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#5 (plus #6 & #7) - "Well....the weather outside is frightful...but the man is so delightful..."


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Since it's really snowing here for the first time this winter (which is very odd for northern Ohio - no snow until the end of January), so I'm especially taken by this Foster Gala picture that makes it look like Clay is generating a very hawt orange aura.... RRRRRwwwarrr!



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So, the truth is out - the reason that Ruben won was that Bottlecap did not vote enough!! She could have voted 13K more times and swung the vote! Live and learn, Fear was in NCand could no get through at all. I was at home and voted on 3 pohones (OK 2 phones some of the time, 3 most of the time) and only got through when the voting was over, and told the voting was over. That is 2 populous states with no ability to vote for Clay. Yet Clay won Ohio!

In honor of your snow.misc28.gif No snow for me (tm the soup nazi)

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KAndre shuffles her feet sheepishly...

Well...I only tried to vote once...got a busy signal and didn't try again. Hey, I thought he would win anyway! Which he did. Heh. I bought CDs instead!

Mea maxima culpa!

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Voting? Tried to vote for about an hour and half during the last show (I think that was the only time I voted). I was doing laundry and watching "NYPD Blue" at the same time, so that shows you what a multi-tasker I am. *g* I think I got through about 17 times in that time frame. I thought that was a pretty bad showing, until I got online in the days following discovered that, according to the online community, I had done pretty well.

Craziest Clay thing I've ever done? Probably get up at 4:30 a.m. and sit outside in minus 10 degree weather to watch Clay do a radio interview through a glass window. Why was it so crazy? Because I should have gotten up at 3:30 a.m. to see him up close. Instead, by the time I and two companions got there, the line around the station was three deep. I still got to see him pretty well though. This was during those Christmas radio shows he did in 2003.

I also consider very crazy buying way too many sets of tickets for only 2 shows during the JNT 2004. I think for that Atlanta show I ended up buying at least 3 pairs of seats. Upgrade fever, when it hits, usually hits pretty darn hard!

bottlecap, I love the orange glow Clay. He's so pretty.

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KAndre shuffles her feet sheepishly...

Well...I only tried to vote once...got a busy signal and didn't try again. Hey, I thought he would win anyway! Which he did. Heh. I bought CDs instead!

Mea maxima culpa!

I wasn't a voter at all. I got in maybe 5 votes for Clay over the course of the season. My sister voted for him more than I did. heee. gave up on finale night after trying for about 20 minutes with no luck. Did I tell ya'll I hate phones?

I bought broker tickets for AI2 concert but never again and I didn't upgrade after that either. Frankly the only time I think I have upgraded seats since then is Boston. Oh that was funny. That was planning the JBT New England run and a friend of mine, you may know her as LdyJ told me that they were going to try to upgrade. And I was like, no, I'm happy with my seat and if I upgraded I'd have to spend the entire trip eating at the dollar window of Jack in the Box. But then I got the email at work. FIRST ROW BABY. Thank god she let me pay her back on the layaway plan. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Obviously you are off the hook here BC sounds like there were a lot of slackers for the anomoly. Bet you didn't have the nerve to admit it that day - voting in the first 20 minutes is for suckers - it is later in the night after others have given up that you get through, if you can get through. Geeze, I was so involved with all sorts of Clay sites by that time , I knew about voting the entire time.

Now, I did not vote before, well only a few for people I thought were leaving,I felt Clay was always safe. Safe until I started seeing the Entertainment tonight Ruben campaign, we=here you were only allowed to say bad things about CLay and I had to go around correcting misinformation on Vincent all over the office. No he did not sing the song off key, no he really did not forget the words, just lost his place, Other people forgot the lines and never got called on it..yadda yadda yadda - I think that is when they started to dismiss my opinion on things. Oy. what an annoying time.

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Have ya'll seen this blog. I just found it today although it's been around awhile (to do list. .. update FCA links) but I found it thoughtful and interesting. And it looks like she spent time on research. Hell I don't know who she is but I mostly love that her writing doesn't scream over protective mama bear.

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couch, that blog really hit the nail on the head with the "heterosexist" analysis. For over 20 years , my brother was a ballet dancer. The hetero jocks in school kicked his ass from here to Sunday. I can see how "Littleton" happened. He was utterly tormented. Of course , they assumed he was gay.

Once in the ballet world , he experienced the other side of the coin. Yes, heterosexist gay folk. Most didn't give a snot what he was, but there were a few in management and he didn't play the game with them. Yes, in addition to a hetero casting couch in world class ballet companies, there can also be a gay casting couch as well.

And I don't mean couchie couch, the sweet one.

You see it in every oppressed group. My Dad was a Holocaust survivor who snapped and hated Jews for example.

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My moment......

was not "Take". I didn't watch AI1, and I didn't start off watching AI2. My daughter used to sit and watch it in the living room and I could occasionally hear it. Eventually I started going in just to watch Ruben and Clay. I think the first show I actually sat and watched was Billy Joel night. I was not gaga until Solitaire. I literally fell off the couch and I have never looked back. I discovered the boards and at first only streamed video from ca.com until I figured out how to right click and save, and then, like many of you, discovered Neurox and was in d/l heaven.

Voting....and one of my craziest things

I live in Canada, so you know, we can't vote. But my daughter begged and begged until I relented and we drove 3 hours to Buffalo on a work day/school night so we could watch the finale and vote on a friend's phone. We never got through once on the land line but we got through 88 times on text. And then drove home again.

Other crazy things.....

- We drove 6 hours on snowy roads in December 2003 to see Clay sing 4 songs in Cleveland at the Jingle Ball.

- We flew to Raleigh, rented a car, bought a map, and found our way to Winston Salem for the IT. All this one day after we'd already seen it in Detroit.

- I piled my 3 teenagers in my little Chevy Cavalier and drove 16 hours to Greensboro, NC to see the NaT. We camped along the way because we couldn't afford hotels, and then we camped for a few days at the ocean in Wilmington before we drove back home again. Then I saw the same show 4 more times by car, and flew back to Raleigh in October to see it again, twice in one day. We stayed with a lady who I'd never met or spoken with other than in board PMs. It was great!

- Rinse, lather, repeat.

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The evil Houston Posse makes like Godzilla and Conquers New York.

Considering we never manage to go sleep before 3 in the morning, somebody is always up by 6 or 7. And on the computer. And take my word for it, it's not the "innocent" one. By 8, we are all up (except for the "innocent" one who insisted that we get up EARLY to go into the city). We take a note from Clay and send one of our number downstairs in her pajamas to acquire eggs and bacon from the buffet while we consumed the last of the cheez doodles. The maid comes in, sort of gasps at the mess we are living in, and asks if she can start. We say sure. (Warning: if you wanna hang with the eHP and are a neat freak, either bring blinders or medication. We will stress you out. As long as wherever we end up sleeping is not crunchy, we're cool.) We actually attempt to plot out our course today using mapquest instead of Damien, finding the ATM, the Targets and the train station. We determine that several of our number have been to New York before. It's only somewhat helpful because in general we only remember vaguely having fun. That seems to be true for many of our trips. The last of our party finally arising, sweetly rubbing her eyes and looking around in amazement that the rest of us have managed to be vertical for a while. We laugh at her. Eventually we get our act together and leave the room (and it is only cocidental that we have also run out of cheez doodles. And Frappucinos. And Cokes. And pastries. But we still have Twizzlers left.) I need more money so we find the ATM. And of course I hand over my card and ATM number. And we take a picture of Scarlett's behind because she's the one closest to the ATM and is too short to actual reach the buttons without crawling halfway out the window and her butt was just there. And that's what friends do. To try and control some of her blackmail material. Of which she has lots. But we won't discuss that. We bebop down to the train station and for the life of us, cannot figure out the frickin' ticketing machine. I think we end in up with 3 different passes and hand them off to each other to get in. We eventually arrive at some train station like Penn or Grand Central or something, climb up a lot of stairs and we're in New York!

This paragraph break is not brought to you courtesy of muski...lessee...this one is for play!

OK, we climb out of the train station and on a bright sunshiney street. With lots and lots and lots of people. And cops. I am fond of cops. So I ask the cop where we should go. He takes one look at us and says, "OK, this is how you get to Macy's..." We flirt a little more, and head off toward Macy's. On the way to Macy's a bright glitter caught Solo's eye and she pointed out to me a store with a baseball cap in the window, covered from back to front with rhinestones. She then wished she didn't, because of course I dragged them all into the store like the magpie I am. Unhappily, those psychos wanted like 150 bucks for the hat - I might like glitter but I'm cheap, too. Happily, merrieee promised to acquired a bedazzler and make me one so we left. We approach Macy's with about a billion other people, all ogling the windows. I gotta admit that Macy's all dressed up for Christmas was impressive. Of course, Scarlett and merrieeee immediate run off to take their pictures by the giant Snoopy or Pooh Bear or Wiggle or Jaws or something. We catch back up with them, and I mistaken allow some desparate dude to spray my wrist with some cotton candy perfume. It was actually cotton candy crap perfume. I attempted to rub it off on anyone who would hold still long enough. It's funny, Macy's has like traffic cops at the tops of the escalators to keep the hoi polloi moving. Hard to buy stuff that way. But surprisingly enough, we managed. All of us using merrieeee's credit card for some really good reason I can't remember right now. We keep shuffling merrieeee from register to register. Though she wouldn't let me buy the full length mink coat or the model wearing it. The model did let me feel it up and we had a nice conversation. She was a nice model and agreed I would look wonderful in the coat. I bought a couple things. Just a few. A teeny amount, really. We actually found a counter that only had one person in front of us. Of course, it turned out that the reason that no one was behind her was that she was trying to get approval to spend counterfeit yen on someone else's VISA using her maternal grandfather's ID from Hungary. But she did get it approved eventually when another counter person came over to help. Being that Perusing One and merrieeee and Solo and Scarlett are excessively friendly and told the clerks all about us including the fact that we were going to see the same concert 3 different times. The female clerk eyed us and mentioned the fact that there really were lots and LOTS of other things to do in New York. We laughed at her. We sort of think about going to see some sights but realize we're hungry and blow off exploring NYC. The group having decided I'm the decider, I locate an Irish pub close to the train station for lunch. Which had a real Irish dude running it. We eat Irish-New York food and I have a Guinness. Which is nasty, but the bartender really did take a couple of minutes to pour it (he said it was a law) and made a little heart-shaped doohickey in the top of it for me. After eating, we realize it's like 4 or 5 pm and we are supposed to go to a Clay fan dinner, and so we start heading for the train station but there is another bling store right next to the Irish pub so of course I have to browse and buy more glittery items. But we climb back aboard the train, and head back to where we parked the car when we are stopped by a lady walking a very nice dog. Who just LOVES merrieeee. Who hugs it and lets it kiss her. As we go off, merrieeee comments matter-of-factly, "I don't even care for dogs." What can I say?

We hit the hotel and start dressing up for our final dinner and concert - many of us wearing the new items that we so desparately needed from Macy's because the stuff we brought with us was clearly inadequate. Oddly enough, we leave late. And are stuck in traffic. But we reassure the dinner planners that we are gonna be there. Eventually. Let me tell y'all something. We love you and all that stuff, but promptness (except in actually seeing Clay) is not one of the evil Houston posse's virtues. But we will show up. Unless we find something better to do. Or we are bribed. But if we are bribed, we will give you the chance to make a counter-offer. Because we roll like that. We locate the restaurant. Which was...interesting. And I will leave it at that. After dinner, we locate a native, interrogate him as to location of the Count Basie theater which he assures us is WAAAAAY to far to walk and we need to leave NOW because parking SUCKS. And we drove around this little burg and I'll be damned if the parking didn't suck. They did have LOTS and LOTS of "we WILL tow your ass away" signs though. Friendly place, huh? After arguing with Solo about the fact we would not leave her butt to park the SUV while she wandered around in the dark, we eventually parked at another train station and walked to the theater. Thank goodness I was only wearing my 3-inch heeled boots. This is an old theater, clearly under renovation. And I am in the middle of like the 12 row, pitiful as that was. But I am all set to enjoy my final concert of the year.

Next: The Red Bank concert....

couchie, you know once you volunteer to do stuff like editing my crap, it soon becomes your job....

And I want everyone to note - I've got like SEVEN paragraphs in this one! WOO HOO!

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just got back from seeing Dreamgirls. Jennifer Hudson WAS the show. The end.

I tried to vote on and off for the full three hours on finale night. Didn't get one call through. Previous voting nights I'd gotten through no problem.


Near the end of the movie, after Jamie Foxx had driven away and screwed everyone who ever cared about him and they showed him standing alone with a spotlight on him, fading....the metaphor hit me.

Good guys DO end up on top. Asshats and gnats DO end up eventually being alone and hurt, one way or another. Clay is a strong soul. He's a winner.

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Why am I more interested in what KAndre didn't say than what she did say. Heeeeeeeeeeee.

Anyway, you're almost there..looks like you'll be able to strike one thing off your to-do list by the end of the day. Whoo hoo.

Luckiest1 I can not believe we have been in the same place so many times. I'm sure we met and said hi and all but I'm old, have short term memory and need to meet folks a few times and sit with them and talk about something or share a ride or room to remember hee. Can't wait for next tour. I hope there is a place that will be convenient for all the FCAers.

Diva: I'm sorry for what your brother had to go through. I find their are closed minded, hateful people on all sides of the spectrum!

just got back from seeing Dreamgirls. Jennifer Hudson WAS the show. The end.

LOL.... sniff..guess you didn't want company honing in....

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Well maybe I should explain about the Macy's charge thing!!!!! It turns out I am the only one of the bunch who had the foresight to bring her Macy's charge card with her and well they were having one of their great sales. If you charged stuff you got another 20% off! Well we may not be easy but we are cheap...err...that didn't come out quite right! So I proceed to charge all their purchases. Get this I stand in really looong lines so I can pay for stuff that is not mine while the others continue to shop. Scarlett keeps calling me to find out if I have checked out yet! Now the real reason she keeps calling is the fact I have Right Here Waitng For You as my call tone and she just want to hear Clay sing it*g*

Oh If I remember correctly I was the only one who didn't buy anything. When I told my DH what we had done he laughed his head off and said "That's what friends are for!"

My husband today told me that when I have the eHP over to the house this weeend i need to call it a Super Bowl party, that way the cops won't be suspicious*g*

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My husband today told me that when I have the eHP over to the house this weeend i need to call it a Super Bowl party, that way the cops won't be suspicious*g*

Will there be clack??? :trink4:

Voting - I only voted finale night. I got in tons of votes. I just sat on redial watching whatever show followed Idol. I didn't keep track of how many I got in, but I was actually concerned it was so easy to vote for Clay! Probably because the Philly area was in love with Ruben....

SIGH..... It's almost criminal, how hot he can look...


You got that right! I volunteer to arrest him and strip search him!! :medium-smiley-070:

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OL.... sniff..guess you didn't want company honing in....

couchie! What does this mean? Were we supposed to go see this together and I forgot? Did we talk about this at our watering hole a couple of weeks ago? If so, can I blame my faux pax (sp?) on two beers?

I'll see it again with you if you want.... :medium-smiley-070:

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Luckiest1 I can not believe we have been in the same place so many times. I'm sure we met and said hi and all but I'm old, have short term memory and need to meet folks a few times and sit with them and talk about something or share a ride or room to remember hee. Can't wait for next tour. I hope there is a place that will be convenient for all the FCAers.

Heh, then I guess you don't remember that I sold you a ticket for the Raleigh afternoon NaT but couldn't find you to give it to you and then finally found you after the show and apologized? :allgood:

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Luckiest1 I can not believe we have been in the same place so many times. I'm sure we met and said hi and all but I'm old, have short term memory and need to meet folks a few times and sit with them and talk about something or share a ride or room to remember hee. Can't wait for next tour. I hope there is a place that will be convenient for all the FCAers.

Heh, then I guess you don't remember that I sold you a ticket for the Raleigh afternoon NaT but couldn't find you to give it to you and then finally found you after the show and apologized? :allgood:

heee... so..how about those Lakers. LOL. That was another one of those big big weekends where I met a million people. I got to see it through someone else's eyes -- my friend who attended Kimmel with me. Talk about a large event. She was overwhelmed by the entire experience.

I loved those Raleigh shows... the closest Clay has come in attiude to my Sacramento IT..although hmmmm he may have come close on one of the Xmas shows too because he really was snarky. I guess I need to get back to watching clack.

No Muski, none of the above..I'm just frittering away the day trying not to wash clothes. I need a maid.

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Heh, I am thrilled to see paragraphs and oh so flattered - and quite amused to see what was left out of the Red Bank dinner story. I am also a little sad because most of this story takes place about 4 miles from my house.

I don't see where there was a great walk from the train station to the restaurant to the theater, but maybe that dog walking is getting me in practice. It wasn't even that cold that night. I won't spoil it for others, but the ceiling enthralled me that night.

Heh, I also have to admit meeting Luckiest1 in the Cary afterparty. We must have met in Winston Salem and in Greensboro as well, but there was a lot going on and so many people met that night. They were big parties. In Winston-Salem I was giving out quizzes and having people argue that their answers were right, when they were wrong*!!!smileys7.gif and trying to figure out how to give out prizes fairly when some people were working in colaboration and wanted multiple prizes and others were struggling alone. In Greensboro, I was in the hallway selling the excess Clackhouse mugs to total strangers who were waiting to get in. I believe there are some left!

*Never, never did Clay ever say that Simon was his favorite judge!!!

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Chick, the maximum I walk in my normal life is like maybe 400 yards and I want to put on tracks shoes for that - and it's 54 degrees outsides now - and I think it's freezing. You Northerners clearly have anti-freeze in your veins - but I think that's cute!

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Chick, the maximum I walk in my normal life is like maybe 400 yards and I want to put on tracks shoes for that - and it's 54 degrees outsides now - and I think it's freezing. You Northerners clearly have anti-freeze in your veins - but I think that's cute!

Hee. I was kind of enjoying being outside shoveling the snow off my driveway this evening, even if it was 15 degrees. [Waves to georgiaclay, who is probably shocked at the very ideat...]


And I'm just waiting for Ansa to come in with her stories from the Great White North, eh.

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