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#17: The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.

Couch Tomato

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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • .ni tif ot ecin os s'tI. driew adink lla er'uoy kniht I.
    • There's a soft rawness to his tone.
    • He has always had the VOICE! But, boy has he ever learned to use his instrument!
    • He's like a chameleon in a kaleidoscope.
    • Let Clay Aiken take you back.
    • I volunteer to polish his balls for him. I bet that would make his putter stand up on end.
    • Blog me Baby!!!
    • I am no-account cover lover.

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I'm home!! :) Took mom clothes shopping - she looks so awesome in her new duds!! If I look like her when I'm 87, I will be a happy camper! :cryingwlaughter:

Meetings in California??? I was with AAIT and xxx and tonibabe. Let's see if I can remember who I met? Scarlett and Mr. Scarlett, Bookwhore, JaMar, gareem and lovethatguy - okay, that's it! I also met someone else who I think has a different name here but the same avi :cryingwlaughter: but I can't remember their screenname here! Anyone else???

I'm really hoping to meet lots of you this November,either in Vegas or Chicagoland! HOPE!!!!

I'm really ready for a blog!


uh hummmmm thanks...I knew I was forgetable!

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Didn't Clay himself speak about 'the voice' in a M&G this tour? I seem to remember something about repetition and after a while his voice just 'knows' (like a workout routine). I know someone better at research than I will be able to tell me when and where he said it (and prolly what he was wearing, and what kind of coloured water he was drinking that day :imgtongue: ).

I am cindilu2 here, there and everywhere. It was the first name I ever had in the internet world, and is a variation on Cindy Lou Who, which the fellas I worked with blessed me with. I did have a brief stint as 'gonzosgirrl' at RHT, when I was too embarrased at first to admit to reading (and loving) the, ummmm, hotter topics in EAYOR. But there was also a gonzogirl there, so that became confusing. It drives me a bit crazy because my name actually ends with a 'y', but it's inevitably assumed to be an 'i'.

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Ok, I get it now!!!!!!! I read a post by you a little while ago over and thought something along the line of "so many mom's"!!! It's all good!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:


So I'm taking all my alter egos (I should have a cool one like Wonder Woman or something but nooooo, not me... doh) and heading to the sack... I'm up early for the Susan G. Komen walk tomorrow... it's going to be extra special as my sister's sister-in-law (who babysat my son when he was younger while I was working) is in the last stages of her treatment (she's a survivor!) and she's walking with us... Night all!

Have a good time on your walk....hugs to your sister's sil...it is very very special to be able to walk as a survivor!!!

I'm wandacleo everywhere because I'm too damn lazy and too absent-minded to come up with anything more original.

hey I hear ya.....rcknrllmom just everywhere.....i figured to always use the same name in order to avoid confusing myself!

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I know Clay has good people around him, but I sometimes wonder if he takes his voice for granted, just a bit. I just get this sense that vocally, he's always been able to do easily what others have had to work hard for, and so perhaps, he doesn't pamper his voice as much as he should. In all likelihood, he probably shouldn't talk too much before concerts, but I have a feeling, he always does.

My thoughts as well. I kind of cringed when he did the church preaching/screaming bit in Asheville (although it was hysterically funny). It just seemed like an unnecessary strain on his voice.

Since 2003, I've been clayrevolution on the CB. When I started getting PMs asking about 'my' candles on Ebay (I don't sell candles or anything on Ebay), I realized there was another clayrevolution out there who sells candles. I checked out Ebay and sure enough there she was. So the next board I joined, I became clayrevolution1956. Then someone quoted me and said my name is incredibly long to type. So when I joined here, I became clayrev1956.

--but you can call me clayrev. :RedGuy:

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xxx4clay, I'm the complete opposite. I know when I met you and can remember each time we saw each other again during the summer tour, but I kept thinking to myself after reading all these posts -- why haven't I met AAIT?

I did meet you, Scarlett, but you were in sorta busy at the time! I was toni7babe's guest at the CH preparty in Houston and she introduced us, you were so gracious and it was wonderful to meet you, but you were sorta busy at the time! Great party!! :F_05BL17blowkiss: I saw you a few times after that, but it was always in a group.

AnAmeraikenInTX, I am such a dweeb and I apologize. I know now why ClayIzzaQT was puzzled when I said that it was so nice to meet her in Houston. toni7babe (my sweetheart) and I had PM'ed earlier about her travelling with ClayIzzaQT and when she introduced us, it was her name that stuck in my head. :sorry: Which part of Texas are you from? Are you close enough to do an eHP lunch? I'm also going to a Fiber Arts Fair in the Hill Country right before the JNT06, if that's more convenient. :F_05BL17blowkiss:
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But this is where Clay has a definite advantage - his singing seems so natural to him, almost like breathing.

I think Kelly's trashing her voice by the way she sings. It doesn't matter whether she warms up or not when she screams and yells during her performances.

Exactly. Clay gets his power not from yelling but by breathing properly and supporting his voice from the diaphram. I do think that it comes naturally to him and always has. Hence his calling it a "gift." I'm not saying that I think he takes it for granted but I also don't think he's ever had to work at it either.

Now I can see Yoga helping people do pretty much anything, but especially perform.

One of our infielders has spent the better part of the last two off seasons doing yoga and pilates in leiu of some of the strength training he had been doing. Instead of the injury plagued seasons he was having prior to his new workouts he got through both seasons relatively injury free. Something that isn't easy to do over the course of a very long professional sports season. He's also one of the guys you see regularly making plays on WebGems too.

I don't worry much about his voice, because it seems to be getting stronger with every tour.

I think so too. And it seems to get stronger as the tour goes on (baring illness, of course.) After having listened to all those Perfect Strangers I could hear how he lost nothing as the tour when on.

I also have a damn hard time imagining Clay not talking the day of a performance. :cryingwlaughter:

Sleeping away half the day probably helps. Hee.

I'm wandacleo everywhere because I'm too damn lazy and too absent-minded to come up with anything more original.

Same here. Too hard to remember multiple identities. I'm just jamar1700 most places on the internet. The first place I joined was a local sports website and I wanted something that made me sound like one of the guys. I was still a bit leary of being out there on the internet. The 1700 was bestowed open me when I signed up for the NYT website and I guess they had a few jamar's already. Hee. jamar1700 was one of the suggestions they offered and I grabbed it cuz it seemed easy to remember. I shortened it to JaMar when I signed up at RHT and then CV. I guess I thought it looked more like what it was ...first two initials of my 1st name, first 3 of my middle name...from a silly childhood nicknaming game we played. I no longer felt a need to be thought of as a large black man...I guess. :cryingwlaughter:

So if you meet me don't worry... I do and will answer to jamar.

Ms. 1700 if you must. *g*


Okay it's taken me so long to compose this post and dig out those quotes that I'm sure your all on to something else. But you know what?

Tough cookes! :lilredani:

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Good Morning!

Mea culpas are in order:

Gibby I really should hit the "quote" button rather than rely on my memory - Sorry! :)

Rck I remember meeting you - yes I do - I met tons of people - oopd! :)

I got quoted twice and got in trouble both times!

I suck at this!


I'm crazy about that Clay Aiken dude though!


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Good Morning!

Mea culpas are in order:

Gibby I really should hit the "quote" button rather than rely on my memory - Sorry! :)

Rck I remember meeting you - yes I do - I met tons of people - oopd! :)

I got quoted twice and got in trouble both times!

I suck at this!


I'm crazy about that Clay Aiken dude though!


I'm awful too so I wasn't going to mention this but just in case the people who knew my travel plans (cough-eHP-cough) read your post about our meeting in California and think I picked up someone over there -- I didn't -- KAndre was my partner throughout the state. Besides, we couldn't fit anyone else into the miata. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Good Morning!

Mea culpas are in order:

Gibby I really should hit the "quote" button rather than rely on my memory - Sorry! :)

Rck I remember meeting you - yes I do - I met tons of people - oopd! :)

I got quoted twice and got in trouble both times!

I suck at this!


I'm crazy about that Clay Aiken dude though!


I'm awful too so I wasn't going to mention this but just in case the people who knew my travel plans (cough-eHP-cough) read your post about our meeting in California and think I picked up someone over there -- I didn't -- KAndre was my partner throughout the state. Besides, we couldn't fit anyone else into the miata. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Well, then - colour me confused = Who the hell did I meet at the Pala pool who introduced us to their DH and I had a long conversation with him???? I thought it was you, Scarlett but now I'm all confuzzled, and I'm going to hide in a cave! :cryingwlaughter:

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AnAmeraikenInTX, I am such a dweeb and I apologize. I know now why ClayIzzaQT was puzzled when I said that it was so nice to meet her in Houston. toni7babe (my sweetheart) and I had PM'ed earlier about her travelling with ClayIzzaQT and when she introduced us, it was her name that stuck in my head. :sorry: Which part of Texas are you from? Are you close enough to do an eHP lunch? I'm also going to a Fiber Arts Fair in the Hill Country right before the JNT06, if that's more convenient. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I got to meet ClayIzzaQT somewhere along the way of the SRHP tour too, and she's also a doll! toni7babe and ClayIzzaQT traveled together in NC, IIRC, and some place else too, I think. It's hard enough to keep up with our own travel plans, let alone others! Not a problem at all from my perspective about getting us confused. I'd call it an honor to be confused as ClayIzzaQT, not so sure she can say the same thing back though!

Ohhhhhhhhh, Scarlett, the eHP lunch sounds so wonderful and I would love to join if it can work out. Most likely I'd have to travel in for it. I'm now in Midland, out in West Texas, back home for the past year. Prior to that I was in Dallas for 20 years, but originally, I'm from out here in West Texas. There are actually two other CV members who live here in Midland. We have yet to get together, but it's so nice to know there are at least two other fans here! Country music sorta kinda rules here, just not for me. Do y'all usually do your lunch gathering in Houston? Even if it doesn't work out sometime, thank you so much for the offer. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I'm AnAmeraikenInTX everywhere in Clayland. That's also long to type and sometimes hard to spell, so it has a few abbreviations: AAIT, AAITX, AAinTX - and I answer to all! The last one is probably most gramatically correct, but the first person ever to abbreviate my name used AAIT and that's what 'feels' like home, but all are fine! Pre-Clay fandom, I am alidal, which has been my email name forever, and is short for Alice from Dallas, which Mother called me my whole life, and then in '86 when I was transferred there with work, it was actually true. Introducing myself that way seemed to help folks remember my name, so at work there all those years, that reference was often made. Alice from Midland just doesn't have the same ring! Guess I could say, 'Alice, used to be from Dallas, but now in Midland', and I think I have a time or two!

Gotta get busy! Family will be over later and there's still things to do! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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bwah..you guys are cracking me up. I've had a few embarassing moments where I met someone in the fandom..had long conversations with them..but looked at them blankly the next time we met. I think all of us meet so many people at these gatherings that it's understandable when confusion sets in.

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Well, then - colour me confused = Who the hell did I meet at the Pala pool who introduced us to their DH and I had a long conversation with him???? I thought it was you, Scarlett but now I'm all confuzzled, and I'm going to hide in a cave! :cryingwlaughter:

Hey, precious Canuck!!! I think I have the answer to that! It may have been my friend from my Boitano fandom, Shirley. I had her Pala tix and she and DH stopped by for a bit and met me at the Pool restaurant, where we all were hanging out at the time. They stayed and visited probably nearly an hour and I think you did get in conversation with him for quite a while, and then he wanted to take a group pix of all of us. His name is Tom. And, come to think of it, Shirley and Scarlett do actually favor each other a lot. I hadn't made that connection until this moment. (Shirley is masterful with a camera as well.)

Is this what you're remembering?

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Well, then - colour me confused = Who the hell did I meet at the Pala pool who introduced us to their DH and I had a long conversation with him???? I thought it was you, Scarlett but now I'm all confuzzled, and I'm going to hide in a cave! :cryingwlaughter:

Hey, precious Canuck!!! I think I have the answer to that! It may have been my friend from my Boitano fandom, Shirley. I had her Pala tix and she and DH stopped by for a bit and met me at the Pool restaurant, where we all were hanging out at the time. They stayed and visited probably nearly an hour and I think you did get in conversation with him for quite a while, and then he wanted to take a group pix of all of us. His name is Tom. And, come to think of it, Shirley and Scarlett do actually favor each other a lot. I hadn't made that connection until this moment. (Shirley is masterful with a camera as well.)

Is this what you're remembering?

BINGO!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss: I just PM'd toni to ask her who I was talking to all that time. Also, my bad memory was telling me that Scarlett was late getting to the Pala because of traffic and was worried she would miss the start. Do I at least have that part right, Scarlett??? Now, I have a feeling we never met! Poop!

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Hello, FCA! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Greetings to our newest member, PermaSwooned! :welcome:

th_hbanimationsnag.gifto Manderly!

I apologize for being on a one-track grandmother course, but I have enjoyed reading the vocal warm-up and name discussions.

I accompany a number of vocalists, and work with them while their vocal coaches are getting them ready for competitions. The coaches are very careful to thoroughly warm them up, and work on technique right before they perform. That way, they're at the top of their game on the first note they sing. And I hear a definite improvement in vocal quality after they are warmed up. But this is where Clay has a definite advantage - his singing seems so natural to him, almost like breathing. At least, that's how it seems to me. He probably thinks about vocal technique a bit, but not to the extent that most other singers need to, because he has such a natural vocal gift. So, he wouldn't need to warm up to make sure his technique is good.

However, think about an athlete - would a runner go into a race without warming up? For the most part, athletes work out a bit before playing a game or competing so that their muscles are warm and supple. That way they are better able to perform and are less prone to injury. Because the voice is a part of the body, the same thing holds true - the voice will perform better when warmed up, and will be less prone to injury. At least, that's how I understand it. I'm sure there are a great number of people who would disagree, including Clay and Quiana.

Gibby, I have my instrumental students establish a warm-up routine -- long tones, scales, arpeggios, etc. -- and make the connection by discussing how athletes spend time stretching, building strength/facility, etc.

I'm sure if I were a singer I would be doing the same. My husband traveled with Sonny James in the 1970s-80s; and even on a tour bus, Sonny went through an elaborate warm-up routine. According to the drummer, the funniest sounding was his use of native American Indian chants to warm up his voice prior to a performance.

It is pure torture being a new grandmother 1,466 miles away; and the last thing on everyone's mind has been taking pictures. After giving her baby a name and a half -- Tavarrius Kai'mana Mata'uaina Chandler -- my daughter and her grandmother have been calling him "Baby" and "Baby Love." Yesterday I suggested "Jack," her late Texas grandfather's name. We shall see.

"Jack" is still a couple of weeks from his original due date, so he sleeps quite a bit. Here are four clickable photos, three that Sally edited and one that I simply cropped:

th_Jack2.jpg th_Jack1.jpg th_JJ1.jpg th_Jack3a.jpg

I also sent the Texans Sally's photo tips for high resolution, natural sunlight, filling up the frame with the subject, etc. Give Miss Sally pixels, and she can do anything. :)

The only name problem I have with my real name -- Dianne -- is the two n's instead of the more common spelling. On the boards, I'm Carolina Clay, one word or two, but use the abbreviated Caro everywhere.

Y'all have a great day! th_bubblesmileyrev.gif

Caro listen.gif

ETA: I added the other two and promise not to swamp you with baby pix! :whistling-1:

Edited by Carolina Clay
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Caro, Jack is adorable. Congrats again.

I'm in the minority here but I love Kelly Clarkson's voice as long as she isn't screaming at me. When I hear songs like "Up to the Mountain", Irvine, Breakaway, Because of You, and a few others I know she hasn't hurt her voice in a permanent way. I don't know anything about her voice during tours other than what I've read and I don't like the teen angsty songs but she has a beautiful voice when applied to adult songs. She's certainly not Clay who seems to sing thru any kind of illness because he has such an exceptional voice. You have to wonder if he just wills himself to get thru adversity because he's so stubborn. Watching him sing when he had vertigo kind of reinforces that belief.

What a guy we picked to love :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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caro, what a sweetie! My little grandson was 3 weeks early and used to sleep a lot. Now not so much...makes for a challenging household atmosphere with so little sleep for the parents.

My new old favorite..



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Caro, Jack is adorable. Congrats again.

I'm in the minority here but I love Kelly Clarkson's voice as long as she isn't screaming at me. When I hear songs like "Up to the Mountain", Irvine, Breakaway, Because of You, and a few others I know she hasn't hurt her voice in a permanent way. I don't know anything about her voice during tours other than what I've read and I don't like the teen angsty songs but she has a beautiful voice when applied to adult songs. She's certainly not Clay who seems to sing thru any kind of illness because he has such an exceptional voice. You have to wonder if he just wills himself to get thru adversity because he's so stubborn. Watching him sing when he had vertigo kind of reinforces that belief.

What a guy we picked to love :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Toots, I think Kelly has a beautiful voice too. I don't always like everything she sings, or when she gets yelly, but I think she is versatile. I do wonder, if she continues to sing the more rocker chick type of songs for very long if her voice will hold out for her.

Caro what a beautiful grandbaby.

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I was driving home from church and heard "INVISIBLE" on my Top 40 radio. Yes, yes I did...I about ran into a bus!!! I can count on one hand how many times I've heard Clay on my radio, let alone at midday!!!

I had that thing turned up so loud I'm sure I looked like a loon!!!! :cryingwlaughter:


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Clay's voice - here isthe thing, noe of us know the exact vocal advice heis getting or how he practices it. We know tht Quiana made a living as a vocal coach and that he has talked to professionals, to what end? SO maybehe is usingthe sart of a concert to "warm up", that leads me to ask if he warmed up before the concert, would we have a shorter concert or would there have to be more days between shows? I am leery of criticzing stuff I don't know about, I cn't say he is lazy because I don't really know his life and I can't ay he doesn't warm up because all we have is a few throwaway interview comments and I don't think he likes to talk abot that stuff, so this omment huts off the conversation. Now, I do believe he does not drink olive oil like Trenyce or Carmen - I think that may be fore the good. He has been seen drinking tea with lemon or honey when he is ill and I think this is a good thing. I do believe he has worked with enough people that he would not power through and wreck his voice, maybe challenge it a bit, but I think if there is a chance of damaging it, he would not sing, see the Late starting Calfornia part of Chrismas tour (JNT04?) when he texted everyone and delayed the concerts.

Kelly's voice - I think she has a fine voice but do not prefer theway she uses it (actually, the IT cured me of any thought of ever going to a concert of hers because the bass was tuned to my bone density and sitting though the concerts was very painful, ask Fear if I whined enough afterwards. I sat and did not leave to be polite, but I did get physically ill and that kind of made the IT not one of my favorites.

Old post stuff, I have posted this on a few boards - so scroll if you have seen it before. Kelly has said a few times she would like to be like Janis Joplin - bad choice. Janis was told she was burning out her voice and you can detect a decline in quality over the few years she performed. She did not care because she figured she would die young so it would not be a problem. I think Kelly doesn't know this story.

Yesterday, i forgot to wish a happy birthday to Aikim - so belated wishes.

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CarolinaClay What a beautiful little boy!!! And, he's already smiling! (A budding genius.)

Toots I really like Kelly Clarkson's voice. I didn't think she had a lot of stage presence during IT, but I enjoyed the songs, and I'm sure she's gotten better with more experience. I have to say that I don't care for the last album because it's just not my style, but I'm hoping her next album fares better.

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