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# 9 He's a man of a 1000 faces and all of them are great to look at.


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31 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be for the FCA Forum?

    • He's a man of mystery that I would like to figure out.
    • Clay live just replentishes my soul.
    • There's so much more in life (and in Clay) to enjoy, celebrate, and savor.
    • Oh. My. God...on so many levels!
    • The world needs more Clay Aikens.
    • All done darling, all done. All finished.
    • Clay isn't the only good guy out there. He's just the one we love the most.
    • It isn't so easy to get your knickers off when they're in a knot.
    • He sells himself so very well.
    • Teefy, toofy; Smiley, goofy; windky, "wonky;" My favorite "honky!"
    • He is simply doing his thing...quietly...without fanfare...what a beautiful thing.
    • That doesn't mean that I don't still think that he is super hawt and that I'd like to lick him...
    • He was cute, he sings pretty, he teases people, and he's sexy.

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I FLOVE ldyj's new avatar!

Me too! I would love an animated .gif of Clay's facial expressions after the horse erection comment. Anyone know how to make me one?

Wow, last night's show was a blast. I stayed up so late.....thought I might end up having to call in sick today, but my son made sure that didn't happen, because I ended up having to drive him to school. Figured what the heck, might as well keep going. And really, I'd probably end up working harder at home cleaning up the ever-present mess. :cryingwlaughter:

Spin, poddies, spin your little brains out! :goaround:

Hee, my thoughts exactly!

Edited by luckiest1
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Yay I got to watch the clack at midnight..right before the show aired so I could go to bed at at regular time.

KarenEh..you are so right..that clack would have been uploaded in three formats and on you tube before Osama knew what hit him.

What cracked me up the most is that they conducted the interview while he was on a horse like it was nothing...it wasn't until the end of the first segment that they even mentioned it. Too much. I'm glad he mentioned the tour and Kimmel mentioned the tour. I really hope he goes on other shows to promote it cuz I don't know if the Kimmel audience will exactly be running to Ticketbastard this morning. But the good part is that this appearance will garner more tour mentions in other sources for him. So yay.

Happy Friday.

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As requested, here's a little recap:

Kimmel was fun. I'm always a little surprised when it is, because after waiting in line all afternoon, some of that in the hot afternoon sun, I keep telling myself I'm never going to do this again. And then the little shit shows up on a horse, does an interview, on a horse, and rides off into the sunset, on a horse. Hysterical.

Clay and Aida really hit it off. During the break they were talking with great animation. Our supposition later was that the topic was Gregory and his diabetes, but who knows. However, you can tell that she enthusiastically jumped onto the sofa to sit with him, where they kept talking to each other and looking at each other and stuff throughout the rest of the show. I'm not shipping here, just saying that the man's easy charm is hard to resist.

During Alexa's song, Clay had his arm along the back of the couch. His fingers were never still, tapping along with the music while he generally grooved to the song. He seemed to have a great time, as did we all.

And while I'm at it, EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE to the new CD!

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Thanks artquest. It's always fun to hear about the stuff we couldn't see. It did look at the end though that him and Aida were best of friends, suddenly. He's a charmer, that Clay Aiken guy.

Well, that...and that his fingers look nekkid without the rings.

muski, I noticed that too. Amazing how I missed them, actually.

Mary looks very pretty in the picture. Not shipping, not shipping, not shipping...but kinda curious, y'know?

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I have been trying to think of what the symbolic meaning of Clay reiding the horse meant. - OK - I am not normal!

Now perhaps Clay insisted on talking about Afghanistan and Jimmy asked him to get off his high horse.

Looking up the phrase "and the horse he rode in on" I am struck by how often I see 'Fuck him and the horse he rode in on' a lot - apparently some people are very ambitious. I have yet to fine a definition of what that phrase means exactly, but it seems to mean that it is an uppity person. I saw that James Carvelle wrote a book about Ken Starr and he horse he rode in on and that there was a Will and Grace episode where Grace was quite dismissive of the man she met on a horse while chasing a dream that he would become (Connick) It does not always seem to be an insult - just talking about the whole package around some one (afraid of Muski while writing this, very afraid!), mostly negative, but could be positive is they have a point.

I think I will leave now and not comeback until I can find some way to rewrite this.

Basically, I was trying to figure out who's idea and what they meant - but I should just take it for what it is. A joke.

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Hmmm, and there's Mary again...

Yep....didn't notice her on first glance....funny how she rarely gets shipped, isn't it? ;)

ETA: Well, that...and that his fingers look nekkid without the rings.

Doesn't bother me. I'm sure he could have replaced them by now if he'd wanted to. I kind of wondered if he was getting sick of wearing them, he was so quick to auction them off at the gala!

The whole Kimmel show gets funnier and funnier the more I watch it back. *checks clock to see how much longer 'till my next scheduled viewing*

Looking up the phrase "and the horse he rode in on" I am struck by how often I see 'Fuck him and the horse he rode in on' a lot - apparently some people are very ambitious.

BWAH. Thanks for the giggle!

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artquest, did Clay ride the horse off the stage after the first segment or did he jump off onto Jimmy's desk or something? I assume it must have taken some time to re-set the stage with the couch and chairs between segments.

Was Clay wearing cowboy boots? I couldn't tell for sure.

Also, it looked like there were quite a few more guys than have normally been in the typical Clay audience. What did you think? Did Clay have any interaction with the audience during the breaks?

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Someone somewhere said Jaymes was in the audience last night and thought it strange.

For once Jaymes being there made sense to me! If she is the EP on the new CD I would think she would be very much involved in picking the producer(s) of the songs. I mean, isn't that like her job?

So, if Kelly and Jimmy don't spend Kelly's interview time tonight talking about how wonderful Clay is, will they both go back on the hate list??

artquest, thanks for you report. I love hearing about the things we don't see.

Oh my, though. Some of the things some are saying..... I even read one person say - after posting the picture of Clay riding off on the horse - that the picture should be captioned "What a Horse's ass"! The reason - he is not acting like a sincere musical artist! Others hate that he said the picture with the school kids was a photo-op and how that demeaned his role with UNICEF. There are even some who didn't like that he said he looked like Jesus!


Clay has always been silly, goofy, funny, 12, and giggley. I for one think that is a huge part of his appeal. Why can't people see that?

Give me the lime green leprechaun on a horse any day!

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Postwhores - I can't even edit my post, you move on so fast.

Mary and the Claymates (I.e. someone we knew would not let Mary go up in the elevator without an autograph) - have you forgotten what happened at the elevators at AC? If it had kept up much longer I would have felt the need to interceed. Let's just say, I am fairly oblivious to a lot of things, but even I noticed what was going on there.

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It will be interesting to see if the horse is really for Clay's segment, or not!

My money's on Clay's segment.

And keepingfaith, do tell which gif o'er which you drool? Might it be from Rhode Island? :whistling-1: Ain't nuthin' folding in that one, let me tell you straight up.

I drool o'er this one umyeah.gif

and muski, if this ain't Rhode Island ....

then please please show me some Rhode Island!

In retrospect, all is right with the world ... last night we had Clay in hot jeans on a horse with an erection (yes I like that phrase just the way it reads) and he said "ass" and "screwed," likened his photo to a "confused Jesus", and said he'd kill Bin Laden. He seems to have his life back. I love this man.

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Mary and the Claymates (I.e. someone we knew would not let Mary go up in the elevator without an autograph) - have you forgotten what happened at the elevators at AC? If it had kept up much longer I would have felt the need to interceed. Let's just say, I am fairly oblivious to a lot of things, but even I noticed what was going on there.

Care to refresh my memory?

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Mary and the Claymates - it was after the JBT and KAndre nicely invited so many of us into the casino livingroom for guests - where the elevators to the suites were - We were quite a noisy drinking crowd but sat off to the side. A lot of the people cfrom the show came around and one person decided to get autographs and got most of the band and the backups. Jacob, came down to recruit people to go to his show the next evening in NY - handing out autographed pictures, etc. Quiana and Angela came down to talk to all of us and were surrounded - apparently during this time, Mary slipped in the door and headed for the elevators - our autograph housd decided she needed Mary's autograph as well and, while respectfully not entering the elevator, would not let the doors closed and she tried to talk Mary into autographing her. The alarm on the door was going off because she just would not let the door close - after many minutes, she finally was distracted by people calling her name and the doors shut and Mary escaped.WHile I could seethe elevator clearly, I could not see Mary - she must have been pasted against the back of the elevator.

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then please please show me some Rhode Island!

Can someone direct keepingfaith to the lovely Rhode Island Solo Tour "You've Got a Friend" clip to which I refer? I'm at work and cannot do so. I thank you...as I'm sure she will. :hubbahubba:

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Postwhoires - I canb't even edit my post, you move on so fast.

Mary and the Claymates (I.e. someone we knew would not let Mary go up inthe elevator without and autograph) - have you forgotten what happened at the elevators at AC? If it had kept up much longer I would have felt the need to interceed. Let's just say, I am fairly oblivious to a lot of things, but even I noticed what was going on there.

Hmmm very interesting..would you elaborate please???cos my fertile imagination has Mary having a catfight in an elevator with a claymate...BWAH...

LOVE LOVE LOVE that kimmel appearance

the horse entrance was too funny. I wish we didn't get a heads up on it though. I don;t blame the fans that was there...just wish they kept it hidden better cos that would've been a stronger impact for me if it was a complete surprise. BUT I did laugh so much because its just the silliest thing...I wonder who thought of it.

I thought he looked totally natural on that horse...no nervousness and pretty comfortable. I loved Jimmy's reaction.

there were so many moments that I thoroughly enjoyed...the part where he said sorry Peta...BWAH!!!

I loved the photo op comment followed by I'm not going to lie...BWAH...so real!!! For the people that found things to be unhappy about in the photo op...ass...Jesus...killing Bin Laden comments...I really feel sad for them cos they are missing out on a lot of funny stuff.

the last time Clay was interviewed he mentioned that the were looking into starting to work on a new CD...It looks like it started...and since there is no announcement of him leaving RCA and no signs that he will be doing that in the future...can we conclude that he is doing this next CD under RCA as well???

I thought this appearance debunked a lot of rumors...inside info and speculation...If Clay is just meeting with potential producers...so I doubt we will have a CD this year much less have it ready by Fall. It also seems clear he hasn;t been in the studio recording according to the rumor going around...

I am always very excited about new music from clay...but I think it would be something for 2008...and in the meantime I will be excited about new music from the two tours he will be having...

GAH...I love the climmel...

oops was too slow with this post...I see someone else got clarification from Play...TY

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I just want to reiterate - the person who had Mary standing in an elevator was at no time threatening - more like just annoying - Mary wanted to go to her room and this person wanted an autograph - it was a stand off that lasted a little too long. Some people were thrilled with this persons interest (Jacob!!!) - I don't think Mary wants to become a person of note, she seems to like the background.

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It's perfectly clear to me why Clay came out on a horse ..... He's a Sagittarian.

He likes surprises, doesn't want to do the same thing twice, and he's a Centaur! I do think this was all Clay's idea because Jimmy mentioned being allergic to horses and Clay thanked him for being a good sport. Yep, I think Clay puts thought into his Kimmel appearances to always do something unique. As if just being himself isn't unique in and of itself!!!

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I loved the photo op comment followed by I'm not going to lie...

You know, Clay has used the phrase "I'm not gonna lie" frequently in his recent interviews. I wonder if he picked that up from someone he hangs around with a lot now, because I don't remember him saying that before - kind of how I never used "whatnot" before in my life, and now bust it out in normal conversation all the freakin' time.

I can very well see Mary not wanting to do an autograph thing. Jacob, Quiana, Angela and the band members are performers and public people who probably thrive on the attention from fans. Mary's a behind the scenes business person, and I could understand her thinking it would be intrusive.

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