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# 10 It isn't so easy to get your knickers off when they're in a knot.


New thread title poll  

38 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • Clay Aiken ? I can?t imagine my life without him.
    • Compromise ? I have learned to live with it?.
    • Clay Aiken: not-ordinary, an acquired taste, likened to kitsch ? but has people talking
    • Gah?and stuff
    • He is such a grown-ass Southern-gentlemen type man
    • I love me some Clay Aiken! He (soft) rocks! *g*

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Hey, I found I had an emoticon in myphotobucket that I never used - maybe we can use it when we are talking about Meet and Greets?


Well, maybe not sailor - but he could say that to me, I can sail!!!

Edited by playbiller
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from the public side of the OFC...

06/11/07 : NBC Holiday Skating Special Starring Clay Aiken

By Team Clay

CHRISTMAS COMES EARLY IN 2007! Hold on to your Santa hats!!! Clay Aiken has just been confirmed to be the exclusive musical guest on “Capital One Holiday Celebration on Ice”. The show will feature World and National Champion ice skaters Sasha Cohen, Yuka Sato and many more! Tickets for the November 6th, 2007 taping will go on sale in July. The exact date will be announced soon.

Capital One Holiday Celebration on Ice

Live Show Date: Tuesday, November 6, 2007 (LIVE Taping) @ 7:30pm

ON SALE: Tickets go on sale in JULY, exact date TBA

Venue: The Orleans Arena in Las Vegas, NV

Airdate: Tuesday, December 25, 2007 (2:30 to 4:30 p.m. EST)

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Hey, I found I had an emoticon in myphotobucket that I never used - maybe we can use it when we are talking about Meet and Greets?


Well, maybe not sailor - but he could say that to me, I can sail!!!

LOL...It should say Buy me a drink sailor?

I see the OFC is back and nothing is changed. I'm happy and sad. Does that make sense? HaHaHa I think I will just sit back and watch for awhile. I'm starting to like it here.

Good Lord ldyjoycelyn are you trying to kill me. Clay is the master of eyefuc*ing! No doubt about it.

My dang DVD player went on the blink. I didn't get to watch Kingdom Hospital. So I colored my hair instead . *g* Gotta look my best for the boyfriend.

I hope I can stay a virgin until my concert, but I'm afraid I can't. Waaaaaa...........

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Yeah, those are absolutely lethal eyefucks all right, but I'm drawn to another lethal quality of those photos...

his mouth.

My god, look at his mouth. I wonder how it ended up in the pictures that way---just opened, lips full and pouty, relaxed but looking ready and able for just about anything...Did Kevin coach him? "Clay---now let your bottom lip fall open slowly...a little more. Think of a woman you want to kiss....imagine her mouth opening, too, her eyes on your mouth...watching it, hoping it will open and then cover hers...Think of..."


We really do need a thud emoticon.

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Talk about oldies but goodies...and talk about a major eyef**k.

Day-um!! I don't know what I did to bring on that pissed off look, but I desperately need to find out so I can do it again.

What. You think muski is the only one who can write fan fic around here?

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Dayum...that picture got me into a writing mood:

You thinkin' of unbuttoning another button, darlin'? I have an idea. Let's play a game. You go ahead and try another button...maybe even another if you think you're ready. And then we'll see how long my hands stay in my pockets.

Like that game?

ETA: I guess I'm going to have to give Clay a call. That Nov. 6 date just doesn't work for me. That's the week of our big fall conference in Denver.

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Dayum...that picture got me into a writing mood:
From your lips to god's ears . .

ETA: I guess I'm going to have to give Clay a call. That Nov. 6 date just doesn't work for me. That's the week of our big fall conference in Denver.
Most big cities in the west run flights to Vegas pretty much every hour on the hour. One could probably slip away in the afternoon to go to the show and catch an early morning flight back to Denver. Just sayin' . . .
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ETA: I guess I'm going to have to give Clay a call. That Nov. 6 date just doesn't work for me. That's the week of our big fall conference in Denver.
Most big cities in the west run flights to Vegas pretty much every hour on the hour. One could probably slip away in the afternoon to go to the show and catch an early morning flight back to Denver. Just sayin' . . .

Hello. My name is artquest and I'm an enabler.

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Dayum...that picture got me into a writing mood:

From your lips to god's ears . .

ETA: I guess I'm going to have to give Clay a call. That Nov. 6 date just doesn't work for me. That's the week of our big fall conference in Denver.
Most big cities in the west run flights to Vegas pretty much every hour on the hour. One could probably slip away in the afternoon to go to the show and catch an early morning flight back to Denver. Just sayin' . . .

you are a bad enabler...or good :RedGuy:

EEEEEEEEEEE or GAH...yeah lethal!

EEEEEEEE for the skating info. Its so great that he is the exclusive singer...and sasha Cohen and Yuka Sato are both beautiful and graceful skaters...great combination with Clay's voice and singing style.

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:helloogreen: I am trying to work up the courage to post. :scream: === POSTING STRESS. :blink:

I saw Sally's post. I am the kind of Blog Commenter they did not mention. As in = A fall behind on my homework assignment commenter. Caro, I promise to do my homework. :lol:

:DoClay::blink: :blink: :blink:



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Other types of blog commenters:

I know Clay is really going to see MY comment in his blog even though it is smushed under 800 other comments blog commenter. :blink:

I wish I had emoticons to put in the reply box blog comment commenter. :blink:

Darn no spell check blog comment commenter. :blink:

I can't remember what I just read blog comment commenter. :blink:

Forgot to hit copy and paste before I hit post this comment and lost my comment blog comment commenter. :blink:

Blogging confession: I confess. I edited my blog on OFC to be on the list with Clay Aiken. :ninja:


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Hi Aspiegirl...I know you've been with us for a while...glad you finally posted on main. Hope you post more!!!

Hi Ansamcw. I have been a little on the "withdrawn" side and trying to get back up to posting more again. Caro said to come visit here and that everyone was very nice and fun too.



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EEEEEEEE for the skating info. Its so great that he is the exclusive singer...and sasha Cohen and Yuka Sato are both beautiful and graceful skaters...great combination with Clay's voice and singing style.

So if I confess to being totally clueless as to skating and skating shows...which I am...could you tell me how many songs Clay might be singing in that two hour time span?

*waves to Aspiegirl*

Edited by laughn
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EEEEEEEE for the skating info. Its so great that he is the exclusive singer...and sasha Cohen and Yuka Sato are both beautiful and graceful skaters...great combination with Clay's voice and singing style.

So if I confess to being totally clueless as to skating and skating shows...which I am...could you tell me how many songs Clay might be singing in that two hour time span?

*waves to Aspiegirl*

Really don't know. the shows that I have seen have more than one singer. It could be a mini concert. but probably more than 2 or three. Usually what happens is there is a stage in one side of the rink...the singer or musician is there and the skaters skate to the live singing.

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Really don't know. the shows that I have seen have more than one singer. It could be a mini concert. but probably more than 2 or three. Usually what happens is there is a stage in one side of the rink...the singer or musician is there and the skaters skate to the live singing.

So if I understand, in the two hour program they could be skating to other music, but whatever is sung live would be from Clay. Ok...makes sense now. Thanks. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Was does the number "8" ring a bell? Didn't Clay say something about eight songs when he was doing the skating program auction at the BAF Gala or am I pulling that out of my arse? I'm too lazy to go to the Clack and check.

I may have to give some serious thought to getting on a plane for the first time in my life to go see this dealie. I've been thinking about going to Las Vegas for awhile now, and this would be a good opportunity to actually make myself do it.

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Really don't know. the shows that I have seen have more than one singer. It could be a mini concert. but probably more than 2 or three. Usually what happens is there is a stage in one side of the rink...the singer or musician is there and the skaters skate to the live singing.

I hope Clay doesn't get cold feet


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Was does the number "8" ring a bell? Didn't Clay say something about eight songs when he was doing the skating program auction at the BAF Gala or am I pulling that out of my arse? I'm too lazy to go to the Clack and check.

bottlecap, twist my arm, make me watch Gala clack again! I just checked it, and you're right -- he says 8 (that's e-i-g-h-t) songs. Very cool.

I may have to give some serious thought to getting on a plane for the first time in my life to go see this dealie. I've been thinking about going to Las Vegas for awhile now, and this would be a good opportunity to actually make myself do it.

Do IT! DO it! You only live once, right? Unfortunately, I've got a work commitment the next day, or else I'd be doing it too.

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Well, well, well. So many newbies I thought I had stumbled onto the wrong site!

Welcome one and all!

RE: The Las Vegas skating thingy - it had to be a Tuesday, didn't it? No way I can do that without taking 2 days off (assuming I am working... If I'm not I would be too poor anyway...) so I guess I won't be going on my first ever trip to Las Vegas! Oh well. All I know is, there better be clack! I don't want to wait until Christmas to see anything!

Hmmm. And by November, his hair will have plenty of time to grow! Oooo! And maybe he'll have a beard again - or at least some nice stubble!

You know, maybe something like this....


Or maybe like this....


Missed whatever bad stuff was on the Google alerts this morning. I can guess what it was about.

Ho hum.

So, any implosions yet on the OFC message board?

23 days til Clay, folks! :Tour3:

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KarenEh?, I see you, are you just dying to post, but can't because of the loud sound of the keys bothering your BIL? Just wondering.


We interrupt this lively banter for a pity party:

- - -

We will now resume with the program already in progress.....

:F_05BL17blowkiss: I think someone needs a hug!!

I live at mlb.com. Last season I just followed the games with gametracker but this year I broke down and got mlb.tv. I love it. I can stream most games live (since I'm waaaaaay out of market) and/or listen to the radio broadcast. If I miss a game I can watch the entire game when it's archived (usually within minutes of completion) or the condensed game which is just the results of each at bat.

So it's $15.00 a month, I'm worth it!

So you would understand I take it why I pay $$$$$ for NBA League Pass?

On the positive side Paris is still in jail and making news and will remain the top story

Thanks for the warning...

I have internet!! For the next week I'm at my sister's. I got her son's wireless network up and running again and I've got a dandy desk here in our room and I'm all set. Whew! It feels so good to have a connection. I'm no longer seeing the bugs on the walls and I'm sure the tremor in my hands will be gone by tonight.

Bwah. I know what you mean. I'm already thinking ahead to mid August when I'm on vacation - a whole week - with the family. If that's not bad enough heh I haven't called to check on internet access yet. No laptop here so hopefully this so called resort has kept up to date or I'll be hunting down an internet cafe somewhere.

This place rocks. Honestly, I just checked in before getting to work and I feel better because I did

Ahhh... I get cheered up too on a daily basis...and lord knows I need it.

Sally, thanks for the blog commentary personalities. I'm pleased to say that sometimes I'm a builder. However, sometimes I'm a debater sad to say. I'm nothing if not self aware.

Play, your OFC post was wonderful. And I know other people were in there trying to bring sanity.

Think I'll leave them to it.... Doing this => :bigemo_harabe_net-24: would probably prove to be more pleasurable to me. :whistling-1:

LOL...I agree but I really hope it works out for everyone who will be there


(PS...any chance we could get that LMAO emoticon added to ourn FCA "ASSets"? heh.

I've right clicked and saved and will add ASAP.

not caught up...but just wanted to say that we trippled the messages stored...

we thank cindilu2 for helping us with this problem


:nature-smiley-014: whoo hoo. I've been trying for a year to do this..heee everytime my message box filled up..rather than go through them I'd try to add more space...FINALLY. Thank you Cindilu..now let me tell you a little bit about Ansa. First thing I do when I get home is check my PM box and what? It's at 90%. I thought it had something to do with cache or something like that. I log out. I log back in. Nothing. 90%. I whine tell to Ansa. And then she tells me...oh I didn't fix admins. Sigh.Anybody else want to be an admin around this joint? :cryingwlaughter:

And who in hell put a limit on emoticons per post.. oh yeah, I did. :Tour3:

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Blogging confession: I confess. I edited my blog on OFC to be on the list with Clay Aiken. :ninja:


heee Welcome Aspiegirl!

So if I confess to being totally clueless as to skating and skating shows...which I am...could you tell me how many songs Clay might be singing in that two hour time span?

Oh skaters will be there? Heee I confess the only time I watch skating is the Olympic games. I'm going to see my boyfriend.

I may have to give some serious thought to getting on a plane for the first time in my life to go see this dealie. I've been thinking about going to Las Vegas for awhile now, and this would be a good opportunity to actually make myself do it.

DO IT DO IT DO IT. Lord we need all the enablers in the house to help me work on her.

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