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#5 (plus #6 & #7) - "Well....the weather outside is frightful...but the man is so delightful..."


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Personality wise, I'd vote for Jimmy Stewart too....but looks wise, I've got to go with Cary Grant. Suave, smooth, and deboner. *g*


And...what is pretty cool to me is that during this tour, he really almost took on the Cary Grant look....


The stylist he has at the moment really works well for me. I hope Clay likes it too.

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Holy crap - it takes a long time to scroll down to the bottom of your second picture, lj. Clay joked that it took him twenty minutes to squeeze into that sweater. I hope it comes off faster than that.

Pokes muski and mutters "Write faster" while breathing down her neck... :unsure:

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Playbiller, I'm not sure where the answer lies with the distribution of Clay's CDs. I remember the comment the girl from Handelman made, but I couldn't help but wonder if she made it in retaliation to some of the fan response to her. I know she didn't go about getting her information out there is a very professional way, but it looked to me like she got hammered by a couple of fans who thought they knew way more than she did about the KMart CD with the download.

I live in a small community with another slightly larger community about 20 miles away. Both towns have WalMarts. I never once walked into either of these WalMarts when they didn't have AIW. I don't think they ordered very many. My local store had 11 as the Q number, the other store had 2 different Q numbers as far as I could tell, one was 5 and one was 6. I think I bought 10 of 22 that were available in this area. I don't think I can jump to the conclusion that he doesn't have many fans in this area, because the average Joe probably didn't know about the EP.

The same is true of ATDW, I have never had trouble finding it. Maybe it's more of a problem in the more populous areas......who knows.

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I think of all those guys as 40's guys who also made movies in the 50's - but their prime was in the 40's and for that group I would have to add Alec Guiness and Leslie Howard - for the 50's it is more James Dean, Rock Hudson, Marlon Brando and the many husbands of Elizabeth Taylor.

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Great ideas, ladies! And ansa...you are me! Jimmy Stewart, Gregory Peck and Cary Grant...sigh...and did you know that in hte mid 1970s, when I was working at a television station in Wash. DC, I interviewed Gregory Peck on the telephone! About his work on "To Kill a Mockingbird"..

Oh, his voice...(thud)...what a voice. What a man. He had a great anecdotal story about meeting Harper Lee on the set. :wub:

Now...anybody have ideas about what kind of formal wear the guys back in those decades wore? Would they have long coats and long scarves? Shoulder-padded jackets? Double or single breasted? Baggy pants, right?

I'm trying to create a wardrobe for Clay to wear. He needs to look like a movie star from that era....

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WOW that is some picture...

OH my...I am freezing...it is around 20 below 0 where I am and I thik I will just snuggle up in my bed.

Before that...I have to comment on Clay's message.

I am particularly excited that he said he is looking forward to whats happening this coming month...that means he is not going into hibernation...something is happening in coming months. YAY

Fresh start...hmmm I wonder if that means they are giving the promo of ATDW a restart...or its just rhetoric for the new year...I guess we will just have to wait and see...

g'night all!!!

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Tsk, tsk...are we leaving out my main man Errol Flynn in a nice double breasted suit...


and in case odd rebuttals to my succinct telling of facts occurs by newbie posters, remember...

I'm entertaining!

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I thought muskie asked for 50's? whine I am so literal - this is probably why I can't write, no imagination.

I think we are seeing some of the promotion others wanted earlier, I guess there was some underestimation of the fandom, I wonder what is to come in the next fewe months. So the fresh start that he was talking about was for each of the addressed fans, correct - it did not refer to himself - or am I hearing wrong?

I have to decide on what I am going to do tomorrow and actually do it - the days tend to blend together with nothing getting done lately - I am not good in the winter when I am cold. Right now I should walk the dog, but I put an old rug donw the celler over some plastic and I just opened the cellar door for her - the height of laziness. - I set this up so I could go to the concerts or be out all day without a walker, but some nights, it is more convenient than actually taking her out - next step will be litter box training

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btw....Chapter 9 is up! B)

those words are getting as exciting as the the phrase...clay blogged...hee

here I am freezing my butt off...when I could still be snuggling in bed. But I just had to read the CLyra.

can't wait for this party!!!

Today...I have to work on Clack...I have to get my HD organized. and burn some DVDs.

I have a feeling we will have more clack coming in the first few months.

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Remember me? Wow, didnt realize how long it was since I was even here to read...with the holidays, WFI and all I just had no time....I am hoping after the new year to change that.

BUT after reading through the last 10 or so pages I was behind on, I had to tell you...I really like the friendship and respect I see here....I kinda feel like I am standing outside a candy shop with my nose pressed to the window....I envy that you all seem to know and love each other....

It is nice to see such a board..and one with no green ink. I get tired of the disrespect for Clay on other boards...and sometimes for each other. I just dont get it....

I now have to figure out how to make some money before the next tour starts because I just wont miss it....promised that to my daughter a long time ago...and somehow so far, I have kept it!

thanks for letting me sneak in!

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rcknrllmom wrote:

I envy that you all seem to know and love each other....

I'll agree with this statement very much...but it really wasn't always the case. Sure, many of us are familiar from our other boards, but there's been several on this board I've gotten to know this past year just by reading their posts, and learning about them that way. How did this happen? Simple. They got up the nerve to post.

I truly do love the core group that we have here, but am always on the lookout for new members to join in the conversation. If you're lurking -- please join in the conversation. We won't bite, I swear. OK, maybe a love nip or two. *g*

rckrllmom, I did wonder where you've been, so I'm glad to see you back.

Oooooo, new Clyra chapter. *stampede of feet*

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Yes, I wub :wub: all my special friends on this board. I have never been around a group of women that support each other as much as this bunch seems to do. :) Mostly I am cornered by witches on their brooms or people just saying how much they like me while putting the proverbial knife in the back at the same time. OMG, I am ranting again. Somebody stop me. :)

As you can tell, I am feeling much, mucho better. Still a little wheeze, but everything seems to be calming down now, so I thought, what the hell, I will just go out into the rain this morning to the local craft store. I think I lost my mind there for a minute, chilly, damp, and trying to get over bronchitis, not a swift move on my part. LOL. But I never said I was a genius, just an eviile genius.

Ansa girl, how in the world do you do it. I would be a very plump ice sculpture if I lived up there. I can't take it when it gets to the 30's around here and you are 20 below. My GOD, I don't know how all of you's people do it above the Mason Dixon line. I think that I will just stay down here in my 60 degree weather, rain or shine, I am going to stay, no dragging me to the cold, no sir eee. ((((( HUGS ALL AROUND TO THE SICKIES AND WELLIES ON THIS BOARD ))))

HEY, by the way, I am working on 2 hours sleep right now. I am fixin to go down and try to catch up on my sleep from last night. Still not a bit tired. May be the mania is setting in again or it could be the steroids that I have been taking. I am talking a mile a minute, and thinking twice as fast. Somebody stop me!!!!.

See ya. Nice to hear from you again Rocker, missed you.

Play, pet Holly for me. She is a sweet heart. I just know deep down that you wubs you a lot and she is not the dog from hell anymore, but I have the cat from hell. LOL. And you wonder why I could not sleep last night. HA HA!!!.

One question before I go, who put up that gorgeous picture of the ....... pants and gray sweater. I broke out into a sweat when I saw that and suddenly my finger just stopped scrolling at one point. I was definitely lusting in my heart (tm Jimmy Carter), hey I live in Georgia.


This is how I feel on the insides: :manynanas::nanalove::nanaonacid:

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Well I've taken a slight turn for the worse. But at least I can lay around for the next few days and nurse myself back to health.

So the four of us--hubby, two girls and I---are going to see "The Pursuit of Happiness" today.

How was it?

When I was new in the fandom, I regularly visited and posted in 3-5 different boards. Eventually, that narrowed to 1 or 2, but in recent months, so much of the joy in the fandom seems to have been replaced by anger and bitterness.

Which isn't to say that I don't worry about him, or long for the kind of industry respect or commercial success others have had. I just find that I get more out of this fandom when I concentrate on the pleasures, which are myriad, and the positives, which are many.

Plenty of Taylor, but no Fantasia. When it comes to promotion, I have to wonder if she's still Clive's darling, these days.


Oh I know all about that need to know as soon as things happen. I remember during Idol I was over on TWOP and once they moved the fan Clay thread I simply couldn't keep up with it and I thought those women were too darn crazy..so many posts a day. Then after he lost idol, I zoomed to that thread and it wasn't even enough for me. I participated in so many boards I don't know where I found the time. A couple of yahoo groups (and one of them had over 1000 members, CB, Red Hot Topic, TTC, Clayversity, not to mention TWoP and some of the other "general" type boards with CH of course being the place I settled. By the time he started touring regularly I didn't have time for all the boards because I was busy trying to keep up with him on FCA. Of course I was always woefully behind. Of course that was mini FCA...before I started chatting with Ansa and lured her away from a sniper's den. LOL. JUST KIDDING!

I began to sour on the fandom during the Fran/LTS double whammy. But it still took a long time for it to hit me that I don't have to be the first to know everything. It will still be there tomorrow or the next day. I don't have to hit refresh every hour. And I think I do still see everything worth seeing. I have way too many Clay friends not to know when something important is going on. I still give a lot of time to Clay but it's less fan centered and more Clay centered. 2006 drought pretty much helped me give up my need to even read the boards every day. I can go weeks without reading the big boards and I don't feel the need to go back and catch up. I read backwards and usually after a couple of pages I've had enough. I got to some of these boards for specific reasons...like still will check in on EAYOR periodically, Clayversity during the concerts, CB seems to come up with some fun silly threads to relieve tension and I love the off topic threads at the CH etc. etc.

Then with my mom being so sick this year and during the album drop...I still think that played a large part in FCA becoming the only place I read every day. I needed good mojo. I love the excitement of the big boards when something great is happening with Clay but don't need to know or obsess over other idol sales and promotion every day, mean old nasty RCA, the slimy underbelly of the internet, or the latest Clay insult from Dubai. DUBAI? HELLO people, it's DUBAI.

Yep, from every indication, Fantasia was Clive's sweetheart. She was performing at his parties and getting primo spots to strut her stuff. I love Fantasia, but I don't follow her. Yet I have not come across her once. In fact I haven't seen anything about her since her movie on Lifetime which did spectacularly well. She sucked in it though...girl can sang but is not an actress. So what's up with that. Does RCA hate Fantasia as well that she got so little promotion from an album that was so well received by the critics?

I share your sentiment on hopes for Clay and his career.

Maybe they are having trouble putting the mythical band in the video. I heard hallucinations don't film well. ;)


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I am alive.

I think.

I hate this. I really do not do sick well. :glare:

I want to read the latest chapter of the Clyra saga, but I think I need to curl up on the couch again.

Just wanted to say hi.

Couchie - I hope you feel better soon!

Muski - how's Kenny today?

rcknrllmom - glad to see you back. I was wondering where you got to!


Hopefully I'll see you all later.....

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Play, Clay is the only artist that I buy ...yeah I'll buy somebody every now and then but really have no qualms about downloading music. so can't say I have any scruples when it comes to this area. I lost both my extra songs in my computer crash so had to get the songs elsewhere. I'm not buying another ATDW just for those songs. I bought several extra copies already. ALL is Well may be hard to find but through online networks there are people willing to help so don't see why folks would have to pass that around for free. In fact, I have a couple left if anyone needs one.

I am just saying that maybe the blame could be spread to moe than just a few people. Heck some of the blame should stand squarely on the fans - have you read some of the fan reviews on Amazon - with fans like that, you are not going to sell a lot =- "well, Clay was Mandated to do this album, he reallyd didn't want to sing covers and hates some of these songs, but you should by this album." = Yeah, if I was looking for something I would jump on that one.

Yeah, we hurt Clay as much as we help him. We sure like to pat ourselves on the back when we think we've helped but that crap above is just assinine. I think we were really graceless when Clay failed to keep that "winning streak" alive. I'm really disgusted that the above sentiment is so widespread and yes if I came across a review like that I'd think twice about buying something from somebody who obviously didn't want to do it so obviously couldn't have put his heart and soul into the project.

Clay left an audio New Year's message at the OFC.

So, Why does Mr. "I Don't Make Resolutions" want to know if I've made mine yet? OMG! He's telling me I'm fat, isn't he? He knows I'm sitting on the couch with a bowl of ice cream instead of drinking a bottle of water while running on the treadmill.


Damn, first of all I loved your bottlecap icons LOL. Ah I have to go hear this but damn if I have to create a new password every time I log in. It's not fun.

Ok...here's your chance to help me write some fanfic! Hee!

ooh does FCA get a research credit? LOL.

The same is true of ATDW, I have never had trouble finding it. Maybe it's more of a problem in the more populous areas......who knows.

I've seen ATDW all over the place all through the Xmas season. AIW was truly hard to find and actually only found 2 in my local area.


BUT after reading through the last 10 or so pages I was behind on, I had to tell you...I really like the friendship and respect I see here....I kinda feel like I am standing outside a candy shop with my nose pressed to the window....I envy that you all seem to know and love each other....

Oh don't feel like that. Come on it and join us whenever you can. Just jump in...the water is warm.




Never heard of it.

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You think that what is happening with other idols is odd? I was wandering again and came across this Ruben tidbit American Idol' star Studdard believes about Ruben and a new Year's show in Hawaii - very nice and positive article, but it includes this quote "Studdard's next projects include a Christmas album and another R&B album, both slated to be released next year he said.". HUH? He just put out one album this year, now he has 2 more scheduled for next year? Makes you see that it is not only Clay that has odd things happening. I remember talking to a young guy who was looking for Fantasia's album in Novermber and I had to tell him it was pushed back, he just sort of knew she had an album comeing out and may not have bought it, he thought the store just did not carry it. He was actually happy when I told him to come back in a month and he would find it in the store. I really try and think how I buy otehr artists. I think it is usually I wander into a store and see their album sitting around and buy it or for another I searched Amazon, when looking offr otehr things to buy and found some new stuff by epopel I liked. I don't recall being hit over the head with any promotion, didn't see them on TV. The CDs were just there and had been for some time.

Clay is looking forward to the next few months, so I think that is a good thing, at least for us.

georgiaclay, sounds like you needa long vacation in someplace warm. Don't make yourself sick now. Cats from Hell - been there - I don't think I have ever visited anyone with a cat without being bit at least once. I even had a cat for several months (Mom's cat, after she passed on), and made time to spend at least 1/2 hour laying on the bed with the cat petting it, excluding the dog, every day, while working and while walking the dog for an hour each day, working full time/over time. Of course, this was before Clay when I was on the internet trolling the some sites (freepers!) and posting positive on others, getting into arguments with various newsman on the unfair coverage of news (I got banned from CNN over their coverage of the "impeachment" of Bill Clinton when I accused Sam Donaldson of seeking the lowest common denominator of covering only the slimiest of the story, and not like actual facts). One moment I am a member in a small debating room and the next moment I am blown out of the system. The haters ruled there, and these were true haters who wallowed in crap. Ah, I was trained so well in what the future would bring.

Eventually, Fear took the cat and my dog was happier. The cat had a habit of leaving it's blocked door room in the middle of the night and jumping on my dog as if she was the ladder to the bed - it was hop on dog, hop up to bed - them it would lay there, nestled against me, for a little while and then leave, jumping to the dog them the floor (Sadie slept next to the bed).

20 below? Ansa, keep those sick kids home! Lucky you, heh. It is vacation time anyway, isn't it?

Muskie, don't discount Brando Clay - in a leather jacket saying "I could have been a contenda (on idol)"

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SO how many went and googled that song??? Just me then??

It actually came up with a match...makes no sense....when I followed it it said artist name of ATC...

thanks rocknrllmom..

But more importantly


one of my beautiful ones just because the 126 million dollar man. I bid Zito a fond farewell from the Oakland A's but he's just across the Bay where I can still see his beautiful face and can root him on..unless we ever face off in the world series!! I know I started that thread but don't think I ever did list 10.

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From 43dudleyvillas:

143. Clay Aiken, A Thousand Different Ways: 22,780 (482,964) - So it looks like ATDW had another good sales week. Can it clear 500,000 by the end of the year? Hope so.


rckrllmom - I'm glad to see you back, and I knew you had a very busy holiday season from your posts at the CV. You know, I read CV all the time and post reasonably frequently there, but I still feel like I'm out of the loop since I've never met anyone there in real life. Of course I've never met anyone here at FCA either (I hope to remedy that in 2007), but I think it's easier to get in tune with each other because of the size of the board. It was very slow going here at first, but I'm so glad we've gotten big enough to have sustainable conversations and whatnot, while still maintaining a level of silliness and smut (cough* all muski's fault *cough). I also appreciate the lack of pretense here - nobody pontificates like they know better how to manage Clay's career than he does. I guess it's just a certain vibe here - like acknowledging the crap, but not dragging it explictly in here and wallowing around in it. Eh, I'm not expressing myself very well.....


Tyra - Wow. You get some very interesting pictures when you do an image search on her name.... :blink: . Great chapter, muski!

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I haven't finished catching up on posts...but just to remind people...I am talking 20 below celsius, which is how we do temp in Canada. ...which is only -4 degree Farenheit.. So -20 C in Canada is not as cold as the US -20 F.

Oh heck...its still cold anyway you look at it... :D

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