time for the fans to readjust our expectations. After this...it will be easier to appreciate the good things that come to Clay and to us.

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HA HA! It's Couchie's turn on Clay's video!

You're holding up the centerfold!

Man, what a naughty girl you are!

Part II is up on OFC!

'oh shit...i wanted to be on the cutting room floor..

Uh muski... better let me know if you'll be ready for me on friday? heee

enjoying the convo... one thing that bothers me is this need to feret out info..it's actually really creepy to me. I'm sure store management and distribution folks are really thrilled when they get pummeled by people telling them how to do their jobs.

All in all I am disappointed that the record is not doing as well as I want it too yet even more so that this fandom couldn't handle it in a dignified way. The good things have been given short shrift as we concentrate only on the negative. We have heart attacks about some blog that would have 2 hits if not for our need to protect and over reaction to almost everything that isn't glowing. It's been three years and we still haven't learned to control that.

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Word on this Ansa

I sense an agenda to control the fandoms POV. There is a mission to make people be unhappy with the current situation..but for what? Its not like we can actively do something to make changes in Clay's career

I can never seem to get this question out without being modded on any board - it is not telling people how to post, I really want to know why they have to be so negative toward Clay's business partners, what is it going to accomplish? So I have decided as long as people are going to post death wishes to Clive Davis, I will post something indicating that I do not buy it. What the heck - I would normally just disagree and move on, but if others won't move on, I want a little balance as an aside.

Man, I recognized way too many people in that video - doesn't anyone I don't know go to these things? I should have gone as well. Of course I did not know I would have a free plane ticket to anywhere at that point.

Edited - a question is a question is a question and deserves punctuation.

Edited by playbiller
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HA HA! It's Couchie's turn on Clay's video!

You're holding up the centerfold!

Man, what a naughty girl you are!

Part II is up on OFC!

'oh shit...i wanted to be on the cutting room floor..

Uh muski... better let me know if you'll be ready for me on friday? heee

Hee I loved this...she was so dignified...way to represent Couchie!!!

hey am I the last one to see the new Clayaiken.com ? I love the look.


Last day for submission of Banner entries is on October 28...saturday...

we have decided to extend the deadline for the parody contest. We need more entries so please help spread the word...and with such great writers here...I;m sure we can get some more entries. :D

So the New deadline for Song Parodies contest is on Nov. 4 ...saturday

ATDW listening party 2 is on Friday Oct. 27...at 9 pm EST.

All About Clay Gabfest: Favorite Clay flubs is on Saturday Nov. 4... 9 to 11 pm EST.

Please spread the word ... the more the merrier...

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Thank you ladies for cleaning up my post! Shows what happens when I miss a half day of posting, y'all are talking about good stuff, and I want to quote EVERYBODY. Heh.

clay4shore, here's that link: American Idol Fans Have Fun...

What is it with Hartford? I mean, they have ALL the best pictures!

muski, get your butt in gear so you can show up at the party! EEEEEEEEEE!

Go couchie, go couchie -- you done good. I've missed seeing your smiling face. And yes, I miss him in concert too. But for me, soon...

Ansa wrote:

I really think Clay's Career is simply normalizing after a very sharp upward trajectory. Its still on its way up...just on a more managable rate, IMO. I think this is just the time for the fans to readjust our expectations. After this...it will be easier to appreciate the good things that come to Clay and to us.

I think this is very true. And honestly? I wonder if Clay's a bit happier that way. If I were in his shoes, and my career suddenly took off like that, I'd be totally discombobulated. He could be entirely happy to have his career settle down a bit -- still successful, but just at a more comfortable pace. (I could be talking out of my butt here, though...)

The celebrity couchie wrote:

enjoying the convo... one thing that bothers me is this need to feret out info..it's actually really creepy to me. I'm sure store management and distribution folks are really thrilled when they get pummeled by people telling them how to do their jobs.

Yeah, I'd be thrilled if I were a distribution person who had 60 fans calling every 5 minutes to see if Clay's stock of albums changed. :blink:

She also wrote:

All in all I am disappointed that the record is not dealing as well as I want it too yet even more so that this fandom couldn't handle it in a dignified way. The good things have been given short shrift as we concentrate only on the negative. We have heart attacks about some blog that would have 2 hits if not for our need to protect and over reaction to almost everything that isn't glowing. It's been three years and we still haven't learned to control that.

Yes, it does seem the learning curve has been slow...in fact, I think it's actually taken a bit of a backwards step. Instead of getting desensitized, it seems there's MORE sensitization to bad stories about Clay, or even just indifferent stories about Clay. Why is that? I sure wish I knew the answer.

playbiller, I appreciate your balance that you bring to the boards. I realize that almost everyone has agendas...but they've gotten a bit much on some boards, and that makes me upset, and angry.

And, just for the record...I will never ever wish death to Clive Davis. In the grand scheme of things...IMO it's just not that important what my feelings are toward the man. As far as I know, there aren't any words in teeny tiny print on the back of the CD that says "children, animals, and Clay Aiken was harmed in the making of this CD." Now, the current political climate...that makes me wish death to a few people. But I can't and won't comment about that here. *g*

ETA: found on the Clayboard, via getclayaiken.com:

"All is Well" by Clay Aiken on Walmart.com

Snippet of Michael W. Smith's version of this Christmas song here.

Very interesting...another exclusive? If so -- YAY!!!!!!! I'll be there to buy it!

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Umm, so Couchie got a signature in the crotchal area of the centerfold shot and doesn't even bother to share a scan of it with us? What's up with that?!

Love how "Director" Clay positioned the tattoo girls so they could get a good camera angle. Hee. B)

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This info is also on the Walmart website, I clicked around and found it:

All Is Well (Exclusive Album)

Clay Aiken

Not available for download

Buy this on CD from Walmart.com

Release Date: 11/28/06

Songs: 0

Release Year: 2006

So it looks like it's not a download, but a CD that you can order from Walmart.com and will be released November 28.

snatched this from ch...thanks morganette.

anyway, new fresh clack. looking forward to it. Hopefully this will also help with MCWL.

btw, that is not my magazine..i snatched it from somebody.....lol

thanks for the link to the song play...lol at the title..how long before the conspiracy theorists say it's a message from Clay to us. I so know this fandom.... every thing Clay does is a damn message.

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lol at the title..how long before the conspiracy theorists say it's a message from Clay to us. I so know this fandom.... every thing Clay does is a damn message.

Not to me - I added an extra layer to my tin foil hat just in time to block those subliminal messages from getting beamed directly into my brain .... :P

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Don't shoot me, but I already saw a post about Clive forcing Clay to title this to shut up the fans - well some of the fans.

Couchie - you should be getting the package in a couple of dsays, I finally made it to the post office. My apologies for the magnets, if you don't like them, toss them. This was not my best work. I have been having problems with my word document and printing, so I thought I would just free form it and it did not work, not consistant a size! Should have used the business card stock.

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Yes, it does seem the learning curve has been slow...in fact, I think it's actually taken a bit of a backwards step. Instead of getting desensitized, it seems there's MORE sensitization to bad stories about Clay, or even just indifferent stories about Clay. Why is that? I sure wish I knew the answer.

So true. Every mildly disapproving reference in even the most obscure internet blog is treated as if Clay were being physically crucified. Sometimes, just the fact that a media figure expresses a preference for an idol other than Clay is enough to enrage people. It's a little scary, sometimes.

thanks for the link to the song play...lol at the title..how long before the conspiracy theorists say it's a message from Clay to us. I so know this fandom.... every thing Clay does is a damn message.

Absolutely. Every song he sings is a personal message to us. Because it's ALL about us, really.

There seems to be a lot of projection in the fandom. Many imagine that Clay thinks about us the same way they think about him, because they want their relationship with him to be reciprocal. I believe he appreciates his fans, but I seriously doubt he's as obsessed with us as we are with him. In fact, I'd really worry about him if he were.

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PLAY I finally found and fixed that email issue with the montage contest. Thanks for helping out with the prizes and being our PR queen.

I'm still holding out for a miracle...meaning I get my hands on some money..heee...I wanna see Clay this year.

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Absolutely Jenna...I truly pray that Clay pays as little attention to us as possible cos it probably would drive him nuts if he doesn't. I hope that the reason he hasn't blogged is because he is very busy with his life right now...as it should be.

Hmm that snipet of that song is very intriguing...I have never heard it before and it seems like a real different style for him...really not pop at all...

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So what would people want on a Christmas EP. My favorite 'christmas' song that he does is GOOD NEWS although to me I can listen to it any time. But it has been captured to perfection in concert and don't know if he could do it better in the studio. If these are songs he recorded before but didn't make the album it could be there considering it was supposedly one of the choices to be the album title.

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There seems to be a lot of projection in the fandom. Many imagine that Clay thinks about us the same way they think about him, because they want their relationship with him to be reciprocal. I believe he appreciates his fans, but I seriously doubt he's as obsessed with us as we are with him. In fact, I'd really worry about him if he were.

Bolded part - Good Lord & Taylor, I hope not! HA! :P Seriously, the idea of Clay doing much reading of any of the boards or whatnot gives me an extremely uneasy feeling. I don't know how you could absorb that kind of detailed analysis of every aspect of your being, and not have it warp you in some way. Have somebody in Team Clay skim and update you on important crap yes, read yourself, NO! The myspace people in particular scare me on the rare occasions I read there. :ph34r: Of course that doesn't stop me from giving Clay a shoutout here: DUDE! Luv Ya!


Christmas EP? Cool! I can get behind the idea of Clay recording seasonal songs I've never heard before.


Some dancing nanas to welcome Aspiegirl, who made one of my favorite montages of all time: Dreamweaver. It does a really great job of capturing the mood and magic feeling of the song.


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Welcome Aspiegirl! Hope you have a great time here!

ITA with all of you on how much Clay thinks about "us." While I'm sure he has someone on staff who at least skims the boards for him and then relays stuff to him ("yeah, I know your words" comes to mind :D ), he certainly shouldn't be as obsessed with us as many are with him. First of all, there's simply the time factor -- he's got WAY too many things to be doing. And then there's the squicky factor -- I know I'd be very uncomfortable reading post after post about ME. And the subject matter of some of the posts, not to mention the ones trying to manage his career, or telling him what to do (rather than suggestions), would turn me off.

Here's another of my oddball theories, though -- people get extremely mad when the "Claymates" get mentioned as part of Clay's story. My opinion? I think Clay ENCOURAGES that to the media. I kinda believe that Clay simply finds the obsession with him extremely funny, and a bit weird, and I wouldn't be surprised if he talks to the media about the fans. A lot. Hence, they are part of the story. JMO.

How many songs are on an EP generally? I can think of three songs right off the bat that he can put on this EP -- the title track, "Christmas Waltz," and "My Grown Up Christmas List." "Good News" is also a possibility, although as couchie says, we've got tons of versions of this already. I'd love it if he includes "Celebrate Me Home." Maybe the growl will come back? :D (But then, he'd better also have a round box lid too... :P )

ETA: Hee, bottlecap, I just did the same thing, except I only ordered 2...

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Hi Everyone. Thank you for welcoming me. ((((HUGS))))

Clay is doing another album. EEEEEEEEEEEEE Is it Christmas songs ??? This is the first I have heard of this. Awesome if he is. :dancingbanana:

Ok. I ask some stupid questions sometimes. What does EP stand for? :blink:

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But I don't like Christmas.

If he's releasing an exclusive EP, why can't it be songs that didn't make ATDW?

Doesn't he care about ME??

Isn't it all about ME???? :unsure:


Well pooh! :glare:

PS - Welcome Aspiegirl!

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