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#3 - Here He Comes Again


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you wenches are starting to step all over my favorite clack.... love the heather headly duet... don't know if that's number 5... that might be number 11. heee

OK, anybody that knows me knows I'm obsessed with the Sacramento IT. Up until the 08/30/05 AC jukebox show..this was my favorite concert of all time..and I'm putting the non existent full concert clack as what I would love to have on the desert island. Of course this clack does not exist so therefore only those in attendance understand that this was Clay at his devlish best... the raleigh NAT comes close but not close enough to describing his attitude that night. It really saddens me that this show is 'lost.' I think I'm going to go around to the different boards and try to gather up all the wrap ups of this show before it disappears forever.

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Oh, yeah...Sacto IT...I was sitting in the second row on the grindage side! and I was giving a cellcer to my friend Pam and he was all over Angela (at least more than he'd been up to that point) and I screamed into the phone, "He's got his hand on her ASS, Pam! Not her leg...her ASS!" :lol::lol:

He was definitely hot to trot that night, but it makes sense that there's little to no CLACK...cuz I almost got killed myself by Jerome climbing over chairs and people to get cameras! God, I'm glad those days are over!

Thanks for the downloads, y'all. This is a great way for me to slowly rebuild my clack collection....sigh.

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I was gone for a few days and I admit to not being totally caught up on a few of the other boards, but I was surprised to read some of the posts expressing thoughts of there not being a tour for ATDW early next year. So, are people assuming this because ATDW has not sold like gangbusters or is there something else they are basing this on? Aren't there a lot of artists that tour small venues with even less sales than Clay has had so far with this CD?

I have so many favorite pieces of Clack, I just don't know if I could narrow it down to a few favorites. I loved so many of the "Stump the Band" segments of the JBT, his personality was so on display during these parts of the show.

CouchtomatoI think what you said about songs of praise very often being part of concerts of African American artists is true and I think it is probably fairly common in concerts of Southern, and or Country artists. I think that is where a some of his influences come from. Elvis very often did a gospel segment in his concerts. Personally, I loved YWT and GN, if for no other reason than, he simply sang the crap out of them and he seemed to pull those performances from some where deep inside him. I commented once on another board, if I get in my car and a CCM song comes on I almost always change station, it's almost an automatic response for me, but I love some of Clay's CCM songs on the demo's and still get them out from time to time to listen to them.

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oh yeah..Jerome meant business during the IT. Spotlightlover told me that she was sitting behind somebody who taped the entire freakin' show..but it has just never appeared. I'm ready and willing to pay a fortune for that clack.

Atinal..yeah, many are writing off his tour, already have him at another label and a new album out by the end of 2007. Funny how all of our experts haven't said there are bigger fish than Clay that have been forced out of labels, or stopped from recording for years. Nothing moves that damn fast. I just wonder which one of these big labels is going to sign Clay and let him do whatever he wants or maybe it will be a small label. I see how well that works for K-Lo. I tried to step out tonight and surf but the first thing I saw was the sentiment that poor widdle Clay was forced to do MCWL. Oh and I'm sure they forced him to do all those JNT's as well.

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I always enjoyed YWT and GN because of the purity and beauty of his voice. Maybe it's because I grew up with friends who were Southern Baptist, but I've never been uncomfortable witnessing someone publicly expressing his faith, even in the context of a pop concert.

There has been a lot of great Clack, hasn't there? That AOL MOAM session really was a gem, because there was such nuance and delicacy in his performance. One almost felt as if one were peering into his soul.

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I think my upload is fast and someone here liked it - so we will see.

Why am I doing a load - it is here

Hey, I tried interveining, but I really think that some people think I just do that to make trouble, rather than present my view, which I know pretty much differs from every other fan. I did bring up that when Clay says he will tour, he does. Like JNT every year. Somehow, fans saying he should do things to further his career rather than the JNTs miss the point that he might just feel he has to do things that make him happy and being too famous has it's downside.

Edited by playbiller
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The thing with YWT is I don't need or want a sermon served up with my music. If it were a CCM concert, that's one thing, but this was a pop concert. He sang a VERY religious song between Rosanna and TITN! And those images..... I felt like he was a cheap TV evangelist tying to force his beliefs down my throat.

I am very sensitive to people trying to "convert" me or "save me". I was raised essentially with no religion. My mother was taught about Christianity while growing up on a coffee plantation in Guatemala, but was not religious. My father is Jewish, but not a practicing religious Jew. He never even got bar mitzvahed because he walked out of Hebrew classes. I have my own beliefs but they don't conform to any organized religion. I have never felt as if I need to be saved and resent it when people tell me I do or I will go to hell. Now, I KNOW that was not Clay's intent with YWT (GN is different. Christmas is meant to be religious), although I do think spreading the word is ingrained in him, but that's how it felt to me. This was a pure pop concert and then, without warning, Clay arouse and bathed in holy light sang while crosses and other religious symbols were splayed across the jumbotrons. I felt like I was being beaten over the head with a Bible. I was actually offended and felt very uncomfortable all 8 times I saw it. *g*

Obviously I wasn't so offended that it stoped me from wanting to see the concert..... B)

ETA: Gee, I never thought of looking in Clack Unlimited for the Heather Headley clack! Why look in all the obvious places! :lol:

Edited by Claygasm
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Hey, I am an atheist, raised Catholic, and I didn't care - music is music, I like gregorian chants as well, I just don't think they are going to convert me.

Now George Huff frequently appearing on the 700 club is a real turn off to me. So you can get my with politics more than following your own religion.

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oh well...I finished uploading it on YSI...here is the link to the CYFTLT file.

I was gone for a few days and I admit to not being totally caught up on a few of the other boards, but I was surprised to read some of the posts expressing thoughts of there not being a tour for ATDW early next year. So, are people assuming this because ATDW has not sold like gangbusters or is there something else they are basing this on? Aren't there a lot of artists that tour small venues with even less sales than Clay has had so far with this CD?

exactly...and are we forgetting that Clay toured twice in 2005 with no CD to promote. As far as I know ...this is all speculation because some people are thinking backwards on this...

CDs are not created to promote tours...tours are done to support CDs...so if ATDW is not meeting expectations...the more they should be motivated to tour. The only time CD sales has an impact on the tour is the size of your venue...the bigger the hit the bigger the venues...

Touring is usually the way an artist makes their money. A lot of artist don't sell enough CDs to cover the cost of production and promotion. They make their money by touring. Clay didn't earn very much for 2006. I suspect this is one of the main reasons why he decided to do these Christmas shows. Its a good way for Clay to make money with as little overhead as possible. Clay and his managment will certainly want to go on tour in 2007 so that they will make some money...more so if ATDW does not sell well.

Clay has said several times in various interviews that he plans to tour early 2007..around valentines...this means the negotiations must be underway for these concerts. he also said they are planning to go on smaller venues...so I think the plans are well on their way.

If people will just think logically about this and listen to what Clay says they will realize that there is no reason to panic.

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Hey, I am an atheist, raised Catholic, and I didn't care - music is music, I like gregorian chants as well, I just don't think they are going to convert me.

Now George Huff frequently appearing on the 700 club is a real turn off to me. So you can get my with politics more than following your own religion.

Yeah, I can be gotten (is that a word??) with my politics too - and if Clay ever appears on 700 Club I may have to disown him!

Funny thing is, I loved Clay and Ruben's Jesus Is Love from the AMAs (which may also be part of my desert island clack... Or it would be close to the final cut. The standing ovation alone makes it special!). I like gospel music sometimes. I think it was the context I didn't like with YWT. I have had too many "friends" try and convert or save me over the years, so I am just a might sensitive about it I guess.

Speaking of Jesus In Love, I think I will include it as part of my desert island clack. :)

And thanks for the CYFTLT clack. I forgot how much I loved that!

Now I have to tear myself away from all the clack and get to bed.

'Night all!

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Speaking of Jesus In Love, I think I will include it as part of my desert island clack.

Lawd Jesus! CMSU! :lol::lol::lol:

Sounds like a soap opera in a convent..."Jesus in Love"...tune in tomorrow when we discover the secret woman in Jesus' past who makes a surprise return in his life, just in time to stop the wedding!


(just kidding, anybody...don't mean to assault anyone's religious beliefs...but when I read this typo and then when I saw it was from CLAYGASM of all people.....

:lol::lol: ...It just CMSU, I tell ya!)

Edited by muskifest
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Speaking of Jesus In Love, I think I will include it as part of my desert island clack.

Lawd Jesus! CMSU! :lol::lol::lol:

Sounds like a soap opera in a convent..."Jesus in Love"...tune in tomorrow when we discover the secret woman in Jesus' past who makes a surprise return in his life, just in time to stop the wedding!



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There have been times this year when I have let the mood of the boards really get me down. I've really worked lately at adjusting my expectations. I don't necessarily mean that I've lowered my expectations as far as Clay and his success is concerned, but adjusting expectations in terms of fan reactions. I've seen fans who have been fortunate enough to meet Clay more than once, state such dislike for this album, that they would only download the few songs on the CD that they like. They want to send a message to RCA that this is not the type of album they want. I understand that that is their right and I'm not trying to get into a good fan/bad fan scenario, but do they really think that it is RCA that gets hurt by that. When I think of the countless hours of entertainment and joy I've gotten from being a Clay fan, I can't imagine not supporting him by buying his CDs. Something else I see lately, is that fans who I've always considered knowlegeable and voices of reason, seem to be jumping on the RCA/Clive hate/ sales/promotion sucks bandwagon and that has a tendency to send some regular posters into a tail spin. So, sometimes, I take a step back and imagine a worst case scenario where Clay Aiken loses his popularity, doesn't record anymore, and because of that he doesn't tour anymore. If that would happen, and I feel pretty certain it won't, I'd still have over 120 full length pretty high quality versions of songs he has sung. I'd have hours on end of video Clack to remind me of the wonderful performer he is, and I would have the cherished memories of the 7 times I was lucky enough to see him perform live. I guess I feel better when I think of what Clay/Clive/RCA have given rather than dwelling on what might have been. I'm not an insider, I'm just one fan, who has discovered that, yes, sometimes ignorance is bliss.

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I've seen fans who have been fortunate enough to meet Clay more than once, state such dislike for this album, that they would only download the few songs on the CD that they like. They want to send a message to RCA that this is not the type of album they want. I understand that that is their right and I'm not trying to get into a good fan/bad fan scenario, but do they really think that it is RCA that gets hurt by that.

I know what you mean. The only message not buying his CD gives is that Clay is no longer popular. I undertand that people have different expectations, but it saddens me that some seem to have forgotten the bigger picture. The more he sells, the more leverage he has eventually.

Something else I see lately, is that fans who I've always considered knowlegeable and voices of reason, seem to be jumping on the RCA/Clive hate/ sales/promotion sucks bandwagon and that has a tendency to send some regular posters into a tail spin.

This has been one of the most difficult things for me to see. It's made it harder for me to go back to the main boards.

I guess I feel better when I think of what Clay/Clive/RCA have given rather than dwelling on what might have been. I'm not an insider, I'm just one fan, who has discovered that, yes, sometimes ignorance is bliss.

I totally relate to this, atinal. I have longed believe that most people have the ability to control their own happiness. We can choose to look for the joy, or choose to focus on the sorrow. I prefer to enjoy what I can, when I can.

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Tour? Oh, he'll tour, unless someone ties him up and throws him in a dungeon somewhere. After three years of watching Clay live, whether in person or one of the videos, IMO it's his favorite thing to do. Plus it's part of his job and the one area of that job where he can actually earn some money. Need to keep boyfriend with a roof over his head. ;c)

My last three pieces of Clack. So hard!

8 - The JBT Happy Together where he bites Angela's hand and and then headlocks Q & A, all the while happily bopping his head and singing Ba ba bah bah bah. The twinkle in his eyes was to die for. Plus I love me some Turtles.

9 - The NAT where he wears the backwards pink hat during YGAF and does his rap move on Jacob, and none of them could sing anymore from laughing. Except Clay. Cos he can most always sing.

10 - This was hard. Do I go goopy with Wilkes, sexy with Miami blue-shirt-of-clingy-goodness-WDC, adorable when pulling yellow roses out of a piano bench the last night of the IT (and fedora!), or stay in my fun zone? I opted for fun zone. Hey, on a desert island, why would I want to cry? I could dehydrate. And if I'm alone, too much sexy would be more than I can bear. (Course, it could motivate me to build a boat ...)

Anywho -- Decided on Little Humper Boy. Embarrassed, laughing, how-do-I get-out of this Clay? And he still sang purty, despite his "nasty dancin'."

Can't believe I have two with WY Version 1.0 when I don't even like the song.

Dang. I didn't count my CDs (40+) and DVDs in that 99 GB. But still, Kandre made me feel downright normal. I'm much obliged. And thank goodness for the Maxtors, both of them. The first one I bought, I thought 80 GB would be enough. Hahahaha!

BTW -- the Clack lists -- this is aside from audio, yes? We can have the actual CDs with us? Please don't say no, or I'll hyperventilate.

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Speaking of Jesus In Love, I think I will include it as part of my desert island clack.

Lawd Jesus! CMSU! :lol::lol::lol:

Sounds like a soap opera in a convent..."Jesus in Love"...tune in tomorrow when we discover the secret woman in Jesus' past who makes a surprise return in his life, just in time to stop the wedding!


(just kidding, anybody...don't mean to assault anyone's religious beliefs...but when I read this typo and then when I saw it was from CLAYGASM of all people.....

:lol::lol: ...It just CMSU, I tell ya!)

Ooops! Do you think that was some kind of Freudian slip??? :lol:

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So I wake up and check FCA and what assaults my sleepy eyes?

Dancing penises dressed in Halloween condoms!

But hey, they're from bottle, so why am I surprised again? :blink:

Heee!!! Halloween, eh? Boo, y'all! :ph34r:

And play---babe, I'm right there with ya...why anybody would think that NOT buying Clay's CD is sending any message to RCA other than Clay ain't selling CDs is beyond me. Hell, I wasn't all that excited about MOAM after listening at first but still bought a bunch---ended up giving every single one of them to somebody I like as I grew to love it more!

Got a couple of ATDW at my house now, too. Have more than a couple people in mind for likely giftees! ;)

The work day begins! Off to do my meeting manager thingy. Have a good one, all!


hee! LOVE the mic placement here.... B)

and speaking of the Miami blue shirt of clingy hawtness and other clingy things...


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Hey, I am an atheist, raised Catholic, and I didn't care - music is music, I like gregorian chants as well, I just don't think they are going to convert me.

That's really me too, honestly. I'm far from a CCM listener, generally turn it off when it comes on. But if the music grabs me, or the passion in the performance, I'm there. I'm also pretty solid in what I believe in as well. If Clay had started singing songs about Devil worship...yeah, I'd still be there, saying "oh, isn't he pretty in red and black? And doesn't he sing this song soooooo well?" But it wouldn't make me go, "well geez, I guess I'd better dump my beliefs and become a Devil worshipper."

The secret that I discovered with the YWT performance was to watch his face. I found that this works best if you're about 15 rows back (blasphemy! Not from the front row), with a pair of binoculars focused on his face. Good Lord, the passion he has singing this song shows. I think there's clack out there somewhere that does exactly that for this song...I'll have to look for that.

CDs are not created to promote tours...tours are done to support CDs...so if ATDW is not meeting expectations...the more they should be motivated to tour. The only time CD sales has an impact on the tour is the size of your venue...the bigger the hit the bigger the venues...

I think you're basically right here -- that Clay will be touring in order to sell more of ATDW. I actually think this tour will sell a LOT of CD's, because I'm thinking that the voice will be front and center -- with the addition of his quick wit and charm that he utilizes to his great advantage in the banter.

OTOH, as you said in your previous paragraph, Clay toured once without a CD to promote. (I really don't count the JNT2005 in that, because MCWL will always be promoted around the holidays.) More on that later.

If people will just think logically about this and listen to what Clay says they will realize that there is no reason to panic.

Aw, but that's way too easy!!!

Yeah, I can be gotten (is that a word??) with my politics too - and if Clay ever appears on 700 Club I may have to disown him!

As a Christian, I don't think I'd go QUITE that far...but I'd sure be way disappointed. WAY disappointed. Icky poo.

I think it was the context I didn't like with YWT. I have had too many "friends" try and convert or save me over the years, so I am just a might sensitive about it I guess.

Totally understandable. I'm one who doesn't like having religion pushed down my throat either. And, as a Christian, I've also been told that I'm the WRONG kind of Christian. WTF? But for me, I think I was just stunned too much by the pretty to pay much attention.

JIL? Still one of the greatest pieces of clack ever. The balance of their voices was perfect, and that glory note is amazing. Loved the camera work on that one too.

The Broadway cares thing cracks me up, because Heather was just such a giggling fangirl, and that makes me smile. Another good match of voices too.

I've seen fans who have been fortunate enough to meet Clay more than once, state such dislike for this album, that they would only download the few songs on the CD that they like. They want to send a message to RCA that this is not the type of album they want. I understand that that is their right and I'm not trying to get into a good fan/bad fan scenario, but do they really think that it is RCA that gets hurt by that.

I know what you mean. The only message not buying his CD gives is that Clay is no longer popular. I undertand that people have different expectations, but it saddens me that some seem to have forgotten the bigger picture. The more he sells, the more leverage he has eventually.

Something else I see lately, is that fans who I've always considered knowlegeable and voices of reason, seem to be jumping on the RCA/Clive hate/ sales/promotion sucks bandwagon and that has a tendency to send some regular posters into a tail spin.

This has been one of the most difficult things for me to see. It's made it harder for me to go back to the main boards.

I guess I feel better when I think of what Clay/Clive/RCA have given rather than dwelling on what might have been. I'm not an insider, I'm just one fan, who has discovered that, yes, sometimes ignorance is bliss.

I totally relate to this, atinal. I have longed believe that most people have the ability to control their own happiness. We can choose to look for the joy, or choose to focus on the sorrow. I prefer to enjoy what I can, when I can.

I'm just quoting this whole thing again, because it needs to be resaid. All of it. *bows before atinal and JennaZ*

Tour? Oh, he'll tour, unless someone ties him up and throws him in a dungeon somewhere. After three years of watching Clay live, whether in person or one of the videos, IMO it's his favorite thing to do. Plus it's part of his job and the one area of that job where he can actually earn some money. Need to keep boyfriend with a roof over his head. ;c)

Well, we know he has a major housepayment now...

Yeah, I think the man loves to tour, a LOT. He feeds off the audience, and that seems to recharge his batteries. I also think the JNT is a way for him to recharge his spiritual batteries too. JMO.

Good Lord, I can't believe strummer picked her 10 pieces already. To me, I'm finding it hard to pick them, because so many are like beloved children. There's the fun ones (humper boy is a grand old time), the sexy ones, the "OMG can you believe how he sang that" ones...and there are just so many.

I don't even want to think about how much clack I have. 2 120 gig externals, a new 250 gig external, loads of CD backups and DVD's, yikes!

Happy Halloween everyone!

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I understand what ya'll are saying which is why I'm pretty much hiding over in my little corner of the world and I think I've finally separated the fandom from my being a clay fan. Me and my big mouth would be banned on several boards right now cuz I'm not sad, I'm totally disgusted at quite a few things. Frankly on top of the things you mentioned, what gets to me most is those people who disappeared long before this album came out who seemed to come back to stir up shit and dance on his grave in a passive agressive way. I just want to reach through my computer sometimes and slap a beyotch or two. And I don't want to feel that way, I really don't. So I need to gain perspective as well because I'm part of the problem. When I found myself barely being able to contain my dislike for someone in L.A. I realized something needed to change and I'm trying to do that. Step one: Stay out of it and just do things that make you happy in the fandom.

I mean is this really it? One month after the album we're going to start the wait for a new one when in all reality that is likely 2 years away? We have all sorts of clack coming up this month... clay singing in December but we just want a new record and superstar sales number and to put this "debacle' behind us.

Moving on...

Strummer - great list...

BTW -- the Clack lists -- this is aside from audio, yes? We can have the actual CDs with us? Please don't say no, or I'll hyperventilate.

next thing you know, ya'll are going to try to make me mandate.. which clack would you take to a desert island that can fit on one 80 gb hard drive. NO DICE. heeeee

I have five precious goodies left to select.

Muski..you are just a mess...get your ass out of the gutter. heee

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I understand what ya'll are saying which is why I'm pretty much hiding over in my little corner of the world and I think I've finally separated the fandom from my being a clay fan.

Well, this board is a very cozy corner of the world! I can't tell you how nice it is to have a place to express these feelings.

So, tomorrow is MM's show? We have Tyra already taped, with the possibility of him being on two shows because they shot so much material. We have Days of Our Lives to look forward to, and possibly Regis & Kelly. Before long, the concerts will start and we'll once again have cellcerts and frequent Clack infusions. We have quite a few things to be excited about in the near future.


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But I am here and it is Halloween and it is a good time to be had.

I also love the Jesus is love song, I often think that Ruben sang one of Clay's lines, but no one ever asked them about it, so we may never know. Anyway, they were having a good time singing together , so I had a good time. I do remember the angst about Ruben appearing and have no idea how that happened, I assume it had to do with the fact that the two of them were the big topic of discussion that year.

Does anyone wonder what will happen if Idol Rewind does year 2? Will heads explode? I heard someone was editing year 5, so I am thinking they may skip forward to it. <- thinking with absolutely no basis to come to this conclusion except it is odd to edit year 5; so do not quote me on any board or I will get you!!! Right now, I can almost never find when that show is on, they moved it about near me and prempted it some.

Choose to be happy? I think the serenity prayer says it best "God grants me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." - Most people seem to lack the wisdom to know the difference. Clay is on my TV after a long absence and will be touring again, Ok, it will mean direct hits of Clack! Mainlining Clack - Aaaaaaaahhhhhh. I choose to celebrate.

Banned, I haven't been banned, but I have been warned on pretty much every board. I have no problem with people expressing opinons, but over and over and over, enough already! Find something new to say. Not to mention, I do not like random cursing. My parents rasied me not to curse. I am very square. I alos have an issue with a growing number of sites where the mads are participating by editing the people who disagree, I just stopped posting.

Well, it is a beau-ti-ful day and I am off.

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