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Oh my gah...Kat is doing a total Disneyquese performance - did she shake her fist? Does she connect with anything?

Now here she has a big, bombastic song - and made it pagaenty and high school stagey. I've listened to fifteen billion reditions - and they had sincerity, if not as much talent. Or prettiness.

Taylor doing "Dancing in the Dark"...now it's been a while since I heard this...but damn this is totally KARAOKE! He even sounds like the Boss! Oh now that's too much - he and Paula are doing that Friend girl crap from the video!

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Taylor - Dancing in the Dark. Drops Springsteen's name a billion times in the interview. PPPfffttt to you guys - I like his performance, and for the first time this season, I'm voting. Extra points for stranding Paula on the catwalk.

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waves madly at play

And I'm sorry but Simon was totally right because that was KARAOKE with a capital Kah!

Wait a minnit! Did a minion pbbbft at me?!??!

Though the stranding was good.

Elliot started good, and then went crazy with notes. If he could ratchet it back, he might have had something there.

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Waves back and Kandre and our other show junkies

Well, Elliot, boring, shouted song to me.

I finally figured out that Elliot does not appeal to me because that tone, that others apparently love, reminds me of lounge lizards and the rat pack old cool guys in the sixties.

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Katharine - SOTR. Squatting on the stage, with some accapella bit I've never heard before. Then into the regular part of the song, which I hate with the fiery passion of a thousand burning suns. I.Just.Don't.Like.This.Song.

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I see this is Randy andPaula's WOW moment, too bad it is not mine, I havethis funny thing about singing on key.

I will give them that this is the best song of the show, probably, It was nice in parts before she started belting, but she could not hit the low notes and her belting was out of perportion. Not bad to me on the show is great praise.

Note, it is a little early in the show to say this is the best song in the show. You should really wait until the end.

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Oh man...KAt made me tear up....

no really...

That is her strength...that beautiful subtle vocals...thank god she didn't go bombastic.

although there were a few weird moments when i couldn;t hear her but I really liked that. Always like her in the Eva Cassidy mode.

gotta get the mp3

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Hey, no Joe Cocker movements for Taylor - good for him. Could do without the whoo hoos, but his fans like ti so , there you go. He is even on key and singing it just like Joe Cocker, except the whoo hoos. And I saw Joe Cocker do it live.

I guess I should have said mostly on key.

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Taylor - You are So Beautiful. Could the governor drawl any slower? Hanging on to the mike stand for dear life 'cause you know he wants desperately to throw his shoulders back in the whole Cocker spazz thing. Still gonna vote for him. :P

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Elliot just does not have the power of his convictions behind his voice, but trying to sing instead of yell, he smoothes over some parts that should be harsh. It just does not work for me. Paula is right, it is difficult to sing that kind of song and that is not what it did.

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okay...that didn;t really impress me. I don;t think that song is well known enough to be memorable.

Yeah he riffs and does all kinds of vocal gymnastics...but I don;t think they sound very good or good enough to really standout.

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