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#27: Ya' gotta give me somethin', honey!

Couch Tomato

What should the next thread title be at FCA?  

61 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be at FCA?

    • Clay Aiken Deftly Acts Supremely Silly
    • He goes sweetly and deftly Medieval on Broadway.
    • What is it about Clay? Damned if I know.
    • Good Lord, is that man cute.
    • Sir Aiken - a triumph in SPAMalot!
    • He's a triumph in the show.
    • The man's a joy magnet!
    • Reach into that golden grab bag!
    • His smile just lights up everything.

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Excellent, about AOL. Again, I'm impressed so far. Take it to the masses I say.

And I love the idea of one producer because that person will have spent time with Clay and will be invested in the project succeeding. It's not about being remote or spending one day with the man. It's about "relationships" and I think that's important to Clay.

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Do I need to hand out coffee to certain members of the Clay Nation?

Now, eeeeeeeeeee for the videos being available on Yahoo. Loving the roll out so far. People, WRAL..again Clay goes to people he "trusts" as much as you can trust anyone these days. Perfecto. The tone set is wonderful. I can't imgaine the same with snobby music people right now. I love that raw footage of Clay just going on and on and on. Go Team Clay.

Yay it's Friday. Everyone have a good day!

Also, besides going to people he trusts....he's going to people that will reach a fairly wide audience, IMO. Forget going to the industry rags first. Let's hit People magazine -- circulation 1 gazillion. (OK, I made that up [tm Clay]). I'm sure there are lots of people who read people.com on a daily basis who are not Clay fans, and now have a heads up that he's going to have an album soon. And the media spread of the WRAL clips suggests the same thing -- hitting both Yahoo and AOL is pretty darn huge. It's a grassroots approach, and I really like it. Or as couchie says above, "taking it to the masses."

See, Houston...is a temperate zone.

So, do you have coconuts there? *g*

...sucks that they'd choose a song I so closely associate with Clay.

I know! The moment I heard the title, I pictured Clay doing the priiing move...growling "come on, woman, come on daddy"...throwing his head back, arms extended...killing on that chorus.

Yeah, I've not got that song in my head, which is good, because I loved Clay's version of the song. At the same time, I'm very happy for Ruben that he's got "another chance." At the same time AGAIN (hee), I'm like play in that I hope the comparisons and the nastiness are kept at bay. Crap, it sounds like that isn't happening.

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Hell, don't people remember that Kenny Loggins wrote and released it? I think? I think I heard his version (which I didn't like) but hell, I think Clay likes Ruben better than the complainers anyhoo!

We have coconuts - they are in our pina coladas!

I shall do my best to avoid all cowboys and trail riders today - it's rodeo time!

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So, do you have coconuts there? *g*

Imported. Coconuts are tropical.


I hope this appearance will be a boost for Ruben. And I would like to see people behave in a classy manner about it. Doesn't take anything away from Clay to have Ruben appear, in my opinion, and may even indirectly be good for him.

I'm loving the WRAL videos, y'all, in case I wasn't clear before :). I enjoyed watching Clay and Kipper interact...and hear him say they "get" each other. I am so excited about this album now.

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00lsee waltzes in with flowers in her hair, strewing rose petals from a beribboned basket. Forest creatures cavort at her feet while birds chirp happily...lalalalala...la...la la! She can't help but sing along as she dances and twirls in her gossamer gown...until a foot comes from nowhere, catching her in the ankles. She trips, basket flying. Tumbling head over heels down a steep embankment, she lands, butt-first, in a frigid pond.

Apparently, not everyone in Clayland is a morning person.


Can't help it, y'all! I feel happy...Clay Aiken is CUTE!!!! And that just makes me want to....SING!!!!

*no shovels, please*

Click at your own risk. :)


Hmmmm.... was the foot wearing a Killer Bunny slipper with great big, pointy teeth by any chance? If so, I *might* be a leetle sorry....


I'm still dealing with the crud, but am back at work this morning wondering why I'm back at work this morning. Can we just skip March and get right into April, then May?? Huh?! Can we please?!?! :waiting:

I would say "Have a great weekend!" to Claytonic, but I think that's a given! :bananaflip:

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See, Houston...is a temperate zone.

Yeah. Right. I remember how very "temperate" Houston was last summer. <_<

Watched the yummy interview on my iPod on the bus this morning and was grinning the whole way. I think at one point Clay's talking was so fast it got ahead of his mouth movements! :cryingwlaughter:

But what I got to thinking was just how different he appears on these interviews from how he was during interviews about ATDW. And I started to think about how he must've been feeling then---it's clear now that he really did struggle with RCA to get a CD out that he could 'own' in some way, and all that on top of the horrid tabloid attacks? God, he's a strong man. But I remember specifically one interview and his face was so closed up---there was no warmth in his eyes. He was saying all the 'right' things, but he looked so guarded, so unlike the guy we see in concert.

It makes me so happy to realize how well he's survived all that mess, and the idea that he was able to express his own appreciation of how the challenges have affected him through music with that once-in-a-lifetime voice?

Heaven. Cathartic for him and just plain heaven for us.

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Can we just skip March and get right into April, then May?? Huh?! Can we please?!?! :waiting:

Considering that several of us have our only Spamalot trip planned for March, I would say -- NO!!!!

I would say "Have a great weekend!" to Claytonic, but I think that's a given! :bananaflip:

Yeah, I think claytonic will be a bit busy this weekend.

But what I got to thinking was just how different he appears on these interviews from how he was during interviews about ATDW. And I started to think about how he must've been feeling then---it's clear now that he really did struggle with RCA to get a CD out that he could 'own' in some way, and all that on top of the horrid tabloid attacks? God, he's a strong man. But I remember specifically one interview and his face was so closed up---there was no warmth in his eyes. He was saying all the 'right' things, but he looked so guarded, so unlike the guy we see in concert.

You know, I was never a "I can see it in his eyes" person, so I can only vaguely comment on that. However, I will totally agree with this....

It makes me so happy to realize how well he's survived all that mess, and the idea that he was able to express his own appreciation of how the challenges have affected him through music with that once-in-a-lifetime voice?

He is definitely a survivor, in soooooo many ways. And I think it is fantastic that he's found someone (both Jaymes and Kipper) who are helping him find his muse to channel everything that is going on his life. It's exciting, ya'll.

Heaven. Cathartic for him and just plain heaven for us.

Definite thread title nomination.

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But what I got to thinking was just how different he appears on these interviews from how he was during interviews about ATDW. And I started to think about how he must've been feeling then---it's clear now that he really did struggle with RCA to get a CD out that he could 'own' in some way, and all that on top of the horrid tabloid attacks? God, he's a strong man. But I remember specifically one interview and his face was so closed up---there was no warmth in his eyes. He was saying all the 'right' things, but he looked so guarded, so unlike the guy we see in concert.

You know, I read lots of comments like this in regards to those ATDW interviews, but I just don't remember it that way at all. I saw excitement, and I saw a happy Clay, not one who was just going through the motions. Maybe I should go back and rewatch them now and see if I can see it yet?


Nah, what for? I still think he put his heart and soul into ATDW, whether or not it was his choice to make it the way it was made. No one's ever gonna convince me otherwise (unless Clay writes a tell-all one day and says more on the subject than he's already said). As much as I'm loving all the build up to this current album, I'm not loving how ATDW is being put down in comparison. Not saying that's what you are doing, muski, not at all, but it is happening elsewhere.

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I also think he had some challenges but I guess I don't remember closed (seeing his happy face at Kimmell is what brought me peace and got me through the entire year to follow) - well I guess having to discuss his sexuality at every turn most notably GMA and Larry King. I honestly think it was by design now and they dealt with all that tabloid stuff without really discussing it except for his terms (great people article) and then he announced ..that's it..I'm not talking about it any more. The more I think about it the more brilliant I think it was to get that out of the way during ATDW. Now he is a couple of years removed from it and he can concentrate on his music. I've always thought that he turned down things because they wanted to discuss the tabloid stuff (and to me discussing his sexuality is not where near as horrible as it would have been to discuss the tabloid stuff and it was two different animals altogether) And i love that he and RCA are apparantly in tandem on this whole thing. They certainly aren't letting him do whatever he wants with their product on his own. I definitely think keeping them in the loop through the entire process was a lesson learned. As for the music rags... I know I know nothing about nothing but what the freak have they ever done for Clay. Where I think they can come in big time is in interviewing his grammy winning producer - let Kippers sing Clay's praises to those stuck up people who will probably drool all over him and then later Clay can deal with them directly. Thinking outside the box for Clay is important. He is not like anyone else. Oh sure he got some respect when he sold a shitload of albums but I hope this time it's about the music and the voice. This message brought to you by Not an Expert R Us which means I know absolutely nothing.

This is an exciting time for Clay and I think the success of Spamalot is also attributing to that. I saw that there was only a small insignificant change in the grosses last week after going up 2 straight weeks. I think this is fabulous. And the good reviews can only help.

The latest interviews are such a treasure. Clay hasn't really discussed music a lot and do treasure those times when he does - the ATDW podcast, this stuff..that interview on that countdown show after MoaM. I do think it was a comfort zone he has gotten to over the course of his career. I think he knows more now too..didn't he produce the brilliant Christmas EP? Or am I misremembering that.

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I think maybe I didn't express myself well before. I am NOT saying that ATDW was some hated trashcan project. I love most of that CD! And I'm not saying that Clay didn't like it or wasn't excited about it. I think he really did pour himself into making it as much 'his own' as he possibly could and that he WAS happy with the results. (the making lemonade out of lemons thingy)

What I meant was more that I see a difference in his whole demeanor from when he was being interviewed last year. I think he was (and rightfully so, IMO) guarded sometimes in an interview because he'd been so often steered away from relevant topics to more questions about the 'stories' and whether he watched AI and why didn't he just declare his sexual preferences, etc. I think that sometimes he--and for good reason---didn't trust the real reason for the interview, IMO. The overall environment for Clay last year wasn't as positive as it has been this year. The crap was still too fresh and stinky, you know?

I'm NOT saying that every single interview he gave during the ATDW promotion showed a pissed off, closed-down Clay Aiken. I was just struck by the warmth and comfort and ease with which he listened to Lynda's questions NOW and the openness and 'real-ness' of his answers. His laughs weren't forced; his expressions weren't over the top (which I consider a defense mechanism sometimes); his comments weren't measured or calculated. He seems genuinely happy and eager to share again. I think he's proud of how he's weathered it all and I can't blame him. He SAID he was going to take his life back, damn it, and he HAS! (muski takes a moment to ponder the raw power of this man :Thud:)

I'd LOVE to see him perform "I Survived You" right now. :hubbahubba:

ETA: Just got an email response from Lynda Loveland, saying "So glad you enjoyed it!"...I had written her a brief thank you for being a journalistic source of news that I can trust when it comes to Clay.

ETA: I see Couchie and I were writing pretty much the same thing at the same time. heh. Hey, Couchie! Feel up for a beer tonight?

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oh you expressed yourself just fine..I think I just said the same thing about what I found him closed off about. Exasperated and a little ticked at the whole discussion... I do think he was. I honestly don't think he'll have to go through that again. At least I hope not. I think he made himself really clear about it the last time around.

ETA: I see Couchie and I were writing pretty much the same thing at the same time. heh. Hey, Couchie! Feel up for a beer tonight?

except your adjectives and descriptions are much more colorful..fresh and stinky indeed. LOL. Bummer, I can't tonight but maybe some time this weekend? Softball season start yet?

Yay for your response from Lynda.. I want to say thanks for the interview and the raw footage...just think how much we would have missed if there was only the interview. God it's just brilliant..out of the mouth of Clay Aiken.

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Uhhh, isn't Celebrate Me Home a Christmas song? *confused*

Happy for Ruben! As far as I'm concerned it's really about damn time AI acknowledged his existence. From the outrageous pimping of him during his season to the almost Ruben-who??? of the subsequent years, it must have been pretty bizarre to be his fan. JMO and all that.

I bet Clay's thrilled for him!

luckiest1 wrote:

You know, I read lots of comments like this in regards to those ATDW interviews, but I just don't remember it that way at all. I saw excitement, and I saw a happy Clay, not one who was just going through the motions. Maybe I should go back and rewatch them now and see if I can see it yet?


Nah, what for? I still think he put his heart and soul into ATDW, whether or not it was his choice to make it the way it was made. No one's ever gonna convince me otherwise (unless Clay writes a tell-all one day and says more on the subject than he's already said). <snip>

Yeah, that ^ ^ ^

I need only listen to the iTunes commentaries he recorded and I feel I know all I ever need to know about Clay's feelings on ATDW.

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Ya know, temperate is, like, totally relative! Man, some people are so ungrateful - we kept it cool for your Northerners/Westerner with a horrendous downpour and y'all still think it was hot...tsk, tsk.

Frankly, I think the difference in Clay's level of relaxation has everything to do with the interviewer as opposed to the subject - I'll bet he was all squinty-eyed and growly with that NY Mag chump - and he likes Spamalot...

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Bummer, I can't tonight but maybe some time this weekend? Softball season start yet?

Bummer. Tomorrow Alex and I are heading to a hotel room elsewhere for the State Cup soccer tournament on Sunday. Meanwhile, Kenny and Carrie are enmeshed in softball here in town. Tonight I'll be a Golden State Warriors widow since hubby will be at the game with a buddy. Guess I'll just have to drink my brew alone....

Well, not exactly alone. I was thinking that maybe I'd watch some of my AI2 dvds....or perhaps some faves from NAT....maybe a few performances of "I Survived You"... :whistling-1:

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If Clay "owned" every song he's ever sung, I swear, there wouldn't be much left!!

I don't get how people think that Ruben's (or ANYones's) success in any way impinges on Clay's.

I'm happy for Ruben. He has a smaller career than Clay, but he seems like a nice man--and he's a friend of Clay's.

I hope he gets big bucks from AI for the song.

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cindilu, that article linked says that CMH is usually associated with Christmas, but they are changing one lyric (the first line) to take the only real "holiday" reference out. (Hopefully, they asked Kenny L. first! Hee)

Frankly, I think the difference in Clay's level of relaxation has everything to do with the interviewer as opposed to the subject - I'll bet he was all squinty-eyed and growly with that NY Mag chump - and he likes Spamalot...

In the case of the interviews with Linda, I'd totally agree with this assessment. He knows Linda, he likes Linda, he trusts Linda....and vice versa. He seems to open up to people who he likes and trusts. Diane S. is another one. Heck, I'd even throw old bird Larry King into that mix. He's turned into a terrible interviewer anymore (and not just with Clay), but I've always got the feeling that Clay likes him.

Well, not exactly alone. I was thinking that maybe I'd watch some of my AI2 dvds....or perhaps some faves from NAT....maybe a few performances of "I Survived You"... :whistling-1:

To be totally self-serving, may I suggest

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OK, since it's clear everybody will be revisiting the past this weekend, who's coming to my house to help me parse down 2004?

Just think, Clay on a 34 wide screen HDTV with surround sound - I'll even feed y'all some fast food!

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I've never heard Clay sing Celebrate Me Home ... must be before my time. But it was a huge hit for Kenny Loggins and when I think of that song, Kenny's singing it (maybe because I've never heard Clay sing it). Christmas song? Never thought of it as a Christmas song but obviously Clay used it in an early JN tour. I'll look it up later. Any suggestions for the premier venue for a virgin CMH with Clay experience?

There's a hubbub because Ruben's doing it as the going-home song on Idol this year? I don't get that. I'm sure Clay's very happy for Ruben.

Now, the question burning in my brain this morning is .... am I the only one who has "turn around and see, what love's done to me" looping in her head over and over and over and over and over ...?

I'm in my cowboy duds today ... such as they are ... and getting ready for Goode Company Barbecue and a little coconut pie (or peach cobbler) for dessert. GO TEXAN wherever you are!

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I'm TOTALLY avoiding work here today....

I've never heard Clay sing Celebrate Me Home ... must be before my time. But it was a huge hit for Kenny Loggins and when I think of that song, Kenny's singing it (maybe because I've never heard Clay sing it). Christmas song? Never thought of it as a Christmas song but obviously Clay used it in an early JN tour. I'll look it up later. Any suggestions for the premier venue for a virgin CMH with Clay experience?

Check here for the FCA recommended media. CMH was the last song of set one.

Now, the question burning in my brain this morning is .... am I the only one who has "turn around and see, what love's done to me" looping in her head over and over and over and over and over ...?

Heh. Before the news of CHM home hit, I was finding myself singing this to myself. Too many earworms for one day.

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Frankly, I think the difference in Clay's level of relaxation has everything to do with the interviewer as opposed to the subject - I'll bet he was all squinty-eyed and growly with that NY Mag chump - and he likes Spamalot...

WORD, I think it makes a lot of difference to him whether the interviewer "gets" him or not.

I've never heard Clay sing Celebrate Me Home ... must be before my time. But it was a huge hit for Kenny Loggins and when I think of that song, Kenny's singing it (maybe because I've never heard Clay sing it). Christmas song? Never thought of it as a Christmas song but obviously Clay used it in an early JN tour. I'll look it up later. Any suggestions for the premier venue for a virgin CMH with Clay experience?

My favourite is from the LA venue, 11/09/05. Ultra growly!

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This link was posted over at CV by cindydoe:

Air Tran Leap Day Specials - Good only through 11:59 PM tonight, 2/29/08

Thought I'd bring it over here for those who are still working on their Spam travel plans. I think I'm going to use it to purchase my tix to NYC this evening - EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! :7:

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