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#13 The Aiken Experience. There's nothing else like it.


Thread Title Poll  

46 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • He's my happy.
    • Doesn't want to leave RCA.
    • Lullabied...All.night.long Slooooowwwww
    • We do a lot of slow songs because that's what we're good at
    • Krispy Kreme, macaroni and cheese, and sloooooow songs.
    • God, I love his whole damn being!
    • The most adorable, lovable, huggable almost devilish creature that melts my heart .
    • It's never enough with Clay Aiken.
    • Doing the backstroke in a fondue ocean breathing through a cheese straw.
    • Well, it's really no wonder that next thing he knew she was all up on him screaming "Yeah! Yeah!"

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Okay, so everyone thinks that this pic is hawt, but no one has actually posted it? For shame!! It needs to be up front, center and posted nice and BIG for everyone to admire. It's YUMMMY!!! And very inspiring. It inspires all kinds of naughty thoughts.


We have a cleaning service at our house once a month, and today's the day. I let my two daughters keep their rooms as messy as they want, but when the cleaning service comes, their rooms have to be picked up so they can be cleaned. My older daughter got her room picked up, but my youngest? She just turned 13, and thinks she knows so much more than Mom & Dad about everything. Her room is about half picked up, and that's good enough, you know? Sigh. I need Muski to come and make her finish the job. Oh, well. I guess that's what doors are for - to keep closed so I don't have to look at the mess!

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Okay, so everyone thinks that this pic is hawt, but no one has actually posted it? For shame!! It needs to be up front, center and posted nice and BIG for everyone to admire. It's YUMMMY!!! And very inspiring. It inspires all kinds of naughty thoughts.


Lurve the hair flinging!!!


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I didn't have time to post the link before I left for work, but the reviewer wrote a blog with more nitpicking... about the songs, about how his fans accept everything he does without complaint (BWAH she's never been on a Clay board obviously), how she didn't like his radio banter (not understanding that it's schtick leading to his second medley), and that his voice wasn't always up to par (although she did say it was most of the time so she won't nitpick the voice).

All I'll say about the comments section is that I wish Clay fans would speak for themselves and not Clay.

Yes perhaps if ATDW wasn't a cover album, reviewers would look more kindly on his TV medleys but TV medleys is pure Clay. I honestly don't think I'm cutting him short because I look at him as an entertainer more than a traditional pop star. I think the world is open to him and all of his talents.

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee KANDRE recap...will you be doing a full one for Ashville cuz that's my concert page heee.

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I'M BACK!!!!!!

And yes, I have determined that posting to FCA is sorta, kinda work related - 'cause I say it is, demmit!

This has been such an...amazing...(hardy har har!) weekend! Saw lots of people (especially l(whatever vowel we are using this month)ckiest). But of the three concerts this weekend - in my not at all humble opinion - Knoxville totally kicks ass and takes names. Totally. His voice was a little scratchy in Cary, and occasionally almost hoarse in Ashville - but in Knoxville, the cords were MAGIC, I tell ya and he let them freakin' soar....Honestly, I've been to a couple of venues during this tour - Knoxville is topping the list. The vocals were perfection...the D&S was perfection...the crushing of that goddam heckler was perfection....the the waiter we entertained at the Melting Pot was perfection....Lord, this was GOOD!

Ethel...she has annoyed me with some of her actions - I really wanted to take that flashlight from her and make her eat it...some in the fandom have annoyed me with the excessive and unnecessary venom directly at her because frankly a lot of it boils down to she and Clay connected for whatever frickin' reason and it takes two to tango - and I don't see why she should have to 'step out of the way', since I don't see how it would make room for anyone else - I don't think it works like that and I think it makes her act worse because she is human...But from what I hear, she took it way too far on the busline, but I will let those who were there discuss it.

I didn't even know there was a stupid asshole in Cary besides the sonuvabitch who tried to sit between my damn legs when I was trying to take clack! And told me to stop! And I was good too! And when I got rid of the camera, Clay lost all interest in me! Dammit! I love camerawhore Clay!

It was freakin' HOT in Cary. Hot, hot, hot. And Scarlett took my frozen strawberry lemonade. But front row rocks! Rocks I tell ya! As for the buslines - I will not be surprised to see them come to an end - because those bastards are a LOT of WORK for a LOT of people....

It was so hot in North Carolina, a variety of car apparently just burst into flame along the freeway. I swear, going on I-40 west to Ashevile, we watched a RV just spontaneously combust. We left Raleigh at around 7 because we said we were gonna leave at 6 and apparently when Solo cell alarm went off she flung it under the couch and PerusingOne and I trust Solo to get our butts and hers up so we can force Scarlett to leave on time and the next thing I know some strange heifer is calling me telling me they are ready to go, and I ask, "who the hell are you and why the hell are you calling me?" and then she puts another heifer on the phone who jabbers in some accent about "leaving...Solo...get up you lazy (git)..." and reach over and grope PerusingOne who hasn't twitched and tell her apparently Solo has abadoned us and then Solo pops up growling, "what the hell is going on?" then I realize merrieeee and Scarlett claim to have gotten up and are actually ready to leave and of course we don't believe them and we go out in the hall in our sleeping gear and underwear and make them open the door and lo and behold they are actually ready. I think this counts as one of the seven signs of the Apocalypse. I think there were horses too. Anyhoo, we eventually abandon the hotel and drive to Asheville and spend much of the drive explaining to Scarlett, that yes, many, many, MANY people are just stupid.

I have mentioned before the GPS units can be vindictive bastards. Especially Damian. But we have Stockholm Syndrome and love him anyway.

The Crown Plaza resort was....amazing. Especially the little black elevator that frankly should hold no more than three people. And the fact if you didn't know exactly where you are going, you could circle Ashville forever. And I was not invited to join a group. And will manage to survive. But did make the wine tasting. And drank all of merrieeee's wine because I am helpful like that. And I gotta admit, the food samples at the Biltmore are frickin' INCREDIBLE. Not amazing. Incredible. We eventually go back to the hotel and change (we won't even much discuss how Solo and PerusingOne claimed to be looking for gas [as the minivan - yes, the eHP switches between hot chick ride and mommy-mobile with ease - versatility is our middle name] and came back empty - and yes, they were apparently attempting to upgrade Florida in the Parking Lot. Really. Since them didn't manage to do it, we bitched at them.)

Asheville, oh Asheville - where bugs fly into Angela's cleavage - Clay does a freakin' running commentary and then proceeds to attempt to create his own boobage...I gotta admit, Simon really could have pulled that off much, much easier, but c'est la vie. And the handcuffs. Y'all just don't know how much I luuuuuv a man who...ahem. Don't y'all worry about how that sentence ends, but I swear if Clay turns out to have actually read the Star Fleet Technical Manual - the man is mine, I tell you! MINE! The slight hoarseness really worked for Clay on the Classics section - but he gave the glory note MOAM to Quiana. He just wasn't quite the Clay voice I know and love. The Asheville audience however sounded damn good - they worked the Brady Bunch theme and were just freakishly good on Open Arms. Seriously good. And came through clearly on Clay's mic. But I swear on Clay's handcuffs, those were the loudest damn speakers on God's green earth. It was PAINFULLY loud. Frankly I think the bats were being stunned out of the sky. And yes, I spotted that naught eHP member with the frickin' glowstick. She ran but I snatched them away and barely refrained from beating them over the head.

The busline was HILARIOUS. Scarlett wanted to record it for posterity, merrieeee just wanted to touch Clay again. The fans were told to line up around the lawn in front of the Biltmore, which has got to be a little bigger than a football field. Jogging around the thing is at a minimum, a quarter mile and I frankly think is was longer than that. Jerome did the "hold your neighbors" hand thingie again - and it ended up being a double line. Me 'n Solo 'n PerusingOne were just wandering aimlessly close to the line but clearly not in it and were verbally spanked by Jerome. Which was fun, and we obeyed promptly. Until he turned his back and we made a break for the buses. Not Clay's bus, people - the parking lot buses. We also talked to a security person at the Biltmore who seemed to be a little flummoxed and commented that his bosses were gonna be PISSED as the busses were being rented hourly. That this would cost the Biltmore money. Lots and lots of money. That his bosses would want to SUE Clay. He also commented that he had worked the Chris Isaak show earlier and he was in BED by now for THAT show. Though frankly it was all the Biltmore's fault - they TOLD everybody about the freakin' busline. I think they thought only a hundred might show up. Suckers. The spanked by Jerome section of the eHP climbed aboard the first bus to watch Clay run the line in comfort - and I do mean run, cause that man was sprinting by the end. And lemmings have nothing on dedicated Clayfans. They would turn as one giant organism as he leaned into the last corner and thundered down the home stretch. As soon as Clay disappeared, the crowd dispersed like a drop of ink in a gallon of water - they were just gone. We went back to the minivan and found a TGIFriday's, because we were hungry. And did not want BoJangles. No. Just no. We were apparently hit upon by a party of drunken twenty-something guys, which was also hilarious as they beat upon the windows to get our attention. Scarlett of course took pictures of them. The manager offered to drive us to Asheville. I don't think he was serious though. Wait, this was Cary. We did Hardee's after Ashville, confusing the night counter person and PerusingOne ate Scarlett's mushroom-festooned burger.

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Ooooohhhhh, I'm a post-hooch and I'm OK!

NO sleep at night and posting all day!

I ain't exactly a songwriter either.

Knoxville - the reviewer needs to clean out her ears - what she called straining was more like nuance and interpretive styling - if she wanted strain she should have listened to Ashville.

Coming out on HYCA, he was full-throated and clean - sounded a little etheral and pure on Everything I Have, but IWTKWLI was just POWERFUL (though it was funny that Quiana and Angela decided to play with him as to who was gonna do the duet). And Quiana and her Spanx - heh. And the chick from Raleigh. The battle with the house lights. Apparently there is not a lighting technician in America willing to listen to the dude. The teenage dude called his date "blonde" in that not good way. Clay not saying "ass" the way Quiana doesn't sing "hit". Angela deliberately missing a banter cue for music genres to try and leave Clay hangin'. Heh. Hangin'. And Clay resorting to "country jig" as a genre. Clay discussing Angela's boobage and his opinion that she suffocated the bug in there. But Lord, the Classics were POWERFUL. He sang the SHIT out of all of his stuff. Stuck in enough bass that we will from now on KICK TOTAL ESCALADE ASS! Booyah! The whip. Heh. The man is gonna make me pull out my old Frederick's catalog! His complete crushing of the woman with loud diarrhea of the mouth. It was the concert of the tour for me so far - topping this is gonna be hard.

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We have a cleaning service at our house once a month, and today's the day. I let my two daughters keep their rooms as messy as they want, but when the cleaning service comes, their rooms have to be picked up so they can be cleaned. My older daughter got her room picked up, but my youngest? She just turned 13, and thinks she knows so much more than Mom & Dad about everything. Her room is about half picked up, and that's good enough, you know? Sigh. I need Muski to come and make her finish the job. Oh, well. I guess that's what doors are for - to keep closed so I don't have to look at the mess!

oh yeah this is the one thing I end up constantly nagging my girls about. Today...I told my younger daughter than no firends come over without her tidying up her room....that did it.

KAndre...I will have to DL clack cos thats some powerful recommendation.

Yup the Bus lines are a strain to the security of the venues. I know in San Diego some of the security ended up doing overtime...

oh KAndre....please expound on the heckler...what part of the show was that???

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I'm sure she didn't think of herself as a heckler - but that's what she was. He was leading into his "I'm not cool" schtick - and she hollered out something about a honky tonk. He did the "I can't hear you face" but she would not SHUT UP. The fans around her tried to get her to shut up. Angela and Quiana even got into trying to shut her up by telling her to hush and shhhh but she wouldn't stop being an ass until Clay said, "You know, I have never come closer to having someone removed from a show."

Oh, and BTW? Clay's pimp walk and finger kiss to the audience was absolute PERFECTION!

Make sure y'all ask for more details if you want them - because I swear I'm on automatic pilot - 2 and a half hours of sleep isn't even enough for me to FAKE being awake...

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I'm sure she didn't think of herself as a heckler - but that's what she was. He was leading into his "I'm not cool" schtick - and she hollered out something about a honky tonk. He did the "I can't hear you face" but she would not SHUT UP. The fans around her tried to get her to shut up. Angela and Quiana even got into trying to shut her up by telling her to hush and shhhh but she wouldn't stop being an ass until Clay said, "You know, I have never come closer to having someone removed from a show."

Oh, gawd. This got me all hot and bothered. I'm a sicko, for sure...but I NEED to watch the clack of this! I want to see and hear him saying this....


uh....excuse me....I need to uh....get some water.... :Thud:

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I'm sure she didn't think of herself as a heckler - but that's what she was. He was leading into his "I'm not cool" schtick - and she hollered out something about a honky tonk. He did the "I can't hear you face" but she would not SHUT UP. The fans around her tried to get her to shut up. Angela and Quiana even got into trying to shut her up by telling her to hush and shhhh but she wouldn't stop being an ass until Clay said, "You know, I have never come closer to having someone removed from a show."

Oh, gawd. This got me all hot and bothered. I'm a sicko, for sure...but I NEED to watch the clack of this! I want to see and hear him saying this....


uh....excuse me....I need to uh....get some water.... :Thud:

there is clack of this...preclassics banter luvbenmeg. Its not really clear cos she wasgetting it from behind tall people probably but the audio is clear...and this part was...GAH!!!!

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I watched the clack...unfortunately, the lighting was such that just as Clay was saying "I've never come so close to kicking somebody out of a concert," his face was totally un-viewable---just blinding light! Dang it! I wanted to see his expression! waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. (throws tantrum, not caring who in my office sees me)

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I gotta admit (WARNING: Fairly unsentimental bitch thoughts unfolding. BEWARE!).

I was not at all "schmoopie" at Cary. Or Ashville. or Knoxville. Because I don't think Clay puts that much thought into what assholes may attend - I will lay you even odds that probably worse assholes from Clay's past were there - assholes that Clay actually knows and intereacted with - that the fans have been doing the damn glow sticks for the last three years for a freakin' variety of things and yeah, Clay knows we freakin' love and support him and he should be allowed to take it a little for granted as opposed to having it constantly beaten over his head. And all the shout outs of "Nothing" and "Honky Tonk" and "I fucking love you Clay" for me are just more annoying versions of the glowsticks. I will also lay you even odds that Clay found Vernon much more detrimental to his life than any gnat and his groupies at that concert - and if you were looking for some sort of reaction from Clay at Vernon's death - all you got was a great concert.

Hell, I was more schmoopie at the evil practical joke he played on "someone" or "her" about going to the hospital over some butter pecan cookies. I still think three-quarters of Clay's doing things to produce "schmoopieness" in the fandom is just as deliberate as Clay's doing things to produce comments of "that's so sexy."

Man, I think I'll back off a little posting when I'm this tired.

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oh don;t back off posting...cos I totally agree.

I think the fans put more thoughts to Clay's actions and what he says than he ever does. For Clay most of it is just instinctual and spontaneous.

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My internet at work has been down all morning. I was getting the DT's there for a while.

Okay, so everyone thinks that this pic is hawt, but no one has actually posted it? For shame!! It needs to be up front, center and posted nice and BIG for everyone to admire. It's YUMMMY!!! And very inspiring. It inspires all kinds of naughty thoughts.


To quote Clay -- "Good Ness." Um. Wow.

More please?!?!?!?

That review and blog? Eh. I can deal. I was actually a bit pissed at her....because once again, she's a reviewer who seems to think "too cool for school." Meanwhile, I'm one who loves cheesy radio hits, so when I review like that, I do tend to get my back up a bit. But then, I think it's not worth my time.

As far as the blog comments...ITA with Jenna and couchie. And I truly love this:

Yes perhaps if ATDW wasn't a cover album, reviewers would look more kindly on his TV medleys but TV medleys is pure Clay. I honestly don't think I'm cutting him short because I look at him as an entertainer more than a traditional pop star. I think the world is open to him and all of his talents.

Good Lord, yes. The man has so much talent....but it's a VARIED set of talents. He can sing, he can make jokes, he can dance (oh yes he can!), and so much more. And yet, in this day and age, this seems to be a BAD thing. People who can put on a fantastic show that makes someone laugh and sing along and engage the audience -- and it's almost derided. I hate that. IMO, entertainment should make someone feel good, and that's what Clay does for me. I certainly wish critics would realize that.

I guess part of it must be that if you like that kind of stuff, you’re 1) not real smart; and 2) probably a conservative Christian. Well, heck….if I do say so myself….I’m smart and I’m a liberal Christian (yes, there are such animals). But “too cool for school” seems to sell papers I guess. *shrug*

Meanwhile, I’ll just continue to live in Uncoolville. I like it here.

oh don;t back off posting...cos I totally agree.

I think the fans put more thoughts to Clay's actions and what he says than he ever does. For Clay most of it is just instinctual and spontaneous.

Yes, yes, yessssssssss!

*hurries to post this before the internet goes down again, which it did while trying to compose this*

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Why would you back off. I wasn't really schmoopie either. I really trust Jerome a lot. I give Clay lots of credit for putting on a great show but I've not really followed the crap... so I guess the import of the whole thing although not lost on me, didn't elevate the show in my mind. I think it was a release or defining moment for a lot of people. I never really knew the details of the original crap, let alone what followed and have no idea what the roach even looks like. I know enough to know I want him to rot in hell but don't feel the need to know more.

I just really thought the girls were so on in Ashville...with the banter...keeping up with Clay! And I'm really enjoying that aspect of it all. Plus I really really have faith in Jerome... even though I understand some can't stand him. And he's looking HOT too. That always helps. heee.

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For me, the girls really even more on Knoxville - starting with the Spinx to Angela whipping Clay to the way the Classics were done - and honestly, I just thought his voice was so very much better...

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I was not at all "schmoopie" at Cary. Or Ashville. or Knoxville. Because I don't think Clay puts that much thought into what assholes may attend -

Actually, I kind of agree. I've read a lot of things about how "brave" he must have been at Cary. Honestly, I suspect fans placed far more meaning into the situation than he did. To assume that he must have been affected by the presence of youknowwho is to attribute to the gnat far more influence than he deserves.

I do think North Carolina performances may mean a little more to him, due to the presence of friends and family, and to the fact that it's his hometown crowd.

However, it does seem that fans often find more "schmoopie" moments than may actually exist. I suspect there's a lot of projection going on. People assume Clay must feel a certain way because that's how they feel.

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I think what also made Ashville special for me is that I could hear every frickin' word of the banter and the singing. Last night, i heard practically nothing so will need to watch clack. I do think Ashville will have an elevated spot in many people's minds which cracks me up that you love Knoxville more. For me, the Pala show seems to be another favorite and while I did love it, Indio was my favorite of the shows I attended.

KAndre - with regards to Cary I heard he only played one side of the stage. Is that true? I don't think it's giving away too much power to say that having that creep in the crowd may have effected Clay in some way. Methinks we only know half of what's going on. But he overcame it and put on a great show. And I love his new schtick... with regards to ..you may have heard the whispers...seen it in magazines..etc etc. that was a fu if I ever heard one...but I may be projecting LOL.

ETA: to change Ashville to Cary

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I gotta admit (WARNING: Fairly unsentimental bitch thoughts unfolding. BEWARE!).

I was not at all "schmoopie" at Cary. Or Ashville. or Knoxville. Because I don't think Clay puts that much thought into what assholes may attend - I will lay you even odds that probably worse assholes from Clay's past were there - assholes that Clay actually knows and intereacted with - that the fans have been doing the damn glow sticks for the last three years for a freakin' variety of things and yeah, Clay knows we freakin' love and support him and he should be allowed to take it a little for granted as opposed to having it constantly beaten over his head. And all the shout outs of "Nothing" and "Honky Tonk" and "I fucking love you Clay" for me are just more annoying versions of the glowsticks. I will also lay you even odds that Clay found Vernon much more detrimental to his life than any gnat and his groupies at that concert - and if you were looking for some sort of reaction from Clay at Vernon's death - all you got was a great concert.

Hell, I was more schmoopie at the evil practical joke he played on "someone" or "her" about going to the hospital over some butter pecan cookies. I still think three-quarters of Clay's doing things to produce "schmoopieness" in the fandom is just as deliberate as Clay's doing things to produce comments of "that's so sexy."

Man, I think I'll back off a little posting when I'm this tired.

What is schmoopie and how does one know if she is or isn't schmoopie? Schmoopie doesn't sound like something I've been or done before, but I could be wrong. If there's a definition I'd love to hear it so if I do encounter "schmoopieness" in Florida I can recognize it when I see it, feel it, or do it.

Can you do schmoopie?

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Eh, the eHP seem to prefer Ashville too - there were a lot of what seemed to be insider jokes. And the phrase "black hole" will like in my heart forever...

Schmoopie to me is overflowing sentimentality - and I don't mean that in a bad way. I was schmoopie watching Clay at West Point. I was schmoopie at the end of Saving Private Ryan. I was schmoopie when Clay danced with artquest's mother and sent her roses. You gotta earn schmoopie with me!

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What is schmoopie and how does one know if she is or isn't schmoopie? Schmoopie doesn't sound like something I've been or done before, but I could be wrong. If there's a definition I'd love to hear it so if I do encounter "schmoopieness" in Florida I can recognize it when I see it, feel it, or do it.

Can you do schmoopie?

LOL schmoopie to me is when you're heart is just so overwhelmed by something and you feel all gooey and sentimental. I'm not that sort of person normally but Clay has made me feel it from time to time.

I will stop posthoing now.

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I was not at all "schmoopie" at Cary. Or Ashville. or Knoxville. Because I don't think Clay puts that much thought into what assholes may attend -

Actually, I kind of agree. I've read a lot of things about how "brave" he must have been at Cary. Honestly, I suspect fans placed far more meaning into the situation than he did. To assume that he must have been affected by the presence of youknowwho is to attribute to the gnat far more influence than he deserves.

I do think North Carolina performances may mean a little more to him, due to the presence of friends and family, and to the fact that it's his hometown crowd.

However, it does seem that fans often find more "schmoopie" moments than may actually exist. I suspect there's a lot of projection going on. People assume Clay must feel a certain way because that's how they feel.

Sneaking in from work....

Man am I glad someone has said this!!! ITA and have been thinking it all along, but as one who has gone against the schmoopie tide before, I decided to keep my mouth shut.

I have gone "huh?" at the idea he was brave just to get on that stage in Cary. I am sure he was aware the gnat was there but I doubt it made him not want to take the stage. In fact, I would bet it did just the opposite!

I don't know, when I see these kind of schmoopie thoughts being attributed to Clay I often think some fans are making him out to be weak - and he's not. Far from it.

Better get back to work.....

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LOL schmoopie to me is when you're heart is just so overwhelmed by something and you feel all gooey and sentimental. I'm not that sort of person normally but Clay has made me feel it from time to time.


However, that picture of hair-flinging, legs-spreading, arm-raising, lips-opening "Beat THAT" Clay from the last pages :Thud: ...does NOT

I repeat, does NOT!

bring on feelings of schmoopieness in THIS Muskifest person.

No, it does not. :hubbahubba:

Edited by muskifest
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