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#14 We were all up on him screaming "Yeah! Yeah!"


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    • I'm easy....I will take Clay any way he wants to give it to me!
    • Clay's instrument is full and especially soul-piercing the deeper it goes.
    • Cut The Crap And Show Us Your Willy
    • [He's] a top quality human being
    • Clay Aiken: You are a Man of Character
    • Clay Aiken... bringing brainy back!!!
    • the Earl of Aikenberry: a man of character and Naughty by Nature
    • We were all up on him screaming "Yeah! Yeah!" (redux)

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Awe, thanks for thinking of me YSRN; I lurve that picture. I really wish he would go back to the longer hair...my absolute favorite.


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Useless trivia. 151 people joined the OFC in July and August. Of these 37 have posted on the message board. A few of those 37 have posted a LOT!!

Ahem! Did I see that finger point at me?

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Re dreamy shot of hair stroking Clay:

He looks so aristocratic, like the Earl of Aikenberry or something hanging out with the posh set in London, doesn't he?

So gorgeous. Also very matinee idol.


Did I say something stupid? I've always found him to be somewhat aristocratic looking.

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Re dreamy shot of hair stroking Clay:

He looks so aristocratic, like the Earl of Aikenberry or something hanging out with the posh set in London, doesn't he?

So gorgeous. Also very matinee idol.


Did I say something stupid? I've always found him to be somewhat aristocratic looking.

Not stupid at all!!1 Extremely clever and very funny!! I'm still giggling - I love it!!!

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Did I say something stupid? I've always found him to be somewhat aristocratic looking.

I think it's the Earl of Aikenberry that's bringing the giggles, not the aristocratic sentiment..it's the cutest thing evah...

I might have to revise my thread title to say... the Earl of Aikenberry is a man of character and Naughty by Nature

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HEEE someody noted many moons again that I had a lot of angel emoticons..and then I had a lot of violent ones and drinking ones. heh. I need therapy.


Seriously, still waiting for someone to explain this one... :party20:

Jerry Lee Lewis and his underage cousins?

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He looks so aristocratic, like the Earl of Aikenberry or something hanging out with the posh set in London, doesn't he?
Earl of Aikenberry. That sounds like a new brand of palm pilot or something.

I love the talk of the long hair. I love it. I hatessss the bangs he's sporting now. I kinda just wish he'd decide if he wanted it short or long, ya know?

But ah well. I'm over it. He still sings pretty and ain't too hard on the eyes either. So that's how I justify being okay with him sporting the same hair style as my mother. ;)

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Re dreamy shot of hair stroking Clay:

He looks so aristocratic, like the Earl of Aikenberry or something hanging out with the posh set in London, doesn't he?


Ack! I spent the morning reshelving our entire Romance collection and I think I saw every variation of that cover and I wouldn't doubt that title was in there somewhere! :cryingwlaughter:


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Re dreamy shot of hair stroking Clay:

He looks so aristocratic, like the Earl of Aikenberry or something hanging out with the posh set in London, doesn't he?


Haha! Where did you find that one bottlecap? And from Chapter Three:

"And how merrily he doth play the skin flute with such agility," decreed Lady Hornworth.

"Yea, doth he, indeed! I should happily join him in his merriment!" added Dame Tinglebottom.

Spake Lady Hornworth, "Yea, he doth play it so well, that he must at times don his baggy tweeds to hide the

result of such naughty play!"

To be continued on Masterpiece Theater. A Masterpiece indeed! Tales of Ribaldry!

Lady J where are you?

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Oh, are we airing out the poor unused emoticons? For some reason, these guys never get much love from this board:

:21: :26: :27: :16:

I just can't imagine why. There are so many 'angels' on this board. I love it! And for a board that started out totally against the smilies, y'all sure do have a lot of them now. I've got to admit, I can barely post without smilies. Just habit. Plus I'm always afraid that people won't know I'm kidding if I don't put a :) or a hug with it.

Question: How long does it take to not be considered a newbie anymore? I'd like to welcome the newbies, but I'm not exactly an oldbie, so it sorta feels like I'm welcoming myself. And I also still feel so new, it's like I'm welcoming people to someone else's house.

Anyway, anyone newer than me :F_05BL17blowkiss: Welcome! Glad you're here!

:DoClay: <------this is my favorite smilie ever! It conveys so much emotion.......

Edited by Bookwhore
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Earl of Aikenberry.

FLOVE! :cryingwlaughter:

September is just around the corner... *le sigh*

(clickable 1024x768)


eta widescreen version (1280x800)


When I was making my avi, it was a toss up between the lips and the lashes. I *heart* his lashes.

ETA - top of the page ??!?!! yeah, baby! Oh shit!

Edited by cindilu2
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Useless trivia. 151 people joined the OFC in July and August. Of these 37 have posted on the message board. A few of those 37 have posted a LOT!!

Ahem! Did I see that finger point at me?

Actually, I blushed bright red when I read this. I thought sure she was aiming that pointy finger at me. :blush:


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September is just around the corner... *le sigh*

(clickable 1024x768)


When I was making my avi, it was a toss up between the lips and the lashes. I *heart* his lashes.

ETA - top of the page ??!?!! yeah, baby! Oh shit!

^^ HA HA!!! <end Nelson voice.

And how nice of you to include just a hint of tongue... :imgtongue:

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Re dreamy shot of hair stroking Clay:

He looks so aristocratic, like the Earl of Aikenberry or something hanging out with the posh set in London, doesn't he?


Haha! Where did you find that one bottlecap? And from Chapter Three:

"And how merrily he doth play the skin flute with such agility," decreed Lady Hornworth.

"Yea, doth he, indeed! I should happily join him in his merriment!" added Dame Tinglebottom.

Spake Lady Hornworth, "Yea, he doth play it so well, that he must at times don his baggy tweeds to hide the

result of such naughty play!"

To be continued on Masterpiece Theater. A Masterpiece indeed! Tales of Ribaldry!

Lady J where are you?

Is Lady Hornworth a cousin of Lord Instrument? Is this in the fanfic forum? And where do I find that?


Thanks for all the nice welcomes here. I now feel comfortable enough to post an opinion. I usually say that I always enjoy Clay's hair in all of its manifestations even if sometimes I enjoy it in the "Ohmigod! HAHAHAHAHA!" sense. I'm mostly a fan of the longer hair - unicef Christmas, JNT07, AMA06. But i also love the Jukebox Tour hair. But my absolute favorite one time only hair was from The View in 2006. Like this:


I can't believe I just wrote a post about Clay's hair. Oh well...

I have seen so many posts about the Muskifest's Clyra story I am sorely tempted to read it. But see, I don't have enough time for the Clay stuff I already do. I have one story I read and I don't need to get hooked on another one.

But tell me, is it HOT? Just wonderin'...

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Oh, are we airing out the poor unused emoticons? For some reason, these guys never get much love from this board:

:21: :26: :27: :16: :7: :10: :14: :17: :13:

Not to worry. I will give them some play. I used Angel #7 in my Intro Post. I love angels, but I'm hoping they stay out of Clay's song lyrics. :24:

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Earl of Aikenberry.

FLOVE! :cryingwlaughter:

September is just around the corner... *le sigh*

(clickable 1024x768)


When I was making my avi, it was a toss up between the lips and the lashes. I *heart* his lashes.

ETA - top of the page ??!?!! yeah, baby! Oh shit!

wow beautiful...my desktop already...close enough to september, but then again, who is looking at the calendar????

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I can't believe I just wrote a post about Clay's hair. Oh well...

OMG! Who are you, and what have you done with xxx?? If you post a picture of Clay's crotch with angel wings photoshopped to it, we'll know aliens have taken over your body.

Ducky...how about spinning balls? Clouds and puppies? No? How about sailors at the bottom of the ocean?

ETA: Now Clay's old teeth look positively weird to me.

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I have seen so many posts about the Muskifest's Clyra story I am sorely tempted to read it. But see, I don't have enough time for the Clay stuff I already do. I have one story I read and I don't need to get hooked on another one.

But tell me, is it HOT? Just wonderin'...

It's hot, and even better, it's complete. No month and a half wait between chapters. Jes' sayin...

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