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Now this is just truly weird...but Chris was really shocked too...I guess Kat's fans rallied to save her. BUT WHY the Taylor reprise...I don;t think anybody can say Taylor is getting Aikenized.

GAH...please not an Elliott/Taylor Finale. I would rather have Elliott and Kat...

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Hmmm, let me put on my tinfoil chapeau....

I think they are really trying for some sort of weird replay of the Clay/Ruben final with Elliot/Taylor - Elliot as the oddball who doesn't really fit in the current music field (though I really can't hear anything particularly special with him, just the weird); and Taylor with a faintly (very faint) more clear place.

I could be crazy.

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Got to take the dog for a walk (no barking allowed during top chef).

So this will be the year of the no grop single, and not great vocals, but it really was a reality show and Simon knows they really hate each other.

I do kind of feel bad for Chris and now Kat will be the hated spoiler who should have gone. She looked not happy. I think she was prepared to leave. Elliot and Taylor looked a little surprised as well. It was kind of quick to the bone. It looked like Chris was trying to process it though his good bye song.

Well, no more North Carloina contestants

Edited by playbiller
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KAndre said:

Man, they're all so....OLD.

Haha! I was just thinking that the American Idol is gonna be a paunchy 30 year old guy! Who makes really odd faces and gestures! Gross! I don't know why, but Taylor does gross me out with the shirt carefully calculated to hide the spare tire, the meaty face with the sometimes idiotic and sometimes really angry scary looks.....Elliot looks too nice and quiet to be an idol......AI seems like a train wreck or a crapshoot.

Kat sounded horrible....this is in a way an insult to previous years, (for me).

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KAndre said:

Man, they're all so....OLD.

Haha! I was just thinking that the American Idol is gonna be a paunchy 30 year old guy! Who makes really odd faces and gestures! Gross! I don't know why, but Taylor does gross me out with the shirt carefully calculated to hide the spare tire, the meaty face with the sometimes idiotic and sometimes really angry scary looks.....Elliot looks too nice and quiet to be an idol......AI seems like a train wreck or a crapshoot.

Kat sounded horrible....this is in a way an insult to previous years, (for me).

I really agree...and the funny thing is, I am reading Taylor and Elliott fans now saying that this is not really about the best singer...so I think even they realize that its not the singing talent they are rooting for.

At this point when I think about which one of the three has the potential to expand their fanbase outside of AI...I can only see Kat doing it. Her looks is good enough to attract a lot of younger people..she has a good voice that can be molded to what is currently popular today...so take her out of AI and I can see her career going good. I don;t think she has Kelly's talent...but she is more attractive than Kelly so they can even out there.

Taylor...I can;t imagine what demographics they will go for in marketing him...the AC market? He will go against Buble' and Groban...and maybe Clay...if that is the direction they are going with this CD. I can;t see him competing succesfully in the market at all. As the AI winner he can't go for a niche market so I think they are in a big dilemma here.

Elliott...I think they can try for a pop market, but he is not really visually appealing and musically, I don;t see anythign special he can bring to the table. I can see them taking away all that makes his voice unique...and saddle him with derivative pop. I can;t see him successfully competing in today's industry too. I think this years AI will be lucky to sell platinum...

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Let's not forget that AI's have to run, run. With Elliot's Diabetes, he cabn not be run ragged. It will be impossible if he wins.

Taylor is not young and can not be pushed like a younger person might be. I could see some resistance from him. Personally, I can't see anyone who could be Ai but Kat. The problem is she is a work in progress and just not good enough.

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I tuned in in time to see Chris get Tamyra'ed. He must not have anybody following the Dial Idol results for him, or he wouldn't have looked so much like he had been sucker-punched. So will Kat suffer the Nicki / Jasmine fate and go out third, or will she hang in there?

Good luck to the Soul Patrol and the Yaminions as they duke it out to crown the Worst American Idol Winner Ever. Hee. This is just too amusing. "Our guy is getting Aikenized!" "No, our guy is! Did you see how much more camera time the other guy got?" I may have to check out the grassy knoll and see which side can craft the most creative tinfoil hats. :blink:

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I was just thinking of the second season on Canadian Idol. We had a finalist that was very popular but he was very punk rock. As the finals went on...I think he realized that he will totally lose control of his own musical direction and won;t be able to stay with his band if he wins. Well apparently he let his fans know through this weird poem he wrote for his friends that his band posted on their website that he wanted to go home...so he did leave on final 3. Now his band was signed ...they made a record and they have a big hit in Canada. He didn;t lose his cred and his band is intact. I do think for someone like Chris winning will just make him miserable...so will coming in a runner up since they still sign you up.Top 3 or four you get more options.

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I guess if I cared about it, I would pull for Elliot.

Ansa said somewhere that Taylor acts and looks like he expects to get it, and is entitled to it.....it would be admirable and all that in a 24 year old, but Taylor is too old to look petulant or smug.

I agree with every bad thing Simon has ever said to him - and I think Simon screwed up by praising him, I think Simon vastly overestimates his influence on the voting.

Kat just does not seem to have much of an edge, she does the beauty queen thing too much, I can see her making good bluesy albums.

I will be sticking with my girl Julie London, though.

Heeeee.....maybe Kat should sing Watermelon Man......one of the most sexy suggestive songs I have ever heard, at least the way Julie sings it.

Simon would fall out of his chair. And Kat would smile inappropriately through it.

Oh, and I said Taylor is paunchy - yep, I myself am tres paunchy. But somehow Scott Savol and Ruben are attractive to me in a "comfortable with their bodies" way, or something.....Taylor just looks like the uncle who is getting older and drinking a bit too much beer. Just an anti-idol, really.

And Kat looks like Stepford Kelly, and Elliot does remind me of the goatboy at the beginning of Narnia. The same sweetness, too, but kinda boring.

At least Simon prolly hates this, so it is all good for me!

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Best Sir Bitter recap ever! I'm thinking about using Chris' WTF! face as my new avatar. :blink:

I finally got around to watching my results show tape this evening. Priscilla was fairly scary, Lisa Marie always looks like she's impaired, and Graceland is just kinda sad and depressing. Taylor's encore performance? The man just doesn't have a drop of sex appeal, does he? :unsure: I'm surprised Simon hasn't dissed him about his weight yet.

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My guess is that Simon is saving dissing Taylor for his weight for when and if he really needs it....it will be more effective next week or the week after, in Simon's eyes.

After reading Sir Bitter, and looking at the little clips in the column, my other guess is that Taylor ATE that poor parrot the minute the camera cut away from him.

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ET Online has Clive Davis' song choices for and comments about the final three contestants. I won't spoil it for you other than to say: "Blech!" :blink:

I did think this little non-spoiler bit was interesting:

As for last week's voted-out "Idol" hopeful CHRIS DAUGHTRY, not to worry. Clive has already met with the rocker and the two will meet yet again to see about working together on a solo album for Chris. Clive has also expressed interest in PARIS BENNETT, so stay tuned for news from that front, as well.

Huh, so maybe more than the top 2 will get the full Dread Lord Davis treatment this year. Run away now!!!! As fast as you can!!!!! He will suck out your soul!!

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ET Online has Clive Davis' song choices for and comments about the final three contestants.  I won't spoil it for you other than to say: "Blech!" :blink:

I did think this little non-spoiler bit was interesting:

As for last week's voted-out "Idol" hopeful CHRIS DAUGHTRY, not to worry. Clive has already met with the rocker and the two will meet yet again to see about working together on a solo album for Chris. Clive has also expressed interest in PARIS BENNETT, so stay tuned for news from that front, as well.

Huh, so maybe more than the top 2 will get the full Dread Lord Davis treatment this year. Run away now!!!! As fast as you can!!!!! He will suck out your soul!!

Does CLive actually like the top three this year...cos those are just bizarre choices I think. I HATESSSSSSS Open Arms...It always frustrates me that Clay likes it and has gazillion versions of it. Even he can't save that song for me. And dancing in the Dark for Taylor? WTF? and I don;t like KAt's choice either...this will play into her tendency to get screechy went belting out a song...sigh...another trainwreck I think...bring out the popcorn.

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After being burned by Tamyra, Nikki, Justin, DIana - you wouldthink that Clive would not be signing so many people. But hey, he must have someone's money to waste.

Yes, right now everyone's name is on people's lips, but by next spring? I don't know.

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Wha? They just stick Clive in the audience instead of at the judges table? Does somebody have cooties, or is Clive scared of Paula's pancake boobs? She looks primed for a wardrobe malfunction.

Elliot - Open Arms. Cameraguy - stay with the long and medium shots and avoid those close-ups. The vibrato seems to be under control, but he's belting for all he's worth.

Randy gets to name-drop Journey and disses Clive's song choice. Paula - Whatever. Simon - Loosen up. Clive - doesn't get to participate. Huh.

Edited by bottlecap
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Open Arms - Elliot wasn't quite as goaty, stuck really closely to the original (which was much, much better - and yes, I dislike all of Clay's versions of this too), but nothing special. I really just can't get past his lack of connection with the camera, his lack of charisma, his...oddity of appearance. He is still just so...odd looking to me.

Steve Perry had a desperation that I believed when I hear his original...Clay beats it to death with his talent (it's one of those I don't feel he connects with)...and I think Elliot is just grasping to stay as long as he can.

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Oh dear. The mentions of Springsteen letting them use his songs has made me realise just how sadly convoluted and sorta petty I am - I hatessss Conan, and hate that Max Weinberg laughs along at the Clay jokes.

This dislike has sorta morphed.

Oh well.

Buncha music snobs just realising that there is money in them thar idols.

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