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#3 - Here He Comes Again


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La la la la la - I'm in a cheery mood. Last night was fun, my dishwasher has died so I'm going to the management office and someone is responsible for fixing it (YAY! I hated home ownership -there's a LOT of expenses that people don't tell you about) and for some strange reason I looked up Clay on the Lycos 50. The only two who have been on the list for longer are Pamela Anderson and Britney Spears. I think he's just fine.

I can't see a V-neck tee either.

Sweet montage, aspie!

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aspiegirl, to me, Clay's version of "Broken Wings" is both melancholy and hopeful, and I thought the images in your montage captured that moody perfectly.

Geez, you never notice how many clocks and watches and appliances with time settings you have until you have to reset them all. :blink:

Off the watch a Harry Potter CD - I'll check back later this evening to see what the boards have to say about the TV Guide special on Clay. :unsure:

I've had high winds here this afternoon, which have blown most of the fallen leaves out of my front yard. Now, if they'd only send something like this tumbling in my direction:


The lower lip is killing me...

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Hey, the TV Guide thingy is fairly good - they even mentioned that the fans called one tour the "Not a Tour" since the dates just seemed to keep going...and a live interview with Clay!

According to Kimberly - the truth behind Clay's album! And they showed a clip with Clay saying, "this is something I couldn't say about my other two albums..."

Hmmmm! Clay says he doesn't want to win all the time. Clay loves singing. Clay says he likes singing stuff he likes and stuff he sounds good on - he doesn't think he's an artist like Alicia Keys with the songwriting (seemed to imply that people shouldn't hold their breath for that).

He really wants a talk show. Badly. And he thinks he's funny.

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Yo! ldyjocelyn! All the Chicago women ready to rumble? :04: :trink4: :09: :bier: :juul::voll::manynanas:

I think so! I'll be checking in with them at the beginning of the week, and I'll send you a PM if any developments occur between now and us seeing you. Will that work? I think there will be food (probably Chicago pizza ordered), sweets, and wine. Lots of wine. YAY!

The TV Guide thing IS good so far. I'm amazed. But, OTOH, it once again proves one of my gut feelings -- that Clay sells more albums via TV than radio. (Of course, it would help if it got PLAYED on the radio, but still...)

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A little tidbit to add to the Lycos thingy. This is part of the banner at EAYOR

Clay is the 4th artist ever to have his first 3 albums debut Top 5 and scan over 200,000 in the first week.

I really stopped and thought about this when I read it.

Clay, in only his third year of recording, is one of only FOUR artists EVER to have his first three albums scan over 200,000 in the first week.

That's f*ckin' amazing.

He's not going anywhere but up...heh...

He's long lasting...heh...

He's got a lot more coming...heh...

etc. (heh B) )

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They went over the gay thing, though did not bring it up in Clay's interview...a tad annoying - the radio guy says he's a "mystery" but it doesn't matter...the AI 1 person (Angela somebody, not Clay's Angela) talked a lot, didn't say much of anything, and ended with that she though if he came out it would impact his career with the teenies (as this would ruin their fantasies of being with him), but wouldn't destroy him. They showed what looked like an old AI clip where Clay was saying that if they assumed if he wasn't slutting around he must be gay, and that it wasn't true. But it was in the middle and overshadowed by tweedle-dee and tweedle-dum.

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Thanks for the fun yesterday everyone.

Aspiegirl, I am goingto wait until the dreaded bouncing ball stops to watch your montage - now is not the time. I guess Holly wants me to talk to her already. I went out and spent the day away from her, so now is play time!!! Right now it is read a sentence, throw the ball. Type some words, throw the ball.

Isn't it nice that Clay said this album reflected him - I guess we will be reading spin on this later. I swear the man looks too happy.

Can't wait for the clack!

ETA - OK, I fixed, it, I fixed it.

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Isn't it nice that Clay said this album reflected him - I guess we will be reading spin on this later. I swear the man looks too happy.

no doubt about this at all...i've always been amazed at how Clay can appeal to so many different types of people because they could basically frame him anyway they saw fit. The people who think he is miserable can always say that he's too smart to say anything against his label, yet he's apparantly not smart enough to handle his business all on his own.

And yeah, he does seem very happy Play. Maybe he's reached a certain comfort level with his life finally. i'm happy for him if that's the case.

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I have come to the conclusion that the people who think it is not AClay's album are the people who did not want this kind of album, who think Clay is a rocker, almost as if him being a rocker will make them younger. I don't really care what he sings, it is the VOX to me.

I see Clay as liking to sing. I am glad he denied being a R-teest and said he was a singer. It reminds me of Spencer Tracy talking about what he did for a living "Come to work on time, know your lines and don't bump into the other actors.". There is something about people knowing their place in the world and not putting ojn airs. Work is work and you can respect the gas station attendent as much as the executive (or in my executive experience, more)

Special disclaimer - knowing your place in the world as in fitting in and not feeling you are the pinnicle. I am not trying to confine Clay or make him speak less of himself.

Had to come in and correct Spencer Tracy's name, must spell legends correctly.

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Ah yes....I have come to accept that people will believe what they NEED to believe...

This is very similar to the sexuality question....for some poeple the only answer that they would accept from Clay is that he is gay...everything else is spin or cover up.

For some fans...the only time Clay's words won't be spin is if he says he was forced to make this CD...he was miserable and they are mistreating him because he dared fight....this is their reality...everything else he says will be forced to fit that ...

I give up on trying to argue...I just choose to take Clay's cue on the whole situation.

Glad the TV giude thing turned out to be good...can;t wait to see the clack

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Aspiegirl, that is a wonderful montage. The images FIT the song. It really rocks.

no doubt about this at all...i've always been amazed at how Clay can appeal to so many different types of people because they could basically frame him anyway they saw fit. The people who think he is miserable can always say that he's too smart to say anything against his label, yet he's apparantly not smart enough to handle his business all on his own.

I see Clay as liking to sing. I am glad he denied being a R-teest and said he was a singer. It reminds me of Spancer Tracy talking about what he did for a living "Come to work on time, know your lines and don't bump into the other actors.". There is something about people knowing their place in the world and not putting ojn airs. Work is work and you can respect the gas station attendent as much as the executive (or in my executive experience, more)

Special disclaimer - knowing your place in the world as in fitting in and not feeling you are the pinnicle. I am not trying to confine Clay or make him speak less of himself.

Ah yes....I have come to accept that people will believe what they NEED to believe...

This is very similar to the sexuality question....for some poeple the only answer that they would accept from Clay is that he is gay...everything else is spin or cover up.

These three quotes pretty much sum up why I'm very happy at FCA, and why I just love all of you.

1) Clay is an incredibly smart man, IMO. Therefore, I also believe that he can handle anything that is thrown at him. If he can't...well, he simply learns from the experience (and thus, gets smarter!!!!!). He really doesn't need anyone of the fan variety to fight his battles for him.

2) Knowing your place in the world = staying in your lane. While I'm glad that Jaymes suggested to him that he "swerve a little," he knows the value of staying true to himself. I really think that includes his musical tastes as well.

3) Yes, his answer to the question about the sexuality could also very well be used to answer the RCA questions as well. I never thought of it that way, but it's so true. Same with his "people want to make your life theirs" or whatever it was he said during LKL. It was a beautiful quote, because I felt it dealt with the tabloids and a LOT of other situations too.

And yeah, he does seem very happy Play. Maybe he's reached a certain comfort level with his life finally. i'm happy for him if that's the case.

So am I, dear couchie, so am I. I have to wonder if he's at peace with the amount of albums he's sold with ATDW so far. In a way, I think he might be...just a gut feeling on my part.

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I've just stopped lurking at the board that seems so intent on turning Clay's life and career into a platform for their own projections and needs. Just too exhausting and I get too pissed, you know? Especially since I can't throw in my own two cents... :P

I taped Clay on Kimmel last night and am going to tape him on TV Guide in just a few minutes. I listen to ATDW pretty much nonstop---walking the dog, in the car, on the bus to and from work, at work---his voice makes me happy and can soothe what ails me. It can also get my fantasies geared up and my fingers ready to type..heh. B)

Hey. I'm one lucky beyotch. I'm living at the same time as this miracle of a man. I get to see him and hear him live and in concert and on my teevee and such. He gives MEEEEEEEE eyef*ck after eyef*ck and lets me peek at his chest hair! He poses for pictures with his legs spread wide open just for MEEEEEEE! And he sings so very beautifully that I sometimes think my heart will simply burst from listening...

So....whatever the asshats and other clueless groovy people think about Clay Aiken, the man's okay in my book. ;)

And so is my hubby, by the way. When I left the office today and after meeting up with him and Carrie to watch her soccer game, I took Carrie home while he did an errand. I walked in to find our house all cleaned and shiny. He'd cleaned up while I was at work. :o

He's a keeper, y'all. :)

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Awww...lucky girl...

yup isn;t technology wonderful...just imagine how we would've coped 10 years ago....

Banner contest is now closed....VOTING IS OPEN...please let us know what your favorite is...and spread the word.

We got 29 beautiful banners to choose from...I think we will end up with a tie and we make have a second vote.

I really am having a hard time choosing.

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Awww...lucky girl...

yup isn;t technology wonderful...just imagine how we would've coped 10 years ago....

Banner contest is now closed....VOTING IS OPEN...please let us know what your favorite is...and spread the word.

We got 29 beautiful banners to choose from...I think we will end up with a tie and we make have a second vote.

I really am having a hard time choosing.

Me too. They are all so awesome!

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I loved the last several posts and like ldyjocelyn its a reminder to me too of why I love this place!

ATDW wasn't what I wanted, but I have always said I thought it was more Clay than most people would want to admit. And ever since I have seen him promoting this album, I am convinced of it. HE likes it. I think HE is very happy with it. And I don't think the sales bother him. He seems like he's a realistic man and he had to know this was not the kind of album that would go platinum after a week or two.

He looks as happy and confident and at peace as I have ever seen him. I think he has never felt as comfortable in his own skin as he does now. Maybe all the crap this winter lead him to that place. Maybe it forced him into a true acceptance of what his mother always told him - not everyone is going to like you. Maybe once he realized no matter what he said about his sexuality, people would believe what they want to, it didn't bother him anymore that they thought what they wanted to. HE knows the truth and maybe now, that is truly all that matters to him.

Whatever, he seems so happy and pleased it makes me happy and pleased. Why ruin all that with projected angst and conspiracy theories. Why can't we just be happy he's happy and leave it at that?

Well, it seems here at FCA WE can do just that. And that is why this has become such a special place to me.

Its fun being able to enjoy the fun of this fandom again.



I've just stopped lurking at the board that seems so intent on turning Clay's life and career into a platform for their own projections and needs. Just too exhausting and I get too pissed, you know? Especially since I can't throw in my own two cents... :P

Muski, I think I am about to join you not lurking at that board. I just made the mistake of going over there and reading.

Oy vey! :blink:

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The funny thing is that I think most people are on the same page. For whatever reason, Clive didn't approve the songs they worked on and said you're going to do the covers. If I recall correctly the prevailing sentiment I saw about the previewed songs was... this is the best they can come up with after all this time? Why is it so hard to believe Clive said the same damn thing. I believe the man is just an old fogey, saw a formula that has worked for him and just felt Clay would take that same formula and start another 'franchise.' This is all speculation and extropolation pulled out of nothing but my own ass. It's the whole they're ruining him on purpose shit that I can't stand. But this is the damn musical business, a business where a large portion of the artists in it are 'failures' when it comes to sales. That tells me that it's not some dastardly plan to ruin Clay but just business as usual. If they wanted to ruin him, there are much cheaper ways to do it.

It's a tough road and Clay doesn't have the power to do whatever he wants. The thing about Clay is that I don't think he does anything half assed and I do believe this album is him and something he is proud of. And if he isn't...then I'm sure he learned a whole heck of a lot. Sometimes you go through stuff and end up somewhere you never thought you could be. Lover All Alone came late in this game. That song would not have been on the so-called original album and who knows if he ever would have put pen to paper if not for the delays, the relationships built, the struggle to make ATDW.

Someone called ATDW a poor shivering orphan and I agree. I understand it is not everyone's cup of tea but even the people that like it seem to talk about it like this... although I love the album... clive bitch bitch bitch moan moan, rca, bitch bitch bitch moan moan, ROGER bitch bitch moan but I do love it. So even we have abandoned it and are already looking to the next shiney thing from Clay. There definitely appears to be little excitement out there, just worry, frustration, and conspiracy theories and it seems to carry over not just to the album but to his appearances, and good news as well. At least once a week I do my traveling aroudn the boards and there is some fun going on out there and I am glad about that. Hopefully we'll come out of the funk soon, and not clay's definition of the word. Speaking of good news, anybody have that link to the presidential appt write up...I never saw that .. heh.

I did kinda peruse the new ofc message board tonight..and to my surprise it actually felt like a fan club. Is the old cesspool still active?

And although this is probably a good Clay discussion topic..why not here on the main thread... .. if you were stranded on a desert island with just five peices of clack...what would those be...now this will take a moment for me to think about.. or a day...or two hee. feel free to post ysi or you tube if it's there or let me know..I'll post it to fcam or you tube. oooh and i know one of mine...gotta go find it though...this goes waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back.

On a personal note, my mom had like her worst night last night. I whined on Ansa's shoulder on AIM...but I was just at my wit's end. And then today, she had one of her best days. My sister and her family were over and her sister came by to see her as well. I'm starting to think she's just allergic to me. I guess the key is to keep the house full of people.

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KAndre hugs couchie real hard...rereads what she wrote...and redoubles her efforts to recruit her as a minion...

Because your first paragraph is exactly how I remember it too. Ehh, too many people wanting "cool" people to justify their fandom. I really believe Clay when he said he was never going to cool. I think ATDW is a great CD. One of my faves. Just like MOAM. Hell, I still love TITN in a ridiculous way.

Oh dear lord. Just five? Did you leave off the word hundred?!?!?

I've got 993 video clips in my Favorite Clay Video clips and am still working my way through the JBT!

Oh man.

Well, let me be brave and start review all my clips to make suuuuuuure I have my favorites...heh. No, no - don't try and stop me. I SAID, DON'T TRY AND STOP ME!

First and foremost though, will forever be "Always and Forever" - "I'm the American Idol" "Singin' Always and Forever" - and then that perfect, totally soulful voice comes pouring out of that body...I was in love.

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yeah KAndre only five will be tough.... oh btw, I will never become a minion because I want to keep you on edge. We can't have the ruler of the world getting all complacent.

Couchies favorite peice of clack.... #1

I panicked because I couldn't find this last night. I did a search on my computer, nothing. Couldn't find it in the vault on first look. On my old computer it was saved to the desktop for easy watching. I finally found it... there's actually a 45 minute clip of the appearance but the best part is on you tube... of course on my island, I'd get to have the whole damn thing...


I love this... I used to call all the screaming fangirls/women his applause. Clay took his applause everywhere with him.

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(muski scampers away backwards while bowing...)

couchie Thanks for that YouTube skip down memory lane. He seemed genuinely touched that his own minions were singing HIS song...love it!

Off to pick up Alex at the airport and then straight to her soccer tournament!

Later, dudettes....

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oK 2nd peice of stranded island clack would be Clay singing Invisible in Wilkes Barre during ai 2 tour.

I learned very early in this fandom not to get up in arms about anything until I saw it for myself. After this show people were angry at the panty throwers because clay turned a serious performance into something silly and it was going to ruin him. I got so upSET that I jumped on the 'don't throw panties during invisible' bandwagon..then i saw the clip... and like wolf trap and so many others these clips turn into something special for me. I can understand somebody's one and only tour experience being ruined but I live for these kinds of things..it allows that personality to shine in all it's glory. I love me some funny, tickled Clay.

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